863 resultados para Auditory Pathways
The orbitofrontal cortex (OfC) is a heterogeneous prefrontal sector selectively connected with a wide constellation of other prefrontal, limbic, sensory and premotor areas. Among the limbic cortical connections, the ones with the bippocampus and parabippocampal cortex are particularly salient. Sensory cortices connected with the OfC include areas involved in olfactory, gustatory, somatosensory, auditory and visual processing. Subcortical structures with prominent OfC connections include the amygdala, numerous thalamic nuclei, the striatum, hypothalamus, periaqueductal gray matter, and biochemically specific cell groups in the basal forebrain and brainstem. Architectonic and connectional evidence supports parcellation of the OfC. The rostrally placed isocortical sector is mainly connected with isocortical areas, including sensory areas of the auditory, somatic and visual modalities, whereas the caudal non-isocortical sector is principally connected with non-isocortical areas, and, in the sensory domain, with olfactory and gustatory areas. The connections of the isocortical and non- isocortical orbital sectors with the amygdala, thalamus, striatum, hypotbalamus and periaqueductal gray matter are also specific. The medial sector of the OfC is selectively connected with the bippocampus, posterior parabippocampal cortex, posterior cingulate and retrosplenial areas, and area prostriata, while the lateral orbitofrontal sector is the most heavily connected with sensory areas of the gustatory, somatic and visual modalities, with premotor regions, and with the amygdala.
The median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) is one of most important site of the lamina terminalis implicated in the regulation of hydro electrolytic and cardiovascular balance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of L-Type calcium channel antagonist, nifedipine, on the increase of median arterial blood pressure (MAP) induce by angiotensin II (ANG II) injected into the MnPO. The influence of nitric oxide (NO) on nifedipine antipressor action has also been studied by utilizing N W-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) (40 μg 0.2 μL -1) a NO synthase inhibitor (NOSI), 7-nitroindazole (7-NIT) (40 μg 0.2 μL -1), a specific neuronal NO synthase inhibitor (nNOSI) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) (20 μg 0.2 μL -1) a NO donor agent. We have also investigated the central role of losartan and PD123349 (20 nmol 0.2 μL -1), AT 1 and AT 2, respectively (selective non peptide ANG II receptor antagonists), in the pressor effect of ANG II (25 pmol 0.2 μL -1) injected into the MnPO. Male Wistar rats weighting 200-250 g, with cannulae implanted into the MnPO were utilized. Losartan injected into the MnPO, prior to ANG II, blocked the pressor effect of ANGII. PD 123319 only decreased the pressor effect of ANG II. Rats pre-treated with either 50 μg 0.2 μL -1 or 100 μg 0.2 μL -1 of nifedipine, followed by 25 pmol 0.2 μL -1 of ANG II, decreased ANG II-pressor effect. L-NAME potentiated the pressor effect of ANG II. 7-NIT injected prior to ANG II into the MnPO also potentiated the pressor effect of ANGII but with less intensity than that of L-NAME. SNP injected prior to ANG II blocked the pressor effect of ANG II. The potentiation action of L-NAME and 7-NIT on ANG II-pressor effect was blocked by prior injection of nifedipine. The results described in this study provide evidence that calcium channels play important roles in central ANG II-induced pressor effect. The structures containing NO in the brain, such as MnPO, include both endothelial and neuronal cells, which might be responsible for the influence of nifedipine on the pressor effect of ANG II. These data have shown the functional relationship between L-Type calcium channel and a free radical gas NO in the MnPO, on the control of ANG II-induced pressor effect acting in AT 1 and AT 2 receptors.
