903 resultados para Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
The modulation of neural activity in visual cortex is thought to be a key mechanism of visual attention. The investigation of attentional modulation in high-level visual areas, however, is hampered by the lack of clear tuning or contrast response functions. In the present functional magnetic resonance imaging study we therefore systematically assessed how small voxel-wise biases in object preference across hundreds of voxels in the lateral occipital complex were affected when attention was directed to objects. We found that the strength of attentional modulation depended on a voxel's object preference in the absence of attention, a pattern indicative of an amplificatory mechanism. Our results show that such attentional modulation effectively increased the mutual information between voxel responses and object identity. Further, these local modulatory effects led to improved information-based object readout at the level of multi-voxel activation patterns and to an increased reproducibility of these patterns across repeated presentations. We conclude that attentional modulation enhances object coding in local and distributed object representations of the lateral occipital complex.
Tese dout., Engenharia Electrónica e Computação, Universidade do Algarve, 2005
Neuroimaging studies of aesthetic appreciation have shown that activity in the lateral occipital area (LO)—a key node in the object recognition pathway—is modulated by the extent to which visual artworks are liked or found beautiful. However, the available evidence is only correlational. Here we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate the putative causal role of LO in the aesthetic appreciation of paintings. In our first experiment, we found that interfering with LO activity during aesthetic appreciation selectively reduced evaluation of representational paintings, leaving appreciation of abstract paintings unaffected. A second experiment demonstrated that, although the perceived clearness of the images overall positively correlated with liking, the detrimental effect of LO TMS on aesthetic appreciation does not owe to TMS reducing perceived clearness. Taken together, our findings suggest that object-recognition mechanisms mediated by LO play a causal role in aesthetic appreciation of representational art.
Introdução: No futebol, a entorse lateral do tornozelo (ELT) destaca-se como sendo a lesão mais prevalente. Potenciada pela variedade de chuteiras disponíveis no mercado e pela crescente utilização de relvados sintéticos, a interação entre o terreno e o calçado tem assumido elevada relevância como fator de risco para a ELT. A maior incidência de lesões na 2ª parte do jogo traduz a necessidade do estudo dessa interação durante tarefas que envolvam fadiga. Objetivo: Estudar a influência das chuteiras em variáveis preditoras do risco de ELT em relvado sintético sob duas condições: sem e com fadiga dos músculos eversores do tornozelo Métodos: Foi utilizada uma amostra de atletas saudáveis. Todos os indivíduos realizaram 3 séries de 5 saltos médio-laterais uni-podálicos, cada uma com 1 de 3 modelos de chuteiras (Turf, Hard e Firm ground) em duas condições: sem e com fadiga induzida pelo dinamómetro isocinético. Durante a tarefa, a atividade eletromiográfica do longo e curto peroniais, o valor das forças de reação do solo e o movimento do retro-pé (plano frontal), foram recolhidos e usados para calcular variáveis cinemáticas (eversão/inversão do tornozelo, o deslocamento e velocidade do centro de pressão), cinéticas (taxa de crescimento das forças de reação do solo) e neuromusculares (tempo de ativação muscular dos peroniais). Resultados: À exceção do tempo de ativação do curto peronial com o modelo Hard ground (sem fadiga vs com fadiga (p=0,050), não foram identificadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas variáveis preditoras de lesão, entre chuteiras, nem entre as duas condições avaliadas. Conclusão: Para o teste funcional escolhido e executado por atletas saudáveis em sintético de 3ª geração, nenhuma das chuteiras apresenta maior risco de lesão (com e sem fadiga), tendo em conta as variáveis em estudo.
