979 resultados para Antigenic typing


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Of all of the genes associated with the development of Diabetes mellitus type 1 (T1D), the largest contribution comes from the genes in the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) region, mostly the class II DR e DQ genes. Specific combinations of alleles DRB1, DQA1 and DQB1 constituting haplotypes, and further, a combination of more than one haplotype, providing multilocus genotypes are associated with susceptibility, protection and neutrality to DM1. Thus, the aim of present study was to verified the association of polymorphisms of HLA genes class II with susceptibility to type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). Ninety-two patients with T1D and 100 individuals normoglycemics (NG) aged between 6 and 20 years were studied. Genomic DNA was obtained from peripheral whole blood, collected in EDTA tube, using the extraction kit Illustra Triple Prep®, GE Healthcare. For HLA typing was used DNA LABType system by One Lambda kit applying Luminex® technology to the method of PCRSSO typing reverse. The alleles DRB1*03:01, *04:05, *04:01, *04:02, DQA1*03:01g, *05:01g, DQB1*02:01g, *03:02, the haplotypes DRB1*03:01-DQA1*05:01-DQB1*02:01, DRB1*04:05-DQA1*03:01g-DQB1*03:02, DRB1*04:02-DQA1*03:01g-DQB1*03:02, DRB1*04:01-DQA1*03:01g-DQB1*03:02 and DR3-DQ2/DR4-DQ8 genotype were significantly associated with the chance of developing T1D. The alleles DRB1*11:01, *15:03, *15:01, *13:01, DQA1*01:02, *04:01g, *01:03, DQB1*06:02, *03:01g, *06:03, *04:02, the haplotypes DRB1*11:01-DQA1*05:01-DQB1*03:01, DRB1*13:01-DQA1*01:03-DQB1*06:03 and DRX-DQX/DRX-DQX genotype, formed by other than the DR3-DQ2 or DR4-DQ8 haplotypes, were significantly associated with T1D protection Despite the major racial Brazilian, even at the regional level, these results are similar to the majority of alleles, genotypes and haplotypes of HLA class II-related susceptibility or resistance to T1D, extensively described in the literature for Caucasian population. Children with age at diagnosis less than 5 years of age had significantly higher frequency of the heterozygous genotype DR3-DQ2/DR4-DQ8 compared to children with age at diagnosis than 5 years old. These results also demonstrate strong association of the genetic profile of the class II HLA for this age group, possibly associated with the severity and rapid progression to the onset of T1D. The knowledge of HLA class II genes may be useful in genetic screens that allow the prediction of T1D


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O desenvolvimento da produção e uso do Bacillus thuringiensis no Brasil em escala comercial enfrenta certas dificuldades, entre elas o estabelecimento de metodologias para a quantificação de produtos tóxicos a serem comercializados. Atualmente, a quantidade de toxinas é expressa como porcentagem do total de proteínas presentes em amostras em consideração. Tal metodologia, entretanto, não mede a quantidade real de uma determinada proteína presente em um produto qualquer, além do fato de diferentes linhagens bacterianas possuírem diferentes genes codificadores para endotoxinas e mesmo para b-toxina. Desde que os diferentes tipos de toxinas apresentam diferentes características antigências, este trabalho tem como objetivo a utilização de técnicas imunológicas para quantificar específicamente o conteúdo de proteína cristal presente em diferentes amostras. A proteína cristal produzida pela subespécie B. thuringiensis var. israelensis foi purificada por ultracentrifugação e utilizada para imunizar coelhas e produzir soros hiperimunes. Tais soros foram posteriormente usados para avaliar o nível de proteína cristal em bioinseticidas comerciais e em culturas de laboratório desta bactéria utilizando-se a técnica do imunodot. Os resultados foram obtidos por comparação de reações com concentrações conhecidas de proteína cristal permitindo assim avaliar com segurança os níveis desta proteína em várias preparações.


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O presente trabalho estudou um ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) indireto para a detecção de anticorpos anti-Babesia canis no soro de cães, tendo a Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI), como teste de referência O antígeno utilizado no ELISA do presente estudo consistiu em uma preparação antigênica solúvel de merozoítas B. canis e as diluições ótimas do antígeno, soros e conjugado foram determinadas por titulação em bloco, utilizando soros de referência positivos e negativos. A preparação antigênica solúvel de B. canis ótima foi de 10 µg.mL-1, com soros de referência positivos e negativos em uma única diluição de 1:100, e conjugado a 1:4.000. Um total de 246 amostras séricas foram colhidas em cães, durante a campanha de vacinação anti-rábica em Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brasil e a presença de anticorpos anti-B. canis foi avaliada pelo ELISA e RIFI. Nestas condições, a média de absorbância dos soros de referência negativos foi de 0,129 ± 0,025, resultando em um ponto de corte de 0,323 (Nível de ELISA 3) e a média da absorbância dos soros de referência positivos foi de 2,156 ± 1,187. As amostras com sorologia positiva para B. canis por ELISA e RIFI foram 67,89% (n = 167) e 59,35% (n = 146), respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o ELISA descrito revelou-se um teste sorológico eficaz no diagnóstico da babesiose canina.


