964 resultados para Angular retreat
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a exatidão do cálculo da obstrução do horizonte, a partir de um modelo digital de elevação (MDE), em diferentes situações topográficas. O material utilizado incluiu um MDE disponível para a região da Serra Gaúcha, RS, receptores GPS, câmera digital, lente grande‑angular e os programas Idrisi, Arcview/ArcGIS e Solar Analyst. Foram adquiridas fotografias hemisféricas, e coletadas as coordenadas de 16 locais na área de estudo. As coordenadas e o MDE foram utilizados para calcular a obstrução do horizonte com uso do algoritmo Solar Analyst. Foram comparadas a fração aberta do céu calculada e a obtida pelas fotografias hemisféricas. O coeficiente de determinação foi de 0,8428, tendo-se observado superestimativa média de 5,53% da fração aberta do céu. Os erros são atribuídos principalmente à obstrução pela vegetação, que não pode ser identificada pelo MDE. A obstrução do horizonte, causada pelo relevo na Serra Gaúcha, pode ser calculada satisfatoriamente pelo Solar Analyst, a partir de um MDE interpolado de cartas topográficas na escala 1:50.000.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o número de folhas e o filocrono de genótipos de canola, em resposta a variações térmicas associadas com datas de semeadura. Foram realizados dois experimentos, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com arranjo fatorial de genótipos por datas de semeadura (5x2, em 2009, e 2x3 em 2010) e quatro repetições. O número de folhas do caule principal e do primeiro ramo foi determinado três vezes por semana. O filocrono foi estimado pelo inverso do coeficiente angular entre a soma térmica e o número de folhas, para os subperíodos da roseta e do alongamento do caule. O número de folhas no caule variou de 11,5 a 16,4; nos ramos, este número foi, em média, 70% menor. O número de folhas no caule foi maior em semeaduras precoces, e o inverso ocorreu no ramo. O filocrono foi maior no subperíodo da roseta e variou entre 21,4 e 52,9 graus-dia por folha conforme o genótipo e a data de semeadura. Semeaduras tardias aumentaram o filocrono. Genótipos de ciclo precoce apresentam número de folhas e filocrono menores que genótipos de ciclo médio ou longo, e a variabilidade entre os genótipos acentua-se em semeaduras tardias.
Compared to synthetic aperture radars (SARs), the angular resolution of microwave radiometers is quite poor. Traditionally, it has been limited by the physical size of the antenna. However, the angular resolution can be improved by means of aperture synthesis interferometric techniques. A narrow beam is synthesized during the image formation processing of the cross-correlations measured at zero-lag between pairs of signals collected by an array of antennas. The angular resolution is then determined by the maximum antenna spacing normalized to the wavelength (baseline). The next step in improving the angular resolution is the Doppler-Radiometer, somehow related to the super-synthesis radiometers and the Radiometer-SAR. This paper presents the concept of a three-antenna Doppler-Radiometer for 2D imaging. The performance of this instrument is evaluated in terms of angular/spatial resolution and radiometric sensitivity, and an L-band illustrative example is presented.
Granular flow phenomena are frequently encountered in the design of process and industrial plants in the traditional fields of the chemical, nuclear and oil industries as well as in other activities such as food and materials handling. Multi-phase flow is one important branch of the granular flow. Granular materials have unusual kinds of behavior compared to normal materials, either solids or fluids. Although some of the characteristics are still not well-known yet, one thing is confirmed: the particle-particle interaction plays a key role in the dynamics of granular materials, especially for dense granular materials. At the beginning of this thesis, detailed illustration of developing two models for describing the interaction based on the results of finite-element simulation, dimension analysis and numerical simulation is presented. The first model is used to describing the normal collision of viscoelastic particles. Based on some existent models, more parameters are added to this model, which make the model predict the experimental results more accurately. The second model is used for oblique collision, which include the effects from tangential velocity, angular velocity and surface friction based on Coulomb's law. The theoretical predictions of this model are in agreement with those by finite-element simulation. I n the latter chapters of this thesis, the models are used to predict industrial granular flow and the agreement between the simulations and experiments also shows the validation of the new model. The first case presents the simulation of granular flow passing over a circular obstacle. The simulations successfully predict the existence of a parabolic steady layer and show how the characteristics of the particles, such as coefficients of restitution and surface friction affect the separation results. The second case is a spinning container filled with granular material. Employing the previous models, the simulation could also reproduce experimentally observed phenomena, such as a depression in the center of a high frequency rotation. The third application is about gas-solid mixed flow in a vertically vibrated device. Gas phase motion is added to coherence with the particle motion. The governing equations of the gas phase are solved by using the Large eddy simulation (LES) and particle motion is predicted by using the Lagrangian method. The simulation predicted some pattern formation reported by experiment.
