602 resultados para uplift


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Precise relative sea level (RSL) data are important for inferring regional ice sheet histories, as well as helping to validate numerical models of ice sheet evolution and glacial isostatic adjustment. Here we develop a new RSL curve for Fildes Peninsula, South Shetland Islands (SSIs), a sub-Antarctic archipelago peripheral to the northern Antarctic Peninsula ice sheet, by integrating sedimentary evidence from isolation basins with geomorphological evidence from raised beaches. This combined approach yields not only a Holocene RSL curve, but also the spatial pattern of how RSL change varied across the archipelago. The curve shows a mid-Holocene RSL highstand on Fildes Peninsula at 15.5 m above mean sea level between 8000 and 7000 cal a BP. Subsequently RSL gradually fell as a consequence of isostatic uplift in response to regional deglaciation. We propose that isostatic uplift occurred at a non-steady rate, with a temporary pause in ice retreat ca. 7200 cal a BP, leading to a short-lived RSL rise of ~1 m and forming a second peak to the mid-Holocene highstand. Two independent approaches were taken to constrain the long-term tectonic uplift rate of the SSIs at 0.22-0.48 m/ka, placing the tectonic contribution to the reconstructed RSL highstand between 1.4 and 2.9 m. Finally, we make comparisons to predictions from three global sea level models.


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A 100 cm long sediment sequence was recovered from Beaver Lake in Amery Oasis, East Antarctica, using gravity and piston corers. Sedimentological and mineralogical analyses and the absence of micro and macrofossils indicate that the sediments at the base of the sequence formed under glacial conditions, probably prior to c. 12 500 cal. yr BP. The sediments between c. 81 and 31 cm depth probably formed under subaerial conditions, indicating that isostatic uplift since deglaciation has been substantially less than eustatic sea-level rise and that large areas of the present-day floor of Beaver Lake must have been subaerially exposed following deglaciation. The upper 31 cm of the sediment sequence were deposited under glaciomarine conditions similar to those of today, supporting geomorphic observations that the Holocene was a period of relative sea-level highstand in Amery Oasis.


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A near-bottom geological and geophysical survey was conducted at the western intersection of the Siqueiros Transform Fault and the East Pacific Rise. Transform-fault shear appears to distort the east flank of the rise crest in an area north of the fracture zone. In ward-facing scarps trend 335° and do not parallel the regional axis of spreading. Small-scale scarps reveal a hummocky bathymetry. The center of spreading is not a central peak but rather a 20-40 m deep, 1 km wide valley superimposed upon an 8 km wide ridge-crest horst. Small-scale topography indicates widespread volcanic flows within the valley. Two 0.75 km wide blocks flank the central valley. Fault scarps are more dominant on the western flank. Their alignment shifts from directions intermediate to parallel to the regional axis of spreading (355°). A median ridge within the fracture zone has a fault-block topography similar to that of the East Pacific Rise to the north. Dominant eastward-facing scarps trending 335° are on the west flank. A central depression, 1 km wide and 30 m deep, separates the dominantly fault-block regime of the west from the smoother topography of the east flank. This ridge originated by uplift due to faulting as well as by volcanism. Detailed mapping was concentrated in a perched basin (Dante's Hole) at the intersection of the rise crest and the fracture zone. Structural features suggest that Dante's Hole is an area subject to extreme shear and tensional drag resulting from transition between non-rigid and rigid crustal behavior. Normal E-W crustal spreading is probably taking place well within the northern confines of the basin. Possible residual spreading of this isolated rise crest coupled with shear drag within the transform fault could explain the structural isolation of Dante's Hole from the remainder of the Siqueiros Transform Fault.


