968 resultados para Becas de Postgrado
Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever as reações que os alunos de enfermagem apresentaram quando do seu primeiro estágio curricular. É um estudo transversal e de campo, e o tratamento dos dados foi realizado com base no método de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados descrevem o campo de estágio, o relacionamento com a equipe da enfermaria, com os pacientes e com o docente durante este período. Nas conclusões, podemos afirmar que o estresse e as contradições vivenciadas no primeiro estágio são parte do crescimento e aprendizado do aluno. O professor é maior responsável por determinar o tipo de interação que haverá entre ele e o aluno, cabendo-lhe ouvir, incentivar e capacitar-se para apoiar os alunos nas experiências iniciais da prática, para que o primeiro estágio seja um fator motivador ao aluno.
Incluye Bibliografía
Incluye Bibliografía
Las tasas de urbanizacion de America Latina son las mas altas del mundo y los problemas generados por ellas seguiran influyendo en el desarrollo politico, economico y social de la region en los anos futuros. Las necesidades de formacion de profesionales y de investigacion en el campo del desarrollo urbano son tan enormes y los esfuerzos desplegados tan escasos, que se requiere un enfoque enteramente nuevo de parte de las agencias interamericanas. En este sentido, se propone la formacion de un Consejo de Asuntos Urbanos de las organizaciones interamericanas destinado a: a).orientar y financiar los esfuerzos y prestar asesoria en problemas de urbanizacion; b).establecer, en el largo plazo, centros de estudios urbanos y de planificacion nacionales y/o regionales; c).asesorar a las universidades a traves de grants, becas y bolsas viajeras e incrementar el numero actual de becas en desarrollo urbano; d).patrocinar la elaboracion de materiales para la formacion de urbanistas.
Previo la discusión del marco conceptual y de los objetivos, y sistema de evaluación del curso de postgrado en población y desarrollo, se incluye una descripción de los módulos y de las asignaturas así como el calendario de actividades académicas para 1995, incluyendo la nómina de los deocentes del programa.
O texto apresenta dois conjuntos de informações de interesse histórico para a Psicologia: sobre o contexto no qual foi regulamentada a profi ssão de psicólogo e sobre a formação em nível de pós-graduação. Tais informações são utilizadas para discutir a dificuldade de promover articulação de fato entre a formação em nível de graduação e a pós-graduação. Trata-se de dificuldade especialmente curiosa, pois desde a fase inicial da organização da pós-graduação brasileira, a necessidade de considerar sua integração com a formação em nível de graduação foi sempre ressaltada. Ainda assim, persistem dificuldades relativas à essa integração. Algumas proposições de atividades que podem ensejar articulações entre os diferentes níveis de formação são apresentadas para o debate, tanto na esfera do ensino e da orientação como no âmbito da pesquisa, havendo menção, também, a atividades correlatas que podem servir ao mesmo objetivo.
The curricula study allows the verification of trends, concepts and the identification of teaching practices, enabling the planning and implementation of changes when necessary. The material presented here is part of the results obtained in a postgraduate research that deals with the training of psychologists to work with people with disabilities, which appealed to the document analysis. To accomplish this task it was used a methodological procedure named searching through radical, which allowed greater agility to the search, enabling the quick identification of the courses containing topics of interest for research, facilitating their selection to study. The use of document analysis as a methodology allowed both the collection and organization of information that were diffused, providing them new configuration as source of information, as the processing and interpretation of the raw data, giving them direction and adding them value. In 36 courses, 35 had at least one subject related to persons with disabilities, and the sum of these resulted in 85 subjects for analysis. The interpretation of data obtained through reading the menus brought information about prevalent intentions on the menus of the subjects, to research in the area, teaching procedures, techniques and possibilities of action and insertion of psychologists in different contexts in which they can deal with disability. In a positive perspective, the results showed that there seems to be a tendency to enhance the interface of psychology with other knowledge areas to understand the issues related to disability.
Over the last years, Brazil has gained international visibility especially due to the capacity of its economical development and the progress of its public policies on fighting poverty. Though there reason for celebration exists with respect to the country’s recent achievements, Brazil still has a lot to do if it wants to gain international prominence. In this paper, we address two issues that are fundamental for Brazil to achieve real leadership: education and culture.