The objective of this thesis work was to assess axial misalignment in fatigue loaded welds using the effective notch method. As a result, the fatigue behaviour of non-load carrying cruciform fillet welded joint under cyclic tensile loading has been studied. Various degrees of axial misalignment have been found in one series of non-load carrying cruciform fillet welded joints used in a laboratory investigation. As a result, it was important to carry out a comprehensive investigation since axial misalignment forms part of thequality of fatigue loaded structure and can reduce the fatigue strength. To extend the study, the correlation between fatigue strength and stress ratio, as well as stress concentration factor, were also studied. Moreover, a closer investigation of place of crack initiation and its dependence on weld sequence and imperfections of test specimen (angular distortion) was studied. For the fatigue class calculations, FEM (finite element method) and the effectivenotch approach are used. The addressed variable is the axial misalignment whichis introduce by modeling the entire joint. Fracture mechanics based calculations are also used and quantitatively compared with effective notch and experimental results.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um termo para representar o intervalo de tempo de abertura entre flores sucessivas em inflorescências, e verificar a aplicabilidade deste termo a gladíolo de corte. O termo foi construído pela junção dos radicais gregos anto- (antos = flor) e crono- (cronos = tempo), para corresponder ao tempo necessário para a abertura de flores sucessivas em ramos florais (inflorescências), tendo-se como unidade o tempo por flor. Para testar o conceito e a aplicabilidade do termo, dados do número acumulado de floretes abertos em espigas de gladíolo foram coletados em dois experimentos de campo, em Santa Maria, RS, de agosto de 2011 a novembro de 2013. Para cada parcela de seis plantas, realizou-se uma regressão linear simples entre o número acumulado de floretes abertos na haste floral e os dias após a emergência das plantas. O termo foi denominado "antocrono" e, em gladíolo, foi estimado como sendo o inverso do coeficiente angular da regressão linear, com a unidade dias por florete. O antocrono em gladíolo depende da cultivar e decresce com o aumento da temperatura do ar, durante o período de florescimento da espiga.
In a medieval Barcelonan side-street, urine, rubbish, and a bewildering array of graphic imagery splatters the narrowing walls between two major thoroughfares. A contemporary conflict between residents, unknown artists and others is played out using banners, bottles, stickers, posters, stencils, spray paint, and bodily substances. In this shadowed liminality, local and global debates are superimposed upon substructures constructed from disease, prostitution, and the Saint of the Plague. The continuing urban struggle constitutes temporal statements of dirt and purity, violence and humour, dominance and resistance, death and salvation. Like the renovated facades masking the crumbling remains of structures long neglected, the government’s literal whitewashing of the art is a temporal cover-up of a discursive symptom stretching from deeply embedded preconditions. However, from his niche in the angular bend of the alley bearing his name, the statue of St. Rock remains unblinkingly staring, raised above the contestations expressed below.