Introdução: A correta avaliação das capacidades do idoso será fundamental na diminuição do risco de queda inerente ao envelhecimento. Os Smartphones são uma boa ferramenta para a avaliação das capacidades em idosos. Objetivo: Verificar se o smartphone é uma ferramenta de avaliação do ângulo de dorsiflexão ativa da tibiotársica (Dors. TT) e em diferentes parâmetros relacionados com a marcha. ; Métodos: Estudo transversal correlacional, com amostra composta por 27 indivíduos com mais de 60 anos. Procedeu-se à recolha de dados através de um sistema de análise cinemática em 3D com conexão a uma plataforma de forças e de uma aplicação para Smartphone (Fraunhofer®, Porto, Portugal), de forma a verificar a funcionalidade desta última. As variáveis medidas foram a Dors. TT; e todas a variáveis relacionadas com a marcha. Resultados: A dors. TT apresentou uma correlação forte positiva (rs=0,8; p<0,001) entre os dados dos dois instrumentos, assim como no balanço pélvico (rp=0,8; p<0,001), na velocidade na marcha (rp=0,7; p<0,001) e no nº de passos posteriores (rs=0,8; p<0,001). Observou-se uma correlação moderada positiva na duração do passo direito, na duração do passo, na duração da passada, na cadência, no comprimento do passo esq., no comprimento do passo e no deslocamento lateral da pélvis (rp=0,6; p≤0.008). Na percentagem da fase de apoio (%FA) (rs =-0.6; p= 0.007) e na medição da cadência lateral (rs =-0.4; p= 0.042) observou-se uma correlação moderada negativa e na cad. post. (rs=-0,7; p<0,001) uma correlação forte negativa. Conclusão: A aplicação para Smartphone parece ser uma ferramenta útil para avaliar corretamente o ângulo de dorsiflexão da tibiotársica, a contagem do número de passos no sentido posterior, o balanço pélvico e a velocidade. Contudo, necessita ser reajustada para as outras variáveis.
Introdução: A epicondilite lateral (EL) é uma das lesões mais comuns que afeta o membro superior, caracterizada pela dor lateral do cotovelo. Na literatura são descritas diferentes opções de tratamento para a EL mas sem existir consenso sobre a estratégia de intervenção com maior eficácia. A mobilização com movimento (MWM) e aplicação de kinesio taping (KT) tem apresentado bons resultados na melhoria da dor e funcionalidade e no aumento de força de preensão. No entanto, não existe estudos a comparar a efectividade das duas técnicas. Objetivo(s): Analisar e comparar os efeitos da técnica mobilização com movimento (MWM) em relação à aplicação de kinesio taping (KT), na dor, na força de preensão e na funcionalidade em indivíduos com EL. Métodos: Foram incluídos 39 participantes com EL, divididos em três grupos, um grupo de controlo (GC) e dois grupos experimentais, sendo um grupo submetido a uma das técnicas do conceito de Mulligan (GEM) e um grupo submetido a uma aplicação de KT (GEKT). Foram avaliadas a intensidade da dor através da Escala Visual Analógica (EVA), a força de preensão isométrica através de um dinamómetro digital e a funcionalidade através do questionário Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE). Resultados: Observaram-se diferenças significativas entre o momento inicial e o momento final de intervenção em todos os grupos em estudo (p≤0,018). Ao analisar a EVA, a força de preensão e o questionário PRTEE, os grupos experimentais obtiveram melhores resultados relativamente ao GC (p<0,001). Comparando os dois grupos experimentais, o GEM apresentou melhores resultados na dor (p=0,012) e na funcionalidade (p=0,001). Conclusão: Ambas as técnicas estudadas promovem melhorias na sintomatologia em indivíduos com EL. Contudo, os resultados sugerem que a aplicação da técnica de Mulligan produz um maior efeito na diminuição da dor e no aumento da funcionalidade, comparativamente à aplicação de KT.
