897 resultados para twin arginine


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The main result of this work is a parametric description of the spectral surfaces of a class of periodic 5-diagonal matrices, related to the strong moment problem. This class is a self-adjoint twin of the class of CMV matrices. Jointly they form the simplest possible classes of 5-diagonal matrices.


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La Malformació de Chiari tipus I (MCI) ha estat definida tradicionalment com la herniació de les amígdales cerebel•loses d’almenys 5mm, a través del forat mange. En general, els símptomes es posen de manifest durant la segona o tercera dècada de vida, tot i que s’han descrit casos pediàtrics. Donada la complexitat del quadre clínic, per realitzar un diagnòstic adient es requereix avaluació clínica i estudi de neuroimatge. La tècnica de preferència és la ressonància magnètica d’imatge, considerant-se actualment com a pacients de MCI aquells que presenten un descens de les amígdales superior a 3mm per sota del forat magne. L'existència de casos asimptomàtics dificulta establir una prevalença concreta, però s’ha estimat que podria estar entre 1/1000 a 1/5000 sent major en dones que en homes (2:1 aproximadament). Fins el moment, es desconeix l’etiologia de la malaltia però la hipòtesi més acceptada és que MCI és deguda al desenvolupament insuficient del mesoderm paraxial. Diferents estudis realitzats fins el moment evidencien que almenys, un subgrup de pacients amb MCI són deguts a contribució genètica: 1) casos d’agregació familiar amb afectes en tres generacions; 2) estudis de bessons 3) associació amb síndromes genètics coneguts amb herència mendeliana produïts per anomalies óssies que donen suport a la hipòtesi de la insuficiència del mesoderm com a causa de MCI. Davant l’evidència clara d’un component genètic com a principal causant de l’etiologia de MCI, l’objectiu del projecte va ser la identificació de les bases genètiques de la MCI, tant en gens responsables de les formes mendelianes com en gens responsables de les formes complexes de MCI mitjançant dues estratègies: 1-Identificació de variants genètiques de susceptibilitat en pacients amb MCI mitjançant estudis d’associació de tipus cas-control. 2-Anàlisi genètic de formes monogèniques mitjançant l’anàlisi de lligament a marcardors polimòrfics i la seqüenciació del DNA a gran escala.


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One third of the population is affected by a sleep disorder with a major social, medical, and economic impact. Although very little is known about the genetics of normal sleep, familial and twin studies indicate an important influence of genetic factors. Most sleep disorders run in families and in several of them the contribution of genetic factors is increasingly recognised. With recent advances in the genetics of narcolepsy and the role of the hypocretin/orexin system, the possibility that other gene defects may contribute to the pathophysiology of major sleep disorders is worth indepth investigation.


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Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A is an autosomal dominant axonal form of peripheral neuropathy caused by mutations in the mitofusin 2 gene. Mitofusin 2 encodes a mitochondrial outer membrane protein that participates in mitochondrial fusion in mammalian cells. How mutations in this protein lead to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A pathophysiology remains unclear. We have generated a transgenic mouse expressing either a mutated (R94Q) or wild-type form of human mitofusin 2 in neurons to evaluate whether the R94Q mutation was sufficient for inducing a Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A phenotype. Only mice expressing mitofusin 2(R94Q) developed locomotor impairments and gait defects thus mimicking the Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A neuropathy. In these animals, the number of mitochondria per axon was significantly increased in the distal part of the sciatic nerve axons with a diameter smaller than 3.5 microm. Importantly, the analysis of R94Q transgenic animals also revealed an age-related shift in the size of myelinated axons leading to an over-representation of axons smaller than 3.5 microm. Together these data suggest a link between an increased number of mitochondria in axons and a shift in axonal size distribution in mitofusin 2(R94Q) transgenic animals that may contribute to their neurological phenotype.


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Most forms of myopathy may involve the respiratory muscles and progress to respiratory failure. However, the diagnosis of myopathy is seldom considered in an adult patient with no history of muscle disease and presenting with respiratory failure. Nemaline myopathy (NM) is a rare disorder characterized by symmetrical diffuse muscle weakness and rod-like nemaline bodies in muscle fibers. Respiratory muscle involvement is a major determinant of mortality in congenital NM, but is rare in late onset NM. Here, we report that acute or chronic respiratory failure may be caused by NM in subjects with no known history of muscle disease. Adult-onset NM was diagnosed in a 67-year-old woman with chronic respiratory insufficiency. Late onset childhood NM was revealed by respiratory failure in twin sisters aged 31. The diagnosis was established by muscle biopsy and electron microscopy (and mutations in the nebulin gene in the two sisters). Long-term clinical improvement was obtained with non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in the three patients. In conclusion, respiratory failure in an adult patient with no known history may correspond to NM with diaphragm involvement. Long-term outcome may be favorable with NIV.


