896 resultados para Aligning HR
The following report summarizes research activities conducted on Iowa Department of Transportation Project HR-327, for the period April 1, 1990 through March 31, 1991. The purpose of this research project is to investigate how fly ash influences the chemical durability of portland cement based materials. The goal of this research is to utilize the empirical information obtained from laboratory testing to better estimate the durability of portland cement concrete pavements (with and without fly ash) subjected to chemical attack via the natural environment or the application of deicing salts. This project is being jointly sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation and the Iowa Fly Ash Affiliate Research group. The research work is also being cooperatively conducted by Iowa State University and Iowa Department of Transportation research personnel. Researchers at Iowa State University are conducting the paste and mortar studies while Iowa Department of Transportation researchers are conducting the concrete study.
Summaries of the data gathered for this project.
A 11.6 km (7.2 mi.) portion of IA 21 in Iowa County from the junction of US 6 north to the junction of IA 212, was selected for the research project. The project was divided into 65 different test sections of a PCC overlay of an existing asphalt concrete (AC) surface with thicknesses of 50 mm (2 in.), 100 mm (4 in.), 150 mm (6 in.), and 200 mm (8 in.). The joint spacings for these sections were 0.6 m (2 ft.), 1.2 m (4 ft.), 1.8 m (6 ft.), 3.7 m (12 ft.), and 4.6 m (15 ft.). Joints were sealed if the thickness of the pavement was over 100 mm (4 in.), unless specified. Two types of polypropylene fibers, monofilament and fibrillated, were added to the conventional PCC mix for designated sections. Three additional sections consisted of an asphalt overlay for comparison with the concrete overlay. Three different base preparations were used on the project, consisting of: patching and scarifying, patching only, and cold-in-place recycling. Sensors were placed in various test sections to measure the temperature and strain during and after construction of the overlay. Pullout tests were also conducted at various locations. Beams cylinders were made for each of the PCC mixes and tested for flexural and compressive strengths. Evaluation of the performance will be conducted through December 31, 1999.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07
The purpose of this project was to evaluate the location and quantities of debonding in selected portland cement concrete (PCC) overlays. The project entailed an infrared thermographic survey and a ground penetrating radar survey of the PCC overlays to locate areas of debonding between the overlays and the original pavement. An infrared scanner is capable of locating these areas because of the temperature differential which is established between bonded and debonded areas under certain environmental conditions. A conventional video inspection of the top surface of the pavement was also completed in conjunction with the infrared thermographic survey to record the visual condition of the pavement surface. The ground penetrating radar system is capable of locating areas of debonding by detecting return wave forms generated by changes in the dielectric properties at the PCC overlay original pavement interface. This report consists of two parts; a text and a set of plan sheets. The text summarizes the procedures, analyses and conclusions of the investigation. The plan sheets locate specific areas of debonding, as identified through field observations.
Presented in this report is an investigation of the use of "sand-lightweight" concrete in prestressed concrete structures. The sand-lightweight concrete consists of 100% sand substitution for fines, along with Idealite coarse and medium lightweight aggregate and Type I Portland Cement.
In February of 1968 a cooperative research project by the Iowa State Highway Commission (Project No. HR-136) and the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa was initiated in order to determine experimentally the creep and shrinkage characteristics of lightweight-aggregate concrete used in the State of Iowa. This report is concerned with Phase 1 of the Project as described in the Prospectus for the project submitted in November of 1967: "The State Highway Commission is planning to conduct pilot studies in prestressed-lightweight structures fabricated with materials that are proposed for use in bridge structures in the near future. Thus, Phase will have as its immediate objective, investigating the materials to be used in the above mentioned pilot studies.” (1) The work described in this report was also carried out in conjunction with a second cooperative project: "Time-Dependent Camber and Deflection of Non-Composite and Composite Lightweight-Prestressed Concrete Beams" (Project No. HR-137).
The objective of the research project was to seek acceptable solutions to the air pollution problem created in the asphalt recycling process using modified conventional equipment.
Asiantuntijuus, tieto ja osaaminen palvelualan organisaatiossa – HR-osaston ja johtoryhmän näkökulma
Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan ja tutkitaan yksityisellä sektorilla toimivan suuren palveluala organisaation HR-osaston toiminta- ja tehtäväkenttää sekä yrityksen ylimmän johdon näkemystä HR-toimintojen asemasta ja merkityksestä osana organisaation liiketoimintaa asiantuntijuuden, tiedon ja osaamisen näkökulmasta. Tutkimus on tapaustutkimus ja sen metodologia on kvalitatiivinen. Tutkimuksessa haastatellaan HR-asiantuntijoita sekä organisaation johtoryhmää ja tutkimusmetodina käytetään puolistrukturoitua haastattelua. Tutkimus jakaantuu rakenteellisesti teoria- ja empiriaosuuteen. Teoriaosassa muodostetaan teoreettinen viitekehys, jonka pohjalta luodaan kokonaiskäsitys siitä, miten asiantuntijuus, tieto ja osaaminen tällä hetkellä ilmenevät Varsinais-Suomessa toimivassa suuressa palvelualan organisaatiossa ja sen pohjalta muodostetaan kehitysehdotus siitä, kuinka HR-osaston kannattaisi organisoitua suhteessa liiketoimintaan. HR-asiantuntijat kokivat olevansa oman vastuualueensa asiantuntijoita ja pyrkivät toimimaan tiiminä, jonka jäsenet olivat keskenään kiinteässä vuorovaikutuksessa. Organisaatiossa oli paljon tietoa ja osaamista, mutta niiden systemaattinen hyödyntäminen sekä eteenpäin välittäminen koettiin suurina haasteena. HR-osaston tehtävänä oli toimia sekä johdon että esimiesten tukena. Liiketoimintajohdon mielestä HR-osaston pitäisi toimia lähempänä liiketoimintaa ja HR-osasto toivoi pääsevänsä proaktiivisesti mukaan liiketoiminnan kehittämishankkeisiin. Johtopäätöksenä muodostettiin malli siitä, kuinka HR-osasto toimii osana liiketoimintaa. Proaktiivinen HR-osasto tarvitsee henkilön, joka tekee kenttätyötä ja on kiinteässä vuorovaikutuksessa liiketoimintajohdon kanssa.
"February 22, 1990."
We propose an adaptive mesh refinement strategy based on exploiting a combination of a pre-processing mesh re-distribution algorithm employing a harmonic mapping technique, and standard (isotropic) mesh subdivision for discontinuous Galerkin approximations of advection-diffusion problems. Numerical experiments indicate that the resulting adaptive strategy can efficiently reduce the computed discretization error by clustering the nodes in the computational mesh where the analytical solution undergoes rapid variation.
Tesis (Optometra). -- Universidad de La Salle, Facultad de Ciencias de La Salud. Programa de Optometria, 2014
The aim of our research is to investigate a company’s purchasing and manufacturing competitive priorities jointly in order to uncover any relationships between them and also their effect on the supply chain tools implemented by the company. We assume that the supplier selection criteria of the companies reflect the true goals of the purchasing function and we take the purchasing function’s point of view to examine the aforementioned relationships. We use a multinational database for our empirical analysis which contains almost 700 companies from 20 countries and data that were acquired in 2009. We identified four different clusters which reflect a different level of supply chain tool implementation.