989 resultados para Amateur theater.


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Wydział Historyczny


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This dissertation comprises performance of three soprano roles in Baroque musical theater pieces, recorded on compact disc. These roles are "Poppea" in The Coronation of Poppea (1642) of Claudio Monteverdi (a filly-produced staging of the 1989 Alan Curtis critical edition in English translation, with the Maryland Opera Studio at the Kay Theater, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, May 3 and 6, 2002; Ken Slowik, conductor); "Galatea" in Acis and Galatea (1718) of George Friederich Handel (a staged reading at Gildenhorn Recital Hall, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, May 29,2003; Edward Maclary, conductor); and "Miecke" (Soprano Soloist) in Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet (Peasant Cantata), BWV 212 (1742) of Johann Sebastian Bach (a staged and costumed performance with the Washington Bach Consort at Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall, Alexandria, Virginia, February 2,2003; J. Reilly Lewis, conductor). In addition to performing these three roles, I was the stage director for the reading of Acis and Galatea. Close readings of the libretti, examination of contemporary guides to ornamentation, and research into production histories inform the improvisatory ornamentation found in these compact disc recordings.


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The solo trombone recital was once a rare musical event, but in recent years professional and amateur trombonists frequently present solo performances. The trombone has been around since the latter half of the 15th century and there is a wealth of ensemble repertoire, written for the instrument; however, there is no corresponding corpus of solo works. A small body of solo works does exist, from baroque sonatas and the alto trombone concertos of Leopold Mozart and Georg Wagenseil, to the romantic works by Ferdinand David and Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov. This repertoire is small in number and a modern trombonist often has to resort to orchestral reductions and arrangements for modern performance in a solo recital setting. The trombone came into its own as a solo instrument in the 20th century and it is in this era where the bulk of a modern trombonist's repertoire resides. While there is now no shortage of music to choose from, presenting a diverse, yet musically cohesive recital remains a challenge though many interesting musical opportunities can arise to meet this challenge. While the piano is an extremely versatile instrument, pairing trombone with percussion opens up possibilities that are absent from the more traditional piano pairing. Percussion instruments can offer an almost unlimited variation of timbre and dynamics to complement the trombone. Dynamic range of the trombone must be considered as the instrument has the ability to play at the extremes of the dynamic range. Percussion instruments can match the trombone in these extremes. When presenting a recital of 20th and 21st century music, using timbre and dynamic range as selection criteria when planning the program are effective ways to bring a unique and intense musical experience to the audience. In this paper, the two considerations of dynamics and timbre will be explored and the need for a dissertation recital project will be explained.


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When performing in opera, a singer portrays a character. A libretto is used as the principal resource for the research. Music can also reveal insights into the composer’s ideas regarding characterization. This performance dissertation examines how musical devices such as genre, texture, meter, melody, instrumentation and form can be used to inform choices of characterization. Three roles from diverse operas were examined and performed. The first role, Estelle Oglethorpe in Later the Same Evening (2007) by John Musto (b 1954) was performed November 15, 16, 17, 18 2007. The second role, Dorabella in Così fan tutte (1789) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was performed April 20, 25, 27, 2008. The third role, Olga in Eugene Onegin (1878) by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) was performed on April 19, 2009. All operas were presented by the University of Maryland Opera Studio at the Ina and Jack Kay Theater in the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, University of Maryland College Park. DVD recordings of all performances can be found in the University of Maryland library system.


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Review of a semi-staged performance of Calculus by Carl Djerassi at the Royal Institution, London on 30 September 2002.


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A visceral and lyrical exploration of power and intimacy. When things get tough who can you trust?


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The influence of writing workshops on the content of plays is discussed.


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Discusses the theatrical treatment of human rights, by reference to three British productions: Guantanamo: "Honor Bound to Defend Freedom" (2004), My Name is Rachel Corrie (2005) and Called to Account (2007), noting the use of verbatim testimony in such plays. Reviews legal scholarship highlighting the limitations of human rights laws. Considers the theatrical context of each of the plays and the ways in which they represent the status of human rights laws. Comments on the extent of theatre's practical impact on the advancement of human rights.


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This article considers how Roy Williams's 2003 play, which dramatises a black-on-black killing and the flawed police investigation which follows, represents contemporary British society, particularly in relation to the vexed question of multiculturalism. Some have described "Fallout" as limited and bleak, reinforcing stereotypes of black experience and identity. By contrast, this article demonstrates that the play, through its analysis of both a conflicted police service and the societal divisions that push black youths towards criminality, draws attention to the underlying systemic causes of inner city violence and makes a constructive and valuable contribution to ongoing public debate. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


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The origins of Sephardic press date back to the mid-20th century, when the influence of the Western world spread across the Sephardim communities of the East. The content of these newspapers was diverse: pieces of general interest, but also scientific, literary and humorous works, with various political orientations. These papers were published in different languages, writing styles and alphabets. Those to be analysed here, however, were published in aljamiado Judeo-Spanish: three papers from Smyrna and one from Salonica. Throughout this work we will focus on the different obstacles and difficulties the editors and publishers of this Ottoman Sephardic press had to face to bring their publications to light.