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Cystinuria is a common inherited amino-aciduria resulting in abnormal urinary excretion of cystine and the dibasic aminoacids, lysine, arginine and ornithine. Formation of cystine kidney stones, recurrent infections and subsequent renal failure are the main complications of the disease. Recently, the gene SLC3A1 and SLC7A9, encoding the two subunits rBAT et b0,+AT of the proximal renal transporter complex, have been identified. In this article, we report the medical history of a 30-year-old patient and discuss the recent molecular progress, the clinical evolution, and the medical treatment of the cystinuria.


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Endothelium-derived nitric oxide (EDNO) plays a pivotal role in regulating pulmonary circulation. To determine whether there is a heterogeneity in EDNO-mediated responses of different sized pulmonary vessels, we studied small and large isolated pulmonary arteries of newborn lambs (diameter, 0.4-0.7 and 1.5-2.5 mm, respectively). The isometric tension of vessel rings were recorded while suspended in organ chambers filled with modified Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution (95% O2-5% CO2, 37 degrees C). In vessels preconstricted with norepinephrine, acetylcholine and bradykinin induced a greater relaxation of small pulmonary arteries than of large pulmonary arteries. Acetylcholine, bradykinin, and nitric oxide also induced a greater increase in cGMP content in small arteries than in large ones. The responses to acetylcholine and bradykinin were endothelium-dependent and inhibited by nitro-L-arginine, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase. In vessels without endothelium, the response to nitric oxide was inhibited by 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one, an inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase. The activity of soluble guanylyl cyclase of small arteries was greater than that of large arteries under basal conditions and after stimulation with S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine, a nitric oxide donor. These results demonstrate that heterogeneity exists in EDNO-mediated relaxation of small and large pulmonary arteries in newborn lambs. A difference in the soluble guanylate cyclase activity of vascular smooth muscle may have contributed to this phenomenon.


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The acute effects of various vasopressor agents on the diameter of the common carotid artery were studied in halothane-anesthetized normotensive rats. The animals were infused intravenously for 60 min with equipressor doses of angiotensin II (10 ng/min), the alpha1-stimulant methoxamine (5 microg/min), lysine vasopressin (5 mU/min), or vehicle. The arterial diameter was measured by using a high-resolution ultrasonic echo-tracking device. The three vasoconstrictors increased the carotid artery diameter, but this effect was significantly more pronounced with lysine vasopressin. Even a nonpressor dose of lysine vasopressin (1 mU/min) caused a significant increase in the arterial diameter. The lysine vasopressin-induced vasodilatation could be prevented by the administration of d(CH2)5Tyr(Me)AVP (10 microg, i.v.), a selective V1-vasopressinergic receptor antagonist. These data therefore suggest that a short-term increase in blood pressure induces in rats a distention of the carotid artery. The increase in arterial diameter seems to involve an active mechanism with lysine vasopressin caused by the stimulation of V1-vasopressinergic receptors.


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Murine macrophages activated by interferon-gamma and lipopolysaccharide become leishmanicidal through a process involving L-arginine-derived nitrogen oxidation products. Both nitrite secretion and parasite killing by activated macrophages were inhibited by 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole as well as the related compound, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazine. Moreover, NO synthase activity in cytosolic extracts of activated cells was inhibited by both compounds. 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole, an isomer of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, was without effect. Our results suggest that besides its known inhibitory effect on catalases and peroxidases, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole is an inhibitor of NO synthase. The resemblance between the tautomeric form of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole and the guanidino group of L-arginine, the natural substrate for NO synthase, might be responsible for the observed inhibition.


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The Voxel Imaging PET (VIP) Path nder project got the 4 year European Research Council FP7 grant in 2010 to prove the feasibility of using CdTe detectors in a novel conceptual design of PET scanner. The work presented in this thesis is a part of the VIP project and consists of, on the one hand, the characterization of a CdTe detector in terms of energy resolution and coincidence time resolution and, on the other hand, the simulation of the setup with the single detector in order to extend the results to the full PET scanner. An energy resolution of 0.98% at 511 keV with a bias voltage of 1000 V/mm has been measured at low temperature T=-8 ºC. The coincidence time distribution of two twin detectors has been found to be as low as 6 ns FWHM for events with energies above 500 keV under the same temperature and bias conditions. The measured energy and time resolution values are compatible with similar ndings available in the literature and prove the excellent potential of CdTe for PET applications. This results have been presented in form of a poster contribution at the IEEE NSS/MIC & RTSD 2011 conference in October 2011 in Valencia and at the iWoRID 2012 conference in July 2012 in Coimbra, Portugal. They have been also submitted for publication to "Journal of Instrumentation (JINST)" in September 2012.