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The sediments of 14 box cores and 7 gravity cores, mainly taken directly in front of the Filchner(-Ronne) ice shelf northwest of Berkner Island (Weddell Sea), allowed to distinguish six sediment types. On the one hand,the retreat of the at first grounded and then floated ice from the last glacial maximum is documented. On the other hand,the sediments give an insight into extensive Holocene sediment deposition and remobilization northwest of Berkner Island. The ortho till was deposited directly by the grounded ice sheet and is lacking any marine influence. After floating of the ice shelf, partly very weIl stratified, partly unstratified, non-bioturbated paratill is deposited beneath the ice shelf. Lack of IRD-content in the paratill immediately above the orthotill indicates freezing at the bottom of the ice, at least for a short period after the ice became afloat. The orthotill and paratill contain small amounts of fragmented Tertiary diatoms, which allow the conclusion, that glacial-marine sediments in the accumulation area of the Ronne ice shelf will be eroded and later deposited by ice in the investigation area. Starting of bioturbation and therefore change in sedimentation from paratill to bioturbated paratill,is caused by the retreat of the ice shelf to its actual position. Isostatic uplift of the sea-bed after the Ice Age causes minor water depths with higher current velocities. The fine-fraction is eroding and mean particle-size will increase. Maybe, also isostatic uplift is responsible for repeated great advances of the floated ice shelf as shown in an erosional horizon in some cores containing bioturbated paratill. Postglacial sediment-thicknesses exceed 3 m. Assuming floating of the ice 15.000 YBP, accumulation rates reach nearly 20cm/lOOO years. Following the theories about sediment input in front of wide ice shelves, this was not expected. In the shallower water depths of Berkner Bank, the oscillations of the ice shelf are recorded in the sediments. Sorting and redistribution by high current velocities from beneath the ice up to the calving line, lead to the deposition of the weIl to very weIl sorted sandy till. In front of the calving line the finer fraction will settle down. Remobilization is possible by bioturbation and increasing current-velocity. According to the intensity of mixing of the sandy till with the fine fraction, modified till or muddy till results.


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the referees for constructive suggestions. Thanks are due to Norwegian Research Council (Petrosam 2) for financial support.


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the referees for constructive suggestions. Thanks are due to Norwegian Research Council (Petrosam 2) for financial support.


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Quién Es, Quién Somos? Spic’ing into Existence claims a four-fold close-reading: first, analysis of texts: from theoretical meditations to (prison) memoir and film. Second, a half dozen central figures appear, largely Latinx and black American. They cut across a score of registers, socio-economics, ideological reservations, but all are, as Carl Carlton sang, poetry in motion. Writers, poets, theologians, pathologists, artists, comedians, actors, students whose vocation is invocation, the inner surge of their calling. Third, the manuscript draws from a series of historical moments—from radical liberation of the late 60s, to contemporary student activism. Finally, this body of work is movement, in all its social, gestural, and kinesthetic viscera. From this last heading, we peel away layers of what I call the ethnopoet, the fascia undoing that reveals its bio-political anatomy, dressing its bare life with kinship speech. First, the social revolutions of the Civil Rights, Black Power, abolitionism, the Black Panthers and Young Lords, boycotts and jarring artistic performances. These events are superficial not in vain sense, but key epicenters of underground murmurings, the workings of a cunning assailant. She robs not lavish estates, but another day to breathe. Gesturally, as perhaps the interlocutor, lies this author, interspersing his own diatribes to conjure her presence. The final branch is admittedly the most intangible. Kinesthetically, we map the nimbleness, footwork lígera of what I call the ethnopoet. Ethnopoet is no mere aggregate of ethnicity and poetry, but like chemical reaction, the descriptor for its behavior under certain pressures, temperatures, and elements. Elusive and resisting confinement, and therefore definition, the ethnopoet is a shapeshifting figure of how racialized bodies [people of color] respond to hegemonic powers. She is, at bottom, however, a native translator, the plural-lensed subject whose loyalty is only to the imagination of a different world, one whose survival is not contingent upon her exploitation. The native translator’s constant re-calibrations of oppressive power apparatuses seem taxing at best, and near-impossible, at worst. To effectively navigate through these polarized loci, she must identify ideologies that in turn seek “affective liberatory sances” in relation to the dominant social order (43). In a kind of performative contradiction, she must marshall the knowledge necessary to “break with ideology” while speaking within it. Chicana Studies scholar, Chela Sandoval, describes this dual movement as “meta-ideologizing”: the appropriation of hegemonic ideological forms in order to transform them (82). Nuestros padres se subieron encima de La Bestia, y por eso somos pasageros a ese tren. Y ya, dentro su pansa, tenemos que ser vigilantes cuando plantamos las bombas. In Methodology of the Oppressed, Sandoval schematizes this oppositional consciousness around five principle categories: “equal rights,” “revolutionary,” “supremacist,” “separatist,” and “differential.” Taken by themselves, the first four modes appear mutually exclusive, incapable of occupying the same plane, until a fifth pillar emerges. Cinematographic in nature, differential consciousness, as Sandoval defines it, is “a kinetic motion that maneuvers, poetically transfigures, and orchestrates while demanding alienation, perversion, and reformation in both spectators and practitioners” (44). For Sandoval, then, differential consciousness is a methodology that privileges an incredible sense mobility, one reaching artistic sensibilities. Our fourth and final analytic of movement serves an apt example of this dual meaning. Lexically speaking, ‘movement’ may be regarded as a political mobilization of aggrieved populations (through sustained efforts), or the process of moving objects (people or otherwise) from one location to another. Praxis-wise, it is both action and ideal, content and form. Thus, an ethnic poetics must be regarded less as a series of stanzas, shortened lyric, or even arrangement of language, but as a lens through which peripheralized peoples kaleidecope ideological positions in an “original, eccentric, and queer sight” (43). Taking note of the advantages of postponing identifications, the thesis stands its ground on the term ethnopoet. Its abstraction is not dewey-eyed philosophy, but an anticipation of poetic justice, of what’s to come from callused hands. This thesis is divided into 7.5 chapters. The first maps out the ethnopoet’s cartographies of struggle. By revisiting that alleged Tío Tomas, Richard Rodriguez, we unearth the tensions that negatively, deny citizenship to one silo, but on the flipside, engender manifold ways of seeing, hearing, and moving . The second, through George Jackson’s prison memoirs, pans out from this ethnography of power, groping for an apparatus that feigns an impervious prestige: ‘the aesthetic regime of coercion.’ In half-way cut, the thesis sidesteps to spic into existence, formally announcing, through Aime Cesaire, myself, and Pedro Pietri, the poeticization of trauma. Such uplift denies New Age transcendence of self, but a rehearsal of our entrapment in these mortal envelopes. Thirdly, conscious of the bleeding ethnic body, we cut open the incipient corpse to observe her pathologist. Her native autopsies offer the ethnic body’s posthumous recognition, the ethnopoetics ability to speak for and through the dead. Chapter five examines prolific black artists—Beyonce and Kendrick Lamar—to elide the circumvention of their consumption via invoking radical black hi/her-stories, ones fragmenting the black body. Sixth, the paper compares the Black Power Salute of the 1968 Mexico City Olympics to Duke’s Mi Gente Boycott of their Latino Student Recruitment Weekend. Both wielded “silent gestures,” that shrewdly interfered with white noise of numbed negligence. Finally, ‘taking the mask off’ that are her functionalities, the CODA expounds on ethnopoet’s interiority, particularly after the rapid re-calibration of her politics. Through a rerun of El Chavo del Ocho, one of Mexican television’s most cherished shows, we tune into the heart-breaking indigence of barrio residents, only to marvel at the power of humor to, as Friday’s John Witherspoon put it, “fight another day.” This thesis is the tip of my tongue. Y por una vez, déjala que cante.


