874 resultados para Barrier to trade


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Documented risks of physical activity include reduced bone mineral density at high activity volume, and sudden cardiac death among adults and adolescents. Further illumination of these risks is needed to inform future public health guidelines. The present research seeks to 1) quantify the association between physical activity and bone mineral density (BMD) across a broad range of activity volume, 2) assess the utility of an existing pre-screening questionnaire among US adults, and 3) determine if pre-screening risk stratification by questionnaire predicts referral to physician among Texas adolescents. ^ Among 9,468 adults 20 years of age or older in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2010, linear regression analyses revealed generally higher BMD at the lumbar spine and proximal femur with greater reported activity volume. Only lumbar BMD in women was unassociated with activity volume. Among men, BMD was similar at activity beyond four times the minimum volume recommended in the Physical Activity Guidelines. These results suggest that the range of activity reported by US adults is not associated with low BMD at either site. ^ The American Heart Association / American College of Sports Medicine Preparticipation Questionnaire (AAPQ) was applied to 6,661 adults 40 years of age or older from NHANES 2001-2004 by using NHANES responses to complete AAPQ items. Following AAPQ referral criteria, 95.5% of women and 93.5% of men would be referred to a physician before exercise initiation, suggesting little utility for the AAPQ among adults aged 40 years or older. Unnecessary referral before exercise initiation may present a barrier to exercise adoption and may strain an already stressed healthcare infrastructure. ^ Among 3181 athletes in the Texas Adolescent Athlete Heart Screening Registry, 55.2% of boys and 62.2% of girls were classified as high-risk based on questionnaire answers. Using sex-stratified contingency table analyses, risk categories were not significantly associated with referral to physician based on electrocardiogram or echocardiogram, nor were they associated with confirmed diagnoses on follow-up. Additional research is needed to identify which symptoms are most closely related to sudden cardiac death, and determine the best methods for rapid and reliable assessment. ^ In conclusion, this research suggests that the volume of activity reported by US adults is not associated with low BMD at two clinically relevant sites, casts doubts on the utility of two existing cardiac screening tools, and raises concern about barriers to activity erected through ineffective screening. These findings augment existing research in this area that may inform revisions to the Physical Activity Guidelines regarding risk mitigation.^


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Principal components analysis of nannofossil assemblages in five ODP sites in the Caribbean and the eastern equatorial Pacific was used to monitor Neogene surface water circulation changes. In 15.83-10.71 Ma, floral distributions clearly show the existence of the Circum-tropical Current between the Caribbean and the eastern equatorial Pacific and no surface water communication between the northern and southern Caribbean. In 10.71-9.36 Ma, the Circum-tropical Current weakened and the northward intra-Caribbean current had been initiated. Northern and southern Caribbean surface waters again became separated in 8.35-3.65 Ma and the Circum-tropical Current was regenerated. After 2.76 Ma, the northward intra-Caribbean current has completely been established and the Circum-tropical Current disappeared. This suggests that a barrier to the Circum-tropical Current had formed, indicating the final closure of the Isthmus of Panama.


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Globalization has resulted in unprecedented movements of people, goods, and alien species across the planet. Although the impacts of biological invasions are widely appreciated, a bias exists in research effort to post-dispersal processes because of the difficulties of measuring propagule pressure. The Antarctic provides an ideal model system in which to investigate propagule movements because of the region's isolation and small number of entry routes. Here we investigated the logistics operations of the South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) and quantified the initial dispersal of alien species into the region. we found that over 1400 seeds from 99 taxa are transported into the Antarctic each field season in association with SANAP passenger luggage and cargo. The first ever assessment of propagule drop-off indicated that 30-50% of these propagules will enter the recipient environment. Many of the taxa include cosmopolitan weeds and known aliens in the Antarctic, indicating that logistics operations form part of a globally self-perpetuating cycle moving alien species between areas of human disturbance. in addition, propagules of some taxa native to the Antarctic region were also found, suggesting that human movements may be facilitating intra-regional homogenization. Several relatively simple changes in biosecurity policy that could significantly reduce the threat of introduction of nonnative species are suggested.


