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Background/objectives The provision of the patient bed-bath is a fundamental nursing care activity yet few quantitative data and no qualitative data are available on registered nurses’ (RNs) clinical practice in this domain in the intensive care unit (ICU). The aim of this study was to describe ICU RNs current practice with respect to the timing, frequency and duration of the patient bed-bath and the cleansing and emollient agents used. Methods The study utilised a two-phase sequential explanatory mixed method design. Phase one used a questionnaire to survey RNs and phase two employed semi-structured focus group (FG) interviews with RNs. Data was collected over 28 days across four Australian metropolitan ICUs. Ethical approval was granted from the relevant hospital and university human research ethics committees. RNs were asked to complete a questionnaire following each episode of care (i.e. bed-bath) and then to attend one of three FG interviews: RNs with less than 2 years ICU experience; RNs with 2–5 years ICU experience; and RNs with greater than 5 years ICU experience. Results During the 28-day study period the four ICUs had 77.25 beds open. In phase one a total of 539 questionnaires were returned, representing 30.5% of episodes of patient bed-baths (based on 1767 bed occupancy and one bed-bath per patient per day). In 349 bed-bath episodes 54.7% patients were mechanically ventilated. The bed-bath was given between 02.00 and 06.00 h in 161 episodes (30%), took 15–30 min to complete (n = 195, 36.2%) and was completed within the last 8 h in 304 episodes (56.8%). Cleansing agents used were predominantly pH balanced soap or liquid soap and water (n = 379, 71%) in comparison to chlorhexidine impregnated sponges/cloths (n = 86, 16.1%) or other agents such as pre-packaged washcloths (n = 65, 12.2%). In 347 episodes (64.4%) emollients were not applied after the bed-bath. In phase two 12 FGs were conducted (three FGs at each ICU) with a total of 42 RN participants. Thematic analysis of FG transcripts across the three levels of RN ICU experience highlighted a transition of patient hygiene practice philosophy from shades of grey – falling in line for inexperienced clinicians to experienced clinicians concrete beliefs about patient bed-bath needs. Conclusions This study identified variation in process and products used in patient hygiene practices in four ICUs. Further study to improve patient outcomes is required to determine the appropriate timing of patient hygiene activities and cleansing agents used to improve skin integrity.


