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El litoral de Alicante ha sufrido grandes transformaciones territoriales desde las décadas de 1960 y 1970 a raíz de la actividad turística. Uno de los servicios que necesita esta actividad, entre otros, es el abastecimiento de agua potable. En este sentido, por su papel estratégico, el suministro de agua en alta es decisivo para abastecer a los municipios turístico-residenciales. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer y analizar los diferentes sistemas de abastecimiento de agua en alta en la costa de Alicante, sus características, infraestructuras, recursos hídricos disponibles y medidas de gestión llevados a cabo. Algunas de las conclusiones extraídas son el papel estratégico que ejercen en el territorio, especialmente con el agua, un recurso escaso y de vital importancia para la orla costera alicantina, sobre todo en los meses estivales.


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Proper application of stable isotopes (e. g., delta N-15 and delta C-13) to food web analysis requires an understanding of all nondietary factors that contribute to isotopic variability. Lipid extraction is often used during stable isotope analysis (SIA), because synthesized lipids have a low delta C-13 and can mask the delta C-13 of a consumer's diet. Recent studies indicate that lipid extraction intended to adjust delta C-13 may also cause shifts in delta N-15, but the magnitude of and reasons for the shift are highly uncertain. We examined a large data set (n = 854) for effects of lipid extraction (using Bligh and dyer's [ 1959] chloroform-methanol solvent mixtures) on the delta N-15 of aquatic consumers. We found no effect of chemically extracting lipids on the delta N-15 of whole zooplankton, unionid mussels, and fish liver samples, and found a small increase in fish muscle delta N-15 of similar to 0.4%. We also detected a negative relationship between the shift in delta N-15 following extraction and the C:N ratio in muscle tissue, suggesting that effects of extraction were greater for tissue with lower lipid content. As long as appropriate techniques such as those from Bligh and dyer (1959) are used, effects of lipid extraction on delta N-15 of aquatic consumers need not be a major consideration in the SIA of food webs.


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For the first time, the coupling of fast transient kinetic switching and the use of an isotopically labelled reactant (15NO) has allowed detailed analysis of the evolution of all the products and reactants involved in the regeneration of a NOx storage reduction (NSR) material. Using realistic regeneration times (ca. 1 s) for Pt, Rh and Pt/Rh-containing Ba/Al2O3 catalysts we have revealed an unexpected double peak in the evolution of nitrogen. The first peak occurred immediately on switching from lean to rich conditions, while the second peak started at the point at which the gases switched from rich to lean. The first evolution of nitrogen occurs as a result of the fast reaction between H2 and/or CO and NO on reduced Rh and/or Pt sites. The second N2 peak which occurs upon removal of the rich phase can be explained by reaction of stored ammonia with stored NOx, gas phase NOx or O2. The ammonia can be formed either by hydrolysis of isocyanates or by direct reaction of NO and H2.

The study highlights the importance of the relative rates of regeneration and storage in determining the overall performance of the catalysts. The performance of the monometallic 1.1%Rh/Ba/Al2O3 catalyst at 250 and 350 °C was found to be dependent on the rate of NOx storage, since the rate of regeneration was sufficient to remove the NOx stored in the lean phase. In contrast, for the monometallic 1.6%Pt/Ba/Al2O3 catalyst at 250 °C, the rate of regeneration was the determining factor with the result that the amount of NOx stored on the catalyst deteriorated from cycle to cycle until the amount of NOx stored in the lean phase matched the NOx reduced in the rich phase. On the basis of the ratio of exposed metal surface atoms to total Ba content, the monometallic 1.6%Pt/Ba/Al2O3 catalyst outperformed the Rh-containing catalysts at 250 and 350 °C even when CO was used as a reductant.


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The electrochemical reduction of oxygen is reported in four room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) based on quaternary alkyl -onium cations and heavily fluorinated anions in which the central atom is either nitrogen or phosphorus. Data were collected using cyclic voltammetry and potential step chronoamperometry at gold, platinum, and glassy carbon disk electrodes of micrometer dimension under water-free conditions at a controlled temperature. Analysis via fitting, to appropriate theoretical equations was then carried out to obtain kinetic and thermodynamic information pertaining to the electrochemical processes observed. In the quaternary ammonium electrolytes, reduction of oxygen was found to occur reversibly to give stable superoxide, in an analogous manner to that seen in conventional aprotic solvents such as dimethyl sufoxide and acetonitrile. The most significant difference is in the relative rate of diffusion; the diffusion coefficients of oxygen in the RTILs are an order of magnitude lower than in common organic solvents, and for superoxide these values are reduced by a further factor of 10. In the quaternary phosphonium ionic liquids, however, more complex voltammetry is observed, akin to that expected for the reduction of oxygen in acidified organic media. This is shown to be consistent with the occurrence of a proton abstraction reaction between the electrogenerated superoxide and quaternary alkyl phosphonium cations following the initial electron transfer.


