794 resultados para Bars
Este trabajo descriptivo exploratorio se propone analizar la arquitectura de información (AI) de sitios Web de bibliotecas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina. Se analizaron 17 bibliotecas y se aplicó una grilla para recabar 10 aspectos relevantes. Los resultados fueron: 1. Ubicación del sitio Web de la biblioteca: 9 sitios incluidos en la página principal de la facultad. 2. Etiquetado de contenidos: terminología simple, sin jergas; no hay homogeneidad entre las bibliotecas. 3. Capacidad de búsqueda: 62 por ciento positiva, 38 por ciento negativa. 4. Sistema de búsqueda: simple 43 por ciento, compleja 10 por ciento, con ayudas 10 por ciento, ninguno 38 por ciento. 5. Sistemas de navegación: globales 5 por ciento, jerárquicos 79 por ciento, locales 5 por ciento, ninguno 11 por ciento. 6. Herramientas de navegación: barras 16 por ciento, frames o marcos 30 por ciento, índices 2 por ciento, mapas de sitio 7 por ciento, menús horizontales 9 por ciento, menús verticales 35 por ciento. 7. Sindicación de contenidos RSS: 3 sitios. 8. Otros servicios: chat 7 por ciento, descarga de documentos 16 por ciento, envío de formularios 14 por ciento, instructivos 21 por ciento, links a otras páginas 23 por ciento, tutoriales 5 por ciento, otros 14 por ciento. 9. Accesibilidad Web: 1 sitio. 10. Otras observaciones: ninguna. Se concluye que el desarrollo de los sitios es dispar y se recomienda considerar pautas de AI como parte de la cooperación en la red de bibliotecas de la UNLP
Este artículo estudia la identificación de los homosexuales varones como un grupo singular durante la primera década peronista, bajo la figura de los "amorales". A diferencia de principios de siglo XX, donde estaban integrados en el caótico ambiente de la mala vida. Los varones de mediados de siglo que tenían relaciones sexuales con varones comenzaron a ser destacados como una desviación peligrosa del ideal familiarista y heterosexista. Este proceso se explica a través de la masculinización de la clase obrera operada por el peronismo y la aparición contemporánea de los jóvenes como un sector social problemático y peligroso. Se estudia este desarrollo de la intolerancia comenzando en los primeros años '40 hasta llegar a las razzias antihomosexuales de 1954-1955 en las calles, bares y plazas de Buenos Aires. A diferencia de otras interpretaciones que subrayan el carácter ancilar de las batidas policiales, sostenemos que fueron más que una excusa en el combate del peronismo contra el catolicismo, pues se inscribían en tensiones más profundas del orden social, sexual y simbólico de la Argentina de posguerra.
Este trabajo descriptivo exploratorio se propone analizar la arquitectura de información (AI) de sitios Web de bibliotecas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina. Se analizaron 17 bibliotecas y se aplicó una grilla para recabar 10 aspectos relevantes. Los resultados fueron: 1. Ubicación del sitio Web de la biblioteca: 9 sitios incluidos en la página principal de la facultad. 2. Etiquetado de contenidos: terminología simple, sin jergas; no hay homogeneidad entre las bibliotecas. 3. Capacidad de búsqueda: 62 por ciento positiva, 38 por ciento negativa. 4. Sistema de búsqueda: simple 43 por ciento, compleja 10 por ciento, con ayudas 10 por ciento, ninguno 38 por ciento. 5. Sistemas de navegación: globales 5 por ciento, jerárquicos 79 por ciento, locales 5 por ciento, ninguno 11 por ciento. 6. Herramientas de navegación: barras 16 por ciento, frames o marcos 30 por ciento, índices 2 por ciento, mapas de sitio 7 por ciento, menús horizontales 9 por ciento, menús verticales 35 por ciento. 7. Sindicación de contenidos RSS: 3 sitios. 8. Otros servicios: chat 7 por ciento, descarga de documentos 16 por ciento, envío de formularios 14 por ciento, instructivos 21 por ciento, links a otras páginas 23 por ciento, tutoriales 5 por ciento, otros 14 por ciento. 9. Accesibilidad Web: 1 sitio. 10. Otras observaciones: ninguna. Se concluye que el desarrollo de los sitios es dispar y se recomienda considerar pautas de AI como parte de la cooperación en la red de bibliotecas de la UNLP
Este artículo estudia la identificación de los homosexuales varones como un grupo singular durante la primera década peronista, bajo la figura de los "amorales". A diferencia de principios de siglo XX, donde estaban integrados en el caótico ambiente de la mala vida. Los varones de mediados de siglo que tenían relaciones sexuales con varones comenzaron a ser destacados como una desviación peligrosa del ideal familiarista y heterosexista. Este proceso se explica a través de la masculinización de la clase obrera operada por el peronismo y la aparición contemporánea de los jóvenes como un sector social problemático y peligroso. Se estudia este desarrollo de la intolerancia comenzando en los primeros años '40 hasta llegar a las razzias antihomosexuales de 1954-1955 en las calles, bares y plazas de Buenos Aires. A diferencia de otras interpretaciones que subrayan el carácter ancilar de las batidas policiales, sostenemos que fueron más que una excusa en el combate del peronismo contra el catolicismo, pues se inscribían en tensiones más profundas del orden social, sexual y simbólico de la Argentina de posguerra.
