929 resultados para 3-D screening
There is a sparse number of credible source models available from large-magnitude past earthquakes. A stochastic source model generation algorithm thus becomes necessary for robust risk quantification using scenario earthquakes. We present an algorithm that combines the physics of fault ruptures as imaged in laboratory earthquakes with stress estimates on the fault constrained by field observations to generate stochastic source models for large-magnitude (Mw 6.0-8.0) strike-slip earthquakes. The algorithm is validated through a statistical comparison of synthetic ground motion histories from a stochastically generated source model for a magnitude 7.90 earthquake and a kinematic finite-source inversion of an equivalent magnitude past earthquake on a geometrically similar fault. The synthetic dataset comprises of three-component ground motion waveforms, computed at 636 sites in southern California, for ten hypothetical rupture scenarios (five hypocenters, each with two rupture directions) on the southern San Andreas fault. A similar validation exercise is conducted for a magnitude 6.0 earthquake, the lower magnitude limit for the algorithm. Additionally, ground motions from the Mw7.9 earthquake simulations are compared against predictions by the Campbell-Bozorgnia NGA relation as well as the ShakeOut scenario earthquake. The algorithm is then applied to generate fifty source models for a hypothetical magnitude 7.9 earthquake originating at Parkfield, with rupture propagating from north to south (towards Wrightwood), similar to the 1857 Fort Tejon earthquake. Using the spectral element method, three-component ground motion waveforms are computed in the Los Angeles basin for each scenario earthquake and the sensitivity of ground shaking intensity to seismic source parameters (such as the percentage of asperity area relative to the fault area, rupture speed, and risetime) is studied.
Under plausible San Andreas fault earthquakes in the next 30 years, modeled using the stochastic source algorithm, the performance of two 18-story steel moment frame buildings (UBC 1982 and 1997 designs) in southern California is quantified. The approach integrates rupture-to-rafters simulations into the PEER performance based earthquake engineering (PBEE) framework. Using stochastic sources and computational seismic wave propagation, three-component ground motion histories at 636 sites in southern California are generated for sixty scenario earthquakes on the San Andreas fault. The ruptures, with moment magnitudes in the range of 6.0-8.0, are assumed to occur at five locations on the southern section of the fault. Two unilateral rupture propagation directions are considered. The 30-year probabilities of all plausible ruptures in this magnitude range and in that section of the fault, as forecast by the United States Geological Survey, are distributed among these 60 earthquakes based on proximity and moment release. The response of the two 18-story buildings hypothetically located at each of the 636 sites under 3-component shaking from all 60 events is computed using 3-D nonlinear time-history analysis. Using these results, the probability of the structural response exceeding Immediate Occupancy (IO), Life-Safety (LS), and Collapse Prevention (CP) performance levels under San Andreas fault earthquakes over the next thirty years is evaluated.
Furthermore, the conditional and marginal probability distributions of peak ground velocity (PGV) and displacement (PGD) in Los Angeles and surrounding basins due to earthquakes occurring primarily on the mid-section of southern San Andreas fault are determined using Bayesian model class identification. Simulated ground motions at sites within 55-75km from the source from a suite of 60 earthquakes (Mw 6.0 − 8.0) primarily rupturing mid-section of San Andreas fault are considered for PGV and PGD data.
We report an alternative medium of transparent upconverting colloid containing lanthanide ion doped NaYF4 nanocrystals for three-dimensional (3D) volumetric display. The colloids exhibit tunable upconversion luminescence with a wide spectrum of colors by adjusting the doping concentrations of the nanocrystals and the compositions of the colloids. Our preliminary experimental result indicates that an upconverting colloid-based 3D volumetric display using a convergent, near infrared laser beam to induce a localized luminescent spot near the focus is technically feasible. Therefore arbitrary 3D objects can be created inside the upconverting colloid by use of computer controlled 3D scanning systems. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America
Este artículo forma parte de la investigación realizada en el marco de la tesis de licenciatura de su autora: "La red viaria romana en el norte de Burgos. Valles de Mena, Losa y Sotoscueva. Vía Pisoraca- Flauiobriga. Via Flauiobriga-Iuliobriga. Vías secundarias", leída en el Departamento de Estudios Clásicos de la Facultad de Filología, Geografía e Historia de la UPV/EHU el 9 de octubre de 1996.