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La presente investigación trata de poner énfasis en la importancia del paisaje en Deserto Rosso de Michelangelo Antonioni, erigiéndose este como elemento fundamental de la trama argumental del filme. Partiendo de esta premisa, se analiza el significado de dicho paisaje en el contexto socioartístico de los años 60. La interacción del hombre con su entorno parece ser el punto de partida para una reflexión más profunda sobre el devenir humano. Las nuevas conquistas estéticas alcanzadas y el análisis históricoartístico de los precedentes más inmediatos del filme, sitúan a Deserto Rosso como obra cumbre de la neovanguardia posmoderna europea.


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This research is set in the context of today’s societies, in which the corporate visual symbology of a business, corporation or institution constitutes an essential way to transmit its corporate image. Traditional discursive procedures can be discovered in the development of these signs. The rhetorical strategies developed by the great classical authors appear in the logo-symbols expressing the corporate values of today’s companies. Thus, rhetoric is emerging once again in the sense it had many centuries ago: A repertory of rules that, paradoxically, standardizes the deviations of language and whose control is synonymous with power. The main objective of this study is to substantiate the rhetorical construction of logos using as a model of analysis the classical process of creating discourse. This involves understanding logos as persuasive discourses addressed to a modern audience. Our findings show that the rhetorical paradigm can be considered as a creative model for the con­struction of an original logo consistent with a company’s image.


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The formation of pentanuclear copper(ii) complexes with the mandelohydroxamic ligand was studied in solution by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), absorption spectrophotometry, circular dichroism and H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The presence of lanthanide(iii) or uranyl ions is essential for the self-assembly of the 15-metallacrown-5 compounds. The negative mode ESI-MS spectra of solutions containing copper(II), mandelohydroxamic acid and lanthanide(iii) ions (Ln = La, Ce, Nd, Eu, Gd, Dy, Er, Tm, Lu, Y) or uranyl in the ratio 5:5:1 showed only the peaks that could be unambiguously assigned to the following intact molecular ions: {Ln(NO3)(2)[15-MCuIIN(MHA)-5](2-)}(-) and {Ln(NO3)[15-MCCuIIN(MHA)-5](3-)}(-), where MHA represents doubly deprotonated mandelohydroxamic acid. The NMR spectra of the pentanuclear species revealed only one set of peaks indicating a fivefold symmetry of the complex. The pentanuclear complexes synthesized with the enantiomerically pure R- or S-forms of mandelohydroxamic acid ligand, showed circular dichroism spectra which were mirror images of each other. The pentanuclear complex made from the racemic form of the ligand showed no signals in the CD spectrum. The UV/ Vis titration experiments revealed that the order in which the metal salts are added to the solution of the mandelohydroxamic acid ligand is crucial for the formation of metallacrown complexes. The addition of copper(ii) to the solutions containing mandelohydroxamic acid and neodymium(iii) in a 5:1 ratio lead to the formation of a pentanuclear complex in solution. In contrary, titration of lanthanide(iii) salt to the solution containing copper(ii) and mandelohydroxamic acid did not show any evidence for the formation of pentanuclear species. ((c) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2006)


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Proton nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion (NMRD) profiles were recorded between 0.24 mT and 1.4 T for lanthanum(III)- and gadolinium(III)-containing [15]metallacrown-5 complexes derived from alpha-aminohydroxamic acids and with copper(n) as the ring metal. The influence of the different R-groups on the proton relaxivity was investigated, and a linear relationship between the relaxivity and the molecular mass of the metallacrown complex was found. The selectivity of the metallacrown complexes was tested by transmetalation experiments with zinc(n) ions. The crystal structure of the copper [15]metallacrown-5 gadolinium complex with glycine hydroximate ligands is reported.


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Average longevity of the mountain hare (Lepus timidus L., 1758) has been estimated at nine years in the wild (Macdonald D. and Barrett, P. 1993 Mammals of Britain and Europe. Harper Collins Publishers, London) with a maximum recorded age of 18 years for one marked animal (Angerbjörn, A. and Flux, J. E. C. 1995 Lepus timidus. Mammalian Species 495: 1–11). However, the longevity of the Irish hare (L. t. hibernicus Bell 1837) is entirely unknown. A total of 14 Irish hares was trapped and tagged at Belfast International Airport, Co. Antrim from February to April 2005. The sex, age (juvenile or adult) and weight of each animal were recorded. Adults were taken as those individuals >8-10 months old defined by the fusing of the notch between the apophysis and diaphysis of the tibia and humerus (Flux, J. E. C. 1970 Journal of Zoology 161: 75-123). Individual identification was made by a system of colourcoded ear tags (Roxan iD Ltd. Selkirk, Scotland) being inserted in the centre of the pinna of each ear. Each ear tag (6 × 34 mm) and puncture site was disinfected with 70 per cent ethanol prior to insertion. An adult male, #001/002 ‘Blue/Blue’, was tagged on 3 March 2005 weighing 3.8 kg and was sighted during a return site visit on 4 April 2007. An adult female, #026/003 ‘Green/Yellow’, was tagged on 15 April 2005 weighing 4.0 kg and was sighted during return visits on 25 March 2010 and 19 October 2010. The latest possible date of birth for both individuals was spring/summer 2004. Consequently, they were at least 3 years and 6.5 years old, respectively. This is the first record of minimum Irish hare longevity in the wild. These observations suggest that ear tagging does not compromise animal welfare and is an effective means of long-term monitoring. Future research may utilize capture-mark-recapture methods.