838 resultados para Aesthetics of Existence


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classi cation: 60K25 (primary); 60F05, 37A50 (secondary)


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The multicore fiber (MCF) is a physical system of high practical importance. In addition to standard exploitation, MCFs may support discrete vortices that carry orbital angular momentum suitable for spatial-division multiplexing in high-capacity fiber-optic communication systems. These discrete vortices may also be attractive for high-power laser applications. We present the conditions of existence, stability, and coherent propagation of such optical vortices for two practical MCF designs. Through optimization, we found stable discrete vortices that were capable of transferring high coherent power through the MCF.


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In the successful strategic management of the modern companies each function plays their specific role. While today’s businesses in many ways are different from their ancestors, the key fundamentals are derived from the same roots. Their main purpose of existence is to serve the needs of their shareholders and stakeholders by creating value (Pike et al., 1993). To achieve this effectively and efficiently the various functions need to work in close cooperation with each other. The global crisis, starting in 2008, proved that volatility is higher for the financial markets and the ordinary businesses that have been anticipated before. As the recession started as a financial crisis many people started to blame – amongst others – banks and financial institutions for excessive risk taking and taking short profits ahead of long term sustainable growth. Accordingly the lost confidence in the financial institutions has taken a toll on the reputation of other Finance professionals such as accountants, book keepers, treasury, tax people and others. The finance function’s strategic importance is linked to its ability to help interpreting the business performance and provide transparency. In order to restore the trust the finance profession is now facing one of the biggest challenges of its history, the need to reinvent itself. This paper presents the findings of a recent international research conducted in the United Kingdom, France, Hungary and Poland interviewing 169 executives of the business sector plus the review of 237 job descriptions of finance professionals in order to understand the challenges of the modern finance function. The findings of the study could provide relevant answers and help to overcome a very current problem that Finance is facing today, how to rebuild reputation and to stay a trusted partner and enabler for long term business strategy.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate that the esperpentos by the Spanish playwright Ramón del Valle-Inclán (1866–1936), represent a culminating moment of theatrical precepts of modern European drama, while perpetuating the ancient esoteric traditions of the Iberian Peninsula. Focusing on four plays—Los cuernos de Don Friolera (1920), Luces de Bohemia (1921), Las galas del difunto (1926) y La hija del Capitán (1927)—the research elucidates how this interpretation furthers understanding of the process that embraces the anti-realistic clamours during the initial decades of the XX century, up to the subsequent climax of the aesthetics of Cruelty, Absurdity, Simulation, and Menace. ^ In search for an ideal scenic language capable of reflecting the grotesque character and mystical essence of the esperpentos, this project examines the most significant works of philosophers from the hermetic tradition such as Plato, Pithagoras, Aquinas, and Flamel. Other important authors are Éliphas Lévy and H. P. Blavatsky, two personalities of great preponderance in the spiritual effervescence and occultist apotheosis at the turn of the 20th century. Finally, the mystical ideas of Spanish philosopher Roso de Luna and the psychological works on alchemy and magic by Jung find their conceptual correspondence in Valle-Inclán's aesthetic manifesto, La lámpara maravillosa. ^ The ultimate objective of this dissertation is to provide a proposal for a mise en scène of the esperpentos, aesthetically based on the simultaneous scenarios of the New Stagecraft and conceptually inspired by the mystical principles of the hermetic tradition. The comparative approach of this study establishes a dialogue between modernity and the esoteric tradition that results in a new Koncept for their representation, providing a simultaneous scenario, far from realistic theatre, and more coherent to house the magical substance of the esperpentos. ^


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In times of growing international tension and diminishing job opportunities for students enrolled in hospitality management programs, a major with an international emphasis can serve an important role in the global hospitality environment. The author discusses the creation of a new and relatively unique major among hospitality management programs in the United States, international hospitality management, its first year of existence, and its appeal to students.