Este trabajo descriptivo exploratorio se propone analizar la arquitectura de información (AI) de sitios Web de bibliotecas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina. Se analizaron 17 bibliotecas y se aplicó una grilla para recabar 10 aspectos relevantes. Los resultados fueron: 1. Ubicación del sitio Web de la biblioteca: 9 sitios incluidos en la página principal de la facultad. 2. Etiquetado de contenidos: terminología simple, sin jergas; no hay homogeneidad entre las bibliotecas. 3. Capacidad de búsqueda: 62 por ciento positiva, 38 por ciento negativa. 4. Sistema de búsqueda: simple 43 por ciento, compleja 10 por ciento, con ayudas 10 por ciento, ninguno 38 por ciento. 5. Sistemas de navegación: globales 5 por ciento, jerárquicos 79 por ciento, locales 5 por ciento, ninguno 11 por ciento. 6. Herramientas de navegación: barras 16 por ciento, frames o marcos 30 por ciento, índices 2 por ciento, mapas de sitio 7 por ciento, menús horizontales 9 por ciento, menús verticales 35 por ciento. 7. Sindicación de contenidos RSS: 3 sitios. 8. Otros servicios: chat 7 por ciento, descarga de documentos 16 por ciento, envío de formularios 14 por ciento, instructivos 21 por ciento, links a otras páginas 23 por ciento, tutoriales 5 por ciento, otros 14 por ciento. 9. Accesibilidad Web: 1 sitio. 10. Otras observaciones: ninguna. Se concluye que el desarrollo de los sitios es dispar y se recomienda considerar pautas de AI como parte de la cooperación en la red de bibliotecas de la UNLP
Este artículo estudia la identificación de los homosexuales varones como un grupo singular durante la primera década peronista, bajo la figura de los "amorales". A diferencia de principios de siglo XX, donde estaban integrados en el caótico ambiente de la mala vida. Los varones de mediados de siglo que tenían relaciones sexuales con varones comenzaron a ser destacados como una desviación peligrosa del ideal familiarista y heterosexista. Este proceso se explica a través de la masculinización de la clase obrera operada por el peronismo y la aparición contemporánea de los jóvenes como un sector social problemático y peligroso. Se estudia este desarrollo de la intolerancia comenzando en los primeros años '40 hasta llegar a las razzias antihomosexuales de 1954-1955 en las calles, bares y plazas de Buenos Aires. A diferencia de otras interpretaciones que subrayan el carácter ancilar de las batidas policiales, sostenemos que fueron más que una excusa en el combate del peronismo contra el catolicismo, pues se inscribían en tensiones más profundas del orden social, sexual y simbólico de la Argentina de posguerra.