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Os cães possuem cinco grupos sangüíneos bem estabelecidos, compostos por sete determinantes antigênicos eritrocitários, os quais são denominados de dog erythrocyte antigen (DEA). O grupo DEA 1 (subgrupos 1.1, 1.2 e 1.3) tem sido considerado o mais importante no que se refere às transfusões de sangue. Isto ocorre porque esse grupo possui um alto potencial para estimulação antigênica e, dessa forma, pode estimular a produção de anticorpos se um receptor DEA 1 negativo receber uma transfusão de sangue DEA 1 positivo, levando a uma reação transfusional hemolítica em uma segunda transfusão com hemácias do tipo DEA 1. A freqüência de aparecimento do grupo DEA 1 é bem conhecida em outros países, porém, até então, não havia informações disponíveis sobre o referido grupo no Brasil. No presente estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a prevalência do grupo sangüíneo DEA 1 (subgrupos 1.1 e 1.2) em cães criados no Brasil. Para tanto, 150 cães de raças, sexos e idades diferentes, triados junto ao Hospital Veterinário da FCAV/UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, foram submetidos a tipagem sangüínea para o grupo DEA 1 (subgrupos 1.1 e 1.2) canino, utilizando-se reagentes adquiridos comercialmente junto ao Laboratório de Imunoematologia e Sorologia da Universidade de Michigan (EUA). Os resultados obtidos neste ensaio revelaram que a prevalência geral para o grupo DEA 1 é de 91,3%, consideradas as condições e características da população estudada, compreendendo 51,3% de cães do tipo DEA 1.1, 40% de cães do tipo DEA 1.2, e os 8,7% restantes sendo negativos para o referido grupo. A partir das prevalências encontradas, calculou-se que a probabilidade de um cão DEA 1 negativo receber sangue DEA 1.1, em uma primeira transfusão feita ao acaso, é de aproximadamente 4,5%. Sendo assim, este índice reflete um risco potencial para a sensibilização de um receptor DEA 1 negativo, o que deflagraria a produção de anticorpos. Posteriormente, se este mesmo paciente recebesse uma segunda transfusão de sangue, feita ao acaso, a probabilidade de receber hemácias do tipo DEA 1.1 seria de aproximadamente 2,3%, o que representaria o risco potencial de ocorrência de uma reação transfusional hemolítica aguda. Por outro lado, a probabilidade de este cão receber sangue do tipo DEA 1.2 seria cerca de 1,8%, o que levaria a uma reação transfusional menos grave, porém potencialmente prejudicial. No presente estudo, observou-se que o risco potencial para uma reação transfusional é mínimo, quando se trata de um cão mestiço.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Although Salmonella Pullorum and Salmonella Gallinarum cause different diseases in poultry, they are very similar. Both are non-motile and present the same somatic antigenic structure. They are differentiated by biochemical tests. Certain atypical strains are very difficult to distinguish. They do not produce the expected results when dulcitol and ornithine descarxboxylase tests are performed. Therefore, additional tests could be helpful. Many studies have chose the part I of the gene that encodes flagellin (fliC) to differentiate serotypes. Most Salmonella strains have two structural genes (fliC and fliB) that encode flagellins. Non-motile strains generally present these structural genes, but are not able to build a functional flagellum. It was demonstrated that enzymatic restriction of the amplified fliC gene using Hinp1I enzyme can differentiate SG from SP. In the present study, this method was adopted to analyze 14 SP and 22 SG strains, including some strains with atypical results in biochemical tests assessing the utilization of dulcitol and ornithine. The results showed that all SG strains were broken by the enzyme, whereas the 14 SP strains were not.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed to understand the typical ideal of the nursing technician about the systematization of nursing care in the light of the theoretical framework of Alfred Schutz. It is a comprehensive phenomenological research, using the theoretical framework of Alfred Schutz. For the unveiling of the phenomenon (the typical ideal of the nursing technician about the systematization of nursing care), the search process was configured from the proposed guiding principles for a research methodology based on the work itself of Schutz held by Zeferino (2010) in his PhD. For data collection, we used the focus group technique, counting on the collaboration of thirteen practical nurses working in a university hospital in Rio Grande do Norte, who responded positively to the inclusion criteria: working in the study hospital, performing care direct to patients. Forty-four subjects showed interest in participating, being held a draw for selection of the research sample, consisting of 14 professionals, one of whom did not attend the gathering of data collection. The focus group, entitled "What I think about the systematization of nursing care", took place on February 15th, 2013, totaling 101 minutes. It was performed according to the Experiential Education Humanescent using building posters as projective technique, from the key question: "What is the systematization of nursing care for you?". In order to understand some of the biographical situation of the participants, a questionnaire was administered to study participants. From the agreement of the subjects, the focus group was recorded and photographed with the cooperation of one reporter and two other employees. We used Microsoft Word 2010 to perform the transcript of the meeting and Microsoft Excel 2010 for synthesizing the results via a spreadsheet. The study followed the ethical and legal principles that govern scientific research on humans, recommended in Resolution nº 196/96, it was approved by Opinion Embodied Ethics Committee in Research of UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte), nº 98 424, of August 31th, 2012, CAAE No. 05906912.0.0000.5537. The analysis of the nursing staff speeches, along with the contemplation of their posters and their written descriptions, allowed from the guiding principles of Zeferino (2010), in light of the reference of Alfred Schutz, unveiling the typical ideal of nursing technicians about the systematization of nursing care, passing four themes: typing of the concept of systematization of nursing care; benefits, which resulted in the reasons to believe in the positivity of this working tool; experienced problems, revealing the world of everyday life of nursing professionals, and possibilities for improvement. It was concluded that the nursing technicians are unaware of the systematization of nursing care. However, they typify a very positive perception about the same, especially with regard to improvements that may foster care