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Les modèles incrémentaux sont des modèles statistiques qui ont été développés initialement dans le domaine du marketing. Ils sont composés de deux groupes, un groupe contrôle et un groupe traitement, tous deux comparés par rapport à une variable réponse binaire (le choix de réponses est « oui » ou « non »). Ces modèles ont pour but de détecter l’effet du traitement sur les individus à l’étude. Ces individus n’étant pas tous des clients, nous les appellerons : « prospects ». Cet effet peut être négatif, nul ou positif selon les caractéristiques des individus composants les différents groupes. Ce mémoire a pour objectif de comparer des modèles incrémentaux d’un point de vue bayésien et d’un point de vue fréquentiste. Les modèles incrémentaux utilisés en pratique sont ceux de Lo (2002) et de Lai (2004). Ils sont initialement réalisés d’un point de vue fréquentiste. Ainsi, dans ce mémoire, l’approche bayésienne est utilisée et comparée à l’approche fréquentiste. Les simulations sont e ectuées sur des données générées avec des régressions logistiques. Puis, les paramètres de ces régressions sont estimés avec des simulations Monte-Carlo dans l’approche bayésienne et comparés à ceux obtenus dans l’approche fréquentiste. L’estimation des paramètres a une influence directe sur la capacité du modèle à bien prédire l’effet du traitement sur les individus. Nous considérons l’utilisation de trois lois a priori pour l’estimation des paramètres de façon bayésienne. Elles sont choisies de manière à ce que les lois a priori soient non informatives. Les trois lois utilisées sont les suivantes : la loi bêta transformée, la loi Cauchy et la loi normale. Au cours de l’étude, nous remarquerons que les méthodes bayésiennes ont un réel impact positif sur le ciblage des individus composant les échantillons de petite taille.