Stockwork-like metal sulfide mineralizations were found at 910-928 m below seafloor (BSF) in the pillow/dike transition zone of Hole 504B. This is the same interval where most physical properties of the 5.9-m.y.-old crust of the Costa Rica Rift change from those characteristic of Layer 2B to those of Layer 2C. The pillow lavas, breccias, and veins of the stockwork-like zone were studied by transmitted and reflected light microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron microprobe analysis. Bulk rock oxygen isotopic analyses as well as isolated mineral oxygen and sulfur isotopic analyses and fluid inclusion measurements were carried out. A complex alteration history was reconstructed that includes three generations of fissures, each followed by precipitation of characteristic hydrothermal mineral parageneses: (1) Minor and local deposition of quartz occurred on fissure walls; adjacent wall rocks were silicified, followed by formation of chlorite and minor pyrite I in the veins, whereas albite, sphene, chlorite and chlorite-expandable clay mixtures, actinolite, and pyrite replaced igneous phases in the host rocks. The hydrothermal fluids responsible for this first stage were probably partially reacted seawater, and their temperatures were at least 200-250° C. (2) Fissures filled during the first stage were reopened and new cracks formed. They were filled with quartz, minor chlorite and chlorite-expandable clay mixtures, traces of epidote, common pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and minor galena. During the second stage, hydrothermal fluids were relatively evolved metal- and Si-rich solutions whose temperatures ranged from 230 to 340° C. The fluctuating chemical composition and temperature of the solutions produced a complex depositional sequence of sulfides in the veins: chalcopyrite I, ± Fe-rich sphalerite, chalcopyrite II ("disease"), Fe-poor sphalerite, chalcopyrite III, galena, and pyrite II. (3) During the last stage, zeolites and Mg-poor calcite filled up the remaining spaces and newly formed cracks and replaced the host rock plagioclase. Analcite and stilbite were first to form in veins, possibly at temperatures below 200°C; analcite and earlier quartz were replaced by laumontite at 250°C, whereas calcite formation temperature ranged from 135 to 220°C. The last stage hydrothermal fluids were depleted in Mg and enriched in Ca and 18O compared to seawater and contained a mantle carbon component. This complex alteration history paralleling a complex mineral paragenesis can be interpreted as the result of a relatively long-term evolution of a hydrothermal system with superimposed shorter term fluctuations in solution temperature and composition. Hydrothermal activity probably began close to the axis of the Costa Rica Rift with the overall cooling of the system and multiple fracturing stages due to movement of the crust away from the axis and/or cooling of a magmatic heat source.
A comprehensive experimental study, utilizing a rocking autoclave hydrothermal apparatus with isotope tracers, was applied to evaluate the temperature of squeezing artifacts on B contents and isotopic compositions in pore waters. The partition coefficient (KD) was determined at temperatures from 25 ° to 350 °C, at 800 bars, and this information was applied to reconstruct pore water B and d11B in ODP drill sites, where pH, T, and porosity are known. The partition coefficient of B is a function of temperature, pH, and sediment mineralogy. The solution pH exerts a dominant control at low temperatures; however, KD decreases to a value of essentially zero (compared to that of KD = ~3.5 at 25 °C) at high temperatures indicating no adsorption. Two empirical equations were derived to represent most of the available experimental results. For pelagic clay rich sediments, a KD = -3.84-0.020T + 0.88pH (R = 0.84; 1sigma = 0.25) is established. For sediments that have experienced progressive metamorphism, a KD = -1.38-0.008T + 0.59pH (R = 0.81; 1sigma = 0.37) can be applied. Similarly the effect on pore water d11B can be corrected if the fractionation factors at different temperatures are assumed. The corrected B and d11B in ODP Sites 671, 672, and 808 indicate significant mobilization of bulk B in sediment (exchangeable + lattice bound) at depth, especially near the décollement zone or other potential flow conduits. Tectonically expelled fluids from mud diapirs of Barbados Ridge Complex, hot springs of Rumsey Hills, California, and mud pot waters of the Salton Sea geothermal field, are enriched in B (up to 20 mM) with lower d11B, supporting the argument of B mobilization as a result of fluid expulsion in accretionary prisms.
State-of-the-art process-based models have shown to be applicable to the simulation and prediction of coastal morphodynamics. On annual to decadal temporal scales, these models may show limitations in reproducing complex natural morphological evolution patterns, such as the movement of bars and tidal channels, e.g. the observed decadal migration of the Medem Channel in the Elbe Estuary, German Bight. Here a morphodynamic model is shown to simulate the hydrodynamics and sediment budgets of the domain to some extent, but fails to adequately reproduce the pronounced channel migration, due to the insufficient implementation of bank erosion processes. In order to allow for long-term simulations of the domain, a nudging method has been introduced to update the model-predicted bathymetries with observations. The model-predicted bathymetry is nudged towards true states in annual time steps. Sensitivity analysis of a user-defined correlation length scale, for the definition of the background error covariance matrix during the nudging procedure, suggests that the optimal error correlation length is similar to the grid cell size, here 80-90 m. Additionally, spatially heterogeneous correlation lengths produce more realistic channel depths than do spatially homogeneous correlation lengths. Consecutive application of the nudging method compensates for the (stand-alone) model prediction errors and corrects the channel migration pattern, with a Brier skill score of 0.78. The proposed nudging method in this study serves as an analytical approach to update model predictions towards a predefined 'true' state for the spatiotemporal interpolation of incomplete morphological data in long-term simulations.