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Leg 119 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) provided the first opportunity to study the interstitial-water chemistry of the eastern Antarctic continental margin. Five sites were cored in a northwest-southeast transect of Prydz Bay that extended from the top of the continental slope to within 30 km of the coastline. Geological studies of the cores reveal a continental margin that has evolved through terrestrial, glacial, and glacial-marine environments. Chemical and stable isotopic analyses of the interstitial-waters were performed to determine the types of depositional environments and the diagenetic and hydrologic processes that are operating in this unusual marine environment. Highly compacted glacial sediments provide an effective barrier to the vertical diffusion of interstitial-water solutes. Meteoric water from the Antarctic continent appears to be flowing into Prydz Bay sediments through the sequence of terrestrial sediments that lie underneath the glacial sediments. The large amounts of erosion associated with glacial advances appear to have had the effect of limiting the amount of marine organic matter that is incorporated into the sediments on the continental shelf. Although all of the sites cored in Prydz Bay exhibit depletions in dissolved sulfate with increasing depth, the greatest bacterial activity is associated with a thin layer of diatom ooze that coats the seafloor of the inner bay. Results of alkalinity modeling, thermodynamic calculations, and strontium analyses indicate that (1) ocean bottom waters seaward of Site 740 are undersaturated with respect to both calcite and aragonite, (2) interstitial waters at each site become saturated or supersaturated with respect to calcite and aragonite with increasing depth, (3) precipitation of calcium carbonate reduces the alkalinity of the pore waters with increasing depth, and (4) recrystallization of aragonite to calcite accounts for 24% of the pore-water strontium. Weathering of unstable terrestrial debris and cation exchange between clay minerals and pore fluids are the most probable chemical processes affecting interstitial water cation gradients.


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En este artículo abordo los modos en que los ex-obreros del frigorífico Swift de Berisso, evocan los acontecimientos más resonantes de la violencia política, paraestatal y estatal en la década de 1970, ligados a la fábrica. Para ello analizo los relatos, construidos con entrevistas en profundidad, de los ex-obreros que en aquellos años fueron militantes de izquierda y de otros con diversas orientaciones políticas y actitudes frente a la organización gremial. Por un lado, exploro las huellas del disciplinamiento social en las vivencias narradas y el desdibujamiento de su significación en algunos casos. Por otro lado, doy cuenta de la heterogeneidad de sentidos atribuidos a dos expresiones nativas que estructuran los relatos y aluden a dos agrupamientos sociales: los que estaban metidos en algo y lo que no estaban metidos en nada. Muestro el carácter difuso de la frontera entre ambos grupos y algunas valoraciones en torno a la igualación de violencias


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The Turonian (93.5 to 89.3 million years ago) was one of the warmest periods of the Phanerozoic eon, with tropical sea surface temperatures over 35°C. High-amplitude sea-level changes and positive d18O excursions in marine limestones suggest that glaciation events may have punctuated this episode of extreme warmth. New d18O data from the tropical Atlantic show synchronous shifts ~91.2 million years ago for both the surface and deep ocean that are consistent with an approximately 200,000-year period of glaciation, with ice sheets of about half the size of the modern Antarctic ice cap. Even the prevailing supergreenhouse climate was not a barrier to the formation of large ice sheets, calling into question the common assumption that the poles were always ice-free during past periods of intense global warming.


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En este artículo abordo los modos en que los ex-obreros del frigorífico Swift de Berisso, evocan los acontecimientos más resonantes de la violencia política, paraestatal y estatal en la década de 1970, ligados a la fábrica. Para ello analizo los relatos, construidos con entrevistas en profundidad, de los ex-obreros que en aquellos años fueron militantes de izquierda y de otros con diversas orientaciones políticas y actitudes frente a la organización gremial. Por un lado, exploro las huellas del disciplinamiento social en las vivencias narradas y el desdibujamiento de su significación en algunos casos. Por otro lado, doy cuenta de la heterogeneidad de sentidos atribuidos a dos expresiones nativas que estructuran los relatos y aluden a dos agrupamientos sociales: los que estaban metidos en algo y lo que no estaban metidos en nada. Muestro el carácter difuso de la frontera entre ambos grupos y algunas valoraciones en torno a la igualación de violencias


