1000 resultados para 325-M0042A
Os maiores exportadores de cereais são empresas americanas que, entre 2002 e 2006, efectuavam metade das exportações mundiais de milho, mais de oitenta por cento do arroz e um quarto do trigo. Apesar de estas exportações não representarem mais de 12% da produção mundial, o domínio exercido por estas empresas sobre a cadeia de valor da produção alimentar torna-as os actores mais influentes dos mercados, tanto de alimentos processados, como de cereais. Os pequenos estados, como São Tomé e Príncipe e Cabo Verde estão dependentes do abastecimento alimentar e são vulneráveis às variações dos preços que afectam o seu rendimento nacional e o bem-estar das comunidades locais. Surpreendentemente, o impacto no mercado local da subida internacional dos preços dos produtos alimentares, entre 2003 e 2008, foi menor que a que seria de esperar face à magnitude da variação dos preços internacionais. Tal observação permite reconhecer a importância do estudo dos factores internos que resistem às ameaças da conjuntura externa, em particular, aquelas que podem ameaçar as condições de vida das comunidades mais vulneráveis
Abstract OBJECTIVE To analyze the evidences of construct validity of the Katz Index for the retrospective assessment of activities of daily living (ADL) by informants, to assist neuropathological studies in the elderly. METHOD A cross-sectional study analyzed the functional ability of ADL measure by the Katz Index, of 650 cases randomly selected from the Brazilian Brain Bank of the Ageing Brain Study Group (BBBABSG) database. Sample was divided in two subsamples for the analysis (N=325, each) and then stratified according to cognitive decline assessed by the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR). Factor analyses with calculations of internal consistency and invariance were performed. RESULTS Factor analysis evidenced a unidimensional instrument with optimal internal consistency, in all subgroups. Goodness of fit indices were obtained after two treatments of covariance, indicating adequacy of the scale for assessing ADL by informants. The scale is invariant to cognitive decline meaning that it can be used for subjects with or without cognitive impairment. CONCLUSION Katz Index is valid for the retrospective assessment of basic ADL by informants, with optimal reliability.
RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar o quadro quanti-qualitativo médio de profissionais de enfermagem em serviço nas unidades médico-cirúrgicas de três hospitais gerais, públicos e de ensino, do município de São Paulo frente ao quadro médio projetado, segundo parâmetros da Resolução Cofen nº 293/04 e mensurar o custo médio dos quadros em serviço e projetado. Método Estudo quantitativo, exploratório descritivo, com coleta prospectiva de dados. Resultados Na maioria das unidades estudadas o quadro de profissionais de enfermagem está quantitativamente adequado. Em duas Instituições a proporção de enfermeiras é inferior ao preconizado pelo Cofen. O ajuste quali-quantitativo do quadro representaria acréscimo mensal de R$ 141.325,92 para o Hospital A; R$ 138.988,80 para o Hospital B e redução de R$ 99.028,00 para o Hospital C. Conclusão A principal contribuição deste estudo reside na proposição de um método para avaliação quali-quantitativa do quadro de profissionais de enfermagem, bem como para determinação do custo médio de sua adequação.
Genes underlying mutant phenotypes can be isolated by combining marker discovery, genetic mapping and resequencing, but a more straightforward strategy for mapping mutations would be the direct comparison of mutant and wild-type genomes. Applying such an approach, however, is hampered by the need for reference sequences and by mutational loads that confound the unambiguous identification of causal mutations. Here we introduce NIKS (needle in the k-stack), a reference-free algorithm based on comparing k-mers in whole-genome sequencing data for precise discovery of homozygous mutations. We applied NIKS to eight mutants induced in nonreference rice cultivars and to two mutants of the nonmodel species Arabis alpina. In both species, comparing pooled F2 individuals selected for mutant phenotypes revealed small sets of mutations including the causal changes. Moreover, comparing M3 seedlings of two allelic mutants unambiguously identified the causal gene. Thus, for any species amenable to mutagenesis, NIKS enables forward genetics without requiring segregating populations, genetic maps and reference sequences.
The alpha1-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine stimulated phospholipase D (PLD) activity in Rat 1 fibroblasts transfected to express either the wild-type hamster alpha1B-adrenoceptor or a constitutively active mutant (CAM) form of this receptor. The EC50 for agonist stimulation of PLD activity was substantially lower at the CAM receptor than at the wild-type receptor as previously noted for phenylephrine stimulation of phosphoinositidase C activity. Sustained treatment of cells expressing the CAM alpha1B-adrenoceptor with phentolamine resulted in a marked up-regulation in levels of this receptor with half-maximal effects produced within 24 h and with an EC50 of approx. 40 nM. Such an up-regulation could be produced with a range of other ligands generally viewed as alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonists but equivalent treatment of cells expressing the wild-type alpha1B-adrenoceptor was unable to mimic these effects. After sustained treatment of the CAM alpha1B-adrenoceptor expressing cells with phentolamine, basal PLD activity was increased and phenylephrine was now able to stimulate PLD activity to greater levels than in vehicle-treated CAM alpha1B-adrenoceptor-expressing cells. The EC50 for phenylephrine stimulation of PLD activity was not altered, however, by phentolamine pretreatment and the associated up-regulation of the receptor. After phentolamine-induced up-regulation of basal PLD activity, a range of alpha1-antagonists were shown to possess the characteristics of inverse agonists of the CAM alpha1B-adrenoceptor as they were able to substantially decrease the elevated basal PLD activity.
Adults and larvae of coccinellids were observed feeding on populations of the giant conifer aphids Cinara spp. on Pinus spp., in Southern Brazil. The objective of this research is to evaluate the consumption capacity of Cycloneda sanguinea (Linnaeus, 1763) and Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville, 1842 (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) on these aphid species, in order to obtain information for biological control programs. Ten larvae of each predator species were fed with aphids of small size (nymphs of 1st and 2nd instars), and 10 with aphids of medium size (nymphs of 3rd and 4th instars), maintained under 15ºC, 20ºC and 25ºC, 12 h photophase and 70 ± 10% relative humidity. The aphids were counted every 24 hours, replacing those that were consumed. The total consumption of Cinara by the larvae of C. sanguinea was not statistically different at the three temperatures: 325.5; 322.2 and 324.8 of small aphids and 121.3; 140.4 and 109.9 of medium ones, respectively at 15ºC, 20ºC and 25ºC. The consumption by H. convergens was higher than by C. sanguinea and increased noticeably with temperature: 444 aphids at 15ºC; 491.3 at 20ºC and 513.3 at 25ºC, considering the small aphids, and 187.1; 205.1 and 216.6 of medium aphids at the three temperatures. The small aphids weigh about half as much as medium ones and were preferred by all larval instars probably because they are easier to manipulate than the large ones. Both predators, especially the 4th instar larvae, showed high consumption capacity on the Cinara nymphs at all temperatures and can be regarded as promising biological control agents.
Collegi Societatis Jesu Colonia. Ex-libris
Organizations often face the challenge of communicating their strategiesto local decision makers. The difficulty presents itself in finding away to measure performance wich meaningfully conveys how to implement theorganization's strategy at local levels. I show that organizations solvethis communication problem by combining performance measures in such away that performance gains come closest to mimicking value-added asdefined by the organization's strategy. I further show how organizationsrebalance performance measures in response to changes in their strategies.Applications to the design of performance metrics, gaming, and divisionalperformance evaluation are considered. The paper also suggests severalempirical ways to evaluate the practical importance of the communicationrole of measurement systems.