Työn tarkoituksena on tutkia tehonsiirron ratkaisuja, jotka mahdollistavat jatkuvanopeus ja -momentinsäädön. Työ on rajattu käsittämään kahta eri planeettavaihdetuotetta. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat valittujen vaihdetuotteiden planeettapyörästöjen eri kytkentämahdollisuudet ja niiden vaikutus toisiinsa. Vaihteiden teknistä toteutusta ja toimivuutta tarkastellaan fyysisten testien, simuloinnin sekä analyyttisen laskennan avulla. Apuna työssä on käytetty Dymola simulointiohjelmaa, jossa kinemaattisten kuvakeliitäntöjen avulla on rakennettu virtuaalimalli tarkastellusta tuotteesta ja sen toiminnasta. Tietokoneen avulla luotua dynaamista simulointimallia on muokattu tutkimuksen edistyessä differentiaalisesti jatkuvasäätöisen momentinmuuntimen aikaan saamiseksi. Tuotteissa on käytetty aurinkopyörällisiä ja aurinkopyörättömiä planeettapyörästöjä. Ensimmäisessä tutkittavassa tuotteessa on kolme planeettapyörästöä ja toisessa kaksi. Teholähteeksi käy polttomoottori tai sähkömoottori. Välitys- ja pyörimissuhteiden muuntoon vaikuttaa planeettavaihteistoon kytketty sähkömoottori, jonka toimintaa voidaan ohjata erikseen. Työssä on selvitetty, millaisia kulmanopeuksia ja momentteja eri ajanhetkellä ja eri pisteissä simulointimallia esiintyy.Lisäksi selvitetään vaihteistojen portaattoman välityssuhteen muuntomahdollisuudet. Tarkoituksena on saada realistista informaatiota tutkittavien laitteiden toiminnasta. Johtavana ajatuksena on modernien menetelmien käyttäminen uusien innovaatioiden toimivuuden ja äärikohtien tutkimiseksi.
La aprobación en junio de 2008 por el Parlamento Europeo de la Directiva de retorno —denominada también Directiva de la infamia o Directiva de expulsión— consolida el proceso de involución que sobre los derechos humanos se viene produciendo en la Unión Europea desde que el miedo a la inmigración irregular se incardinó en sus instituciones. Si bien las legislaciones de extranjería de los años ochenta contenían normas que regulaban el internamiento y la expulsión no es hasta la Directiva 2001/40/CE que comienza a tomar forma una política comunitaria centrada en la inmigración irregular y las expulsiones de migrantes. Las medidas de retorno son, dice la Comisión europea, “una piedra angular de la política de migración de la UE”. Desde entonces, la barbarie de los centros de retención e internamiento, el socavamiento de los derechos y la exclusión y criminalización de los migrantes extranjeros se han convertido en el caballo de batalla de las asociaciones defensoras de los derechos humanos. La erosión que las legislaciones y medidas de expulsión están provocado en los derechos y libertades y en las instituciones del Estado de derecho es inmensa. El retroceso y la erosión en los derechos y libertades es tan grande que ya no es posible continuar hablando sin más de Estados de derecho en la UE, sino más bien de máquinas administrativas para el internamiento y la expulsión, de “Estados expulsores” (1), donde las personas extranjeras son tratadas como semipersonas (2) e incluso como “no-personas” (3).
La aprobación en junio de 2008 por el Parlamento Europeo de la Directiva de retorno —denominada también Directiva de la infamia o Directiva de expulsión— consolida el proceso de involución que sobre los derechos humanos se viene produciendo en la Unión Europea desde que el miedo a la inmigración irregular se incardinó en sus instituciones. Si bien las legislaciones de extranjería de los años ochenta contenían normas que regulaban el internamiento y la expulsión no es hasta la Directiva 2001/40/CE que comienza a tomar forma una política comunitaria centrada en la inmigración irregular y las expulsiones de migrantes. Las medidas de retorno son, dice la Comisión europea, “una piedra angular de la política de migración de la UE”. Desde entonces, la barbarie de los centros de retención e internamiento, el socavamiento de los derechos y la exclusión y criminalización de los migrantes extranjeros se han convertido en el caballo de batalla de las asociaciones defensoras de los derechos humanos. La erosión que las legislaciones y medidas de expulsión están provocado en los derechos y libertades y en las instituciones del Estado de derecho es inmensa. El retroceso y la erosión en los derechos y libertades es tan grande que ya no es posible continuar hablando sin más de Estados de derecho en la UE, sino más bien de máquinas administrativas para el internamiento y la expulsión, de “Estados expulsores”(1), donde las personas extranjeras son tratadas como semipersonas (2) e incluso como“no-personas” (3).