The environment of ebb-tidal deltas between barrier island systems is characterized by a complex morphology with ebb- and flood-dominated channels, shoals and swash bars connecting the ebb-tidal delta platform to the adjacent island. These morphological features reveal characteristic surface sediment grain-size distributions and are subject to a continuous adaptation to the prevailing hydrodynamic forces. The mixed-energy tidal inlet Otzumer Balje between the East Frisian barrier islands of Langeoog and Spiekeroog in the southern North Sea has been chosen here as a model study area for the identification of relevant hydrodynamic drivers of morphology and sedimentology. We compare the effect of high-energy, wave-dominated storm conditions to mid-term, tide-dominated fair-weather conditions on tidal inlet morphology and sedimentology with a process-based numerical model. A multi-fractional approach with five grain-size fractions between 150 and 450 µm allows for the simulation of corresponding surface sediment grain-size distributions. Net sediment fluxes for distinct conditions are identified: during storm conditions, bed load sediment transport is generally onshore directed on the shallower ebb-tidal delta shoals, whereas fine-grained suspended sediment bypasses the tidal inlet by wave-driven currents. During fair weather the sediment transport mainly focuses on the inlet throat and the marginal flood channels. We show how the observed sediment grain-size distribution and the morphological response at mixed-energy tidal inlets are the result of both wave-dominated less frequent storm conditions and mid-term, tide-dominant fair-weather conditions.
Drilling durin Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 68, 69, and 70 on the southern limb of the Costa Rica Rift was used to study geothermal processes in the ocean crust. Two areas were drilled. One was a geothermally hot site on 6.2-m.y.-old crust, where topography is smooth, heat flow is close to that predicted by conductive cooling of the lithosphere (200 mWm**-2), and hydrothermal circulation may be sealed within the crust. The other was on 3.9-m.y.-old crust, where rough topography is associated with low heat flow (15 to 50 mWm**-2) and possible open convection of sea water. At both sites, about 250 m of siliceous-calcareous sediments overlies igneous basement. In the hot area, it blankets the topography, whereas in the cold area, basement outcrops still occur. Operations included numerous down-hole experiments in both areas and hydraulic piston coring of a 230-m sediment section in the hot area. Diagenesis of the sediments appears closely related to temperature. At the hot site, chert was found near basement, and the chemistry of pore fluids, sampled from both sediments and basement, is strongly influenced by reactions within the basement. Strong lateral gradients in the composition of pore fluids occur in the sediments. At the cold site, no chert was found, and bacterial processes within the sediment dominated the chemistry of the pore fluids. Basaltic basement in both areas consists mainly of pillow lavas and thin flows, with occasional more massive units. The basalt is relatively magnesian. The degree of alteration is very small in the cold area, but much more extensive in the hot area. Ease of drilling also shows a strong contrast. Basement penetration reached 562 m in the hot area and was halted because of lack of time; at the cold site, 43 m of basement was cored only with difficulty. The most intensive in-hole experiments were conducted in the hot area. Successful runs with the borehole televiewer allowed basement lithology to be determined and showed the presence of more and less fractured zones. Pulse tests using a single borehole packer gave values of basement permeability of about 2 to 40 millidarcies. Numerous temperature logs established a broadly conductive in situ temperature gradient, with temperatures reaching 120°C at 562 m into the basement. However, anomalously low temperatures in the upper part of the hole, which persisted after drilling disturbance had decayed away, showed that cold ocean water was flowing down the hole and into the basement at about 90 m below the base of the sediments, at rates of about 80 to 100 m/hr. The packer records indicate a pressure at this depth of 10 bars below hydrostatic.
A presente dissertação teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação informática para automatização do dimensionamento de elementos de betão armado com GFRP, através da utilização de guias e normas existentes. O documento elaborado apresenta uma breve síntese da situação atual do estado do conhecimento (estado da arte) nesta temática, uma abordagem aos conceitos de dimensionamento, de elementos estruturais baseados em documentos normativos, e alguns conceitos sobre a programação efetuada, quer através da descrição das metodologias quer por esquematização em figuras. Neste documento é, também, descrito o funcionamento geral do programa, exemplos de aplicação prática e breves considerações sobre o trabalho desenvolvido. A aplicação efetua o cálculo de vigas e lajes de acordo com o guia do Committee 440 do American Concrete Institute, ACI 440.1R-06 – “Guide for the Design and Construction of Structural Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars”, bem como através de uma análise não linear, como descrito na norma NP EN 1992: Eurocódigo 2 – “Projecto de estruturas de betão”. Foram ainda realizados cálculos para determinação de diagramas de interação de flexão composta, com pares de esforços axiais e de flexão, utilizados para o dimensionamento de colunas. No final do desenvolvimento da aplicação o programa foi testado com exemplos de dimensionamento, para que fosse possível realizar uma análise crítica aos resultados obtidos e ao próprio modo de funcionamento da aplicação.
