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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, den Mischfruchtanbau von Sommer- oder Wintererbsen und Getreide zu bewerten und die Eignung einer flachwendenden Bodenbearbeitung im ökologischen Erbsenanbau zu ermitteln. Weiterhin war im Rahmen dieser Arbeit beabsichtigt, den Einfluss einer mechanischen Bodenbelastung zur Saat auf die Leistungsfähigkeit von Sommererbsen in Reinsaat und Gemenge nach tief- (Pflug, 25-30 cm) und flachwendender (Stoppelhobel, 7-12 cm) Bodenbearbeitung zu untersuchen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Feldversuche mit den Versuchsfaktoren Anbauform (Sommererbsen und Hafer in Reinsaat oder Gemenge), Pflugsystem (flach- und tiefwendend), mechanische Bodenbelastung (0 t; 2,6 t; 4,6 t Hinterradlast) und Standort (Köllitsch, Trenthorst) in 2009 und 2010 durchgeführt. Der Mischfruchtanbau zweier Wintererbsen-Sorten (E.F.B. 33: normalblättrig, buntblühend; James: halbblattlos, weißblühend) nach flach- und tiefwendender Bodenbearbeitung wurde am Standort Trenthorst in den Jahren 2009/10 und 2010/11 untersucht. Zur Untersuchung der Vorfruchtwirkung wurde im Anschluss an die Wintererbsen-Versuche Winterweizen angebaut. Ein Gefäßversuch und ein Bioassay wurde ergänzend zu den Mischfruchtversuchen mit Sommererbsen durchgeführt, um die Ursachen eines unterschiedlichen Unkrautunterdrückungsvermögens in Reinsaaten und Gemenge von Sommererbsen und Hafer bestimmen zu können. Mischfruchtbestände von Erbsen und Getreide unterdrückten annuelle Unkräuter stärker als Erbsen-Reinsaaten, was insbesondere bei halbblattlosen Erbsen zu beobachten war. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass eine stärkere unterirdische Interaktion zwischen Kulturpflanzen und Unkräutern für die stärkere Unkrautunterdrückung in Erbsen-Hafer-Gemengen im Vergleich zu Erbsen-Reinsaaten verantwortlich war. Die flachwendende Bearbeitung führte in Sommererbsen-Reinsaaten zu einem signifikant höheren Unkrautaufkommen, wohingegen in den Erbsen-Hafer-Gemengen eine vergleichbare (Köllitsch) oder signifikant höhere (Trenthorst) Verunkrautung nach flachwendender Bearbeitung vorhanden war. In den Wintererbsen-Versuchen waren keine signifikanten Unterschiede hinsichtlich des Unkrautaufkommens zwischen den Pflugsystemen festzustellen. Der Mischfruchtanbau von Wintererbsen und Triticale reduzierte den Befall mit der Grünen Erbsenblattlaus und verbesserte die Standfestigkeit der normalblättrigen Wintererbse, wohingegen kein positiver Effekt des Mischfruchtanbaus in Hinsicht auf Auswinterungsverluste der Wintererbsen und einen Befall mit dem Erbsenwickler festgestellt werden konnte. Die Mischfruchtbestände von Sommer- oder Wintererbsen und Getreidepartnern wiesen unter der Voraussetzung, dass keine Ertragsbildungsprobleme beim Getreide auftraten, höhere Gesamterträge im Vergleich zu den entsprechenden Erbsen-Reinsaaten auf. Die Getreidepartner unterdrückten in den Mischfruchtbeständen insbesondere die halbblattlosen Erbsen. Die flachwendende Bodenbearbeitung führte im Vergleich zur tiefwendenden Bearbeitung zu einer vergleichbaren oder signifikant besseren Ertragsleistung der Rein- und Mischfruchtbestände von Erbsen und Getreide. Die mechanische Bodenbelastung hat die Ertragsleistung und die Kornqualität der Kulturen im Jahr 2009 nicht beeinflusst. Im Jahr 2010 führte die mechanische Bodenbelastung, im Gegensatz zum Hafer, zu einer Reduzierung der Erbsen-Erträge um 12,1 % (2,6 t) und 20,8 % (4,6 t). Zudem nahmen der Rohproteingehalt der Erbsen und die Gesamterträge mit zunehmender mechanischer Bodenbelastung nach tiefwendender Bodenbearbeitung kontinuierlich ab, wohingegen nach flachwendender Bearbeitung keine signifikanten Unterschiede festgestellt wurden. Der Winterweizen, der nach den Rein- und Mischsaaten von E.F.B. 33 angebaut wurde (2010/11: 35,9; 2011/12: 20,1 dt TM ha-1), war dem Winterweizen nach den Rein- und Mischsaaten von James (2010/11: 23,8; 2011/12: 16,7 dt TM ha-1) ertraglich überlegen. Während im Jahr 2010/11 kein signifikanter Unterschied der Ertragsleistung der Nachfrucht Winterweizen in den beiden Pflugsystemen festgestellt wurde, führte die flachwendende Bodenbearbeitung im Jahr 2011/12 zu signifikant geringeren Winterweizen-Erträgen (12,9 dt TM ha-1) im Vergleich zur tiefwendenden Bodenbearbeitung (20,5 dt TM ha-1). Der metabolische Energiegehalt der weißblühenden Winter- (15,2 MJ kg-1) und Sommererbsen (15,7 MJ kg-1) lag signifikant über demjenigen der buntblühenden Wintererbsen-Sorte E.F.B. 33 (13,3 MJ kg-1). Das Pflugsystem hatte nur geringe Auswirkungen auf die Kornqualität und den energetischen Futterwert.