Challenging the view of asymmetrical power relations between China and Africa, this thesis questions the "Chinese comparative advantages" (monolithic state power and economic advantages) of Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Africa. It argues that the power dynamics between Chinese and African actors are dialectical and pluralistic, with localized social capital representing the true Chinese competitive advantage in Africa. Based on ethnographical fieldwork conducted in Ghana, this thesis shows that Chinese SOEs pursue their globalization in a double context - that of the deliberate "retreat" of the Chinese state, and more importantly, that of Ghanaian governance and society (characterized by political party patronage, extraversion dynamics, and worker agency). The trajectories of Chinese expatriates' expatriation/ social promotion and their SOEs' globalization/ localization are mutually influenced and reinforced. By cultivating local relationships and knowledge, a provincial Chinese SOE in Ghana can outperform a large Chinese central SOE, even if the latter has more support from the Chinese state. Moreover, the recent effort to build a "socially acceptable Chinese community" in Ghana has renewed the power dynamics between the Chinese state and the SOEs. All these observations provide for constructing a new perspective of Chinese SOEs in Africa - a "second-class" Chinese globalization - the SOEs may begin with few privileges, but promotion over time is possible. -- A contre pied des approches postulant des relations de pouvoir asymétriques entre la Chine et l'Afrique, cette thèse interroge les « avantages comparatifs chinois » (pouvoir de l'État monolithique et avantages économiques) des entreprises publiques chinoises (EPC) en Afrique. Elle soutient l'idée selon laquelle les dynamiques de pouvoir entre les acteurs chinois et africains est dialectique et pluraliste, et le capital social localisé étant le véritable avantage compétitif chinois en Afrique. S'appuyant sur un travail de terrain ethnographique au Ghana, cette thèse montre que les EPC poursuivent leur mondialisation dans un double contexte - celui de la «retraite» délibérée de l'État chinois, et, de façon plus importante, celui de la gouvernance et de la société ghanéennes (caractérisées par un clientélisme des partis politiques, une dynamique d'extraversion et le pouvoir de négociation des travailleurs). Les trajectoires d'expatriation / de promotion sociale des expatriés chinois et la mondialisation / localisation de leurs EPC s'influencent et se renforcent mutuellement. En cultivant des relations et des connaissances locales, une EPC provinciale au Ghana peut surpasser une grande EPC centrale, même si cette dernière reçoit plus de soutien de l'État chinois. En outre, les efforts récents visant à construire une «communauté chinoise socialement acceptable» au Ghana ont renouvelé la dynamique du pouvoir entre l'État chinois et les EPC. Ces observations permettent de construire une nouvelle perspective des EPC en Afrique - la globalisation chinoise de « deuxième classe » - les EPC peuvent débuter avec peu de privilèges, mais leur promotion reste possible avec le temps.
The most general black M5-brane solution of eleven-dimensional supergravity (with a flat R4 spacetime in the brane and a regular horizon) is characterized by charge, mass and two angular momenta. We use this metric to construct general dual models of large-N QCD (at strong coupling) that depend on two free parameters. The mass spectrum of scalar particles is determined analytically (in the WKB approximation) and numerically in the whole two-dimensional parameter space. We compare the mass spectrum with analogous results from lattice calculations, and find that the supergravity predictions are close to the lattice results everywhere on the two dimensional parameter space except along a special line. We also examine the mass spectrum of the supergravity Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes and find that the KK modes along the compact D-brane coordinate decouple from the spectrum for large angular momenta. There are however KK modes charged under a U(1)×U(1) global symmetry which do not decouple anywhere on the parameter space. General formulas for the string tension and action are also given.