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Considered as one of the oldest activities done by men, the civil construction represents one of the most important sectors for the economic growth of a country, in spite of the low results of growth in the past few years and also in the current year. To make this industry grow, even with an unfavourable economic scenario, it is necessary to implement an effective planning in its activities. This is one of the most important concepts brought by the Lean Construction philosophy, which had its origin through the adaptation of the concepts established by the Toyota Production System (TPS) or Lean Production. By having as a scenario the city of Natal\RN, the main goal of this dissertation consists in investigating how the 11 principles of the lean construction influenced the schedule of a construction field that started to implement its lean concepts. As a methodology, it was used the case study of a big enterprise located in Natal (RN). During the execution of the method, documents related to the short-term, midterm and long-term planning were analysed , aiming to describe its planning process; it was also described the factors that caused the delays at the enterprises’ field ;in addition, a comparison was made between the results obtained at the case study and the ones presented at the literature; in the end, the actions were listed by the company, which had the purpose to solve the main causes of delays, verifying if they were linked to the lean construction principles. This research finds its reason of existence in the relevance of its theme at the nowadays reality of the construction industry, since the principles of the lean construction uphold the reduction of processes that are useless, diminishing wastes as well as costs in construction. The relevance is perceived for the academy, in terms of the possibility to discuss if the concepts established by the lean production are being adapted to the civil construction sector and how this adaptation is influencing at the buildings planning project. Economic importance, because with the reduction of the wastes and costs, the companies may reduce the building´s value into a more accessible value, even with the sector´s lower growth. And social significance, because lean construction gives a better participation of the labour at the planning activity. Among the main results, the high frequency of planning errors stands out, mainly the programming deviations and not the task programming, as well as the execution errors, low productivity and activities executed by the workers. Amongst the 11 principles of lean construction, only five were related with the 12 actions analysed by the author. From the 12 actions, four were completely cohesive to one or more from these five principles. Some improvement proposals were also highlighted and established by the research.


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This master‘s thesis presents an analytical reading of Cyro dos Anjos (1906-1994)‘s novel O amanuense Belmiro (1937) and its main objective is to analyze the way some aspects of melancholy, together with the notion of memory, diary writing as well as time permeate all the narrative of this unique book in the Brazilian literary scenario. Anjos‘ novel is an atypical work in the fiction of the 1930s as it is considered a dissonant voice compared to the regional and social productions of the time it was published. Among other themes, the book depicts the relationship of man with life; the present and the past; love and frustrations and the hero in search of itself. Belmiro Borba, character-narrator, is a sentimental man, often handicapped by his inner life. For this matter, Borba decides to write a book in order to register his stories, memories, feelings, meditations and illusions. From this perspective, this research aims to deal with issues related to the aesthetics of melancholy, especially its relationship with the creative process, which belongs to Borba‘s attempt to write literature. Throughout our academic research, we used the work of Aristotle (1998), Lambotte (2000), Benjamin (2011) and Kristeva (1989) to articulate relevant issues of melancholy; Halbwachs (2006) on the concept of memory, among other theorists who were essential to the completion of this study.


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In recent decades, the collective leadership of the Solidary Economical Enterprises (ESS) that are active in providing collection and recycling services, has been presented as a proposal for the organization of urban space with the creation of new enterprises and solidarity production chains. Are activities that have gained a new stimulus to the creation of the National Secretariat of Solidarity Economy and the National Policy on Solid Waste that assigned a leading role in these social actors. These experiences contribute to building a participatory development path, resembling with the pluralistic perspective of development of the Indian economist Amartya Sen, that goes beyond the simplistic design of the increased income, focusing on the process of expanding freedoms that people enjoy. The aim of this work is to situate the perspective of endogenous development with the Collection Services segment and Material Recycling in the field of Solidarity Economy, through the analysis of the experience of the Cooperative of Selective Collection and Recycling Friends of the planet, located in the municipality of Lauro to Freitas - BA, from 2004 to 2013. for this the following procedures were adopted: analysis of the main contributions of the international literature on the phenomenon of pluriactivity; review of national literature that analyzes the emergence and evolution of the projects of solidarity economy in Brazil; bibliographical and documentary research; and socio-economic evaluation of the EES. The guiding problem of this work, understandably, is: what is the meaning of endogenous perspective with the Materials Collection and Recycling Services segment in the field of Solidarity Economy? It starts with the hypothesis that the development of these practices requires an environment that removes the main sources of deprivation involving the conditions of existence of these enterprises. The results show that not enough development to be built with the participation of social actors, but there are minimally necessary conditions for such experiences can take hold in order to achieve their goals. Thus, not only is it a strictly economic issue, but requires political actions for a process of social transformation.


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This dissertation presents an investigation of the evolutionary process of extended oboe techniques, through literary analysis and practical research. The objective of this work is to provide assistance to oboists interested in learning these techniques. Additionally, this work encourages the student, through the process of experimentation, to explore the questions that may arise around the aesthetics of sound, the concept of gesture as an additional visual and aural element in music, and the collaboration and “real-time” creation processes. Discussed within the work, are the relationship between the instrument (the oboe) and extended techniques, and two possible definitions of extended techniques, provided by Luk Vaes (2009) and Gardner Read (1993). Also explored are the how and why some composers have utilized extended techniques in their compositions, including brief discussions relating to extended techniques in real-time composition (improvisation), extended techniques and technological resources, theatrical gesture as an extended technique, and suggestions of how musicians might approach theatrical gestures in performance. Four works were visited: “I Know This Room So Well” – Lisa Bielawa (2007-9); “Four Pieces for Oboe and Piano” – Ernst Krenek (1966); “In Freundschaft” – Karlheinz Stockhausen (1978); “Atem” – Mauricio Kagel (1969-70); and an exploration of the difficulties and solutions associated with each extended technique found within these pieces, was carried out. The following founding works on extended oboe techniques were used, as a basis for research: books - Heinz Holliger’s Pro Musica Nova (1972); Gardner Read’s Compendium of Modern Instrumental Techniques (1993); Peter Veale & Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf’s The Techniques of Oboe Playing (1994); and Libby Van Cleve’s Oboe Unbound: Contemporary Techniques (2004); and articles - Nora Post’s “Monophonic sound resources for the oboe: Part I – Timbre” (1984), “Part II- Pitch and other techniques” (1984), and “Multiphonics for the oboe” (1982).