A TLC é uma das lesões mais comuns do membro superior e geralmente é descrita como uma síndrome de dor na região lateral do cotovelo. As principais queixas dos pacientes com TLC são a dor e a limitação funcional. Os EE têm mostrado imensos benefícios nas tendinopatias. Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade de um protocolo de EE no tratamento de uma paciente com TLC. Métodos: Estudo de caso clínico de uma paciente de 57 anos de idade, com diagnóstico de ―epicondilite lateral‖, confirmado por ecografia às partes moles. O tratamento centrou-se num protocolo de EE realizado ao longo de 8 semanas. Foram analisados os dados relativos à dor (EN), à força de preensão sem dor (dinamómetro), e funcionalidade (DASH). Resultados: No final de duas semanas de tratamento não se verificaram alterações ao nível da dor, e verificaram-se alterações ligeiras na força de preensão sem dor e funcionalidade. A partir da terceira semana houve um declínio gradual da dor, aumento da força de preensão e funcionalidade. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que o protocolo de EE foi efetivo no tratamento de uma paciente com TLC.
RESUMO: Introdução e objetivos: Não existia um estudo multicêntrico que descrevesse as características dos doentes com EM, da doença em si, ou do seu tratamento, em Portugal.Métodos: Doentes McDonald 2010 positivos foram sequencialmente recrutados em 7 centros entre Maio e Novembro 2014. Aplicou-se um Caderno de Recolha de Dados incidindo na demografia, doença, educação e emprego (estudo PORT-MS). Resultados: 561 doentes incluídos. Primeiros sintomas aos 30,2±10,5 anos (RRMS 29,2±10, PPMS 39,4±11,7, p<0,001); diagnóstico 3,2±5,3 anos depois (RRMS 3,0±5,1, PPMS 4,9±2,5, p=0,002); tempo de doença após diagnóstico 9,4±7,2 anos (semelhante RRMS no diagnóstico e PPMS); idade atual 42,9±12,4 anos (grupo RRMS no diagnóstico 42,0±12,1, PPMS 52,5±11,3, p<0,001); EDSS atual 2,5 (RRMS 2.0, PPMS 6.0); proporção feminino:masculino é 2,5:1 (RRMS semelhante, PPMS 1,1:1, p<0,05); no diagnóstico RRMS 90,6%, SPMS 0,9%, PPMS 8,6%; 9,5% dos RRMS encontravam-se em SP na inclusão (nomeadamente os com mais idade no diagnóstico e/ou atualidade ou tempo de doença mais prolongado). PPMS mais frequente em doentes diagnosticados mais tardiamente (p<0,001), onde aumenta também ligeiramente a proporção de mulheres na PPMS. Nas últimas décadas: novos casos mostram estabilidade na proporção de géneros e tipos de doença; idade nos primeiros sintomas e no diagnóstico aumentou ligeiramente, tempo entre eles diminuiu ligeiramente. Proporção sob DMT (Maio 2014): global 84,5%; atualmente RRMS 90,4%; SPMS 70,8%; PPMS 36,8%; progressivas agregadas 48%. Tipo de DMT, amostra global: interferões 56,5%, GA 18,4%, Natalizumab 11,6%, Fingolimod 9,7%. Global: economicamente ativos 61,5%, desemprego 13,5%, 74,1% dos não activos estão reformados por doença. Gravidezes após diagnóstico em 15% mulheres. Casos com história familiar positiva 7,8%. Discussão e conclusões: Incluída cerca de 10% da população portuguesa. Resultados congruentes com dados internacionais. Elevada proporção sob DMT, mesmo EDSS alto e formas progressivas. Terapêuticas de segunda linha sub representadas. Doentes jovens e com doença ligeira com vida económica ativa; restantes essencialmente reformados por doença.