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Visual impairment is an important contributing factor in falls among older adults, which is one of the leading causes of injury and injury-related death in this population. Visual impairment is also associated with greater disability among older adults, including poorer health-related quality of life, increased frailty and reduced postural stability. The majority of this evidence, however, is based on measures of central visual function, rather than peripheral visual function. As such, there is comparatively limited research on the associations between peripheral visual function, disability and falls, and even fewer studies involving older adults with specific diseases which affect peripheral visual function, the most common of which is glaucoma. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreversible vision loss among older adults, affecting around 3 per cent of adults aged over 60 years. The condition is characterised by retinal nerve fibre loss, primarily affecting peripheral visual function. Importantly, the number of older adults with glaucomatous visual impairment is projected to increase as the ageing population grows. The first component of the thesis examined the cross-sectional association between glaucomatous visual impairment and health-related quality of life (Study 1a), functional status (Study 1b) and postural stability (Study 1c) among older adults. A cohort of 74 community-dwelling adults with glaucoma (mean age 74.2 ± 5.9 years) was recruited and completed a baseline assessment. A number of visual function measures was assessed, including central visual function (visual acuity and contrast sensitivity), motion sensitivity, retinal nerve fibre analysis and monocular and binocular visual field measures (monocular 24-2 and binocular integrated visual fields (IVF): IVF-60 and IVF-120). The analyses focused on the associations between the outcomes measures and severity and location of visual field loss, as this is the primary visual function affected by glaucoma. In Study 1a, we examined the association between visual field loss and health-related quality of life, measured by the Short Form 36-item Health Survey (SF-36). Greater binocular visual field loss, on both IVF measures, was associated with lower SF-36 physical component scores, adjusted for age and gender (Pearson's r =|0.32| to |0.36|, p<0.001). Furthermore, inferior visual field loss was more strongly associated with the SF-36 physical component than superior field loss. No association was found between visual field loss and SF-36 mental component scores. The association between visual field loss and functional status was examined in Study 1b. Functional status outcomes measures included a physical activity questionnaire (Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly, PASE), performance tests (six-minute walk test, timed up and go test and lower leg strength) and an overall functional status score. Significant, but weak, correlations were found between binocular visual field loss and PASE and overall functional status scores, adjusted for age and gender (Pearson's r =|0.24| to |0.33|, p<0.05). Greater inferior visual field loss, independent of superior visual field loss, was significantly associated with poorer physical performance results and lower overall functional status scores. In Study 1c, we examined the association between visual field loss and postural stability, using a swaymeter device which recorded body movement during four conditions: eyes open and closed, on a firm and foam surface. Greater binocular visual field loss was associated with increased postural sway, both on firm and foam surfaces, independent of age and gender (Pearson’s r =|0.44| to |0.46|, p <0.001). Furthermore, inferior visual field was a stronger contributor to postural stability, more so than the superior visual field, particularly on the foam condition with the eyes open. Greater visual field loss was associated with a reduction in the visual contribution to postural sway, which underlies the observed association with postural sway. The second component of the thesis examined the association between severity and location of visual field loss and falls during a 12-month longitudinal follow-up. The number of falls was assessed prospectively using monthly fall calendars. Of the 71 participants who successfully completed the follow up (mean age 73.9 ± 5.7 years), 44% reported one or more falls, and around 20% reported two or more falls. After adjusting for age and gender, every 10 points missed on the IVF-120 increased the rate of falls by 25% (rate ratio 1.25, 95% confidence interval 1.08 - 1.44) or every 5dB reduction in IVF-60 increased the rate of falls by 47% (rate ratio 1.47, 95% confidence interval 1.16 - 1.87). Inferior visual field loss was a significant predictor of falls, more so than superior field loss, highlighting the importance of the inferior visual field area in safe and efficient navigation. Further analyses indicated that postural stability, more so than functional status, may be a potential mediating factor in the relationship between visual field loss and falls. Future research is required to confirm this causal pathway. In addition, the use of topical beta-blocker medications was not associated with an increased rate of falls in this cohort, compared with the use of other topical anti-glaucoma medications. In summary, greater binocular visual field loss among older adults with glaucoma was associated with poorer health-related quality of life in the physical domain, reduced functional status, greater postural instability and higher rates of falling. When the location of visual field loss was examined, inferior visual field loss was consistently more strongly associated with these outcomes than superior visual field loss. Insights gained from this research improve our understanding of the association between glaucomatous visual field loss and disability, and its link with falls among older adults. The clinical implications of this research include the need to include visual field screening in falls risk assessments among older adults and to raise awareness of these findings to eye care practitioners and adults with glaucoma. The findings also assist in developing further research to examine strategies to reduce disability and prevent falls among older adults with glaucoma to promote healthy ageing and independence for these individuals.


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In Queensland, Australia, the ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels are high (greater than UV Index 3) almost all year round. Although ambient UV is about three times higher in summer compared to winter, Queensland residents receive approximately equal personal doses of UV radiation within these seasons (Neale et al., 2010). Sun protection messages throughout the year are thus essential (Montague et al., 2001), need to reach all segments of the population, and should incorporate guidelines for maintenance of adequate vitamin D levels. Knowledge is an essential requirement to allow people to make health conscious decisions. Unprompted knowledge commonly requires a higher level of awareness or recency of acquisition compared to prompted recall (Waller et al., 2004). This paper thus reports further on the data from a 2008 population-based, cross-sectional telephone survey conducted in Queensland, Australia (2,001 participants; response rate=45%) (Youl et al., 2009). It was the aim of this research to establish the level of, and factors predicting, unprompted and prompted knowledge about health and vitamin D.


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The relationship between participation in civic and political activities and membership of voluntary associations is now well established. What is less clear is the relative impacts of how much time people spend on group activities (associational intensity), and the number and type of groups that individuals are involved with (associational scope). Does it matter in terms of civic engagement, for example, whether one is a member of a quilting-circle or trade union? Does it matter whether association ‘membership’ is simply an annual payment or a major commitment of time and energy? In this article, we use a large survey to explore these questions empirically by focusing on the membership patterns and civic engagement practices of 4,001 citizens drawn from eight suburbs across Greater Melbourne, Australia. Our findings indicate that, while associational intensity is positively related to civic engagement, associational scope (the number of group memberships per person), is a more influential determinant of the level of civic and political participation. The results also suggest that while all forms of associationalism are important in terms of fostering greater levels of civic activity, not all forms have the same impact.


