590 resultados para 1179


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.


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Manganese encrustations from two adjacent sampling sites in the Gulf of Aden display markedly different compositional characteristics. The enrichment of manganese, and consequent depletion of iron and a series of trace elements, in the manganiferous crusts from Sta. 6243 is attributed to the diagenetic remobilisation of manganese within the sediment column and the resultant enrichment of this element in the encrustations from this station. Molybdenum, and possibly nickel, appear to show similar migration characteristics. Submarine vulcanism does not appear to play any significant role in controlling nodule composition within the area.


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A 34-year-old obese male (96.8 kg; BMI, 30.2 kg m⁻¹) volitionally undertook a 50-day fast with the stated goal of losing body mass. During this time, only tea, coffee, water, and a daily multivitamin were consumed. Severe and linear loss of body mass is recorded during these 50 days (final 75.4 kg; BMI, 23.5 kg m⁻¹). A surprising resilience to effects of fasting on activity levels and physical function is noted. Plasma samples are suggestive of early impairment of liver function, and perturbations to cardiovascular dynamics are also noted. One month following resumption of feeding behavior, body weight was maintained (75.0 kg; BMI, 23.4 kg m⁻¹). Evidence-based decision-making with the fasting or hunger striking patient is limited by a lack of evidence. This case report suggests that total body mass, not mass lost, may be a key observation in clinical decision-making during fasting and starvation.


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Evidencias de carácter literario, epigráfico y arqueológico-arquitectónicas, atestiguan la existencia de comunidades judías en Macedonia, Tracia y Épiro Superior (hoy Albania) durante los períodos romano y bizantino temprano. Los Hechos de los Apostoles mencionan la presencia de comunidades judías, y sus sinagogas, en Filipos, Tesalónica y Verroia, en Macedonia. El descubrimiento de inscripciones griegas en Bizya (Tracia), en Tesalónica y Dión, y en la antigua sinagoga de Stobia, sugieren que dichas comunidades preservaron su independencia religiosa y gozaron de un seguro estatus social, económico y cultural. Una antigua tumba judía encontrada en Tesalónica, decorada con una menorah, la sinagoga de Claudius Tiberius Polycharmos en Stobia y la de Saranda (Épiro Superior), añaden pruebas arqueológico- arquitectónicas a las fuentes literarias. A pesar de que las fuentes literarias, los datos epigráficos y los hallazgos arqueológicos son relativamente escasos, parece que en estas regiones, y en otras de la Península Balcánica, existieron también otras comunidades judías.


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Since 1997, there has been increasing research focused on Muscle Dysmorphia, a condition underpinned by people’s beliefs they have insufficient muscularity, in both the Western and non-western medical and scientific communities. Much of this empirical interest has surveyed nonclinical samples, and there is limited understanding of people with the condition beyond knowledge about their characteristics. Much existing knowledge about people with the condition is unsurprising and inherent in the definition of the disorder, such as dissatisfaction with muscularity and adherence to muscle-building activities. Only recently have investigators started to explore questions beyond these limited tautological findings that may give rise to substantial knowledge advances, such as the examination of masculine and feminine norms. There is limited understanding of additional topics such as etiology, prevalence, nosology, prognosis, and treatment. Further, the evidence is largely based on a small number of unstandardized case reports and descriptive studies (involving small samples), largely confined to Western (North American, British, and Australian) males. Although much research has been undertaken since the term Muscle Dysmorphia entered the psychiatric lexicon in 1997, there remains tremendous scope for knowledge advancement. A primary task in the short term is for investigators to examine the extent that the condition exists among well-defined populations to help determine the justification for research funding relative to other public health issues. A greater variety of research questions and designs may contribute to a broader and more robust knowledge base than currently exists. Future work will help clinicians assist a group of people whose quality of life and health is placed at risk by their muscular preoccupation.