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In-situ uplifted portions of oceanic crust at the central dome of the Atlantis Massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30°N) were drilled during Expeditions 304 and 305 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and a 1.4 km section of predominantly gabbroic rocks with minor intercalated ultramafic rocks were recovered. Here we characterize variations in sulfur mineralogy and geochemistry of selected samples of serpentinized peridotites, olivine-rich troctolites and diverse gabbroic rocks recovered from Hole 1309D. These data are used to constrain alteration processes and redox conditions and are compared with the basement rocks of the southern wall of the Atlantis Massif, which hosts the Lost City Hydrothermal Field, 5 km to the south. The oceanic crust at the central dome is characterized by Ni-rich sulfides reflecting reducing conditions and limited seawater circulation. During uplift and exhumation, seawater interaction in gabbroic-dominated domains was limited, as indicated by homogeneous mantle-like sulfur contents and isotope compositions of gabbroic rocks and olivine-rich troctolites. Local variations from mantle compositions are related to magmatic variability or to interaction with seawater-derived fluids channeled along fault zones. The concomitant occurrence of mackinawite in olivine-rich troctolites and an anhydrite vein in a gabbro provide temperature constraints of 150-200 °C for late circulating fluids along local brittle faults below 700 m depth. In contrast, the ultramafic lithologies at the central dome represent domains with higher seawater fluxes and higher degrees of alteration and show distinct changes in sulfur geochemistry. The serpentinites in the upper part of the hole are characterized by high total sulfide contents, high d34Ssulfide values and low d34Ssulfate values, which reflect a multistage history primarily controlled by seawater-gabbro interaction and subsequent serpentinization. The basement rocks at the central dome record lower oxygen fugacities and more limited fluid fluxes compared with the serpentinites and gabbros of the Lost City hydrothermal system. Our studies are consistent with previous results and indicate that sulfur speciation and sulfur isotope compositions of altered oceanic mantle sequences commonly evolve over time. Heterogeneities in sulfur geochemistry reflect the fact that serpentinites are highly sensitive to local variations in fluid fluxes, temperature, oxygen and sulfur fugacities, and microbial activity.


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Foraminiferal analysis of Miocene to recent strata of the Northwest Shelf of Australia is used to chart West Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) influence. The assemblage is typified by "larger" foraminifera with ingressions of the Indo-Pacific "smaller" taxa Asterorotalia and Pseudorotalia at around 4 Ma and from 1.6 to 0.8 Ma. A review of recent and fossil biogeography of these taxa suggests their stratigraphic distribution can be used to document WPWP evolution. From 10 to 4.4 Ma a lack of biogeographic connectivity between the Pacific and Indian Ocean suggests Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) restriction. During this period, the collision of Australia and Asia trapped warmer waters in the Pacific, creating a central WPWP biogeographic province from the equator to 26°N. By 3 Ma Indo-Pacific species migrated to Japan with the initiation of the "modern" Kuroshio Current coinciding with the intensification of the North Pacific Gyre and Northern Hemisphere ice sheet expansion. Indo-Pacific taxa migrated to the northwest Australia from 4.4 to 4 Ma possibly because of limited ITF. The absence of Indo-Pacific taxa in northwest Australia indicates possible ITF restriction from 4 to 1.6 Ma. Full northwest Australian biogeographic connectivity with the WPWP from 1.6 to 0.8 Ma suggests an unrestricted stronger ITF (compared to today) and the initiation of the modern Leeuwin Current. The extinction of some Indo-Pacific species in northwest Australia after 0.8 Ma may be related to the effects of large glacial/interglacial oscillations and uplift of the Indonesian Archipelago causing Indonesian seaway restriction.


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Late Miocene-Recent micropaleontological and geochemical records from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea (SCS) indicate that increase and decrease in abundance of siliceous plankton may be controlled mainly by the input of nutrients derived from land and provided by upwelling. A high export production event - a "biogenic bloom" event - occurred in the southern SCS between 12 and 6 Ma. During this period, high ratios of smectite/(illite + chlorite), smectite/quartz and Al/K indicate a high weathering intensity of the Asian continent, possibly due to the intensification of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM), which may have increased the net flux of nutrients to the ocean, both directly through terrestrial input and indirectly through upwelling activity. A drop in Ba/Ti, Al/Ti and Ca/Ti values around 6 Ma may indicate a lowering of productivity, possibly due to the large consumption of sea surface nutrients by the "biogenic bloom". Alternatively, it may indicate a shift in terrigenous input source area. At about 5.4 Ma, a decrease in weathering intensity, as indicated by a sudden decrease in the values of smectite/(illite + chlorite), smectite/quartz and Al/K, might have led to a sudden decrease of terrestrial nutrient input to the SCS. We suggest that the biogenic bloom ended when nutrients in surface waters were exhausted, because of a decrease in supply as well as a decrease in upwelling intensity due to weakening of the EASM. As a result, radiolarians were absent in the studied area between ~6 and 3.2 Ma. At ~3.2 Ma, radiolarians began to recover, possibly because the start of Northern Hemispheric glaciation and the rapid uplift of the Tibet Plateau led to intensification of the East Asian monsoon. After the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition at 0.9 Ma, the abundance and mass accumulation rates of radiolarians increased, probably as a result of increased upwelling activity driven by the increasing intensity of the summer monsoon.