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The study objective was to determine whether the ‘cardiac decompensation score’ could identify cardiac decompensation in a patient with existing cardiac compromise managed with intraaortic balloon counterpulsation (IABP). A one-group, posttest-only design was utilised to collect observations in 2003 from IABP recipients treated in the intensive care unit of a 450 bed Australian, government funded, public, cardiothoracic, tertiary referral hospital. Twenty-three consecutive IABP recipients were enrolled, four of whom died in ICU (17.4%). All non-survivors exhibited primarily rising scores over the observation period (p < 0.001) and had final scores of 25 or higher. In contrast, the maximum score obtained by a survivor at any time was 15. Regardless of survival, scores for the 23 participants were generally decreasing immediately following therapy escalation (p = 0.016). Further reflecting these changes in patient support, there was also a trend for scores to move from rising to falling at such treatment escalations (p = 0.024). This pilot study indicates the ‘cardiac decompensation score’ to accurately represent changes in heart function specific to an individual patient. Use of the score in conjunction with IABP may lead to earlier identification of changes occurring in a patient's cardiac function and thus facilitate improved IABP outcomes.


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Objective: Diarrhoea in the enterally tube fed (ETF) intensive care unit (ICU) patient is a multifactorial problem. Diarrhoeal aetiologies in this patient cohort remain debatable; however, the consequences of diarrhoea have been well established and include electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, bacterial translocation, peri anal wound contamination and sleep deprivation. This study examined the incidence of diarrhoea and explored factors contributing to the development of diarrhoea in the ETF, critically ill, adult patient. ---------- Method: After institutional ethical review and approval, a single centre medical chart audit was undertaken to examine the incidence of diarrhoea in ETF, critically ill patients. Retrospective, non-probability sequential sampling was used of all emergency admission adult ICU patients who met the inclusion/exclusion criteria. ---------- Results: Fifty patients were audited. Faecal frequency, consistency and quantity were considered important criteria in defining ETF diarrhoea. The incidence of diarrhoea was 78%. Total patient diarrhoea days (r = 0.422; p = 0.02) and total diarrhoea frequency (r = 0.313; p = 0.027) increased when the patient was ETF for longer periods of time. Increased severity of illness, peripheral oxygen saturation (Sp02), glucose control, albumin and white cell count were found to be statistically significant factors for the development of diarrhoea. ---------- Conclusion: Diarrhoea in ETF critically ill patients is multi-factorial. The early identification of diarrhoea risk factors and the development of a diarrhoea risk management algorithm is recommended.


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Objective: The aim of this literature review is to identify the role of probiotics in the management of enteral tube feeding (ETF) diarrhoea in critically ill patients.---------- Background: Diarrhoea is a common gastrointestinal problem seen in ETF patients. The incidence of diarrhoea in tube fed patients varies from 2% to 68% across all patients. Despite extensive investigation, the pathogenesis surrounding ETF diarrhoea remains unclear. Evidence to support probiotics to manage ETF diarrhoea in critically ill patients remains sparse.---------- Method: Literature on ETF diarrhoea and probiotics in critically ill, adult patients was reviewed from 1980 to 2010. The Cochrane Library, Pubmed, Science Direct, Medline and the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) electronic databases were searched using specific inclusion/exclusion criteria. Key search terms used were: enteral nutrition, diarrhoea, critical illness, probiotics, probiotic species and randomised clinical control trial (RCT).---------- Results: Four RCT papers were identified with two reporting full studies, one reporting a pilot RCT and one conference abstract reporting an RCT pilot study. A trend towards a reduction in diarrhoea incidence was observed in the probiotic groups. However, mortality associated with probiotic use in some severely and critically ill patients must caution the clinician against its use.---------- Conclusion: Evidence to support probiotic use in the management of ETF diarrhoea in critically ill patients remains unclear. This paper argues that probiotics should not be administered to critically ill patients until further research has been conducted to examine the causal relationship between probiotics and mortality, irrespective of the patient's disease state or projected prophylactic benefit of probiotic administration.