The use of computers in dental clinics has brought many benefits to dentist, helping them in various technical, administrative and legal. This study aimed to verify whether dentist, students of the post-graduate course in Orthodontics and Implantodontia of the Brazilian Association of Dentistry (ABO), regional Araçatuba-SP, using computers and digital documentation in clinical practice. They were invited to participate in the study all 60 students enrolled in courses of Orthodontics and Implantodontia of those institutions, in the year 2007 and those who consented (n = 52) answered a questionnaire containing questions open and closed on the subject . As the profile of the participants, 64.5% are male, 51.9% are between 30-39 years of age and 48.1% completed the graduation in the 90th. A 69.3% said they didn't receive any notion of computing during graduation and 67.3% use the computer in the office, mainly for management of the same (34.3%). Regarding the use of electronic record 55.8% reported using this technology, while 44.2% denied. 32.7% do not believe that electronic records that can serve as proof of judicial and 35.7% believe that the electronic records should be archived for 20 years. It follows that most professionals use the computer in the office and also the digital records, but does not feel secure about the legal validity of such documents, unknown, including the appropriate time of its filing.
The present study scores postures, approaches and themes to permeadt discussions and the process of construction of Course Specialization of communication at the Faculty of architecture, arts and communication (FAAC) of Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Bauru, SP, highlighting the difficulties and the paths chosen in search of professional qualification together organizations. Presentation the investigative process, market over demands from the perspective of organizational communication, to try to understand the multidimensional abilities that the course should provide. Finally, it establishes some modules and thematic for the course, intending to reflect the diversity of communicative functions, which are in the highest capacity of human beings, that is to create your reality and interfere in the direction of society.
This paper aims to highlight the importance of Tutorial Education Program (TEP) for undergraduate courses in conjunction with the graduate programs, highlighting the relevance of the triad teaching, research and extension activities also present in the TEP Interdisciplinary in Radio and Television from the FAAC/UNESP.
What is the place of theory in the field of communication? From this epistemological inquiry, this paper examines the tensions and connections between theory and practice in the discipline of Communication. It discusses the segmentation of Undergraduate courses of Communication in Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, and Radio and the emphasis on technical and vocational training that occurs in the communicator’s education. It discusses some components of the new curriculum guidelines of the course of Journalism and articulates this segmentation with the Postgraduate area. The paper also discusses the deduction and induction movements in the construction of the area’s knowledge and advocates a dialectical examination of the relationship between science and experience, theory and practice, leading to a praxis of communication.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this work the differentiability of the principal eigenvalue lambda = lambda(1)(Gamma) to the localized Steklov problem -Delta u + qu = 0 in Omega, partial derivative u/partial derivative nu = lambda chi(Gamma)(x)u on partial derivative Omega, where Gamma subset of partial derivative Omega is a smooth subdomain of partial derivative Omega and chi(Gamma) is its characteristic function relative to partial derivative Omega, is shown. As a key point, the flux subdomain Gamma is regarded here as the variable with respect to which such differentiation is performed. An explicit formula for the derivative of lambda(1) (Gamma) with respect to Gamma is obtained. The lack of regularity up to the boundary of the first derivative of the principal eigenfunctions is a further intrinsic feature of the problem. Therefore, the whole analysis must be done in the weak sense of H(1)(Omega). The study is of interest in mathematical models in morphogenesis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
O Programa de Doutorado no Brasil com Estágio no Exterior, conhecido como Doutorado Sanduíche, visa a contribuir para intercâmbios dos cursos de Pós-Graduação no País com seus congêneres no exterior. O objetivo deste artigo foi relatar a experiência vivida durante o estágio realizado na Noruega, em unidades hospitalares, laboratórios de microbiologia, órgãos federais e serviços de saúde de Oslo e Região Metropolitana. Foram desenvolvidas atividades de vigilância epidemiológica, técnicas laboratoriais de identificação e tipagem molecular de Staphylococcus aureus e políticas públicas e institucionais de prevenção e controle dessas bactérias, quando multirresistentes. O estágio, além de subsidiar e fortalecer a análise dos dados do projeto da tese, permitiu refletir sobre a importância de políticas públicas e diretrizes definidas, e fornecer condições para ações de prevenção e controle de agravos, tendo a saúde e o bem-estar da pessoa como valores de Estado.