834 resultados para Ananconda Country Club
This paper develops a model of money demand where the opportunity cost of holding money is subject to regime changes. The regimes are fully characterized by the mean and variance of inflation and are assumed to be the result of alternative government policies. Agents are unable to directly observe whether government actions are indeed consistent with the inflation rate targeted as part of a stabilization program but can construct probability inferences on the basis of available observations of inflation and money growth. Government announcements are assumed to provide agents with additional, possibly truthful information regarding the regime. This specification is estimated and tested using data from the Israeli and Argentine high inflation periods. Results indicate the successful stabilization program implemented in Israel in July 1985 was more credible than either the earlier Israeli attempt in November 1984 or the Argentine programs. Government’s signaling might substantially simplify the inference problem and increase the speed of learning on the part of the agents. However, under certain conditions, it might increase the volatility of inflation. After the introduction of an inflation stabilization plan, the welfare gains from a temporary increase in real balances might be high enough to induce agents to raise their real balances in the short-term, even if they are uncertain about the nature of government policy and the eventual outcome of the stabilization attempt. Statistically, the model restrictions cannot be rejected at the 1% significance level.
Rapport de recherche
Cette étude de cas est issue d’un module final de formation pour les employés du service public d’une agence de l’eau. Nous explorons les résultats de plusieurs stratégies utilisées pour souligner le besoin de changement dans les comportements individuels et institutionnels en vue d’améliorer les services aux clients. En particulier, nous explorons certaines manières d’ouvrir la discussion sur les pratiques de corruption de manière non-triviale sans offenser les sensibilités ou provoquer l’indifférence. Comme point de départ, il est demandé aux participants de relever les problèmes institutionnels qu’ils caractérisent comme éthiques, même si d’autres problèmes appartiennent à d’autres catégories identifiées plus tard. Pour éviter une approche purement théorique des devoirs et obligations envers les clients, ils sont dérivés de la mission de l’agence telle que définit par la loi qui l’a créée.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Cet article étudie la sensibilité des estimations de certaines variables explicatives de la croissance économique dans des régressions en coupe transversale sur un ensemble de pays. Il applique un modèle modifié de l’analyse de sensibilité de Leamer (1983, 1985). Mes résultats confirment la conclusion de Levine and Renelt (1992), toutefois, je montre que plus de variables sont solidement corrélées à la croissance économique. Entre 1990-2010, je trouve que huit sur vingt cinq variables ont des coefficients significatifs et sont solidement corrélées à la croissance de long terme, notamment, les parts de l’investissement et des dépenses étatiques dans le PIB, la primauté du droit et une variable dichotomique pour les pays subsahariens. Je trouve aussi une preuve empirique solide de l'hypothèse de la convergence conditionnelle, ce qui est cohérent avec le modèle de croissance néoclassique.
Essai critique de stage présenté à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de la maîtrise ès science (M. Sc.) en service social
Political science is both a generalizing and an anchored, nationally defined, discipline. Too often, the first perspective tends to crowd out the latter, because it appears more prestigious, objective, or scientific. Behind the international/national dichotomy, there are indeed rival conceptions of social science, and important ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions. This article discusses these assumptions and stresses the critical contribution of idiographic, single-outcome studies, the importance of producing relevant, usable knowledge, and the distinctive implications of studying one’s own country, where a scholar is also a citizen, involved in more encompassing national conversations. The aim is not to reject the generalizing, international perspective, or even the comparative approach, but rather to reaffirm the importance of maintaining as well, and in fact celebrating, the production of social scientific knowledge directly relevant for our own times and places.
Housing is one of the primary human needs. It is second only to the need for food and clothing. From a macro perspective, housing is an industry that can prove itself to be a growth engine for a nation, particularly a developing nation like India. Housing has been one of the top priorities for the various governments in India since the seventies. The need for housing has been increasing at a phenomenal pace in India and so also the need for housing finance. Since the growth in supply of housing could not keep pace with the growth in its demand, housing shortage has been on the rise over the years. Housing finance industry which was relatively dormant till the early nineties underwent sweeping changes ever since the initiation of financial sector deregulation measures. Financial deregulation measures brought about several changes in this industry, the first and foremost being the fast growth rate in the industry coupled with cutthroat competition among the industry players. This trend has been quite prominent since the entry of commercial banks into this arena. Accordingly, there has been a surge in the growth of retail (personal) loans segment, particularly in respect of housing loans. This is evident from the fact that housing loans disbursed by banks as a percentage of their total loans has increased from just 2.79% as of end-March 1997 to as high as 12.52% as of end-March 2007. Thus, there has been an unprecedented growth rate in the disbursement of housing loans by banks, and as of 31 March 2007 the outstanding balance of housing loans by all banks in India stands at Rs.230689 Crore, as against just Rs.7946 Crore as of 31 March 1997, the growth rate being 35.82 %CAGR (for the eleven years’ period, FY 1997-‘2007). However, in spite of the impressive growth in housing finance over the years, there are growing apprehensions regarding its inclusiveness, i.e. accessibility to the common man, the underprivileged sections of the society to housing finance etc. Of late, it is widely recognized that formal housing finance system, particularly the commercial banks (CBs) – most dominant among the players – is fast becoming exclusive in operations, with nearly 90% of the total housing credit going to the rich and upper middle income group, primarily the salaried class. The case of housing finance companies (HFCs) is quite similar in this regard. The poor and other marginalized sections are often deprived of adequate credit facilities for housing purpose. Studies have revealed that urban housing poverty is much more acute than the rural probably because of the very fast process of urbanization coupled with constant rural to urban migration
Proyecto de animación a la lectura dirigido a alumnos de los Programas de Educación Compensatoria e Integración. Se trata de una serie de actividades en forma de juego donde la lectura es el punto de partida. A través del juego el alumno conoce las características de diferentes momentos de gran relevancia en la historia de la humanidad y, al mismo tiempo, desarrolla capacidades estrechamente ligadas al hábito lector.
a) Reconocer al ocio como ámbito socio-educativo beneficioso; b) Conocer las formas de ocio pasado para el desarrollo de las relaciones personales; c) Conocer las dimensiones y manifestaciones actuales de ocio; d) Aceptar al ocio como un camino para la equiparación de oportunidades mediante su educación. Estudio de tipo histórico que parte de la recogida de información de dos fuentes: el libro de actas del Real Club de Tenis de Oviedo (Asturias) y la correspondencia archivada en el mismo. También se acuden a fuentes indirectas como son las referencias bibliográficas especializadas. La profundización y respuesta a los problemas de ocio no puede hacerse de una forma aislada sino global, lo cual lleva a una visión integral del mundo, la vuelta al humanismo. En este campo la opción ideal para las personas será el ocio autotélico capaz de realizar a las personas y dar sentido a sus vidas, es un ocio inteligente para los que sepan elegir.