983 resultados para 367.224
Resumen: La expresión “Laberinto del continuo” se debe a Leibniz. Sin embargo, Leibniz carecía de los instrumentos conceptuales necesarios para tratar el tema adecuadamente. La teoría de conjuntos de Cantor hizo posible resolver el problema del continuo de modo satisfactorio desde el punto de vista conjuntista. Se debe atribuir a R. Dedekind una resolución más cabal del problema. No obstante, el autor sostiene que la concepción de éste último tampoco pone de manifiesto todos los aspectos involucrados en el continuo.
文中介绍了对旋转系统中侵入型异重流特征的若干实验室观察结果,在Coriolis力作用下,异重流取沿岸(壁)流形式,其宽度与其Rossby变形半径成比例,在实验的参数范围内,这种沿岸流均为不稳定的,在其演化过程中产生出气旋——反气旋涡对,乃至与岸壁分离与再附的大弯曲,本文还初步考察了波长、相对厚度与Frou de数之间的关系。
<正> 宇宙万物都在旋转,人类藉以生存的地球就有自旋,进动和公转,它一面自转、一面又和其他行星一起绕太阳公转,整个太阳系一面自转,一面又随银河系在宇宙空间中旋转,所有天体和天体系统都在旋转,天体的旋转是怎样开始的,又怎样演化?旋转到底在天体演化过程中起了什么作用?
Apresenta a Lei 12.852 que institui o Estatuto da Juventude e dispõe sobre os direitos dos jovens, os princípios e diretrizes das políticas públicas de juventude e o Sistema Nacional de Juventude (Sinajuve).
This paper describes the shock propagation through a dilute gas-particle suspension in an aligned baffle system. Numerical solution to two-phase flows induced by a planar shock wave is given based on the two-continuum model with interphase coupling. The governing equations are numerically solved by using high-resolution schemes. The computational results show the shock reflection and diffraction patterns, and the shock-induced flow fields in the 4-baffle system filled with the dusty gas.
Based on the embedded atom method (EAM) proposed by Daw and Baskes and Johnson's model, this paper constructs a new N-body potential for bcc crystal Mo. The procedure of constructing the new N-body potential can be applied to other metals. The dislocation emission from a crack tip has been simulated successfully using molecular dynamics method, the result is in good agreement with the elastic solution.
Relatório de atividades de 2007 da Comissão de Segurança Pública e Combate ao Crime Organizado da Câmara dos Deputados.