993 resultados para 330-U1377A


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Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) has never been reported to form a network structure when subjected to high energy radiation. Results obtained in this work indicates that when irradiation is performed under 330-340-degrees-C in vacuo PTFE can be crosslinked


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本文分别以 KAlF_4:Eu~(2+)和 RbGaF_4:Eu~(2+)为例,讨论了碱金属—镓族复合氟化物中 Eu~(2+)发射中心形成的过程。合成了掺 Eu~(2+)的 AMF_4(A=Na,K,Rb,Cs,M=B,Al,Ga)及 AI_(n2)F_7(A=K,Rb)。Eu~(2+)占据 AMF_4中 A~+格位。AMF_4:Eu~(2+)和 AI_nF_7:Eu~(2+)中,Eu~(2+)发射是锐峰,来源于 f→f 跃迁。Eu~(2+)进入取代格位形成发射中心的过程与中间产物(A_4MF_(?))和激活剂(EuF_2)分解条件有关。由于4f 电子受到良好屏蔽,Eu~(2+)的 f→f 发射峰位置不变。


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Phycobiliproteins, together with linker polypeptides and various chromophores, are basic building blocks of phycobilisomes, a supramolecular complex with a light-harvesting function in cyanobacteria and red algae. Previous studies suggest that the different types of phycobiliproteins and the linker polypeptides originated from the same ancestor. Here we retrieve the phycobilisome-related genes from the well-annotated and even unfinished cyanobacteria genomes and find that many sites with elevated d(N)/d(S) ratios in different phycobiliprotein lineages are located in the chromophore-binding domain and the helical hairpin domains (X and Y). Covariation analyses also reveal that these sites are significantly correlated, showing strong evidence of the functional-structural importance of interactions among these residues. The potential selective pressure driving the diversification of phycobiliproteins may be related to the phycobiliprotein-chromophore microenvironment formation and the subunits interaction. Sites and genes identified here would provide targets for further research on the structural-functional role of these residues and energy transfer through the chromophores.


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A full length amphioxus cDNA, encoding a novel phosducin-like protein (Amphi-PhLP), was identified for the first time from the gut cDNA library of Branchiostoma belcheri. It is comprised of 1 550 bp and an open reading frame (ORF) of 241 amino acids, with a predicted molecular mass of approximately 28 kDa. In situ hybridization histochemistry revealed a tissue-specific expression pattern of Amphi-PhLP with the high levels in the ovary, and at a lower level in the hind gut and testis, hepatic caecum, gill, endostyle, and epipharyngeal groove, while it was absent in the muscle, neural tube and notochord. In the Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells transfected with the expression plasmid pEGFP-N1/Amphi-PhLP, the fusion protein was targeted in the cytoplasm of CHO cells, suggesting that Amphi-PhLP is a cytosolic protein. This work may provide a framework for further understanding of the physiological function of Amphi-PhLP in B. belcheri.