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This thesis starts from the proposition that postmodernity is the very cultural manifestation of Late Capitalism. The research was concerned with the publication of privacy that gives us news feeds of Facebook online social network. We used netnography, which is considered a construction method in action that combines study skills to immersion of the researcher in the investigated field. Netnography is an alternative methodology for the study of communication threads in cyber environments. We note that there is an exhibition of themselves in a related environment that reproduces the properties of the spectacle society, with an emphasis on the fact that this exhibition be made and want to be made by the individual himself, allegorically, window dresser and with spectacle. The subject is revealed by itself, shown and is induced to show and display at the same time. It is a large-scale exhibition of the private life events; it is more than spectacle, surpassing debordian sense, approaching the exhibitionism in the Freudian sense. It is a subject in a new way of existence. At the time of posting in public, the person violates their privacy. It is the desecration of stardom intimacy. We found that these new behavioral forms sharing of human experiences, under the mediation of typical technologies informationalism era, appear as a major brand of sociability, meshing the ongoing technological revolution.


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Gilles Deleuze hás commented on many philosophers, but his relationship with Nietzsche plays a singular role in his thought: appropriating the concept of the “eternal return” to think the central axis of his thesis, Difference and repetition (1968). Terms “difference” and “repetition” appeared associated to eternal return in his Nietzsche and philosophy (1962). Our dissertation thesis analyzes the presentations of that concept in bothworks. Chapter one presents the style construction and critical, methodological aspects of Nietzschean philosophy, fundamental elements to understand Deleuze’s interpretation. It subsequently analyzes the first presentation of that concept, expressed in the following terms: the aesthetic existence, either innocent or justified from the figure of game. We will see how the image of game implies another concept of chance, that leads Deleuze to think of an affirmative philosophical “type”, capable of creating new values. Chapter two evaluates the existential, “ethical-selective”, “physicalcosmological” character of the concept of eternal return, as much as the difficulties it imposes upon Nietzsche’s interpreter. We present afterwards Deleuzian comprehension of eternal return as a “parody” or a “simulacrum of doctrine”. Chapter three analyzes that interpretive position as a transvaluation of values from a rearrange of perspectives in order to overcome the negative comprehensions of existence. We want to question the way Deleuze builds another image of thought from the concept of eternal return – an image that, by a sort of “colagem” and selective elimination of the negativity, proposes a historiographic work and unfolds a lineage of thinkers of immanence and difference, a detour from the thought of identity, the same and the similar. We want thus to understand Deleuze’s critique of “dogmatic image of thought”.


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Gilles Deleuze hás commented on many philosophers, but his relationship with Nietzsche plays a singular role in his thought: appropriating the concept of the “eternal return” to think the central axis of his thesis, Difference and repetition (1968). Terms “difference” and “repetition” appeared associated to eternal return in his Nietzsche and philosophy (1962). Our dissertation thesis analyzes the presentations of that concept in bothworks. Chapter one presents the style construction and critical, methodological aspects of Nietzschean philosophy, fundamental elements to understand Deleuze’s interpretation. It subsequently analyzes the first presentation of that concept, expressed in the following terms: the aesthetic existence, either innocent or justified from the figure of game. We will see how the image of game implies another concept of chance, that leads Deleuze to think of an affirmative philosophical “type”, capable of creating new values. Chapter two evaluates the existential, “ethical-selective”, “physicalcosmological” character of the concept of eternal return, as much as the difficulties it imposes upon Nietzsche’s interpreter. We present afterwards Deleuzian comprehension of eternal return as a “parody” or a “simulacrum of doctrine”. Chapter three analyzes that interpretive position as a transvaluation of values from a rearrange of perspectives in order to overcome the negative comprehensions of existence. We want to question the way Deleuze builds another image of thought from the concept of eternal return – an image that, by a sort of “colagem” and selective elimination of the negativity, proposes a historiographic work and unfolds a lineage of thinkers of immanence and difference, a detour from the thought of identity, the same and the similar. We want thus to understand Deleuze’s critique of “dogmatic image of thought”.