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BACKGROUND: Even though physician rating websites (PRWs) have been gaining in importance in both practice and research, little evidence is available on the association of patients' online ratings with the quality of care of physicians. It thus remains unclear whether patients should rely on these ratings when selecting a physician. The objective of this study was to measure the association between online ratings and structural and quality of care measures for 65 physician practices from the German Integrated Health Care Network "Quality and Efficiency" (QuE). METHODS: Online reviews from two German PRWs were included which covered a three-year period (2011 to 2013) and included 1179 and 991 ratings, respectively. Information for 65 QuE practices was obtained for the year 2012 and included 21 measures related to structural information (N = 6), process quality (N = 10), intermediate outcomes (N = 2), patient satisfaction (N = 1), and costs (N = 2). The Spearman rank coefficient of correlation was applied to measure the association between ratings and practice-related information. RESULTS: Patient satisfaction results from offline surveys and the patients per doctor ratio in a practice were shown to be significantly associated with online ratings on both PRWs. For one PRW, additional significant associations could be shown between online ratings and cost-related measures for medication, preventative examinations, and one diabetes type 2-related intermediate outcome measure. There again, results from the second PRW showed significant associations with the age of the physicians and the number of patients per practice, four process-related quality measures for diabetes type 2 and asthma, and one cost-related measure for medication. CONCLUSIONS: Several significant associations were found which varied between the PRWs. Patients interested in the satisfaction of other patients with a physician might select a physician on the basis of online ratings. Even though our results indicate associations with some diabetes and asthma measures, but not with coronary heart disease measures, there is still insufficient evidence to draw strong conclusions. The limited number of practices in our study may have weakened our findings.


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This paper examines the influence that the costume designers of the Ballets Russes, many of whom were important artists from significant art movements of the day, had on contemporaneous fashion. It looks at why in particular the 'Ballets Russes' artists Leon Bakst and Natalia Goncharova went on to involve themselves in actual fashion production and the similarities between their work and the fashion designers producing work at the same time, principally Paul Poiret, Mariano Fortuny and Coco Chanel. Overall, this paper investigates the significance of the cultural times and of the distinct characteristics of the separate art forms, that may have encouraged avant-garde art and fashion to crossover and collaborate so unreservedly.


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La hipótesis que trataremos de fundamentar en este ensayo consiste en afirmar que, a pesar de los contundentes cuestionamientos económicos6 al actual programa económico, el proyecto de economía política actualmente en curso tiene grandes probabilidades de ser sostenible a mediano plazo, en la medida en que nos viene conduciendo casi imperceptiblemente a una nueva modalidad de acumulación consistente: con altas tasas de crecimiento y potenciales equilibrios sensatos en los campos fiscal y de balanza de pagos. A la larga ello también se materializaría tanto en medidas económicas más adecuadas (desde la perspectiva del recetario neoliberal del Consenso de Washington), como en políticas de compensación social que aseguren la "paz social", considerada indispensable para viabilizar el programa económico de largo plazo y legitimar al gobierno de tumo. Creemos que ni siquiera el gobierno tiene una visión precisa sobre el horizonte lejano de su propia criatura, aunque sus contornos son cada vez más claros. El marco teórico que encuadrará nuestros planteamientos proviene de la copiosa literatura en torno a la "enfermedad holandesa", publicada fundamentalmente durante el primer lustro de la década pasada. Creemos que sus principales conclusiones tienen gran relevancia para explicar parle importante de lo que está sucediendo actualmente en el Perú y, sobre lodo, para entender las tendencias y las características que adoptará la economía peruana hacia fines de siglo e incluso más allá. El desarrollo del presente artículo toma un curso de varias rutas que conviene sintetiza y cuyo orden es el siguiente. Una primera sección versa sobre los distintos tipos de "enfermedad holandesa", una de cuyas variedades (la más rara de todas) ha contagiado a la economía peruana. En la segunda se analizan Jas peculiaridades de este virus, como consecuencia del ingreso masivo de capitales privados de corto y largo plazo. La tercera examina la correlación entre recursos naturales y especializaron internacional, así como las modalidades de acumulación alternativas a Ja actualmente en curso. La sección final intenta fundamentar la posible continuidad del actual proceso económico y las principales dificultades sociopolíticas que éste habrá de enfrentar hasta que se pueda constituir en una modalidad de acumulación, económica y sociopolíticamente viable.