We study large N SU(N) Yang-Mills theory in three and four dimensions using a one-parameter family of supergravity models which originate from non-extremal rotating D-branes. We show explicitly that varying this angular momentum parameter decouples the Kaluza-Klein modes associated with the compact D-brane coordinate, while the mass ratios for ordinary glueballs are quite stable against this variation, and are in good agreement with the latest lattice results. We also compute the topological susceptibility and the gluon condensate as a function of the "angular momentum" parameter.
The phyllochron is defined as the time required for the appearance of successive leaves on a plant; this characterises plant growth, development and adaptation to the environment. To check the growth and adaptation in cultivars of strawberry grown intercropped with fig trees, it was estimated the phyllochron in these production systems and in the monocrop. The experiment was conducted in greenhouses at the University of Passo Fundo (28º15'41'' S, 52º24'45'' W and 709 m) from June 8th to September 4th, 2009; this comprised the period of transplant until the 2nd flowering. The cultivars Aromas, Camino Real, Albion, Camarosa and Ventana, which seedlings were originated from the Agrícola LLahuen Nursery in Chile, as well as Festival, Camino Real and Earlibrite, originated from the Viansa S.A. Nursery in Argentina, were grown in white polyethylene bags filled with commercial substrate (Tecnomax®) and evaluated. The treatments were arranged in a randomised block design and four replicates were performed. A linear regression was realized between the leaf number (LN) in the main crown and the accumulated thermal time (ATT). The phyllochron (degree-day leaf-1) was estimated as the inverse of the angular coefficient of the linear regression. The data were submitted to ANOVA, and when significance was observed, the means were compared using the Tukey test (p < 0.05). The mean and standard deviation of phyllochrons of strawberry cultivars intercropped with fig trees varied from 149.35ºC day leaf-1 ± 31.29 in the Albion cultivar to 86.34ºC day leaf-1 ± 34.74 in the Ventana cultivar. Significant differences were observed among cultivars produced in a soilless environment with higher values recorded for Albion (199.96ºC day leaf-1 ± 29.7), which required more degree-days to produce a leaf, while cv. Ventana (85.76ºC day leaf-1 ± 11.51) exhibited a lower phyllochron mean value. Based on these results, Albion requires more degree-days to issue a leaf as compared to cv. Ventana. It was conclude that strawberry cultivars can be grown intercropped with fig trees (cv. Roxo de Valinhos).
O objetivo deste trabalho foi ajustar e testar modelos matemáticos simples, precisos e acurados para estimar a área foliar de macieiras 'Royal Gala' e 'Fuji Suprema' cultivadas sob tela antigranizo e em céu aberto. O experimento foi conduzido em pomar comercial no município de Vacaria-RS, nos ciclos vegetativos de 2008/2009 e 2009/2010. Equações de regressão linear e quadrática foram ajustadas para estimativa da área foliar em função das dimensões das folhas. A seleção dos melhores modelos baseou-se no quadrado médio do erro, no coeficiente de determinação, no erro-padrão da estimativa e na significância dos coeficientes das equações. A área foliar estimada pelos melhores modelos foi comparada com dados obtidos de medição por planímetro e estimados por fotografias digitais. A prova dos modelos baseou-se na significância do coeficiente angular, na linha 1:1 e na raiz quadrada do quadrado médio do erro. Modelos linear e quadrático que consideram o comprimento e a largura das folhas estimam com acurácia e precisão a área foliar de macieiras 'Royal Gala' e 'Fuji Suprema', tanto sob tela antigranizo quanto em céu aberto. A área foliar de macieira estimada por modelos de regressão que utilizam comprimento e largura de folhas é similar à obtida por planímetro ou fotografia digital.