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采用体外药物诱导的方法,研究了5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)诱导的硬壳蛤卵母细胞成熟过程中cAMP信号通路的作用。结果表明,5-HT (0.01—100µM)均能够显著地诱导硬壳蛤卵母细胞的成熟。磷酸二酯酶抑制剂—咖啡因、茶碱和IBMX(3-异丁基-1-甲基黄嘌呤)可以单独抑制卵母细胞的自发成熟,但效果不显著。10mM的咖啡因和茶碱以及5mM的IBMX能够显著地抑制5-HT的诱导效果。dbcAMP(双丁酰基环腺苷一磷酸)不但能够抑制卵母细胞的自发成熟,而且还可以抑制5-HT诱导的成熟。因此,cAMP信号通路参与了5-HT诱导的硬壳蛤卵母细胞的成熟过程,并且该信号通路起着负调控的作用。 研究了PLC(磷脂酶C)和PKC(蛋白激酶C)的激活剂/抑制剂对5-羟色胺诱导的卵母细胞成熟的影响。高浓度的新霉素(PLC抑制剂)可以抑制5-HT诱导的卵母细胞的成熟,而DMBA(9,10-Dimethy-1,2-benzanthracene,9,10–二甲基胆蒽,PLC激活剂)则能够促进成熟。PMA(phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate,佛波十四烷酸乙酸酯,PKC激活剂)能够抑制5-HT诱导的成熟,而Spingosine(PKC抑制剂)则可以促进卵母细胞的成熟。从而推测,5-HT诱导的卵母细胞成熟需要磷脂酰肌醇信号通路的激活。PLC浓度的降低能够抑制5-HT诱导的卵母细胞成熟;PKC浓度的降低则会促进卵母细胞的成熟。因此,在硬壳蛤卵母细胞的成熟过程中,PLC起促进的作用,DAG(二酰肌甘油)–PKC通路则起抑制的作用。 细胞外高浓度Ca2+能够促进硬壳蛤卵母细胞的成熟,Ca2+离子载体A23187也可以促进硬壳蛤卵母细胞的成熟。1-100µM异搏定(Verapamil,钙离子通道阻断剂)能够抑制卵母细胞的成熟,而100µM的Verapamil能够完全抑制其成熟。上述结果表明细胞外Ca2+对硬壳蛤卵母细胞的成熟是必需的,而且起到促进卵母细胞成熟的作用。三氟拉嗪(TFP,Ca2+与CaM结合的拮抗剂)能够抑制卵母细胞的成熟,高浓度的三氟拉嗪(1mM)能够完全抑制卵母细胞的成熟。说明CaM起到促进卵母细胞成熟的作用。可见,Ca2+通过与CaM的相互作用,共同起到促进硬壳蛤卵母细胞成熟的作用。 5-HT诱导成熟的卵母细胞可以完成受精过程,其受精过程以及幼虫发育情况与正常受精发育过程类似,没有显著差异。高浓度的新霉素可以抑制受精过程,而茶碱和咖啡因对受精没有影响。从而推测,磷脂酰肌醇信号通路参与了硬壳蛤卵母细胞的受精过程,而cAMP信号通路可能没有参与受精过程。 发现硬壳蛤的性腺发育与我国常见的双壳类如泥蚶相似。硬壳蛤卵母细胞中卵黄粒主要由线粒体、高尔基液泡、内质网和微吞饮泡形成。