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Veränderungen der Matrixbindung und der molekularen Struktur der antioxidativ wirkenden Carotinoide können die Bioakzessibilität dieser Substanzen beeinflussen. Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte die Einflüsse von Erhitzung und Gefriertrocknung auf die Massenkonzentrationen der all-E- und 13-Z-Isomere von Lutein und Zeaxanthin in Eigelb und dessen Fraktionen Plasma und Granula. Dabei wurden die Strukturveränderungen der Lipoproteine, mit deren Lipiden die Eigelb-Xanthophylle assoziiert sind, betrachtet. Die Strukturentfaltungen der Low-Density und High-Density Lipoproteine (LDL und HDL) erhöhten die Extrahierbarkeit sowie Z-Isomerisierungen und oxidative Degradationen der Xanthophylle, die der Temperatureinfluss und Reaktanten katalysierten. Die Extrahierbarkeit, Z-Isomerisierungen und oxidative Degradationen der Xanthophylle waren durch den Aufschluss, die Gelbildung, die Oberflächenvergrößerung und die Erhöhung des Trockenmassegehalts der Matrix beeinflusst. Die Strukturentfaltung der in hohen Mengen in Plasma enthaltenen LDL findet bei geringeren Temperaturen (ca. 65 - 76 °C) als die der in Granula dominanten HDL (ca. 75 - 84 °C) statt. Zudem schien die gefriertrocknungsinduzierte Strukturentfaltung der LDL im Gegensatz zu HDL und Granula durch Rehydratation nicht vollständig reversibel zu sein. Daher wies Plasma eine geringere Stabilität bei der Erhitzung und Gefriertrocknung als Eigelb und Granula auf. Die Entfaltung von Lipoproteinstrukturen und die thermisch katalysierte Z-Isomerisierung sind wahrscheinlich für die signifikante 13-Z-Lutein-Zunahme nach Erhitzung von Plasma und Granula bei 82 und 87 °C sowie von Granula bei 77 °C verantwortlich. Der signifikante Verlust der all-E-Isomere der bei 87 °C erhitzten Proben von Eigelb und Granula war vermutlich durch 13-Z-Isomerisierungen und oxidative Degradationen der Xanthophylle bedingt. Marginale Veränderungen der Xanthophylle basierten vermutlich darauf, dass die multifaktoriellen Einflüsse bei der Erhitzung einander kompensierten. Die Erhitzung bei 67 °C bedingte zudem aufgrund der weitgehenden Erhaltung der Lipoproteine ähnliche Xanthophyll-Gehalte wie bei den unerhitzten Proben. Bei der Gefriertrocknung führten die Strukturentfaltung der Lipoproteine unter Abspaltung der Lipide und die abtrocknungsbedingte Oberflächenvergrößerung zu signifikanten Zunahmen der Xanthophylle bei Plasma und Granula. Dies bestätigte sich für gefriergetrocknetes Eigelb vermutlich aufgrund von oxidativen Degradationen und Aggregationen der Xanthophylle nicht. Unterschiedliche Massenkonzentrationsänderungen der Xanthophylle im Vergleich der beiden Chargen wurden mit unterschiedlichen Anteilen an ungesättigten Fettsäuren erklärt. Die charakteristischen Anteile an Proteinen und Lipoproteinen, deren Gelbildungseigenschaften und die Lipidkomposition der Lipoproteine sowie die methodisch bedingte Verdünnung von Plasma waren vermutlich für die bei Granula, Plasma und Eigelb differierenden Massenkonzentrationsänderungen der Xanthophylle verantwortlich. Die Ergebnisse ließen eine höhere 13-Z-Isomerisierungsneigung von all-E-Lutein im Vergleich zu all-E-Zeaxanthin vermuten.