---------------- ABSTRACT : Background/aims: In Portugal, there wasn’t a multicentric study on the general characteristics (demography, disease milestones, DMT, socioeconomic status) of Multiple Sclerosis patients. Methods: Patients fulfilling McDonald 2010 criteria were sequentially recruited from May to November 2014 in 7 centers and data was systematically collected. Results: 561 patients included. First symptoms occurred at 30,2±10,5 years-old (RRMS 29,2±10, PPMS 39,4±11,7, p<0,001); diagnosis 3,2±5,3 years later (RRMS 3,0±5,1, PPMS 4,9±2,5, p=0,002); 9,4±7,2 years elapsed since diagnosis (similar for those is RRMS at diagnosis and PPMS); current age 42,9±12,4 years-old (group RRMS at diagnosis 42,0±12,1, PPMS 52,5±11,3, p<0,001); current EDSS 2,5 (RRMS 2.0, PPMS 6.0); females to males 2,5:1 (RRMS similar, PPMS 1,1:1, p<0,05); at diagnosis RRMS 90,6%, SPMS 0,9%, PPMS 8,6%; 9,5% of RRMS reached SP at inclusion (those older at diagnosis, in actuality, or with longer follow-up). PPMS more frequente in patients diagnosed at older ages (p<0,001), also slight increase in females. Along the last decades: new cases have showed stable proportions of gender and disease types; age at first symptoms and diagnosis slightly increased, time between them slightly decreased. Proportion on DMT (May 2014): 84,5% of all; 90,4% of currently in RRMS; 70,8% of SPMS; 36,8% of PPMS; 48% of progressive forms together. Type of DMT, all patients: interferons 56,5%, Glatiramer Acetate 18,4%, Natalizumab 11,6%, Fingolimod 9,7%. Economically active 61,5% of all, unemployment 13,5%, 74,1% of non-active are retired due to disease. Females pregnant after diagnosis 15%. Positive family cases in 7,8%. Discussion/Conclusions: 10% of the national MS population collected. Data generally consistente with international reports. Proportion under DMT relatively high in all disease types, but second line therapies underrepresented. Young patients with mild disease have an active economic life. Those not active are essentially retired due to disease.
Introduction: Several scores are commonly used to evaluate patients' postoperative satisfaction after lateral ankle ligament repair, including: AOFAS, FAAM, CAIT and CAIS. Comparing published studies in the literature is difficult, as the same patient can have markedly different results depending on which scoring system is used. The current study aims to address this gap in the literature by developing a system to compare these tests, to allow better analysis and comparison of published studies. Patients and methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of 47 patients following lateral ankle ligament repair using a modified Broström-Gould technique. All patients were operated between 2005 and 2010 by a single surgeon and followed the same post operative rehabilitation protocol. Six patients were excluded from the study because of concomitant surgery. Patients were assessed by an independent observer. We used the Pearson correlation coefficient to analyse the concordance of the scores, as well as scatter plots to assess the linear relationship between them. Results: A linear distribution between the scores was found when the results were analysed using scatter plots. We were thus able to use the Pearson correlation coefficient to evaluate the relationship between each of the different postoperative scores. The correlation was found to be above 0.5 in all cases except for the comparison between the CAIT and the FAAM for the activities of daily living (0.39). We were, therefore, able to compare the results obtained and assess the relative concordance of the scoring systems. The results showed that the more specific the scale is, the worst the score is and inversely. So the CAIT and the CAIS appeared to be more severe than the AOFAS and the FAAM measuring the activities of daily living. The sports subscale of the FAAM demonstrated intermediate results. Conclusion: This study outlines a system to compare different postoperative scores commonly used to evaluate outcome after ankle stabilization surgery. The impact of this study is that it makes comparison of published studies easier, even though they use a variety of different clinical scores, thus facilitating better outcome analysis of operative techniques.