El presente trabajo se refiere al estudio teórico-experimental del comportamiento de pilares y vigas de hormigón armado reforzados con fibra de carbono o CFRP. El análisis se realiza considerando que los pilares se refuerzan mediante la técnica de adhesión de tejidos de fibra de carbono, generando un efecto de confinamiento. Las vigas se refuerzan mediante la incorporación de barras del mismo material, con refuerzos a cortante. El objetivo es poder comparar el estudio analítico de este tipo de refuerzos con resultados experimentales obtenidos con anterioridad a la realización de este documento, y así poder obtener conclusiones de las posibles diferencias. Hay que señalar que los modelos experimentales no forman parte de este estudio. Los ensayos en pilares fueron realizados en sección cuadrada y circular evaluando la rotura a compresión de las piezas, habiendo sido éstas escaladas con un factor de reducción de 2,3. Los ensayos correspondientes a vigas se realizaron en sección rectangular, centrándose en la evaluación de la rotura a flexión y habiendo sido escaladas igualmente, pero con un factor de reducción de 1:2. El documento se estructura en cuatro capítulos, cuyo contenido se expone de forma concisa a continuación. En el capítulo uno o marco teórico se exponen los principios de comportamiento y tipologías de los pilares y vigas de hormigón armado, las bases teóricas de su refuerzo y confinamiento, así como las diversas técnicas de refuerzo existentes. Se detalla la técnica con FRP, comparando y analizando sus ventajas e inconvenientes. En el capítulo dos se expone el proceso de fabricación, refuerzo y resultados de los modelos experimentales realizados para ambos elementos estructurales. La obtención de los modelos teóricos forma parte del capítulo tres, comparándose con los resultados experimentales en el cuarto capítulo. Finalmente, en el último capítulo se presentan las conclusiones obtenidas al realizar esta comparativa en el refuerzo de vigas y pilares con fibra de carbono. This work refers to the theoretical and experimental study of the behavior of CFRP reinforced concrete columns and beams. The analysis was done considering that the pillars are reinforced by CFRP wrapping technique, resulting in a confinement effect. The beams are reinforced by the addition of bars of the same material, with shear reinforcements. The objective is to compare the analytical study of this type of reinforcement with experimental results obtained prior to the performance of this document, and draw conclusions for any differences. Notice that experimental models are not part of this study. The tests were performed on circular and square section pillars, evaluating compression fracture of the pieces, having been scaled down with a factor of 2.3. The tests were performed on rectangular section beams, focusing on evaluation of the bending fracture and being scaled down equally, but with a factor of 1:2. The document is divided into four chapters, whose content is set out concisely below. The chapter one or theoretical framework sets out the principles of behavior and types of columns and beams of reinforced concrete, the theoretical basis of its reinforcement and confinement, as well as various existing reinforcement techniques. CFRP technique it’s detailed, comparing and analyzing their advantages and disadvantages. Chapter two describes the process of manufacture, reinforcement and results of experimental models made for both structural elements. Chapter three shows the obtaining of the theoretical models, comparing them with the experimental results in the fourth chapter. Finally, the last chapter presents the conclusions to make this comparison in the strengthening of beams and columns with carbon fiber.
The pathogenicity of seven strains of Fusarium equiseti isolated from seabed soil was evaluated on different host plants showing pre and post emergence damage. Radial growth of 27 strains was measured on culture media previously adjusted to different osmotic potentials with either KCl or NaCl (-1.50 to - 144.54 bars) at 15º, 25º and 35º C. Significant differences and interactive effects were observed in the response of mycelia to osmotic potential and temperature.
The inner oval dome of the Basílica de la Virgen los Desamparados, built in 1701, is one of the most slender masonry vaults ever built. It is a tile dome with a total thickness of 80 mm and a main span of 18.50 m. It was built without centering with great ingenuity and economy of means, thirty three years after the termination of the building in 1667. The dome is in contact with the external dome only in the inferior part with the projecting ribs of the intrados, the lunettes of the windows, and, in the upper part, through 126 inclined iron bars. This unique construction was revealed in the 1990's in the studies previous to the restoration of the Basílica, and has given rise to different theories about the mode of construction and the structural behaviour and safety of the dome. The present contribution aims to provide a plausible hypothesis about the mode of construction and to explain the safety of the inner dome which has stood, without need of repairs or reinforcement, for 300 hundred years.