An account is given of the current situation regarding the lake fisheries and fish culture practices in China. The modern lake fisheries take advantage of the 3-D spaces of lakes to fully develop the resources. Currently, the fisheries concentrate on the following 3 aspects: bringing the water body into full play; various types of aquaculture enclosures; and selective measures in resources protection, stocking and aquaculture.
翠雀属Delphinium L.是毛茛科中的一个大属,全世界有300-400 余种,广布于北半球温带地区。我国是世界上记载翠雀属植物种类最多的国家,尤以西南横断山区种类最为丰富。 通过文献查阅、标本室研究和野外考察,本文对我国特别是横断山区翠雀属植物的主要形态性状在居群间和居群内的变异式样进行了初步分析,认为根的形态、叶的分裂程度、植株尤其是花序轴和花梗被毛与否以及毛被类型、小苞片的形状和位置、退化雄蕊的颜色、上萼片的形状、心皮数目和种子形态特征是比较可靠的分类性状。但性状之间的相关性往往较小,即使是通常比较稳定的分类性状有时也表现出不同程度的变异,因此同一性状对于不同等级分类群的划分和在不同分类群中的分类价值常不一样。在具体的分类处理中,应具体情况具体分析,尽可能利用较多的分类学性状或性状组合。 根据上述对我国翠雀属植物主要形态性状变异式样的理解,本文主要对我国西南横断山区及其邻近一些地区的翠雀属植物进行了力所能及的分类修订:将42 种和22 变种降为异名,提出2 新组合(毛梗黑水翠雀D. potaninii var. mollipes (W. T. Wang) Q. Yuan & Q. E. Yang 和腺毛康定翠雀D. tatsienense var. pseudomosoynense (W. T. Wang) Q. E. Yang & Q. Yuan),澄清了直距翠雀D. tenii Lévl. 的名实问题和Munz 等学者对我国翠雀属植物标本的鉴定错误以及由此引起的我国有关翠雀属植物的地理分布的混乱; 另有两种( 硕片翠雀D. grandilimbum W. T. Wang & M. J. Warnock 和永宁翠雀D. yongningense W. T. Wang & M. J. Warnock)因未见到模式标本,故暂存疑。本文讨论到的我国翠雀属植物共有87 种、10 变种。 为了在染色体水平上了解横断山区翠雀属植物的物种形成和分化,同时增加对整个翠雀族tribe Delphineae Warming 植物染色体进化的理解,本文报道了我国主要采自该地区的乌头属Aconitum L. 30 种、1 变种共40 个居群和翠雀属 48 种、3 变种共87 个居群的染色体数目,分析了30 种、1 变种乌头属植物和 46 种、3 变种翠雀属植物的核型,发现46 种、3 变种翠雀属植物为二倍体(2n = 2x=16),1 种(黄毛翠雀D. chrysotrichum Finet & Gagnep.)为四倍体(2n = 4x =32),1种(螺距翠雀D. spirocentrum Hand.-Mazz.)有二倍体和四倍体两种细胞型,3 种(宽距翠雀D. beesianum W. W. Smith、裂瓣翠雀D. mosoynense Franch.和康定翠雀 D. tatsienense Franch.)的个别居群有B 染色体出现。这表明横断山区翠雀属植物的物种形成主要在二倍体水平上进行。可能由于核型直向选择(karyotypic orthoselection)的结果,我国翠雀属植物的核型就整体情况而言在属内相当一致,属内核型分化不如乌头属中明显,外部形态上显得最为原始的种类如短距翠雀 D. forrestii Diels 和毛翠雀D. trichophorum Franch.的核型与其他多年生种类的核型相比并无明显区别。尽管如此,翠雀属植物的核型在属内仍表现出一定程度的分化:在多年生种类中,大理翠雀群(D. taliense group)的种类的染色体内部不对称性(intrachromosomal asymmetry) 程度较高, 但染色体之间的不对称性 (interchromosomal asymmetry)程度偏低;一年生种类与多年生种类相比,我国唯一的一年生种还亮草D. anthriscifolium Hance 染色体之间不对称性最高,该种染色体内部不对称性程度在翠雀族中也偏高,因此就其核型的整体不对称性程度而言,在翠雀属乃至整个翠雀族中最高,而地中海分布的一年生种类的染色体内部不对称性明显增强, 但染色体之间的不对称性在翠雀族中最低。这种核型分化的系统学和生物地理学意义尚不清楚,以后需进一步研究。与乌头属相比,翠雀属植物的染色体通常较小,核型中st 染色体明显增多(可达6 对),核型的整体不对称性程度逐渐增强; 虽然乌头属牛扁亚属Aconitum subgen. Lycoctonum (DC.) Peterm.