1000 resultados para 10210953 TM-69


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Seven opal-CT-rich and five quartz-rich porcellanites and cherts from Site 504 have a range in oxygen-isotope values of 24.4 and 29.4 per mil. In opal-CT rocks, d18O becomes larger with sub-bottom depth and with age. Quartz-rich rocks do not show these trends. Boron, in general, increases with decreasing d18O for porcellanites and cherts considered together, supporting the conclusion that boron is incorporated within the quartz crystal structure during precipitation of the SiO2. Silicification of the chalks at Site 504 began 1 m.y. ago - that is, 5 m.y. after sedimentation commenced on the oceanic crust. Temperatures of chert formation determined from oxygen-isotope compositions reflect diagenetic temperatures rather than bottom-water temperatures, and are comparable to temperatures of formation determined by down-hole measurements. Opal-A in the chalks began conversion to opal-CT when a temperature of 50°C was reached in the sediment column. Conversion of opal-CT to quartz started at 55 °C. Silicification occurred over a stratigraphic thickness of about 10 meters when the temperature at the top of the 10 meters reached about 50°C. It took about 250,000 years to complete the silica transformation within each 10-meter interval of sediment at Site 504. Quartz formed over a stratigraphic range of at least 30 meters, at temperatures of about 54 to 60°C. The time and temperatures of silicification of Site 504 rocks are more like those at continental margins than those in deep-sea, open-ocean deposits.


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The NRM intensity, AF demagnetization characteristics, hysteresis parameters, initial susceptibility, and thermomagnetic characteristics of 18 basalt specimens from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B were determined. In six samples, the grain size was large enough to allow microprobe analysis. We conclude (1) that the dominant magnetic mineral is titanomagnetite/titanomaghemite; (2) that, except for the upper few meters of the core where the grains are in the stable monodomain state, the grain size of the magnetic mineral lies in the pseudo-single-domain range (< 10 µm); (3) that maghemitization (i.e., low-temperature (< 350°C) oxidation) has taken place. We discuss possible geological histories.


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This paper reports the results of the investigations of 2006-2007 on the distribution and migration forms of artificial radionuclides and chemical elements in the Ob-Irtysh water system. Three regions were studied. One of them is a local segment of the Ob River upstream from the confluence with the Irtysh River; its investigation allowed us to estimate the general radioecological state of the aquatic environment affected by the activity of the Tomsk 7 plant. The second region is a local segment of the Irtysh River upstream from its confluence with the Ob River, where the influence of emissions from the NPO Mayak could be estimated. The third region is the water area of the Ob River after its confluence with the Irtysh River. It characterizes the real level of radioactive and chemical contamination of the middle reaches of the Ob River. In order to explain horizontal variations in the distribution of radionuclides in the upper layer of bottom sediments collected at various sites, the results of sorption-kinetic experiments with radioactive tracers in the precipitate-solution system were used. The investigation of the migration forms of trace elements and radionuclides occurring in river water was based on the method of tangential-flow membrane filtration. Chemical element contents were determined in 400-ml water samples. A set of Millipore polysulfone membranes with pore sizes of 8, 1.2, 0.45, 0.1, and 0.025 µm was employed. Taking into account the ultralow specific concentrations of radionuclides in the water, they were analyzed in 300-500 litre samples using Millipore polysulfone membranes with pore sizes of 0.45 µm and 15 kDa. This allowed us to estimate the percentages of cesium-137 and plutonium-239, 240 in the suspended particulate fraction, colloids, and dissolved species.


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A implantaçao da obrigatoriedade do acesso à escola pública de Ensino Fundamental no Brasil, a partir do final dos aos 1980, produziu uma nova realidade no sistema de ensino. Por um lado, a taxa de frequência da escola básica passou de 75,03 (1990) para 92,14 (2010). Em contrapartida, a taxa de analfabetismo de pessoas com mais de 18 anos ainda é de 10,19 e somente 54,92 das pessoas com 18 anos ou mais tem Ensino Fundamental completo. Um conjunto de contradiçoes produzidas e reproduzidas sob o enfoque da justiça escolar a qual, norteia à universalizaçao do acesso a escola básica. Neste sentido, a ideia central desse trabalho foi reconhecer o perfil socioeducacional dos alunos em situaçao de fracasso escolar (repetência, distorçao idade-série e evasao escolar) no estado brasileiro que apresenta o melhor índice desenvolvimento da escola básica. Para tanto, foram analisadas as respostas de 87.607 questionários respondidos por alunos do 9o ano, participantes da Prova Brasil 2011. Com auxílio do software SPSS, foram produzidos procedimentos estatísticos para sistematizar e ampliar a análise que teve com suporte teórico as reflexoes preconizadas por distintos autores da Sociologia da Educaçao


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El epígrafe de Romero Brest (1969) expresa la incertidumbre respecto de la Expo Internacional Novísima Poesía/69 (1969, CAV-ITDT). ¿Por qué este desconcierto ante el contenido de la exposición? ¿Qué circunstancias en esos años hacen viable la experimentación, incluyendo poesía concreta? ¿Cómo ingresa ésta en el circuito institucional? ¿Qué formas de positividad (Foucault, 1990) adquieren los términos experimentación, concretismo, vanguardia? Las conexiones de la Expo con el concretismo se producen a partir del sistema de intercambios que genera Vigo con artistas de otros países; dejan entrever las fricciones con el modo de entender la vanguardia y las inscripciones de sentido del internacionalismo


