1000 resultados para 15-150
The author studies, with the aid of Mitscherlich's law, two experiments of sugar cane fertilization with vinasse. The first one, carried out in Piracicaba, State of S. Paulo, by ARRUDA, gave the following yields. No vinasse 47.0 tons/ha. 76.0 tons/ha. 250 c.m./ha. of vinasse 75.0 do. 112.0 do. 500 do. 90.0 do. 112.0 do. 1000 do. 98.0 do. 107.0 do. Data without NPK were appropriate for the fitting of the law, the equation of which was found to be: y = 100.8 [1 - 10 -0.00132 (x + 206) ], where y is measured in metric tons/hectare, and x in cubic meters/hectare. The optimum amount of vinasse to be used is given by the formula x* = 117.2 + 1 log w u , ______ ____ 0.00132 250 t being u the response to the standard dressing of 250 cubic meters/hectare of vinasse, w the price per ton of sugar cane, and t the price per cubic meter for the transportation of vinasse. In Pernambuco, a 3(4) NPK vinasse experiment gave the following mean yields: No vinasse 41.0 tons/hectare 250 cm./ha. of vinasse 108.3 do. 500 do. 134.3 do. The equation obtained was now y = 150.7 [1 - 10 -000165 (x + 84)], being the most profitable level of vinasse x* = 115.2 + 1 log w u , _______ ____ 0.00165 250 t One should notice the close agreement of the coefficients c (0.00132 in S. Paulo and 0.00165 in Pernambuco). Given the prices of Cr$ 20.00 per cubic meter for the transportation of vinasse (in trucks) and Cr$ 250.00 per ton of sugar cane (uncut, in the fields) the most profitable dressings are: 236 c.m./ha. of vinasse in S. Paulo, and 434 c.m./ha. in Pernambuco.
In order to find out the best way to supply phosphorus to coffee plants when growing in "terra roxa misturada", a red soil with a high fixing capacity, tagged superphosphate was applied by the following procedures: (1) topdressed in a circular strip around the trees; (2) placed in the bottom of a circular furrow 15 cm deep; (3) placed in a semicircular furrow also 15 cm deep; (4) sprayed directly to the leaves. In each case 150 gms. of ordinary superphosphate tagged with H3 P32 O4 to give 5 X 10(9) c.p.m. were given to the two and half year old coffee plants. It was found that for the several treatments of the total phosphorus in the leaves the following values, on a per cent basis, came from the applied superphosphates: (1) topdressed 10.2 per cent, (2) circular furrow 2.4 per cent, (3) semicircular furrow 1.7 per cent, (4) sprayed 38.0 per cent; one can see, then, that methods (2) and (3) commonly used by the coffee planters are a very inefficient way to supply phosphorus in this type of soil. The remarkable foliar absorption was checked twice: a water culture experiment was carried out, the radiophosphorus being supplied by brushing it in the upper and lower surfaces of a given leaf; radioactivity was detected all over the plant as a result both of absorption and translocation; on the other hand, leaves collected from the sprayed trees were radioautographed; the radioautographs showed the pattern of distribution of the P32 which indicates true absorption rather than a surface contamination. In another locality, an experiment was caried out with 8 year old plants growing in "arenito de Bauru" which is a sandy soil with much less phosphorus fixing capacity. In this experiment the aim was to compare absorption of tagged superphosphate by trees growin under mulch against plants not receiving this treatment, The uptake of phosphorus was the same for both sets of plants. In both field experiments soil samples down to 15 cm in the profile were collected and its 0.2NHC1 soluble phosphorus was counted; rather significant values were observed mainly in the upper 5 cm layers.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2012
The organic and inorganic forms of soil nitrogen and how they participate in the process of fixation, immobilization and mineralization of ammonium in soils were evaluated, after different periods of incubaton, utilizing two soils, a Lithic Haplustoll and a Typic Eutrorthox. The results obtained permit to suggest that : 1) The method for determination of the ammonium fixing capacity based on the extraction with 2N KC1, is considered to be subject to interferences of other soil fractions capable of retaining ammonium. 2) The increase in exchangeable ammonium content is related to the decrease in amino acids and hydrolyzable ammonium. 3) The immobilization and mineralization processes are still held under mil microbial. The forms more affected by this condition are amino acids and hydrolyzable ammonium.
n.s. no.4(1980)
3rd ed.