的二倍体种类也一般具有较多的st 染色体(4 对),但这些st 染色体比乌头亚属Aconitum L. subgen. Aconitum和露蕊乌头亚属Aconitum subgen. Gymnaconitum (Stapf) Rapaics 植物核型中相对应的m 或 sm 染色体以及翠雀属和飞燕草属Consolida (DC.) S. F. Gray 植物中相对应的st 或偶尔出现的sm 染色体要大。特别应当注意的是牛扁亚属中外部形态上显得最为原始的展喙乌头A. novoluridum Munz 的核型具有较多而且较大的sm 染色体,所以我们认为展喙乌头的核型保留了较多的原始性质,那些核型中具有较多st 染色体的牛扁亚属植物应当是该亚属中在核型上已比较特化的种类。这一结果不支持前人提出的乌头属植物的核型有从st 染色体进化到m 或sm 染色体的趋势的观点。就整个翠雀族而言,从现有资料看,其核型的进化趋势应当为:(1) 染色体从大进化到小, 从m 或sm 染色体进化到st 染色体;(2) 核型的整体不对称性程度逐渐增强,即核型的二型性从多年生的牛扁亚属植物到翠雀属植物的一年生的还亮草亚属Delphinium subgen. Delphinium 而愈趋明显。翠雀族植物核型的进化方向与整个毛茛科核型的进化方向看来是一致的,即都向核型不对称性增强的方向进化。
Net catches from 1985–86 to 1994–95 at Pivers Island, North Carolina, indicated that glass-eel stage American eels (Anguilla rostrata) were recruited to the estuary from November to early May, with peak numbers in January, February, and March. There was no declining trend in recruitment over the years of sampling. Except for one year, there was no clear seasonal decrease in mean length. But shorter glass eels were older than longer glass eels, as judged by age within the glass eel growth zone of the otolith, suggesting that smaller fish took longer to arrive. The mean age of glass eels collected from the lower estuary and a freshwater site 9.5 km upriver differed by 8.4 d (36.2 vs. 44.6, respectively). Outer increments (30–35) of the otolith growth zone of glass eels from North Carolina were significantly wider than corresponding increments of otoliths from New Brunswick. Mean total ages of North Carolina, New Jersey, and New Brunswick elvers were 175.4, 201.2, and 209.3 d, corresponding to mean lengths of 55.9, 60.9, and 58.1 mm TL, respectively. The mean durations of glass-eel growth zones (44.6, 62.3, and 69.8) were in close agreement with those from previous studies, but total ages were not. This suggested that perhaps some finer (leptocephalus stage) increments were not detected by light microscopy, differences occurred in seasonal increment deposition, or absorption of the otolith material may have taken place during metamorphosis, rendering the aging of larvae inaccurate. Judging from the long recruitment period and seasonal uniformity in both mean age and length found in our study, the spawning period of American eels may be somewhat more protracted than previously considered.