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Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) possess great therapeutic potential for the treatment of bone disease and fracture non-union. Too often however, in vitro evidence alone of the interaction between hMSCs and the biomaterial of choice is used as justification for continued development of the material into the clinic. Clearly for hMSC-based regenerative medicine to be successful for the treatment of orthopaedic trauma, it is crucial to transplant hMSCs with a suitable carrier that facilitates their survival, optimal proliferation and osteogenic differentiation in vitro and in vivo. This motivated us to evaluate the use of polycaprolactone-20% tricalcium phosphate (PCL-TCP) scaffolds produced by fused deposition modeling for the delivery of hMSCs. When hMSCs were cultured on the PCL-TCP scaffolds and imaged by a combination of phase contrast, scanning electron and confocal laser microscopy, we observed five distinct stages of colonization over a 21-day period that were characterized by cell attachment, spreading, cellular bridging, the formation of a dense cellular mass and the accumulation of a mineralized extracellular matrix when induced with osteogenic stimulants. Having established that PCL-TCP scaffolds are able to support hMSC proliferation and osteogenic differentiation, we next tested the in vivo efficacy of hMSC-loaded PCL-TCP scaffolds in nude rat critical-sized femoral defects. We found that fluorescently labeled hMSCs survived in the defect site for up to 3 weeks post-transplantation. However, only 50% of the femoral defects treated with hMSCs responded favorably as determined by new bone volume. As such, we show that verification of hMSC viability and differentiation in vitro is not sufficient to predict the efficacy of transplanted stem cells to consistently promote bone formation in orthotopic defects in vivo.


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This study conceptualizes, operationalises and validates the concept of Knowledge Management Competence as a four-phase multidimensional formative index. Employing survey data from 310 respondents representing 27 organizations using the SAP Enterprise System Financial module, the study results demonstrate a large, significant, positive relationship between Knowledge Management Competence and Enterprise Systems Success (ES-success, as conceived by Gable Sedera and Chan (2008)); suggesting important implications for practice. Strong evidence of the validity of Knowledge Management Competence as conceived and operationalised, too suggests potential from future research evaluating its relationships with possible antecedents and consequences.


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Objective--To determine whether heart failure with preserved systolic function (HFPSF) has different natural history from left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD). Design and setting--A retrospective analysis of 10 years of data (for patients admitted between 1 July 1994 and 30 June 2004, and with a study census date of 30 June 2005) routinely collected as part of clinical practice in a large tertiary referral hospital.Main outcome measures-- Sociodemographic characteristics, diagnostic features, comorbid conditions, pharmacotherapies, readmission rates and survival.Results--Of the 2961 patients admitted with chronic heart failure, 753 had echocardiograms available for this analysis. Of these, 189 (25%) had normal left ventricular size and systolic function. In comparison to patients with LVSD, those with HFPSF were more often female (62.4% v 38.5%; P = 0.001), had less social support, and were more likely to live in nursing homes (17.9% v 7.6%; P < 0.001), and had a greater prevalence of renal impairment (86.7% v 6.2%; P = 0.004), anaemia (34.3% v 6.3%; P = 0.013) and atrial fibrillation (51.3% v 47.1%; P = 0.008), but significantly less ischaemic heart disease (53.4% v 81.2%; P = 0.001). Patients with HFPSF were less likely to be prescribed an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (61.9% v 72.5%; P = 0.008); carvedilol was used more frequently in LVSD (1.5% v 8.8%; P < 0.001). Readmission rates were higher in the HFPSF group (median, 2 v 1.5 admissions; P = 0.032), particularly for malignancy (4.2% v 1.8%; P < 0.001) and anaemia (3.9% v 2.3%; P < 0.001). Both groups had the same poor survival rate (P = 0.912). Conclusions--Patients with HFPSF were predominantly older women with less social support and higher readmission rates for associated comorbid illnesses. We therefore propose that reduced survival in HFPSF may relate more to comorbid conditions than suboptimal cardiac management.