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本研究以中国对虾为材料,以杂交育种和选择育种为目标,进行了系统的中国对虾杂交育种试验、生长性状遗传参数试验及其分子遗传连锁图谱的构建工作。结果表明以不同地理群体杂交作为基础群体,然后采用系统的选择育种方法可以获得较好的选择效果。构建的遗传连锁图谱为中国对虾分子辅助育种提供一定的基础。这些试验结果为中国对虾合理系统的育种工作提供了理论基础和数据支持。其具体结果如下: 1. 试验对中国对虾黄渤海水域乳山湾群体(WYP)和朝鲜半岛南海群体(WKN)的2个群体及其杂交后代不同月龄生长情况和存活率进行了研究,测量体长(TL)、头胸甲长(CL)、头胸甲宽(CW)、第2、3腹节高(HST)、第2、3腹节宽(WST)、体重(BW)和存活率共7个性状,计算各项指标的杂种优势率,并对各性状进行了方差分析和多重比较。其3月龄生长情况和存活率研究结果表明,存活率在乳山湾群体(WYP♀)× 朝鲜半岛南海群体(WKN♂)杂交后代出现杂种劣势外,其他指标都表现出不同程度的杂种优势(4.37%~23.96% )。除了存活率外,杂交后代生长性状均显著高于亲本,乳山湾群体(WYP♀)×朝鲜半岛南海群体(WKN♂)杂交后代高于朝鲜半岛南海群体(WKN♀)× 乳山湾群体(WYP♂)杂交后代,黄渤海水域乳山湾群体高于朝鲜半岛南海群体后代。为确定测量性状与中国对虾体重的相关程度,建立了用体长(X1),头胸甲宽(X2),第2、3腹节宽(X3),头胸甲长(X4),第2、3腹节高(X5)估计体重的多元回归方程:Y = -2.056 + 0.03X1 + 0.076X2 + 0.078X3 + 0.033X4 + 0.043X5。 2. 中国对虾黄渤海水域乳山湾群体(WYP)和朝鲜半岛南海群体(WKN)2个群体及其杂交后代在4月龄时期的6个生长指标和存活率的杂种优势范围在0.514%到14.95%之间,WYP♀×WKN♂杂交后代在这7个指标中都高于WKN♀×WYP♂杂交后代。5月龄杂交后代也表现出一定程度的杂种优势,其范围在-9.000%~19.090%之间,但头胸甲长、第2、3腹节处高和存活率3个指标出现杂种劣势。不同杂交组合各个阶段生长发育情况和存活率在杂种优势表现出一定的规律。随着月龄的增加,WKN♀×WYP♂杂交后代杂种优势率有所增加,而WYP♀×WKN♂杂交后代的却有所降低。ANOVA分析结果表明,杂交后代在存活率方面与双亲差异不显著。4月龄的分析结果发现杂交后代在WST和BW这2个指标上存在显著差异。LSD多重比较结果显示,WYP♀×WKN♂杂交后代在BW指标上与亲本存在显著差异,在WST指标方面与其他3个组合的后代差异显著。5月龄的数据分析结果发现,杂交后代除体重存在显著差异外,其他各项指标差异均不显著。LSD多重比较结果发现,WKN♀×WYP♂杂交后代体重与其亲本WKN存在显著差异。 3. 对2个野生群体——朝鲜半岛南海岸群体(WKN)和黄渤海群体(WYP)和3个养殖群体——朝鲜半岛群体的养殖一代(FKN),黄海1号(HH1)和即抗98(JK98)进行杂交试验的研究,结果表明JK98 (♀)  WKN (♂)组合在存活率方面最高,其余的依次为WYP (♀) WKN (♂),WKN (♀) WYP (♂),FKN (♀)HH1 (♂) 和 WYP (♀) FKN (♂)。而在体重方面FKN(♀)  HH1(♂)组合最高,其余的依次为WKN (♀) WYP (♂),WYP (♀) WKN (♂),WYP (♀)FKN (♂) 和 JK98 (♀)WKN (♂)。在所有生长性状方面,JK98 (♀)  WKN (♂)在5个组合中是最低的。方差检测结果表明,TL、CL、HST、LL和BW这5个指标在不同组合间存在差异,而其他指标不存在差异。多重比较结果发现JK98 (♀)WKN (♂)组合的TL与其他组合间差异极显著,HST指标与WKN (♀) WYP (♂),FKN(♀)  HH1(♂)和 WYP (♀)  WKN (♂)这3个组合差异显著,BW指标与WKN (♀) WYP (♂) 和 FKN(♀)  HH1(♂)差异显著。 4. 通过人工授精的方法建立了中国对虾21个半同胞家系,测量了中国对虾21个半同胞(46个全同胞)家系的TL、CL、CW、HST、WST、第1腹节长(FL)、第6腹节长(LL)。利用MTDFREML软件得到生长性状遗传力在0.15~0.35之间,属于中度遗传力范围。TL的遗传力为0.34±0.071,CL的为0.30±0.070,CW为0.35±0.077,WST为0.33±0.073,HST为0.33±0.073,FL的最低为0.15±0.044,LL的为0.24±0.059。各个性状间表现出高的正相关,其中CW和TL以及HST的遗传相关最大,FL和WST的遗传相关最小。 通过以上杂交育种和选择育种的研究,认为单纯的依靠杂交育种来改善中国对虾的育种工作可能具有一定的局限性。所以在实际的育种过程中,以中国对虾不同群体的杂交后代作为基础群体,并以此为基础进行系统的选择育种应该具有更大的潜力。 5. 本试验利用中国对虾F2群体和AFLP分子标记技术进行了遗传连锁图谱的构建。利用55对AFLP引物组合对F2家系的110个个体进行了研究,结果检测到532个符合作图策略的AFLP标记。利用卡方检验检测分离位点是否符合孟德尔分离定律。对于符合3:1比例的分离位点利用F2自交模型构建性别平均连锁图谱,对于符合1:1比例的分离位点利用拟测交理论分别构建中国对虾的雌性和雄性遗传连锁图谱。雌性、雄性和性别平均遗传图谱分别有28、35和44个连锁群,图谱实际长度分别为1090、1617和1772.1 cM。中国对虾遗传连锁图谱估计基因组长度为2420 cM,符合与人类基因组相比的对虾类基因组长度。中国对虾雄性遗传连锁图谱比雌性遗传连锁图谱长32.6%,这可能说明中国对虾不同性别存在不同的重组率。通过皮尔逊相关系数检测认为AFLP标记在中国对虾图谱上分布均匀。本文利用AFLP标记构建的中国对虾遗传连锁图谱为中国对虾基因组研究和遗传改良提供一定的基础,同时也应该开发微卫星等共显性标记,为遗传连锁图谱的整合提供条件。