Sustained attention and vigilance are processeses that characterize attention, and are essential for the development of certain abilities Aim: a prospective study to propose a simple, easy and quick behavioral tool to support the assessment of sustained auditory attention. Material and methods: volunteer children aged between 6 and 11 years (139 female and 141 male) were selected. The test was named Sustained Auditory Attention Ability Test, and is based on the Continuous Performance Test. It consist of a binaural and diotic presentation of a list of 100 monosyllabic words in which a target monosyllable is included 20 times. This list was presented six times with no breaks. The test was carried out in a soundproofed room, using a CD player attached to a two-channel audiometer at 50 dBSL during 9 minutes. The test resulted in a total score and a vigilance decrement. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between genders, but a significant difference was found between ages. Conclusion: The proposed test had no discomfort for the participants, and was shown to be extremely promising to assess the sustained auditory attention ability in children. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate target gene expression and hence play important roles in metabolic pathways. Recent studies have evidenced the interrelation of miRNAs with cell proliferation, differentiation, development, and diseases. Since they are involved in gene regulation, they are intrinsically related to metabolic pathways. This leads to questions that are particularly interesting for investigating medical and laboratorial applications. We developed an miRNApath online database that uses miRNA target genes to link miRNAs to metabolic pathways. Currently, databases about miRNA target genes (DIANA miRGen), genomic maps (miRNAMap) and sequences (miRBase) do not provide such correlations. Additionally, miRNApath offers five search services and a download area. For each search, there is a specific type of input, which can be a list of target genes, miRNAs, or metabolic pathways, which results in different views, depending upon the input data, concerning relationships between the target genes, miRNAs and metabolic pathways. There are also internal links that lead to a deeper analysis and cross-links to other databases with more detailed information. miRNApath is being continually updated and is available at http://lgmb.fmrp.usp.br/mirnapath. ©FUNPEC-RP.
Two experiments evaluated an operant procedure for establishing stimulus control using auditory and electrical stimuli as a baseline for measuring the electrical current threshold of electrodes implanted in the cochlea. Twenty-one prelingually deaf children, users of cochlear implants, learned a Go/No Go auditory discrimination task (i.e., pressing a button in the presence of the stimulus but not in its absence). When the simple discrimination baseline became stable, the electrical current was manipulated in descending and ascending series according to an adapted staircase method. Thresholds were determined for three electrodes, one in each location in the cochlea (basal, medial, and apical). Stimulus control was maintained within a certain range of decreasing electrical current but was eventually disrupted. Increasing the current recovered stimulus control, thus allowing the determination of a range of electrical currents that could be defined as the threshold. The present study demonstrated the feasibility of the operant procedure combined with a psychophysical method for threshold assessment, thus contributing to the routine fitting and maintenance of cochlear implants within the limitations of a hospital setting.
The literature has already demonstrated that auditory stimulation with music influences the cardiovascular system. In this study, we performed a literature review in order to investigate the relationship between auditory mechanisms and cardiac autonomic regulation. The selected studies indicated that there is a strong correlation between noise intensity and vagal-sympathetic balance. Also, it was reported that music therapy improved heart rate variability in anthracycline-treated breast cancer patients. It was hypothesized that dopamine release in the striatal system induced by pleasure songs are involved in the cardiac autonomic regulation. Further studies are necessary to add new elements in the literature to improve new therapies to treat cardiovascular disorders.
Cochlear root neurons (CRNs) are the first brainstem neurons which initiate and participate in the full expression of the acoustic startle reflex. Although it has been suggested that a cholinergic pathway from the ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body (VNTB) conveys auditory prepulses to the CRNs, the neuronal origin of the VNTB-CRNs projection and the role it may play in the cochlear root nucleus remain uncertain. To determine the VNTB neuronal type which projects to CRNs, we performed tract-tracing experiments combined with mechanical lesions, and morphometric analyses. Our results indicate that a subpopulation of non-olivocochlear neurons projects directly and bilaterally to CRNs via the trapezoid body. We also performed a gene expression analysis of muscarinic and nicotinic receptors which indicates that CRNs contain a cholinergic receptor profile sufficient to mediate the modulation of CRN responses. Consequently, we investigated the effects of auditory prepulses on the neuronal activity of CRNs using extracellular recordings in vivo. Our results show that CRN responses are strongly inhibited by auditory prepulses. Unlike other neurons of the cochlear nucleus, the CRNs exhibited inhibition that depended on parameters of the auditory prepulse such as intensity and interstimulus interval, showing their strongest inhibition at short interstimulus intervals. In sum, our study supports the idea that CRNs are involved in the auditory prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle reflex, and confirms the existence of multiple cholinergic pathways that modulate the primary acoustic startle circuit. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
The literature investigated the effects of chronic baroque music auditory stimulation on the cardiovascular system. However, it lacks in the literature the acute effects of different styles of music on cardiac autonomic regulation. To evaluate the acute effects of baroque and heavy metal music on heart rate variability (HRV) in women. The study was performed in 21 healthy women between 18 and 30 years old. We excluded persons with previous experience with music instrument and those who had affinity with the song styles. All procedures were performed in the same sound-proof room. We analyzed HRV in the time (standard deviation of normal-to-normal respiratory rate (RR) intervals, root-mean square of differences between adjacent normal RR intervals in a time interval, and the percentage of adjacent RR intervals with a difference of duration greater than 50 ms) and frequency (low frequency [LF], high frequency [HF], and LF/HF ratio) domains. HRV was recorded at rest for 10 min. Subsequently they were exposed to baroque or heavy metal music for 5 min through an earphone. After the first music exposure they remained at rest for more 5 min and them they were exposed again to baroque or heavy metal music. The sequence of songs was randomized for each individual. The power analysis provided a minimal number of 18 subjects. Shapiro-Wilk to verify normality of data and analysis of variance for repeated measures followed by the Bonferroni test for parametric variables and Friedman's followed by the Dunn's post-test for non-parametric distributions. During the analysis of the time-domain indices were not changed. In the frequency-domain analysis, the LF in absolute units was reduced during the heavy metal music stimulation compared to control. Acute exposure to heavy metal music affected the sympathetic activity in healthy women.