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En este artículo abordo los modos en que los ex-obreros del frigorífico Swift de Berisso, evocan los acontecimientos más resonantes de la violencia política, paraestatal y estatal en la década de 1970, ligados a la fábrica. Para ello analizo los relatos, construidos con entrevistas en profundidad, de los ex-obreros que en aquellos años fueron militantes de izquierda y de otros con diversas orientaciones políticas y actitudes frente a la organización gremial. Por un lado, exploro las huellas del disciplinamiento social en las vivencias narradas y el desdibujamiento de su significación en algunos casos. Por otro lado, doy cuenta de la heterogeneidad de sentidos atribuidos a dos expresiones nativas que estructuran los relatos y aluden a dos agrupamientos sociales: los que estaban metidos en algo y lo que no estaban metidos en nada. Muestro el carácter difuso de la frontera entre ambos grupos y algunas valoraciones en torno a la igualación de violencias


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Miocene paleoceanographic evolution exhibits major changes resulting from the opening and closing of passages, the subsequent changes in oceanic circulation, and development of major Antarctic glaciation. The consequences and timing of these events can be observed in variations in the distribution of deep-sea hiatuses, sedimentation patterns, and biogeographic distribution of planktic organisms. The opening of the Drake Passage in the latest Oligocene to early Miocene (25-20 Ma) resulted in the establishment of the deep circumpolar current, which led to thermal isolation of Antarctica and increased global cooling. This development was associated with a major turnover in planktic organisms, resulting in the evolution of Neogene assemblages and the eventual extinction of Paleogene assemblages. The erosive patterns of two widespread hiatuses (PH, 23.0-22.5 Ma; and NH 1, 20-18 Ma) indicate that a deep circumequatorial circulation existed at this time, characterized by a broad band of carbonate-ooze deposition. Siliceous sedimentation was restricted to the North Atlantic and a narrow band around Antarctica. A major reorganization in deep-sea sedimentation and hiatus distribution patterns occurred near the early/middle Miocene boundary, apparently resulting from changes in oceanic circulation. Beginning at this time, deep-sea erosion occurred throughout the Caribbean (hiatus NH 2, 16-15 Ma), suggesting disruption of the deep circumequatorial circulation and northward deflection of deep currents, and/or intensification of the Gulf Stream. Sediment distribution patterns changed dramatically with the sudden appearance of siliceous-ooze deposition in the marginal and east equatorial North Pacific by 16.0 to 15.5 Ma, coincident with the decline of siliceous sedimentation in the North Atlantic. This silica switch may have been caused by the introduction of Norwegian Overflow Water into the North Atlantic acting as a barrier to outcropping of silica-rich Antarctic Bottom Water. The main aspects of the present oceanic circulation system and sediment distribution pattern were established by 13.5 to 12.5 Ma (hiatus NH 3), coincident with the establishment of a major East Antarctic ice cap. Antarctic glaciation resulted in a broadening belt of siliceous-ooze deposition around Antarctica, increased siliceous sedimentation in the marginal and east equatorial North Pacific and Indian Oceans, and further northward restriction of siliceous sediments in the North Atlantic. Periodic cool climatic events were accompanied by lower eustatic sea levels and widespread deep-sea erosion at 12 to 11 Ma (NH 4), 10 to 9 Ma (NH 5), 7.5 to 6.2 Ma (NH 6), and 5.2 to 4.7 Ma (NH 7).


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In an attempt to establish criteria for obtaining reliable K-Ar dates, conventional K-Ar studies of several Deep Sea Drilling Project sites were undertaken. K-Ar dates of these rocks may be subject to inaccuracies as the result of sea-water alteration. Inaccuracies may also result from the presence of excess radiogenic 40Ar trapped in rapidly cooled rocks at the time of their formation. The results obtained for DSDP Leg 34 basalts indicate that lowering of K-Ar dates, which is related to potassium addition by weathering, is a major cause of uncertainty in obtaining reliable K-Ar dates for deep-sea rocks. It could not be determined if the potassium addition to the basalts occurred at the time of formation, t_o, or continuously from t_o to the present. Calculations show that sediment cover is not a significant barrier to the diffusion of potassium into the basalt. 40Ar loss contributes, at least in part, to the lowering of the K-Ar date in rocks that have added potassium. The meaning of the K-Ar results obtained for DSDP Legs 35 and 2 basalts could not be unambiguously established. Because of the problems involved, caution must be used in interpreting the meaning of conventional K-Ar dates for deep-sea rocks.


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