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This study uses data from a sample survey of 200 households drawn from a mountainous commune in Vietnam’s North Central Coast region to measure and explain relative poverty. Principal components analysis is used to construct a multidimensional index of poverty outcomes from variables measuring household income and the value of domestic assets. This index of poverty is then regressed on likely causes of poverty including different forms of resource endowment and social exclusion defined by gender and ethnicity. The ordinary least squares estimates indicate that poverty is indeed influenced by ethnicity, partly through its interaction with social capital. However, poverty is most strongly affected by differences in human and social capital. Differences in the amount of livestock and high quality farmland owned also matter. Thai households are poorer than their Kinh counterparts even when endowed with the same levels of human, social, physical and natural capital considered in the study. This empirical result provides a rationale for further research on the causal relationship between ethnicity and poverty outcomes.


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Provision of credit has being identified as an important instrument for improving the welfare of smallholder farmers directly and for enhancing productive capacity through financing investment by the farmers in their human and physical capital. This study investigated the individual and household characteristics that influence credit market access in Amathole District Municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, using a cross sectional data from smallholder farmers’ household survey. The aim is to provide a better understanding of the households’ level socio-economic characteristics, not only because they influence household’s demand for credit but also due to the fact that potential lenders are most likely to base their assessment of borrowers’ creditworthiness on such characteristics. The results of the logistic regression suggest that credit market access was significantly influenced by variables such as gender, education, households’ income, value of assets, savings, dependency ratio, repayment capacity and social capital. Implications for rural credit delivery are discussed.


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Poor adaptation to climate change is a major threat to sustainable rice production in Nigeria. Determinants of appropriate climate-change adaptation strategies used by rice farmers in Southwestern Nigeria have not been fully investigated. In this study, the determinants of climate change adaptation strategies used by rice farmers in Southwestern Nigeria were investigated. Data were obtained through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and field survey conducted in the study areas. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as percentage and regression analysis. The major climate change adaptation strategies used by the respondents included; planting improved rice variety such as Federal Agricultural Research Oryza (FARO) (80.5 %), seeking early warning information (80.9 %), shifting planting date until the weather condition was favourable (99.1 %), and using chemical fertilizer on their farms in order to maintain soil fertility (20.5 %). The determinants of climate change adaptation strategies used by the farmers, included access to early warning information (β=43.04), access to fertilizer (β=5.78), farm plot size (β=–12.04) and access to regular water supply (β=–24.79). Climate change adaptation required provision of incentives to farmers, training on drought and flood control, and the use of improved technology to obtain higher yield.


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Accurate data of the natural conditions and agricultural systems with a good spatial resolution are a key factor to tackle food insecurity in developing countries. A broad variety of approaches exists to achieve precise data and information about agriculture. One system, especially developed for smallholder agriculture in East Africa, is the Farm Management Handbook of Kenya. It was first published in 1982/83 and fully revised in 2012, now containing 7 volumes. The handbooks contain detailed information on climate, soils, suitable crops and soil care based on scientific research results of the last 30 years. The density of facts leads to time consuming extraction of all necessary information. In this study we analyse the user needs and necessary components of a system for decision support for smallholder farming in Kenya based on a geographical information system (GIS). Required data sources were identified, as well as essential functions of the system. We analysed the results of our survey conducted in 2012 and early 2013 among agricultural officers. The monitoring of user needs and the problem of non-adaptability of an agricultural information system on the level of extension officers in Kenya are the central objectives. The outcomes of the survey suggest the establishment of a decision support tool based on already available open source GIS components. The system should include functionalities to show general information for a specific location and should provide precise recommendations about suitable crops and management options to support agricultural guidance on farm level.