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Aim/hypothesis Immune mechanisms have been proposed to play a role in the development of diabetic neuropathy. We employed in vivo corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) to quantify the presence and density of Langerhans cells (LCs) in relation to the extent of corneal nerve damage in Bowman's layer of the cornea in diabetic patients. Methods 128 diabetic patients aged 58±1 yrs with a differing severity of neuropathy based on Neuropathy Deficit Score (NDS—4.7±0.28) and 26 control subjects aged 53±3 yrs were examined. Subjects underwent a full neurological evaluation, evaluation of corneal sensation with non-contact corneal aesthesiometry (NCCA) and corneal nerve morphology using corneal confocal microscopy (CCM). Results The proportion of individuals with LCs was significantly increased in diabetic patients (73.8%) compared to control subjects (46.1%), P=0.001. Furthermore, LC density (no/mm2) was significantly increased in diabetic patients (17.73±1.45) compared to control subjects (6.94±1.58), P=0.001 and there was a significant correlation with age (r=0.162, P=0.047) and severity of neuropathy (r=−0.202, P=0.02). There was a progressive decrease in corneal sensation with increasing severity of neuropathy assessed using NDS in the diabetic patients (r=0.414, P=0.000). Corneal nerve fibre density (P<0.001), branch density (P<0.001) and length (P<0.001) were significantly decreased whilst tortuosity (P<0.01) was increased in diabetic patients with increasing severity of diabetic neuropathy. Conclusion Utilising in vivo corneal confocal microscopy we have demonstrated increased LCs in diabetic patients particularly in the earlier phases of corneal nerve damage suggestive of an immune mediated contribution to corneal nerve damage in diabetes.


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Driver aggression is an increasing concern for motorists, with some research suggesting that drivers who behave aggressively perceive their actions as justified by the poor driving of others. Thus attributions may play an important role in understanding driver aggression. A convenience sample of 193 drivers (aged 17-36) randomly assigned to two separate roles (‘perpetrators’ and ‘victims’) responded to eight scenarios of driver aggression. Drivers also completed the Aggression Questionnaire and Driving Anger Scale. Consistent with the actor-observer bias, ‘victims’ (or recipients) in this study were significantly more likely than ‘perpetrators’ (or instigators) to endorse inadequacies in the instigator’s driving skills as the cause of driver aggression. Instigators were significantly more likely attribute the depicted behaviours to external but temporary causes (lapses in judgement or errors) rather than stable causes. This suggests that instigators recognised drivers as responsible for driving aggressively but downplayed this somewhat in comparison to ‘victims’/recipients. Recipients and instigators agreed that the behaviours were examples of aggressive driving but instigators appeared to focus on the degree of intentionality of the driver in making their assessments while recipients appeared to focus on the safety implications. Contrary to expectations, instigators gave mean ratings of the emotional impact of driving aggression on recipients that were higher in all cases than the mean ratings given by the recipients. Drivers appear to perceive aggressive behaviours as modifiable, with the implication that interventions could appeal to drivers’ sense of self-efficacy to suggest strategies for overcoming plausible and modifiable attributions (e.g. lapses in judgement; errors) underpinning behaviours perceived as aggressive.