The rich zooplankton standing stock of Dharamtar Creek showed a variation of 8 to 5261 (av. 1032) mg C/100 m super(3)/d which led to a turnover of 29 tonnes C/km super(2)/y. The estimated fishery potential from zooplankton production was 0.079 tonnes C/km super(2) or 29.00 tonnes/km/y. The worked out yield in terms of wet weight of fish was 0.059 tonnes/km2u2/d. Experimental trawling within the creek showed a potential of 0.19 tonnes/km super(2)/d suggesting a transfer coefficient of only 31.4% form secondary to tertiary level. Fish eggs and larvae were very common in the area but contributed collectively only 1% to the total zooplankton population. On an average the outer zone sustained relatively higher population of fish eggs and larvae than the interior zone. The mean population density of larvae (334/100 m super(3)) was 3.5 times higher than fish eggs (93/100 m super(3)) suggesting the good survival rate and a congenial environment for larvae to thrive.
The coastal areas of Bombay are generally turbid and the euphotic zone in these waters hardly exceeds 6 m. Primary productivity is largely confined to surface layers. Nearshore polluted stations have low values of dissolved oxygen, salinity and pH. Nutrients, on the other hand, are high. Primary productivity in these areas was 16.86 mg C m super(-3) d super(-1) in October. Column production for all the 4 stations ranged from 10.32 to 2511.30 mg C m super(-2) d super(-1). A direct correlation was found between nutrients and productivity values.
本研究采用室外盆栽试验,模拟运动场坪床结构,研究不同氮肥种类、不同施氮频率、施氮和降雨时间间隔对草地早熟禾草坪质量、草坪生长和无机氮淋洗的影响,并探讨在北京地区气候条件下,草坪在不同氮肥管理措施下的氮素去向及环境风险。主要结论如下: 1. 氮肥种类对草坪质量和草坪生长有显著影响。试验前期(春季),草坪颜色和密度质量、草坪草生长速度和草屑全氮含量的排序为尿素 > CU3M(自研包膜尿素)> IBDU(进口缓释肥),而试验后期(秋季)则为CU3M = IBDU > 尿素。草坪合格颜色质量持续时间和成坪速度的排序为尿素 > CU3M > IBDU。在新建草坪选择缓释肥进行早春施肥时,应混施一定比例的速效肥。 2. 施氮频率对草坪外观质量评分、草坪生长速度、草屑总生物量、草屑全氮含量和根系分布状况有显著影响。U6处理的草坪合格颜色质量持续时间最长,增加施氮频率没有降低新建草坪生长速度和草屑全氮含量的波动幅度。 3. 夏季(6~8月)渗漏液体积占全年的比例最高,为75.0%~82.4%。新建草坪初期的淋洗风险较大,渗漏液硝态氮浓度在第1次超过10 mg N•L-1,尿素分6次施用可降低这次的渗漏液硝态氮浓度。在合理施氮量内,草坪成熟后的无机氮淋洗量很小,且草坪对雨水中的无机氮有吸收和过滤作用。 4. 春季施用氮肥的吸收利用率为48.0%~72.6%,草屑吸收量最高,占38.5%~48.7%,地上部吸收量占19.6%~22.1%,根系吸收量在7.3%以下。施肥处理的无机氮淋洗损失量仅为0.23~0.42 g N•m-2,与CK无显著差异,草地早熟禾12 g N•m-2的年施氮量对环境的风险很小。 5. 初秋施氮5 g N•m-2,可以保持草地早熟禾秋季的良好颜色和密度质量,草坪草氮素吸收利用率高达87.4%~99.7%,其中草屑带走量占24.3%~34.2%,地上部吸收量占43.3%~59.6%,根系吸收量占14.2%~19.1%。 6. 施氮和模拟降雨的时间间隔对渗漏液硝态氮浓度有显著影响,间隔6 d和9 d模拟降雨后的渗漏液硝态氮浓度最高,显著高于间隔3 d和12 d模拟降雨的结果。初秋合理施氮的渗漏液硝态氮浓度在1.0 mg N•L-1 以下,环境风险较小。
This paper presents a pseudo-time-step method to calculate a (vector) Green function for the adjoint linearised Euler equations as a scattering problem in the frequency domain, for use as a jet-noise propagation prediction tool. A method of selecting the acoustics-related solution in a truncated spatial domain while suppressing any possible shear-layer-type instability is presented. Numerical tests for 3-D axisymmetrical parallel mean flows against semi-analytical reference solutions indicate that the new iterative algorithm is capable of producing accurate solutions with modest computational requirements.