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The extent of physical and economic postharvest losses at different stages of cassava value chains has been estimated in four countries that differ considerably in the way cassava is cultivated, processed and consumed and in the relationships and linkages among the value chain actors. Ghana incurs by far the highest losses because a high proportion of roots reach the consumers in the fresh form. Most losses occur at the last stage of the value chain. In Nigeria and Vietnam processors incur most of the losses while in Thailand most losses occur during harvesting. Poorer countries incur higher losses despite their capacity to absorb sub-standard products (therefore transforming part of the physical losses into economic losses) and less strict buyer standards. In monetary terms the impact of losses is particularly severe in Ghana and estimated at about half a billion US dollar per annum while in the other countries it is at the most about USD 50 million. This comparison shows that there are no “one-size-fits-all" solutions for addressing postharvest losses but rather these must be tailor-made to the specific characteristics of the different value chains.


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The aims of the current study were 1) to investigate the effects of some environmental factors on lactation curve traits (LCTs) including initial milk yield (A), peak yield (PY), days to attain peak yield (PD), inclining- and declining slope of lactation (B and C, respectively), persistency (Per), and 240-d milk yield, and 2) to estimate pairwise phenotypic correlations between these traits in two Iranian buffalo ecotypes (Khuzestani and Azeri buffaloes). The dataset consisted of 15396 and 9283 lactations from 6632 Khuzestani and 3558 Azeri buffaloes, respectively (collected during 1992–2009). The results revealed that almost all of the factors had significant effects on the majority of the LCTs, whereby age group, parity and season of calving had greater influence on 240-d milk yield and PY than the other LCTs in both of the ecotypes. These effects were more apparent in Khuzestani buffaloes than in Azeri buffaloes. In the Khuzestani ecotype, the LCTs were significantly correlated with each other. However, in the Azeri ecotype the 240-d milk yield showed no significant relationship with parameters B, PD and Per. In conclusion, the studied factors play an important role in determining both the shape of the lactation curve and the overal performance of Iranian dairy buffaloes.


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This research work aimed at investigating the physiological mechanisms of tolerance of pearl millet to low soil Phosphorus availability and drought under the Sahelian conditions.


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This research project focuses on contemporary eagle-taming falconry practice of the Altaic Kazakhs animal herding society in Bayan Ulgii Province in Western Mongolia. It aims to contributing both theoretical and empirical criteria for cultural preservation of Asian falconry. This cultural as well as environmental discourse is illustrated with concentrated field research framed by ecological anthropology and ethno-ornithology from the viewpoint of “Human-Animal Interaction (HAI)” and “Human-Animal Behavior (HAB)”. Part I (Chapter 2 & 3) explores ethno-archaeological and ethno-ornithological dimensions by interpretive research of archaeological artefacts which trace the historical depth of Asian falconry culture. Part II (Chapter 4 & 5) provides an extensive ethnographic narrative of Altaic Kazakh falconry, which is the central part of this research project. The “Traditional Art and Knowledge (TAK)” in human-raptor interactions, comprising the entire cycle of capture, perch, feeding, training, hunting, and release, is presented with specific emphasis on its relation to environmental and societal context. Traditional falconry as integral part of a nomadic lifestyle has to face some critical problems nowadays which necessitate preventing the complete disappearance of this outstanding indigenous cultural heritage. Part III (Chapter 6 & 7) thus focuses on the cultural sustainability of Altaic Kazakh falconry. Changing livelihoods, sedentarisation, and decontextualisation are identified as major threats. The role of Golden Eagle Festivals is critically analysed with regard to positive and negative impact. This part also intends to contribute to the academic definition of eagle falconry as an intangible cultural heritage, and to provide scientific criteria for a preservation master plan, as well as stipulate local resilience by pointing to successive actions needed for conservation. This research project concludes that cultural sustainability of Altaic Kazakh falconry needs to be supported from the angles of three theoretical frameworks; (1) Cultural affairs for protection based on the concept of nature-guardianship in its cultural domain, (2) Sustainable development and improvement of animal herding productivity and herder’s livelihood, (3) Natural resource management, especially supporting the population of Golden Eagles, their potential prey animals, and their nesting environment.