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本文通过胶州湾围隔实验、微藻培养实验研究了海洋微藻产生溶解有机物的三维荧光特性,并初步利用经验正交函数对三维荧光光谱图进行了主成分分析,通过东海取样研究了东海荧光溶解有机物的时空分布特征,并对荧光溶解有机物的来源进行了分析。得到了一些初步结论: 胶州湾围隔实验中不同营养盐培养结果表明浮游植物可产生类蛋白和类腐殖质荧光,类蛋白荧光峰由类酪氨酸(tyrosine-like)荧光峰和类色氨酸(tryptophan-like)荧光峰组成,主要位置为Exmax/Emmax=270nm/290~310nm,Exmax/Emmax= 270~290/320~350的荧光峰强度比较弱;在Exmax/Emmax=250~260/380~480nm(A峰)、Exmax/Emmax=310~320/380~420nm(C峰)和Exmax/Emmax=330~350/420~480nm(M峰)位置均出现零散的类腐殖质荧光峰,其中以A峰为主。类酪氨酸荧光强度明显高于类腐殖质荧光强度。浮游植物量降低时,类酪氨酸荧光强度与叶绿素a浓度呈明显的负相关。硅藻和甲藻产生的类酪氨酸和类色氨酸荧光强度之间具有较好的相关性,两者来源相似, 并且甲藻与硅藻相比能够产生更多的类蛋白荧光物质。不同环境下类腐殖质混合物的组分比例不同,甲藻生长环境下相对于硅藻具有较低的A:C比值。 在实验室培养中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense)、微小亚历山大藻(Alexandrium mimutum)、锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)、东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)及海洋原甲藻(Prorocentrum micans)的实验结果表明,微藻在生长过程中产生出荧光溶解有机物,中肋骨条藻为代表的硅藻主要产生类腐殖质荧光物质,而甲藻在指数增长期主要产生类蛋白荧光物质。进入消亡期后类蛋白荧光和类腐殖质荧光强度迅速增大,原因可能是衰老、死亡藻细胞的破碎释放出大量的荧光有机物质所致,此外还有细菌对非荧光有机物进一步降解。塔玛亚历山大藻、微小亚历山大藻、东海原甲藻及海洋原甲藻的类蛋白荧光强度在消亡后期由于细菌降解或光降解等因素而降低。同属微藻产生的荧光物质相似,例如塔玛亚历山大藻与微小亚历山藻、东海原甲藻与海洋原甲藻,但具体荧光峰位置有所不同。利用经验正交函数能够对三维荧光光谱谱图进行主成份分析。 在利用三维荧光光谱法研究长江口海域台风前后不同站位荧光溶解有机物荧光特性及分布特征的结果表明,长江口海区主要的荧光溶解有机物荧光峰为T峰、S峰和A峰。风前和风后的类色氨酸分别来源于相似物质。风前,在表层浮游植物能够产生类蛋白荧光物质,而底层类蛋白荧光物质不受浮游植物的影响,长江冲淡水能够带来部分类蛋白荧光物质;表层的类腐殖质不受浮游植物的影响,而底层的浮游植物在降解过程中能够产生一部分类腐殖质,并且长江冲淡水对表层和底层的类腐殖质来源均有很大贡献。风后,表层的类色氨酸与叶绿素a浓度不呈相关性,而底层却呈正相关,另外表层和底层的类色氨酸均受到长江冲淡水的影响;表层和底层的类腐殖质与叶绿素a均没有相关性,但受陆源影响显著,长江冲淡水能带来类腐殖质。


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Fluorescence excitation-emission spectroscopy (EEMS) was employed to analyze the 3-dimensional fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in the East China Sea after diatom red tide dispersion. The relationships between fluorescence peak intensity, and salinity and chlorophyll-a were discussed. The centers of protein-like fluorescence peaks dispersed at Ex(max)/Em(max) = 270-280/290-315 nm (Peak B), 220-230/290-305 nm (Peak D), 230-240/335-350 nm(Peak S)and 280/320 nm(Peak T). Two humic-like peaks appeared at 255-270/435-480 nm (Peak A) and 330-350/420-480 nm(Peak C). High tyrosine-like intensity was observed in diatom red tide dispersion area, and tryptophan-like fluorescence was also found which was lower. High FIB/FIS showed that diatom red tide produced much tyrosine-like matter during dispersion. Peaks S, A and C had positive correlation with one another, and their distributions were similar, which decreased with distance increasing away from the shore. Good negative correlations between peaks S, A and C and salinity suggested that Jiangsu-Zhejiang coastal water was the same source of then-L Correlations between fluorescence peak intensity and chlorophyll-a were not remarkable enough to clear the relationship between fluorescence and living algal matter. It was supposed that the living algal matter contributed little to the fluorescence intensity of algal dispersion seawater.