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This research deals with anorexia nervosa through the look of those who lived this experience. Eating Disorders have been presented as psychopathology increasingly recurrent in contemporary, being almost doubled incidence in the last 20 years, reaching mainly teenagers and bringing consequences and implications of various kinds. The literature points to the relevance of the current ideal of beauty, in which thinness is overvalued. In this case, the study’s objective was to understand, from an existential-phenomenological perspective, anorexia experience. Thus, when assessing the experience, seeking to understand the possible directions that the non-eating is for the person who lives such an experience. The study, of Heidegger's existential-phenomenological inspiration, used semi-structured interviews as a means of access to the experience. Female two people were interviewed, at the age of 17 and 30, began with a starter question ("How was, or how is, your anorexia experience?"), which allowed the interviewee to talk about their experience. For the selection of the study participant was publicized among health professionals, as well as in social networks and blogs, in which the research objectives and approaches have been made explicit. The field diary was also used as a methodological resource, seeking a greater approximation of the experiences of the interviewees and the researcher. The interviews were interpreted in the by Heidegger's hermeneutics. The meanings unveiled in the narratives revealed issues beyond the physical and pathological issue, being involved family, wishes, friends, experiences, life projects. The corporal, as thought by Martin Heidegger, became very present in the statements of the interviewees, as it is part of existence. Among the Heidegger´s ideas, emphasizes care, inhospitality, live, boredom, openness to possibilities and factuality, that might be discussed from interviewees' discourse, engendering reflections about their senses, in their lives.


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This research deals with anorexia nervosa through the look of those who lived this experience. Eating Disorders have been presented as psychopathology increasingly recurrent in contemporary, being almost doubled incidence in the last 20 years, reaching mainly teenagers and bringing consequences and implications of various kinds. The literature points to the relevance of the current ideal of beauty, in which thinness is overvalued. In this case, the study’s objective was to understand, from an existential-phenomenological perspective, anorexia experience. Thus, when assessing the experience, seeking to understand the possible directions that the non-eating is for the person who lives such an experience. The study, of Heidegger's existential-phenomenological inspiration, used semi-structured interviews as a means of access to the experience. Female two people were interviewed, at the age of 17 and 30, began with a starter question ("How was, or how is, your anorexia experience?"), which allowed the interviewee to talk about their experience. For the selection of the study participant was publicized among health professionals, as well as in social networks and blogs, in which the research objectives and approaches have been made explicit. The field diary was also used as a methodological resource, seeking a greater approximation of the experiences of the interviewees and the researcher. The interviews were interpreted in the by Heidegger's hermeneutics. The meanings unveiled in the narratives revealed issues beyond the physical and pathological issue, being involved family, wishes, friends, experiences, life projects. The corporal, as thought by Martin Heidegger, became very present in the statements of the interviewees, as it is part of existence. Among the Heidegger´s ideas, emphasizes care, inhospitality, live, boredom, openness to possibilities and factuality, that might be discussed from interviewees' discourse, engendering reflections about their senses, in their lives.


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Essa dissertação resulta de um processo de reflexão autobiográfica, com base no resgate de memórias e vivências do percurso de vida-trabalho da pesquisadora, a partir da experiência na gestão do Núcleo de Arte e Cultura (NAC) da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP), desde a sua criação, em 2005. Compreender o processo de criação, constituição e inserção do NAC na UMESP, como também o exercício da gestão cultural nesse espaço universitário, foram objetivos dessa pesquisa, que destaca o diálogo entre Educação e Cultura, mediado pela Arte, a partir da inserção de ações artístico-culturais focadas no respeito às diferenças e na valorização da diversidade humana e cultural. Qual o papel da ação cultural dentro de uma universidade? Como essas ações podem somar com o processo de formação educacional? Que desafios envolveram a construção e constituição do Núcleo de Arte e Cultura da UMESP? Essas são questões geradoras do desenvolvimento desse trabalho, no qual é utilizada a abordagem (auto)biográfica como metodologia de pesquisa. Na narrativa propiciada por essa abordagem, a pesquisadora procurou revisitar e ressignificar, numa perspectiva de produção de conhecimento, memórias e histórias que contribuíram para a construção da sua própria identidade e que alavancaram sua inserção na gestão da Cultura na UMESP, legitimando e firmando a atuação do Núcleo de Arte e Cultura, ao longo dos seus 10 anos de existência. Ao refletir sobre essa práxis, evidenciou-se que trabalhar com as subjetividades é o grande desafio da gestão da Cultura, como também a construção de processos colaborativos, na perspectiva do “fazer com” e não do “fazer para” é o caminho para o fortalecimento e enraizamento das ações.