,The molecular dynamics research of the core domain of p53 protein crystal structure shows that besides the stability in biochemistry this domain also shows a high stability in molecular mechanics. Based on that work, the residue R249 was substituted with amino acids Gly and Ser respectively, and molecular dynamics researches were performed separately. The results show that these substitutions cause a relax tendency between loop2 and 3 domains, leading to an alteration of the whole conformation of p53 core domain and ruining its stability. The results visually explains the mechanism of p53 changes in immunological and biochemical reactions, which are caused by 249 residue substitutions from 3-D structure variations.
目的 研究点柄乳牛肝菌的化学成分,并对分离鉴定的化合物进行抗HIV-1的活性研究.方法 将野外采集的点柄乳牛肝菌子实体用溶剂提取,采用硅胶柱色谱进行分离,通过波谱技术(NMR,MS,IR等)对结构进行鉴定.结果 分离鉴定了9个化合物,分别为:酒渣碱(Ⅰ)、5a,8a-过氧麦角甾-6,22-二烯-3β-醇(Ⅱ)、麦角甾-5,7,22-三烯-3β-醇(Ⅲ)、麦角甾-5,7,22-三烯-3β-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(Ⅳ)、尿嘧啶(Ⅴ))、硫代乙酸酐(Ⅵ)、硬脂酸(Ⅶ)、3-吡啶甲酸(Ⅷ)和D-阿洛糖醇(Ⅸ).结论 化合物Ⅰ为首次从高等真菌中分离.经生物活性测试,该化合物具有抗HIV-1活性,对C8166细胞的毒性较小,CC50为87.86 μg/mL,对HIV-1诱导C8166细胞形成合胞体抑制的EC50为7.27 μg/mL,治疗指数(TI值)为12.09.
目的 研究中华眼镜蛇毒因子(CVF)消耗补体对大鼠心脏移植急性排斥反应的影响.方法 以近交系BN大鼠为供者,Lewis大鼠为受者,建立腹腔异位心脏移植模型.实验分为2组,每组8只.CVF组:心脏移植术前3 d、2 d时,经受者尾静脉注射CVF 50 μg/kg;术前12 h至移植心停跳时,经尾静脉注射CVF 20 μg/kg,每2 d注射1次.对照组:术前、术后不给予受者任何特殊处理.术后观察移植心的存活时间,测定术后第1、3、5和6d及移植心停跳时的血清总补体活性(CH50法)、移植心C3沉积及CD3+T细胞浸润情况,并观察移植心的病理变化.结果 CVF组和对照组的移植心存活时间分别为(11.69±0.72)d和(6.65±0.35)d,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).CVF组移植心组织内C3沉积和CD3+T细胞浸润程度均较对照组同期明显减轻,病理损害程度也较对照组同期明显减轻.结论 CVF消耗补体对大鼠心脏移植急性排斥反应起到了明显的抑制作用,从而延长移植心存活时间.
Innovative Stereo Vision-Based Approach to Generate Dense Depth Map of Transportation Infrastructure
Three-dimensional (3-D) spatial data of a transportation infrastructure contain useful information for civil engineering applications, including as-built documentation, on-site safety enhancements, and progress monitoring. Several techniques have been developed for acquiring 3-D point coordinates of infrastructure, such as laser scanning. Although the method yields accurate results, the high device costs and human effort required render the process infeasible for generic applications in the construction industry. A quick and reliable approach, which is based on the principles of stereo vision, is proposed for generating a depth map of an infrastructure. Initially, two images are captured by two similar stereo cameras at the scene of the infrastructure. A Harris feature detector is used to extract feature points from the first view, and an innovative adaptive window-matching technique is used to compute feature point correspondences in the second view. A robust algorithm computes the nonfeature point correspondences. Thus, the correspondences of all the points in the scene are obtained. After all correspondences have been obtained, the geometric principles of stereo vision are used to generate a dense depth map of the scene. The proposed algorithm has been tested on several data sets, and results illustrate its potential for stereo correspondence and depth map generation.