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Background and Significance Venous leg ulcers are a significant cause of chronic ill-health for 1–3% of those aged over 60 years, increasing in incidence with age. The condition is difficult and costly to heal, consuming 1–2.5% of total health budgets in developed countries and up to 50% of community nursing time. Unfortunately after healing, there is a recurrence rate of 60 to 70%, frequently within the first 12 months after heaing. Although some risk factors associated with higher recurrence rates have been identified (e.g. prolonged ulcer duration, deep vein thrombosis), in general there is limited evidence on treatments to effectively prevent recurrence. Patients are generally advised to undertake activities which aim to improve the impaired venous return (e.g. compression therapy, leg elevation, exercise). However, only compression therapy has some evidence to support its effectiveness in prevention and problems with adherence to this strategy are well documented. Aim The aim of this research was to identify factors associated with recurrence by determining relationships between recurrence and demographic factors, health, physical activity, psychosocial factors and self-care activities to prevent recurrence. Methods Two studies were undertaken: a retrospective study of participants diagnosed with a venous leg ulcer which healed 12 to 36 months prior to the study (n=122); and a prospective longitudinal study of participants recruited as their ulcer healed and data collected for 12 months following healing (n=80). Data were collected from medical records on demographics, medical history and ulcer history and treatments; and from self-report questionnaires on physical activity, nutrition, psychosocial measures, ulcer history, compression and other self-care activities. Follow-up data for the prospective study were collected every three months for 12 months after healing. For the retrospective study, a logistic regression model determined the independent influences of variables on recurrence. For the prospective study, median time to recurrence was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method and a Cox proportional-hazards regression model was used to adjust for potential confounders and determine effects of preventive strategies and psychosocial factors on recurrence. Results In total, 68% of participants in the retrospective study and 44% of participants in the prospective study suffered a recurrence. After mutual adjustment for all variables in multivariable regression models, leg elevation, compression therapy, self efficacy and physical activity were found to be consistently related to recurrence in both studies. In the retrospective study, leg elevation, wearing Class 2 or 3 compression hosiery, the level of physical activity, cardiac disease and self efficacy scores remained significantly associated (p<0.05) with recurrence. The model was significant (p <0.001); with a R2 equivalent of 0.62. Examination of relationships between psychosocial factors and adherence to wearing compression hosiery found wearing compression hosiery was significantly positively associated with participants’ knowledge of the cause of their condition (p=0.002), higher self-efficacy scores (p=0.026) and lower depression scores (p=0.009). Analysis of data from the prospective study found there were 35 recurrences (44%) in the 12 months following healing and median time to recurrence was 27 weeks. After adjustment for potential confounders, a Cox proportional hazards regression model found that at least an hour/day of leg elevation, six or more days/week in Class 2 (20–25mmHg) or 3 (30–40mmHg) compression hosiery, higher social support scale scores and higher General Self-Efficacy scores remained significantly associated (p<0.05) with a lower risk of recurrence, while male gender and a history of DVT remained significant risk factors for recurrence. Overall the model was significant (p <0.001); with an R2 equivalent 0.72. Conclusions The high rates of recurrence found in the studies highlight the urgent need for further information in this area to support development of effective strategies for prevention. Overall, results indicate leg elevation, physical activity, compression hosiery and strategies to improve self-efficacy are likely to prevent recurrence. In addition, optimal management of depression and strategies to improve patient knowledge and self-efficacy may positively influence adherence to compression therapy. This research provides important information for development of strategies to prevent recurrence of venous leg ulcers, with the potential to improve health and decrease health care costs in this population.


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Goals: Few studies have repeatedly evaluated quality of life and potentially relevant factors in patients with benign primary brain tumor. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the experience of the symptom distress, functional status, depression, and quality of life prior to surgery (T1) and 1 month post-discharge (T2). ---------- Patients and methods: This was a prospective cohort study including 58 patients with benign primary brain tumor in one teaching hospital in the Taipei area of Taiwan. The research instruments included the M.D. Anderson Symptom Inventory, the Functional Independence Measure scale, the Hospital Depression Scale, and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Brain.---------- Results: Symptom distress (T1: r=−0.90, p<0.01; T2: r=−0.52, p<0.01), functional status (T1: r=0.56, p<0.01), and depression (T1: r=−0.71, p<0.01) demonstrated a significant relationship with patients' quality of life. Multivariate analysis identified symptom distress (explained 80.2%, Rinc 2=0.802, p=0.001) and depression (explained 5.2%, Rinc 2=0.052, p<0.001) continued to have a significant independent influence on quality of life prior to surgery (T1) after controlling for key demographic and medical variables. Furthermore, only symptom distress (explained 27.1%, Rinc 2=0.271, p=0.001) continued to have a significant independent influence on quality of life at 1 month after discharge (T2).---------- Conclusions: The study highlights the potential importance of a patient's symptom distress on quality of life prior to and following surgery. Health professionals should inquire about symptom distress over time. Specific interventions for symptoms may improve the symptom impact on quality of life. Additional studies should evaluate symptom distress on longer-term quality of life of patients with benign brain tumor.


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The health of tollbooth workers is seriously threatened by long-term exposure to polluted air from vehicle exhausts. Using traffic data collected at a toll plaza, vehicle movements were simulated by a system dynamics model with different traffic volumes and toll collection procedures. This allowed the average travel time of vehicles to be calculated. A three-dimension Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model was used with a k–ε turbulence model to simulate pollutant dispersion at the toll plaza for different traffic volumes and toll collection procedures. It was shown that pollutant concentration around tollbooths increases as traffic volume increases. Whether traffic volume is low or high (1500 vehicles/h or 2500 vehicles/h), pollutant concentration decreases if electronic toll collection (ETC) is adopted. In addition, pollutant concentration around tollbooths decreases as the proportion of ETC-equipped vehicles increases. However, if the proportion of ETC-equipped vehicles is very low and the traffic volume is not heavy, then pollutant concentration increases as the number of ETC lanes increases.