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A implantaçao da obrigatoriedade do acesso à escola pública de Ensino Fundamental no Brasil, a partir do final dos aos 1980, produziu uma nova realidade no sistema de ensino. Por um lado, a taxa de frequência da escola básica passou de 75,03 (1990) para 92,14 (2010). Em contrapartida, a taxa de analfabetismo de pessoas com mais de 18 anos ainda é de 10,19 e somente 54,92 das pessoas com 18 anos ou mais tem Ensino Fundamental completo. Um conjunto de contradiçoes produzidas e reproduzidas sob o enfoque da justiça escolar a qual, norteia à universalizaçao do acesso a escola básica. Neste sentido, a ideia central desse trabalho foi reconhecer o perfil socioeducacional dos alunos em situaçao de fracasso escolar (repetência, distorçao idade-série e evasao escolar) no estado brasileiro que apresenta o melhor índice desenvolvimento da escola básica. Para tanto, foram analisadas as respostas de 87.607 questionários respondidos por alunos do 9o ano, participantes da Prova Brasil 2011. Com auxílio do software SPSS, foram produzidos procedimentos estatísticos para sistematizar e ampliar a análise que teve com suporte teórico as reflexoes preconizadas por distintos autores da Sociologia da Educaçao


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In order to assess recent submarine volcanic contributions to the sediments from the active Kolbeinsey Ridge, surface samples were analyzed chemically. The contribution of major and trace elements studied differ within the study area. A statistical analysis of the geochemical variables using factor analysis and cluster method allows to distinguish possible sample groups. Cluster method identifies three distinct sediment groups located in different areas of sedimentation. Group 1 is characterized by highest contents of Fe2O3, V, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn demonstrating the input of volcaniclastic material. Group 2 comprises high values of CaCO3, CaO and Sr representing biogenic carbonate. Group 3 is characterized by the elements K, Rb, Cs, La and Pb indicating the terrigenous component. The absolute percentage of the volcanic, biogenic and terrigenous components in the bulk sediments was calculated by using a normative sediment method. The highest volcanic component (> 60% on a carbonate free basis) is found on the ridge crest. The biogenic component is highest (10-30%) in the eastern part of the Spar Fracture Zone influenced by the East Iceland Current. Samples from the western and southeastern region of the study area contain more than 90% of terrigenous component which appears to be mainly controlled by input of ice-rafted debris.


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El epígrafe de Romero Brest (1969) expresa la incertidumbre respecto de la Expo Internacional Novísima Poesía/69 (1969, CAV-ITDT). ¿Por qué este desconcierto ante el contenido de la exposición? ¿Qué circunstancias en esos años hacen viable la experimentación, incluyendo poesía concreta? ¿Cómo ingresa ésta en el circuito institucional? ¿Qué formas de positividad (Foucault, 1990) adquieren los términos experimentación, concretismo, vanguardia? Las conexiones de la Expo con el concretismo se producen a partir del sistema de intercambios que genera Vigo con artistas de otros países; dejan entrever las fricciones con el modo de entender la vanguardia y las inscripciones de sentido del internacionalismo


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Chert, Porcellanite, and other silicified rocks formed in response to high heat flow in the lower 50 meters of 275 meters of sediments at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 504, Costa Rica Rift. Chert and Porcellanite partly or completely replaced upper Miocene chalk and limestone. Silicified rock occurs as nodules, laminae, stringers, and casts of burrows, and consists of quartz and opal-CT in varying amounts, associated with secondary calcite. The secondary silica was derived from dissolution of opal-A (biogenic silica), mostly diatom frustules and radiolarian tests. Temperature data obtained at the site indicate that transformation of opal-A to opal-CT began at about 50°C, and transformation from opal-CT to quartz at about 55°C. Quartz is most abundant close to basement basalts. These silica transformations occurred over the past 1 m.y., and took place so rapidly that there was incomplete ordering of opal-CT before transformation to quartz; opal-CT formed initially with an uncommonly wide d spacing. Quartz shows poor crystallinity. Chemical data show that the extensively silicified rocks consist of over 96% SiO2; in these rocks, minor and trace elements decreased greatly, except for boron, which increased. Low Al2O3 and TiO2 contents in all studied rocks preclude the presence of significant volcanic or terrigenous detritus. Mn content increases with depth, perhaps reflecting contributions from basalts or hydrothermal solutions. Comparisons with cherts from oceanic plateaus in the central Pacific point to a more purely biogenic host sediment for the Costa Rica Rift cherts, more rapid precipitation of quartz, and formation nearer a spreading center. Despite being closer to continental sources of ash and terrigenous detritus, Costa Rica Rift cherts have lower Al2O3, Fe2O3, and Mn concentrations.


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Tabla de contenidos: Conflicto social y protesta en la ciudad de La Plata : El caso del movimiento estudiantil frente a la irrupción de la Revolución Argentina / Pablo Augusto Bonavena. El PRT - La Verdad durante 1968 en La Plata, Berisso y Ensenada : Una visión a través de su prensa / Christian Castillo. El 68 platense : Primeros avances hacia un mapa de la conflictividad obrera y estudiantil / Andrés N. Cappannini, Federico Rotelle, Juan L. Besoky. Conflictividad del movimiento estudiantil y de la clase obrera platense durante el año 69 : Algunos elementos para su estudio / Agustín Nava. Acumulación de capital y conflictividad social en La Plata, Berisso y Ensenada, 1966-1969 / Pablo Romá. Grandes huelgas platenses durante la Revolución Argentina en perspectiva comparada / Marcelo Raimundo. Grandes huelgas platenses durante la Revolución Argentina en perspectiva comparada / Marcelo Raimundo.