The aim of this paper was to obtain normative data of auditory evoked potentials from 34 mixed breed dogs and evaluate the age influence. The animals were divided in two groups of different ages and auditory evoked potential was performed with a 85dB stimulus intensity. Group 1 included 16 dogs between 1 and 8 years of age, and group 2 included 18 dogs with over 8 years of age. The length and head diameter were measured and there was no statistical difference between the two groups. In group 1, mean latencies of waves I, III, and V were 1.13; 2.64, and 3.45ms, and the intervals I-III, III-V, and I-V were 1.51; 0.81, and 2.32 ms, respectively. In group 2, the mean latencies of waves I, III and V were 1.15, 2.62, and 3.55ms, and the intervals I-III, III-V, and I-V were 1.47, 0.93, and 2.40ms, respectively. The latencies observed in this study were similar to previous studies conducted by other authors. It was observed that significant differences were present for wave V and intervals III-V and I-V latencies when comparing groups with different ages, consequently this characteristic must be considered during BAEP result interpretation.
This book reflects on the public policies, programmes and regulatory frameworks that are taking a rights-based approach to expanding social protection coverage and benefits in Latin America, with a view to achieving universal coverage. The book’s discussion of the policy tools and programmes pursued in the region aims to provide the reader with technical and programmatic insights for assembling and coordinating public policies within consistent and sustainable social protection systems. The combination of normative orientations and stock of technical knowledge, together with advances regarding the rights-based approach to social protection within a life cycle framework, afford the reader not only a tool box of specific social protection instruments, but also an in-depth examination of related political economy aspects.
Visual perception and action are strongly linked with parallel processing channels connecting the retina, the lateral geniculate nucleus, and the input layers of the primary visual cortex. Achromatic vision is provided by at least two of such channels formed by the M and P neurons. These cell pathways are similarly organized in primates having different lifestyles, including species that are diurnal, nocturnal, and which exhibit a variety of color vision phenotypes. We describe the M and P cell properties by 3D Gábor functions and their 3D Fourier transform. The M and P cells occupy different loci in the Gábor information diagram or Fourier Space. This separation allows the M and P pathways to transmit visual signals with distinct 6D joint entropy for space, spatial frequency, time, and temporal frequency. By combining the M and P impacts on the cortical neurons beyond V1 input layers, the cortical pathways are able to process aspects of visual stimuli with a better precision than it would be possible using the M or P pathway alone. This performance fulfils the requirements of different behavioral tasks.