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Due to advances in the manufacturing process of orthopedic prostheses, the need for better quality shape reading techniques (i.e. with less uncertainty) of the residual limb of amputees became a challenge. To overcome these problems means to be able in obtaining accurate geometry information of the limb and, consequently, better manufacturing processes of both transfemural and transtibial prosthetic sockets. The key point for this task is to customize these readings trying to be as faithful as possible to the real profile of each patient. Within this context, firstly two prototype versions (α and β) of a 3D mechanical scanner for reading residual limbs shape based on reverse engineering techniques were designed. Prototype β is an improved version of prototype α, despite remaining working in analogical mode. Both prototypes are capable of producing a CAD representation of the limb via appropriated graphical sheets and were conceived to work purely by mechanical means. The first results were encouraging as they were able to achieve a great decrease concerning the degree of uncertainty of measurements when compared to traditional methods that are very inaccurate and outdated. For instance, it's not unusual to see these archaic methods in action by making use of ordinary home kind measure-tapes for exploring the limb's shape. Although prototype β improved the readings, it still required someone to input the plotted points (i.e. those marked in disk shape graphical sheets) to an academic CAD software called OrtoCAD. This task is performed by manual typing which is time consuming and carries very limited reliability. Furthermore, the number of coordinates obtained from the purely mechanical system is limited to sub-divisions of the graphical sheet (it records a point every 10 degrees with a resolution of one millimeter). These drawbacks were overcome by designing the second release of prototype β in which it was developed an electronic variation of the reading table components now capable of performing an automatic reading (i.e. no human intervention in digital mode). An interface software (i.e. drive) was built to facilitate data transfer. Much better results were obtained meaning less degree of uncertainty (it records a point every 2 degrees with a resolution of 1/10 mm). Additionally, it was proposed an algorithm to convert the CAD geometry, used by OrtoCAD, to an appropriate format and enabling the use of rapid prototyping equipment aiming future automation of the manufacturing process of prosthetic sockets.


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Trichophyton rubrum é um importante agente causal de dermatomicose. Os métodos de tipagem molecular têm sido recentemente desenvolvidos para responder questões sobre epidemiologia e auxiliar no esclarecimento de recidivas, após o tratamento. As seqüências aleatórias 1- (5'-d[GGTGCGGGAA]-3') e 6- (5'-d[CCCGTCAGCA]-3') foram usadas para tipagem molecular deste fungo por RAPD produzindo variabilidade intraespecífica. Cinco padrões foram observados entre os 10 isolados de T. rubrum, com ambas as seqüências. Foi concluído que a análise por RAPD pode ser utilizada para estudos epidemiológicos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)