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Based on the premise that the history of the representation in drama of the Ulster "Troubles" has been characterised by a move from direct to metaphorical engagement, this paper seeks to explore the signficance of Brian Friel's Translations as a "Troubles Drama" with reference to a production of the play I directed for the Hungarian Theater of Cluj in the Fall of 2001. Interpreting a play about language in a language other than the one in which it was originally written proved to have many implications for the rehearsal process and led me to experiment with the image theatre techniques of Augusto Boal. The nature of Cluj/Kolozsvar as a bi-lingual city added to the complexities of the process, as did my own status as an English-speaking director in a Hungarian-speaking environment. The extraordinary neautre of the wider geopolitical context at the time of the production proved to be the final ingredient in what became an exceptional empirical process of discovery. The discussion of the particular production is placed in the wider context of an exposition of a theory of "cultural gravity" as an alternative to "liminality" in helping to assess the cultural signficance of geopolitical boundaries.


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The International Brigades are typically viewed as a fighting force whose impetus came from the Comintern, and thus from within the walls of the Kremlin. If the assumption is essentially correct, the broader relation between Stalin’s USSR and the IB has received little attention. This chapter constitutes an empirically-based study of the Soviet role not only in the formation of the IB, but of the Red Army’s collaboration with IB units, and Moscow’s role in the climax and denouement of the brigadistas’ Spanish experience. This study’s principal conclusion is twofold: First, that the creation and sustenance of the IB was part of Stalin’s goal of linking the Loyalist cause with that of the Soviet Union and international communism, a component of a larger geo-strategic gamble which sought to create united opposition to the fascist menace, one which might eventually bring Moscow and the West into a closer alliance. The second conclusion is that the IB, like the broader projection of Soviet power and influence into the Spanish theater, was an overly ambitious operational failure whose abortive retreat is indicative of the basic weakness of the Stalinist regime in the years prior to the Second World War.


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Dojoji Temple ( Dōjōji, 1976) is a short puppet animation directed by Kihachirō Kawamoto. Influenced by Bunraku (Japanese puppet plays), emaki (painted scroll), Noh theatre and Japanese myth, Dojoji Temple tells of a woman’s unrequited love for a young priest. Heartbroken, she then transforms into a sea serpent and goes after the priest for revenge. While Kawamoto’s animation is rich with Japanese aesthetics and tragedy, his animation is peopled by puppets who do not speak. Limited and restrained though the puppets may be, their animated gestures speak volumes of powerful emotions. For our article, we will select several scenes from the animation, and interpret their actions so that we can further understand the mythical world of Dojoji Temple and the essential being of puppetry. Our gesture analysis will take into account cinematographic compositions, sound and bodily attires, among other elements.


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La gráfica se encuentra en un proceso de simbiosis con la cultura visual en el que la tecnología de la imagen, la descentralización de la matriz y la adaptación del formato expositivo se funden con el resto de las actividades artísticas. El análisis de las comunidades formadas alrededor de esta práctica configura un puzzle, aparentemente bien encajado, que se divide entre el formalismo y el conceptualismo y entre la idea y el proceso. Las bienales y trienales, a la vanguardia del discurso, cuestionan cualquier concepto que se haya podido asentar con solidez: ante la decadencia del proceso artesanal el mensaje se profundiza nutriéndose de la invectiva provocada por las contradicciones sociales, territoriales y medioambientales para convertirse en un reflejo de la sociedad contemporánea. Comprender la gráfica actual pasa por un ejercicio de aperturismo y un proceso de adaptación al cambio técnico e iconográfico de los sectores implicados. El grabado es ahora un territorio en el que la integración de todas las artes permite cruzar sus fronteras con fluidez.


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Bio art, understood as the convergence of the relations between art, biology and technology, constitutes a useful case study to discuss the meaning of interdisciplinarity in the artistic field. This paper explores different discourses around interdisciplinarity in order to challenge certain generic approaches for their ineffectiveness when assessing artistic practices. It is proposed that the analysis of interdisciplinarity must address the singular connections produced in the artistic practice itself, considering the impossibility of reducing the complexity of interdisciplinary dialogues into generic considerations. Taking bioart as a case study, different kinds of relationships between the artist and the lab are identified and analyzed, ranging from the use of the lab as a true atelier and as a resource for materials and techniques, to the rejection of the lab by proposing amateurism as an alternative. estrategias amateur, pasando por su utilización como fuente de técnicas y materiales.