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Metabolic characteristics of the sea cucumber Aposticholpus japonicus (Selenka) during aestivation were studied in the laboratory. The effects of water temperature on oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and ammonia-N excretion rate (AER) in A. japonicus were determined by the Winkler and Hypobromite methods, respectively. Mature (large, 148.5 +/- 15.4 g, medium 69.3 +/- 6.9 g) and immature (small, 21.2 +/- 4.7 g) individuals aestivated at water temperatures of 20 and 25 degrees C, respectively. The metabolic characteristics of mature individuals were different from immature individuals during this period. The OCR of mature sea cucumbers peaked at 20 degrees C, and then dropped significantly at higher temperatures, whereas the OCR of the immature animals continued to increase slightly, even beyond the aestivation temperature. The AER of mature individuals peaked at 20 T, while that of the immature animals peaked at 25 degrees C. The relationships between dry weight (DW) and absolute oxygen consumption (R) and absolute ammonia-N excretion (N) could be described by the regression equation R or N=aW(b). With the exception of 15 degrees C, the O/N ratios (calculated in atomic equivalents) of large size sea cucumbers was close to 20 across the temperatures used in this study, indicating that their energy Source was a combination of lipid and protein. Oil the other hand, apart from small individuals maintained at 10 degrees C, the O/N ratios of the medium and small sea Cucumbers were close to 10, indicating that protein was their major energy source. The O/N ratios in all size groups remained unchanged after aestivation was initiated. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three F-1 families of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, were produced from one, two and 10 individuals. The genetic changes in these populations, which suffered recent and different levels of bottleneck, were analysed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) techniques. In the parental stock, a total of 330 bands were detected using seven AFLP primer pairs, and 70% of the loci were polymorphic. All F-1 groups had a significantly lower proportion of polymorphic loci when compared with the initial stock, and loss of the rare loci and reduction in heterozygosity both occurred. The progeny of the larger population (i.e., N=10) exhibited a lesser amount of genetic differentiation compared with the progeny from N=2, which showed lesser differentiation than progeny from N=1. The effective population sizes (N-e) in N=1, 2 and 10 were estimated as 1.50, 1.61 and 2.49. Based on regression analysis, we recommend that at least 340 individuals be used in hatchery populations to maintain genetic variation.


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A2 x 2 factorial cross between two populations of Pacific abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino, collected separately from Dalian (D) in China and Miyagi (M) in Japan, was conducted to compare performances in fertilization rate, hatching rate, metamorphosis rate and growth at days 20, 43, 160 and 330 between purebreds (DD and MM) and crossbreds (DM and MD) and investigate the magnitude of heterobeltiosis (better parent) and heterosis (mid-parent). Heterobeltiosis and heterosis for all the traits analyzed were evidently different between crossbreds DM and MD. Heterobeltiosis in the crossbred DM varied among traits, with values of 2.5% for the fertilization rate, 2.2% for the hatching rate, -1.9% for the metamorphosis rate and 7.4% for the growth at the (lay 330. The crossbred DM displayed positive heterotic values for fertilization rate (5.4%), hatching rate (7.4%), metamorphosis rate (7.6%) and growth (12.0%) at the day 330. However, both heterobeltiosis and heterosis for all the traits in the crossbred MD were negative except those for the growth at days 20 and 43. The results indicate the importance of selecting superior hybrid varieties if the exploitation of hybrid vigor is considered in the Pacific abalone breeding program.


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建立了藏药短管兔耳草中松果菊苷和麦角甾苷含量的高效液相色谱分析法.采用Waters XTerra RP18色谱柱(150mm×4.6 mm,5μm),以甲醇-1%冰醋酸溶液(28:72,V:V)为流动相,流速1.0 mL/min,检测波长330 nm,柱温30℃,在20 min内分离检测了该两种化合物.松果菊苷和麦角甾苷进样量分别在0.077~4.950μg(r=0.999 9)和0.085~5.450μg(r=0.999 9)内呈良好线性,平均加样回收率分别为98.35%和92.50%,RSD分别为2.35%和2.86%.所建立的方法简便、快捷、结果准确可靠,重现性好,可用于藏药短管兔耳草的质量控制,并为兔耳草属植物中苯丙素苷类化合物的分离分析提供一定的参考.