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Carbonate veins hosted in ultramafic basement drilled at two sites in the Mid Atlantic Ridge 15°N area record two different stages of fluid-basement interaction. A first generation of carbonate veins consists of calcite and dolomite that formed syn- to postkinematically in tremolite-chlorite schists and serpentine schists that represent gently dipping large-offset faults. These veins formed at temperatures between 90 and 170 °C (oxygen isotope thermometry) and from fluids that show intense exchange of Sr and Li with the basement (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70387 to 0.70641, d7Li L-SVEC = + 3.3 to + 8.6 per mil). Carbon isotopic compositions range to high d13C PDB values (+ 8.7 per mil), indicating that methanogenesis took place at depth. The Sr-Li-C isotopic composition suggests temperatures of fluid-rock interaction that are much higher (T > 350-400 °C) than the temperatures of vein mineral precipitation inferred from oxygen isotopes. A possible explanation for this discrepancy is that fluids cooled conductively during upflow within the presumed detachment fault. Aragonite veins were formed during the last 130 kyrs at low-temperatures within the uplifted serpentinized peridotites. Chemical and isotopic data suggest that the aragonites precipitated from cold seawater, which underwent overall little exchange with the basement. Oxygen isotope compositions indicate an increase in formation temperature of the veins by 8-12 °C within the uppermost ~ 80 m of the subseafloor. This increase corresponds to a high regional geothermal gradient of 100-150 °C/km, characteristic of young lithosphere undergoing rapid uplift.


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Coring during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expeditions 315, 316, and 333 recovered turbiditic sands from the forearc Kumano Basin (Site C0002), a Quaternary slope basin (Site C0018), and uplifted trench wedge (Site C0006) along the Kumano Transect of the Nankai Trough accretionary wedge offshore of southwest Japan. The compositions of the submarine turbiditic sands here are investigated in terms of bulk and heavy mineral modal compositions to identify their provenance and dispersal mechanisms, as they may reflect changes in regional tectonics during the past ca. 1.5 Myrs. The results show a marked change in the detrital signature and heavy mineral composition in the forearc and slope basin facies around 1 Ma. This sudden change is interpreted to reflect a major change in the sand provenance, rather than heavy mineral dissolution and/or diagenetic effects, in response to changing tectonics and sedimentation patterns. In the trench-slope basin, the sands older than 1 Ma were probably eroded from the exposed Cretaceous-Tertiary accretionary complex of the Shimanto Belt and transported via the former course of the Tenryu submarine canyon system, which today enters the Nankai Trough northeast of the study area. In contrast, the high abundance of volcanic lithics and volcanic heavy mineral suites of the sands younger than 1 Ma points to a strong volcanic component of sediment derived from the Izu-Honshu collision zones and probably funnelled to this site through the Suruga Canyon. However, sands in the forearc basin show persistent presence of blue sodic amphiboles across the 1 Ma boundary, indicating continuous flux of sediments from the Kumano/Kinokawa River. This implies that the sands in the older turbidites were transported by transverse flow down the slope. The slope basin facies then switched to reflect longitudinal flow around 1 Ma, when the turbiditic sand tapped a volcanic provenance in the Izu-Honshu collision zone, while the sediments transported transversely became confined in the Kumano Basin. Therefore, the change in the depositional systems around 1 Ma is a manifestation of the decoupling of the sediment routing pattern from transverse to long-distance axial flow in response to forearc high uplift along the megasplay fault.


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Volcanogenic sediments were obtained from Site 584, located on the midslope of the Japan Trench. Occurrences of volcanic ash in the diatomaceous mudstones increase within sediments dated 6-3 Ma. The frequency pattern and the sediment accumulation rate obtained at Site 584 are similar to those of Site 440 and to those of Sites 438 and 439, located on the upper slope basin. Explosive volcanism increased during the Pliocene and late Miocene in relation to the intrusion of Tertiary granites and uplift of the Tohoku Arc (northeastern Japan Arc). Hygromagmaphile element concentration shows that the glass does not belong to a unique series, and a comparison with Nankai Trough data distinguishes at least two different evolutionary lines.