The purpose of this study was to compare contrast sensitivity estimated from transient visual evoked potentials (VEPs) elicited by achromatic pattern-reversal and pattern-onset/offset modes. The stimuli were 2-cpd, achromatic horizontal gratings presented either as a 1 Hz pattern reversal or a 300 ms onset/700 ms offset stimulus. Contrast thresholds were estimated by linear regression to amplitudes of VEP components vs. the logarithm of the stimulus contrasts, and these regressions were extrapolated to the zero amplitude level. Contrast sensitivity was defined as the inverse of contrast threshold. For pattern reversal, the relation between the P100 amplitude and log of the stimulus contrast was best described by two separate linear regressions. For the N135 component, a single straight line was sufficient. In the case of pattern onset/offset for both the C1 and C2 components, single straight lines described their amplitude vs. log contrast relations in the medium-to-low contrast range. Some saturation was observed for C2 components. The contrast sensitivity estimated from the low-contrast limb of the P100, from the N135, and from the C2 were all similar but higher than those obtained from the high-contrast limb of the P100 and C1 data, which were also similar to each other. With 2 cpd stimuli, a mechanism possibly driven by the M pathway appeared to contribute to the P100 component at medium-to-low contrasts and to the N135 and C2 components at all contrast levels, whereas another mechanism, possibly driven by the P and M pathways, appeared to contribute to the P100 component at high contrast and C1 component at all contrast levels.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of copaiba oil administered by different routes on survival of mices subjected to cecal ligation and puncture. METHODS: Thirty two mice were distributed into four study groups (N=8): Sham group: normal standard animals; Control group: submitted a cecal ligation and puncture (CLP); Gavage group: submitted a CLP, and treat with copaiba oil by gavage; and Subcutaneous group: submitted a CLP, and treat with copaiba oil by subcutaneous injection. After the death of the histological analysis were performed. The Kaplan-Meier curves of surviving time were realized. RESULTS: All animals that received copaiba, regardless of the route used, survived longer when compared to the control group (p<0.0001), whereas the survival time ranged from 20 hours for the control group up to 32 hours for the animals of gavage group and 52 for subcutaneous group. The animals that received gavage copaiba lived about and about 20 hours unless the subcutaneous group (p=0.0042). There was no statistical difference when compared the intensity of inflammatory response (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: Prophylactic subcutaneous administration of copaiba in mice subjected to severe sepsis by cecal ligation and puncture, resulted in a survival time higher than non-use or use of this oil by gavage.
The brain stem auditory-evoked potential (BAEP) is an electrophysiologic test that detects and records the electrical activity in the auditory system from cochlea to midbrain, generated after an acoustic stimulus applied to the external ear. The aim of this study is to obtain normative data for BAEP in Dalmatian dogs in order to apply this to the evaluation of deafness and other neurologic disorders. BAEP were recorded from 30 Dalmatian dogs for a normative Brazilian study. Mean latencies for waves I, III, and V were 1.14 (±0.09), 2.62 (±0.10), and 3.46 (±0.14) ms, respectively. Mean inter-peak latencies for I-III, III-V, and I-V intervals were 1.48 (±0.17), 0.84 (±0.12), and 2.31 (±0.18) ms, respectively. Unilateral abnormalities were found in 16.7% of animals and bilateral deafness was seen in one dog. The normative data obtained in this paper is compatible with other published data. As far as we know this is the first report of deafness occurrence in Dalmatian dogs in Brazil.
OBJETIVO:Relatar o caso de um lactente com citomegalovírus congênito e disacusia neurossensorial progressiva, analisado por três métodos de avaliação auditiva.DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO:Na primeira avaliação auditiva, aos quatro meses de idade, o lactente apresentou ausência de Emissões Otoacústicas (EOA) e Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE) dentro dos padrões de normalidade para a faixa etária, com limiar eletrofisiológico em 30dBnHL, bilateralmente. Com seis meses, apresentou ausência de PEATE bilateral em 100dBnHL. A avaliação comportamental da audição mostrou-se prejudicada devido ao atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Aos oito meses, foi submetido ao exame de Resposta Auditiva de Estado Estável (RAEE) e os limiares encontrados foram 50, 70, ausente em 110 e em 100dB, respectivamente para 500, 1.000, 2.000 e 4.000Hz, à direita, e 70, 90, 90 e ausente em 100dB, respectivamente para 500, 1.000, 2.000 e 4.000Hz, à esquerda.COMENTÁRIOS:Na primeira avaliação, o lactente apresentou alteração auditiva no exame de EOA e PEATE normal, que passou a ser alterado aos seis meses de idade. A intensidade da perda auditiva só pôde ser identificada pelo exame de RAEE, permitindo estabelecer a melhor conduta na adaptação de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. Ressalta-se a importância do acompanhamento audiológico para crianças com CMV congênito.