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Abstract: The human protozoan parasite Leishmania major has been shown to exhibit several morphological and biochemical features characteristic of a programmed cell death (PCD) when differentiating into infectious stages and under a variety of stress conditions. In mammalian cells, the principal effector molecules of PCD or apoptosis are caspases. Although some caspase-like peptidase activity has been reported in dying parasites, no caspase gene is present in the L. major genome. However, a single metacaspase gene is present in L. major whose encoded protein harbors the predicted secondary structure and the catalytic dyad histidine/cysteine described for caspases and other metacaspases identified in plants and yeast. Metacaspases are also present in other protozoan parasites such as Trypanosoma and Plasmodium species and are not present in mammalian cells, which make them a possible drug target for the treatment of the parasitic diseases they cause. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae metacaspase YCA1 has been implicated in the death of aging cells, cells defective in some biological functions, and cells exposed to different environmental stresses. In this study, we evaluated the functional heterologous complementation of a S. cerevisiae ycal null mutant with the L. major metacaspase (LmjMCA} in cell death induced by oxidative stress. We show that LmjMCA is involved in yeast cell death, similar to YCA1, and that this function depends on its catalytic activity. LmjMCA was found to be auto-processed as occurs for caspases, however, LmjMCA did not exhibit any activity with caspase substrates. In contrast, LmjMCA was active towards substrates with arginine in the P1 position, with the activity being abolished following H147A and C202A catalytic site mutations and addition of the arginal inhibitor leupeptin. In order to identify the L. major proteins that may function as substrates, inhibitors, or may bind and recruit LmjMCA, a yeast two-hybrid screening with cDNA libraries from different life cycle stages of the parasite was conducted. Proteins putatively involved in PCD were identified as interacting with LmjMCA, however, the interaction of LmjMCA with proteins involved in other physiological processes such as vesicle transport, suggests that LmjMCA could have additional roles in the different life cycle stages of the parasite. Résumé: Plusieurs caractéristiques morphologiques et biochimiques rappelant la mort cellulaire programmée ont été identifiées dans les stades infectieux et sous des conditions de stress, chez le parasite protozoaire humain, Leishmania major. Dans les cellules de mammifères, les caspases sont les molécules effectrices principales impliquées dans la mort cellulaire programmée et l'apoptose. Bien qu'une activité caspase ait été retrouvée dans des parasites en mon` cellulaire, le génome de Leishmania ne contient aucun gène qui pourrait coder pour une caspase. À la place, on retrouve un gène unique codant pour une métacaspase. Une prédiction de la structure secondaire de la métacaspase montre que cette métacaspase a un domaine catalytique contenant la dyade histidine/cystéine présente dans les caspases et les autres métacaspases décrites chez les plantes et la levure. Les métacaspases sont aussi présentes dans d'autres parasites protozoaires tels que Trypanosome et Plasmodium, mais ne sont pas présentes dans les cellules de mammifères, ce qui en fait des cibles intéressantes pour le développement de drogue. Dans la levure, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, la métacaspase YCA1 est impliquée dans la mort des cellules âgées, la mort des cellules défectueuses dans certaines fonctions biologiques et dans les cellules exposées à différents stress environnementaux. Dans cette étude, une complémentation hétérologue fonctionnelle d'un mutant de la levure déficient en YCA1 par le gène LmjMCA de L. major lors de l'induction de ta mort par stress oxydatif a été évaluée. Nos résultats montrent que LmjMCA peut remplacer YGA1 dans le programme de mort cellulaire chez la levure et que celte fonction dépend de son activité catalytique. De plus, LmjMCA subit une auto clivage comme les caspases mais n'exhibe aucune spécificité pour les substrats des caspases. Au contraire, LmjMCA est active envers des substrats ayant une arginine en position P1, son activité étant détruite suite à des changements de son domaine catalytique par les mutations H147A et C202A ou suite à une inhibition para la leupeptine. Afin d'identifier quels pourraient être les substrats, les inhibiteurs ou les molécules interagissant avec LmjMCA, nous avons entrepris un criblage double-hybride en utilisant des librairies de d'ADNc provenant de différents stades du cycle parasitaire. Plusieurs protéines potentiellement impliquées dans un programme de mort cellulaire ont été identifiées comme interagissant avec LmjMCA. Cependant, l'identification de protéines impliquées dans le transport vésiculaire suggère aussi que LmjMCA pourrait avoir un rôle additionnel dans les différents stades du cycle parasitaire. Résumé destiné à un large public: De nos jours, la leishmaniose est la deuxième plus importante maladie parasitaire après la malaria. Malgré les avancées accomplies dans les stratégies de contrôle, près de deux millions de nouveaux cas apparaissent chaque année. Actuellement, la principale stratégie