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The Khaling Rai live in a remote area of the mountain region of Nepal. Subsistence farming is central to their livelihood strategy, the sustainability of which was examined in this study. The sustainable livelihood approach was identified as a suitable theoretical framework to analyse the assets of the Khaling Rai. A baseline study was conducted using indicators to assess the outcome of the livelihood strategies under the three pillars of sustainability – economic, social and environmental. Relationships between key factors were analysed. The outcome showed that farming fulfils their basic need of food security, with self-sufficiency in terms of seeds, organic fertilisers and tools. Agriculture is almost totally non-monitized: crops are grown mainly for household consumption. However, the crux faced by the Khaling Rai community is the need to develop high value cash crops in order to improve their livelihoods while at the same time maintaining food security. Institutional support in this regard was found to be lacking. At the same time there is declining soil fertility and an expanding population, which results in smaller land holdings. The capacity to absorb risk is inhibited by the small size of the resource base and access only to small local markets. A two-pronged approach is recommended. Firstly, the formation of agricultural cooperative associations in the area. Secondly, through them the selection of key personnel to be put forward for training in the adoption of improved low-cost technologies for staple crops and in the introduction of appropriate new cash crops.


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This paper examines the strategies and techniques researched and implemented by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in villages in the vicinity of Doi Mae Salong in Chiang Rai Province, Thailand. The strategies revolve around the paradigm linking poverty alleviation, conservation and landscape restoration. IUCN and its partners specifically researched and implemented schemes directed toward diversification of the household economy through alternative and sustainable intensified agriculture techniques based on balancing conservation and livelihood objectives. The projects aimed to reduce poverty and build the resilience of smallholders through decentralised governance arrangements including land use planning schemes and stakeholder negotiation. Considering the agro-ecological system on a catchment-wide scale enhances the conceptual understanding of each component, collectively forming a landscape matrix with requisite benefits for biodiversity, smallholder livelihoods and ecosystem services. In particular, the role of enhancing ecosystem services and functions in building socio-ecological resilience to vulnerabilities such as climate and economic variability is paramount in the process.


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Comparing the experiences of selected Latin America and the Caribbean countries and their trajectories over the past 15 years offers rich insights into the dynamics and causes for not meeting the 2015 MDGs. They also offer clues for post-MDG strategies. Central to achieving sustainable growth are government policies able to support small and medium-sized farms and peasants, as they are crucial for the achievement of several goals, centrally: to achieve food security; to provide a sound and stable rural environment able to resist external (financial) shocks; to secure healthy food; to secure local food; and to protect vibrant and culturally rich local communities. This paper analyses and compares the most successful government policies to the least successful policies carried out over the last 15 years in selected Latin American and Caribbean countries and based on this analysis, offers strategies for more promising post-MDG politics, able to reduce poverty, reduce inequality, fight back informality, and achieve more decent work in poor countries.


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In a context of urgent global socio-ecological challenges, the aim of this paper has been to explore the potential of localised and socially connected food systems. More specifically, through a multi-case study of two alternative food networks in the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, their contribution to a sustainable food paradigm has been explored. An important synergy within the networks is how good food is equated with peasant produce, but issues regarding quantity, delivery arrangement, power relations and inclusiveness constitute potential conflicts. Although challenged by unfavourable trends on national and EU levels, the networks are becoming more embedded horizontally, through an intrinsic focus on community in one case and through quality food stimulating good relations in the other case. The networks contribute to a sustainable food paradigm by promoting agroecology, by reclaiming socio-cultural factors of food provisioning and by being part of a (re)-peasantisation process. Exploring how these kinds of initiatives can emerge, be sustained and be developed is of relevance, especially considering their potential for improving the prospects of environmentally sustainable and socially just futures in Romania and beyond.


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This paper is an attempt to map the global land acquisitions with a focus on Indian MNCs in acquiring overseas land for agricultural purposes. It tries to outline the contemporary political economy of capital accumulation at the global level, especially, in the emerging developing economies like India and China, where the emergence of a new capitalist class has engaged itself into acquisition of land and control of other natural resources in Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe and South East Asia, for example, water and other minerals to secure itself from the eventual losses of ongoing economic crisis and to earn profit from the volatile agricultural commodity markets. This sway of control of resources by the MNCs has got paramount State support under the helm of neoliberal policies. The paper provides scale of overseas land acquisitions at the current juncture and tries to highlight its causes and the major implications associated with it.