This report belongs to the series of works carried out Oswaldo Cruz Ins¬titute, on the treatment of treponematosis with penicillin. The present report deals with investigations performed in order to ascer¬tain the following points: 1) the mininal curative dosis for the initial lesions of yaws; 2) the effect of reduction of the number of injections each day, to verifie the possibility of application of penicillin in the prophylaxis of yaws in rural zones; 3) reduction of the time of treatment by application of high dosis. 1) With dosis of 150 and 100 Oxford units each four hours, clinical reco¬very was obtained after 17 days of treatment. With 50 O.u. during 40 days clinical recovery was not obtained. 2) a) With 3 injections of 400 O.u. each day (6,12 and 18 hoórs clocks) clinical recovery was obtained after 14 to 16 days; b) with 2 injections of 400 O.u. each day (6 and 18 hoors clocks), clinical recovery was obtained after 16 to 23 days; c) with 1 injection of 1.600 and 3.200 each day, clinical recovery was obtained after 30 and 20 days. 3) With dosis of 33.3 and 46.7 O.u. by each kilo of weight each four hours, during 15 days, clinical recovery was obtained more or less in 25 days. The same result was obtained with the dosis of 61.5 and 166.7 O.u. by each kilo of weight, each four hours, during 4 days. But with 100.000 O.u. in fine dosis of 20.000 in a day ou by, clinical recovery was not obtained.
1) Depois de 2 anos de observação após o tratamento com penicilina em doses baixas, verificou-e que de 30 pacientes tratados com lesões boubáticas primo-secundárias, 13 mantinham-se curados clínica e sorològicamente. Quatro pacientes continuavam com cura clínica, mas com R. Wa. positiva. Os 13 doentes acima citados ofereceram as seguintes médias: Média das idades [...] 9 anos. Média da duração do tratamento [...] 30 dias. Média das doses totais de penicilina [...] 45.000 unidades. Média dos intervalos da injeções [...] 6/6 horas. Entretanto, doses variando de 72.000 a 200.000 unidades, em tratamento de 1 a 4 dias fracassaram. A distribuição dos 30 tratados segundo a duração do tratamento, mostra que os resultados mais favoráveis foram obtidos com os tratamento mais longos. A distribuição segundo a dose, demonstra o mesmo para aquelas compreendidas entre 21.000 e 50.000 unidades. A distribuição em grupos etários, revela o mesmo para aquele de 1 a 8 anos e finalmente a distribuição segundo a frequencia das injeções, indica o mesmo para o grupo de 8/8 a 12/12 horas. Êste último fato, justificou a abolição das aplicações noturnas. Os resultados mais favoráveis nas idades mais baixas, demonstraram, seja insuficiência das dosagens, seja u'a maior resistência ao tratamento por parte dos casos de mais longa duração. 2) Depois de 2 anos de observação após o tratamento com penicilina em doses baixas, de 6 pacientes com lesões boubáticas terciáras, 5 continuavam curados clínica e sorològicamente. O doente restante continuava com cura clínica, mas com R. Wa. positiva. Êste doente fôra superinoculado experimentalmente e não recebera tratamento em seguida, havendo probabilidade de a experiência ter concorrido para a permanência da sorologia positiva. A duração do tratamento variou de 1 mês e 27 dias a 8 meses e 22 dias e as doses totais de penicilina de 164.000 a 586.000 unidades. 3) Depois de 2 anos de observação após tratamento com néo-arsfenamina, de 4 boubáticos com lesões terciárias, apenas 2 continuavam curados clínica e sorològicamente. Os outros 2, não apresentavam sinais de doença mas continuavam com a R. Wa positiva. A duração do tratamento variou de 1 mês e 15 dias a 14 meses e a dosagem do medicamento de 2.10 grs. a 17.10 gr. 4) Depois de um ou dois anos de observação após o tratamento com penicilina isolada por via oral, 3 pacientes com lesões primo-secundárias, foram encontrados com recidiva clínica e sorológica. A duração do tratamento foi de 10 dias com a dosagem total de 100.000 unidade, os pacientes tendo 5, 8 e 10 anos respectivamente. Em quatro outros doentes, de 10 a 17 anos tratados durante 10 dias, com 150.000 unidades de penicilina associadas a citrato de sódio, os tratamentos foram considerados <
Aquest Seminari s'emmarca en el projecte d'investigació de l'IUEE relatiu a "L'Euroregió Pirineus-Mediterrània: percepcions, expectatives i xarxes d'actors". En aquesta primera fase (octubre 2005-juny 2006) el projecte preten avaluar els requisits institucionals necessaris per la posada en marxa de l'Euroregió
We report preliminary findings from analysis of a database under construction. The paper explores the legislative process in search for some of the alleged consequences of cabinet coalitions in a presidential system. Coalition effects should be less evident in the success of executive initiatives: strategic behavior hampers this intuitive measure of performance. Better measures, because less subject to strategic considerations, are the odds of passage of legislators' bills and the time proposals take to be approved. Thus measured, coalition effects are discernible. Analysis of the universe of proposals processed in the fragmented Uruguayan Parliament between 1985 and 2000 reveals that coalition, observed about half the period, swells success rates of coalition members by 60% on average (and by as much as 150% for those close to the president). Event history analysis shows that coalitions cut the wait for an executive bill by 3 months, 1/6th the average wait. The reverse effect is felt on the duration of legislators' bills.