Acquired behavioral changes have essentially been described in advanced multiple sclerosis (MS). The present study was designed to determine whether behavioral modifications specifically related to the MS pathological process could be identified in the initial phase of the disease, as compared to control patients with chronic, relapsing and progressive inflammatory disorders not involving the central nervous system (CNS). Eighty-eight early MS patients (Expanded Disability Status Scale score <or= 2.5) and 48 controls were tested. Perceived changes by informants in behavioral control, goal-directed behavior, decision making, emotional expression, insight and interpersonal relationships were assessed using the Iowa Scale of Personality Change (ISPC). Executive behavioral disturbances were screened using the Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX). The mean change between the premorbid and postmorbid ISPC ratings was similar in the MS [12.2 (SD 15.6)] and in the control [11.5 (SD 15.1)] group. The perceived behavioral changes (PBCs) most frequently reported in both groups were lack of stamina, lability/moodiness, anxiety, vulnerability to stress and irritability. Pathological scores in the DEX were also similar in both groups. Correlations between PBCs and DEX scores were different in MS and control groups. MS patients with cognitive impairment had a marginally higher number of PBCs than control patients (p=0.056) and a significantly higher DEXp score (p=0.04). These results suggest that (1) PBCs occurring in early MS patients were not different from those induced by comparable chronic non-CNS disorders, (2) qualitative differences in the relationship between behavioral symptoms and executive-behavioral changes may exist between MS and control groups, and (3) behavioral symptoms seem associated with cognitive deficits in MS. We further plan to assess these observations longitudinally.
The combination of skin induration with clinical features such as dyspnea, facial telangiectasia, digital infarctions and/or dysphagia supports the diagnosis of systemic sclerosis. The oesophageal dysmotility is associated with symptoms which may delay the diagnosis of gastro-oesophageal cancer. Herein we report a case of long standing systemic sclerosis with heartburn and dysphagia symptoms which were monitored closely. Unfortunately, these symptoms delayed the diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma. This case prompted us to review the evidence of the association of cancer and systemic sclerosis and if any oncologic evaluation is required during the follow-up of patients affected with systemic sclerosis.
Background: Infection with EBV and a lack in vitamin D may be important environmental triggers of MS. 1,25-(OH)2D3 mediates a shift of antigen presenting cells (APC) and CD4+ T cells to a less inflammatory profile. Although CD8+ T cells do express the vitamin D receptor, a direct effect of 1,25(OH)2D3 on these cells has not been demonstrated until now. Since CD8+ T cells are important immune mediators of the inflammatory response in MS, we examined whether vitamin D directly affects the CD8+ T cell response, and more specifically if it modulates the EBV-specific CD8+ T cell response. Material and Methods: To explore whether the vitamin D status may influence the pattern of the EBV-specific CD8+ T cell response, PBMC of 10 patients with early MS and 10 healthy controls (HC) were stimulated with a pool of immunodominant 8-10 mer peptide epitopes known to elicit CD8+ T cell responses. PBMC were stimulated with this EBV CD8 peptide pool, medium (negative control) or anti- CD3/anti-CD28 beads (positive control). The following assays were performed: ELISPOT to assess the secretion of IFN-gamma by T cells in general; cytometric beads array (CBA) and ELISA to determine whichcytokines were released by EBV-specific CD8+ T cells after six days of culture; and intracellular cytokine staining assay to determine by which subtype of T cells secreted given cytokines. To examine whether vitamin D could directly modulate CD8+ T cell immune responses, we depleted CD4+ T cells using negative selection. Results: We found that pre-treatment of vitamin D had an antiinflammatory action on both EBV-specific CD8+ T cells and on CD3/ CD28-stimulated T cells: secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IFNgamma and TNF-alpha) was decreased, whereas secretion of antiinflammatory cytokines (IL-5 and TGF-beta) was increased. At baseline, CD8+ T cells of early MS patients showed a higher secretion of TNFalpha and lower secretion of IL-5. Addition of vitamin D did not restore the same levels of both cytokines as compared to HC. Vitamin D-pretreated CD8+T cells exhibited a decreased secretion of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, even after depletion of CD4+ T cells from culture. Conclusion: Vitamin D has a direct anti-inflammatory effect on CD8+ T cells independently from CD4+ T cells. CD8+ T cells of patients with earlyMS are less responsive to the inflammatory effect of vitamin D than HC, pointing toward an intrinsic dysregulation of CD8+ T cells. The modulation of EBV-specific CD8+T cells by vitaminDsuggests that there may be interplay between these twomajor environmental factors of MS. This study was supported by a grant from the Swiss National Foundation (PP00P3-124893), and by an unrestricted research grant from Bayer to RDP.