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In this issue...Truss contest, Ski Club, dial Soap, January Feature Girl, Columbia Riding Club, Night Courses, Basketball, WICHE, New York Times, Tech Tunnels


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The purpose of this study was to establish the optimal allometric models to predict International Ski Federation’s ski-ranking points for sprint competitions (FISsprint) among elite female cross-country skiers based on maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) and lean mass (LM). Ten elite female cross-country skiers (age: 24.5±2.8 years [mean ± SD]) completed a treadmill roller-skiing test to determine V̇O2max (ie, aerobic power) using the diagonal stride technique, whereas LM (ie, a surrogate indicator of anaerobic capacity) was determined by dual-emission X-ray anthropometry. The subjects’ FISsprint were used as competitive performance measures. Power function modeling was used to predict the skiers’ FISsprint based on V̇O2max, LM, and body mass. The subjects’ test and performance data were as follows: V̇O2max, 4.0±0.3 L min-1; LM, 48.9±4.4 kg; body mass, 64.0±5.2 kg; and FISsprint, 116.4±59.6 points. The following power function models were established for the prediction of FISsprint: 3.91×105 ∙ VO -6.002maxand 6.95×1010 ∙ LM-5.25; these models explained 66% (P=0.0043) and 52% (P=0.019), respectively, of the variance in the FISsprint. Body mass failed to contribute to both models; hence, the models are based on V̇O2max and LM expressed absolutely. The results demonstrate that the physiological variables that reflect aerobic power and anaerobic capacity are important indicators of competitive sprint performance among elite female skiers. To accurately indicate performance capability among elite female skiers, the presented power function models should be used. Skiers whose V̇O2max differs by 1% will differ in their FISsprint by 5.8%, whereas the corresponding 1% difference in LM is related to an FISsprint difference of 5.1%, where both differences are in favor of the skier with higher V̇O2max or LM. It is recommended that coaches use the absolute expression of these variables to monitor skiers’ performance-related training adaptations linked to changes in aerobic power and anaerobic capacity.


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Combined media monoprints on photographic paper. 16" x 20", DNA/Transformation Series. Private Collection


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A transparência é considerada universalmente como um elemento de boa governação. A nova forma de atuação dos governos locais, designadamente na prestação de contas destes aos eleitores/contribuintes, média, organismos de controlo e a outras partes interessadas em acompanhar as atividades dos governos acentuam a atenção dada à transparência e seus determinantes. O contexto económico, social e financeiro a que os governos locais estão sujeitos obriga a que estes sejam o mais transparentes possível no sentido de criar um maior envolvimento dos cidadãos nos assuntos da vida política e, simultaneamente, promover uma maior responsabilização (accountability) dos eleitos locais perante esses mesmos cidadãos. Porém, os níveis de transparência estão frequentemente abaixo dos padrões exigidos para os órgãos públicos ou governamentais. Particularmente, a nível local, as práticas de transparência podem variar substancialmente de um município para outro. Apesar dos esforços mais recentes, a pesquisa empírica atual ainda não fornece respostas definitivas sobre as razões que justificam as flutuações nos níveis de transparência. O objetivo principal deste estudo consistiu na identificação dos fatores determinantes de transparência nos municípios portugueses. Recorrendo ao Índice de Transparência Municipal dos anos2013 e 2014procurou-se estudar as variáveis sociodemográficas, política e económico-financeiras para o universo de 308municípios portugueses, através do teste às hipóteses de investigação previamente formuladas à luz da teoria da agência. Os resultados estatísticos obtidos indicam que a dimensão populacional, os indivíduos com idade entre os 15 e 74 anos que utilizam internet, nível de escolaridade, índice de envelhecimento, taxa de desemprego, autonomia financeira e endividamento líquido são fatores determinantes da transparência nos municípios portugueses. Não se encontrou evidência empírica para as variáveis socioeconómicas estudadas.