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a life-long, potentially debilitating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). MS is considered to be an immune-mediated disease, and the presence of autoreactive peripheral lymphocytes in CNS compartments is believed to be critical in the process of demyelination and tissue damage in MS. Although MS is not currently a curable disease, several disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) are now available, or are in development. These DMTs are all thought to primarily suppress autoimmune activity within the CNS. Each therapy has its own mechanism of action (MoA) and, as a consequence, each has a different efficacy and safety profile. Neurologists can now select therapies on a more individual, patient-tailored basis, with the aim of maximizing potential for long-term efficacy without interruptions in treatment. The MoA and clinical profile of MS therapies are important considerations when making that choice or when switching therapies due to suboptimal disease response. This article therefore reviews the known and putative immunological MoAs alongside a summary of the clinical profile of therapies approved for relapsing forms of MS, and those in late-stage development, based on published data from pivotal randomized, controlled trials.
Human electrophysiological studies support a model whereby sensitivity to so-called illusory contour stimuli is first seen within the lateral occipital complex. A challenge to this model posits that the lateral occipital complex is a general site for crude region-based segmentation, based on findings of equivalent hemodynamic activations in the lateral occipital complex to illusory contour and so-called salient region stimuli, a stimulus class that lacks the classic bounding contours of illusory contours. Using high-density electrical mapping of visual evoked potentials, we show that early lateral occipital cortex activity is substantially stronger to illusory contour than to salient region stimuli, whereas later lateral occipital complex activity is stronger to salient region than to illusory contour stimuli. Our results suggest that equivalent hemodynamic activity to illusory contour and salient region stimuli probably reflects temporally integrated responses, a result of the poor temporal resolution of hemodynamic imaging. The temporal precision of visual evoked potentials is critical for establishing viable models of completion processes and visual scene analysis. We propose that crude spatial segmentation analyses, which are insensitive to illusory contours, occur first within dorsal visual regions, not the lateral occipital complex, and that initial illusory contour sensitivity is a function of the lateral occipital complex.
QUESTION UNDER STUDY: Cognitive impairment occurs during multiple sclerosis (MS) and contributes to the burden of the disease, but its effect in the initial phase of MS still needs to be better understood. METHODS: We prospectively studied 127 early MS patients presenting with a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) or definite MS, a mean disease duration of 2.6 years, and with minor disability (mean Expanded Disability Status Scale score 1.8). Patients were tested for long-term memory, executive functions, attention, fatigue, mood disorders, functional handicap and quality of life (QoL). Twenty-one CIS patients were excluded from study as the diagnosis of MS could not be confirmed. RESULTS: Over the 106 MS patients analysed, 31 (29.3%) were cognitively impaired (23.6% for memory, 10.4% for attention and 5.7% for executive functions). Cognitive deficits were already present in CIS patients in whom the diagnosis was not yet confirmed (20%). Impaired cognition was associated with anxiety (p = 0.05), depression(p = 0.004), fatigue (p = 0.03), handicap (p <0.001) and a lower QoL (p <0.001). After adjustment for QoL, handicap, depression, anxiety and fatigue were no longer associated with the presence of cognitive deficits. CONCLUSIONS: In this well-defined early MS group one third of the patients already exhibited cognitive deficits, which were usually apparent in an effortful learning situation and were generally mild. Mood disorders, fatigue, handicap and decreased QoL were all associated with the occurrence of cognitive deficits. QoL itself appeared to take all the other factors into account. Our results confirm the existence of an interplay between cognitive, affective and functional changes and fatigue in early MS.