pour faire face à ce problème épidémiologique consiste en un traitement pharmacologique des personnes infectées. Pourtant, seule une dizaine de médicaments, dont la plupart sont toxiques, est disponible pour traiter la leishmaniose et des cas de résistance émergent dans certains pays endémiques. Il devient donc urgent de mettre au point de nouveaux traitements anti-leishmaniens capables d'éliminer le parasite sans effets indésirables sur le patient. Récemment, des caractéristiques morphologiques et biochimiques de la mort cellulaire programmée (MCP) semblables au processus de l'apoptose chez les mammifères ont été décrites dans Leishmania. Cependant, des gènes codant pour des protéines similaires à celles qui sont impliquées dans l'apoptose, comme les caspases, ne se retrouvent pas dans le génome de Leishmanía major. Néanmoins, les espèces de Leishmanía, aussi bien que d'autres parasites protozoaires responsables des trypanosomiases et de la malaria, possèdent des métacaspases qui sont des protéines homologues aux caspases mais qui ne sont pas présentes chez les mammifères. C'est pourquoi, la caractérisation de la métacaspase de Leishmania (LmjMCA) ainsi que ses mécanismes d'activation pourrait être une piste d'investigation intéressante dans l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques dans les voies de signalisation de la MCP des parasites protozoaires. Dans la levure, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, la métacaspase YCA1 est impliquée dans la mort des cellules âgées, la mort des cellules défectueuses dans certaines fonctions biologiques et dans les cellules exposées à différents stress environnementaux. Dans cette étude, une complémentation hétérologue fonctionnelle d'un mutant de la levure déficient en YCA1 par le gène LmjMCA de L major lors de l'induction de la mort par stress oxydatif a été évaluée. Nos résultats montrent que LmjMCA peut remplacer YCA1 dans le programme de mort cellulaire chez la levure et que cette fonction dépend de son activité catalytique. De plus, LmjMCA subit une auto clivage comme les caspases mais n'exhibe aucune spécificité pour les substrats des caspases. Au contraire, LmjMCA est active envers des substrats ayant une arginine en position P1, son activité étant détruite suite à des changements de son domaine catalytique par les mutations H147A et C202A ou suite à une inhibition para la leupeptine. Afin d'identifier quels pourraient être les substrats, les inhibiteurs ou les molécules interagissant avec LmjMCA, nous avons entrepris un criblage double-hybride en utilisant des librairies de d'ADNe provenant de différents stades du cycle parasitaire. Plusieurs protéines potentiellement impliquées dans un programme de mort cellulaire ont été identifiées comme interagissant avec LmjMCA. Cependant, l'identification de protéines impliquées dans le transport vésiculaire suggère aussi que LmjMCA pourrait avoir un rôle additionnel dans les différents stades du cycle parasitaire. Resumen destinado al público en general: La leishmaniasis es la segunda enfermedad parasitaria más importante en el mundo actual. Aproximadamente 2 millones de nuevos casos ocurren cada año a pesar de los avances logrados en el desarrollo de nuevos métodos de control. El tratamiento farmacológico de las personas infectadas es actualmente la principal estrategia de control, sin embargo, menos de una decena de medicamentos se encuentran disponibles en el mercado, la mayoría de ellos son tóxicos, y ya empiezan a encontrarse parásitos resistentes en algunos países endémicos para la leishmaniasis. El desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos capaces de eliminar los parásitos sin producir efectos indeseables en los humanos, es una necesidad inminente. Recientemente, algunas de las características morfológicas y bioquímicas de la muerte celular programada (MCP) similares al proceso de la apoptosis en mamíferos, han sido descritas en parasitos de Leishmania. Sin embargo, genes que codifiquen proteínas similares a aquellas involucradas en la apoptosis, como las caspasas, no se encuentran en el genoma de Leishmania major. AI contrario, las especies de Leishmania, así como de los otros parásitos responsables de la tripanosomiasis y de la malaria, poseen metacaspases, proteínas homologas a las caspases pero que no están presentes en las células de mamíferos. La caracterización de la metacaspasa de L. major y de sus mecanismos de activación constituye, por lo tanto, un área de investigación interesante para la identificación de nuevos blancos terapéuticos en el proceso de MCP de los parásitos protozoarios. En la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae, la metacaspasa YCA1 ha sido descrita como implicada en la muerte de células envejecidas, células defectuosas en algunas funciones biológicas, y en células expuestas a diferentes tipos de estrés ambiental. En el presente estudio se evaluó la complementación heteróloga funcional de una levadura mutante deficiente en YCA1 con el gen de metacaspase de L. major (LmjMCA) en la MCP inducida por estrés oxidativo. Nuestros resultados muestran que la LmjMCA puede reemplazarla YCA1 en la MCP de la levadura dependiente de su actividad catalítica y que la LmjMCA se auto-procesa similar a las caspasas. Sin embargo, LmjMCA no reconoce los substratos de caspasas sino substratos con una arginina en ta posición P1. Dicha actividad enzimática fue abolida con la inducción de las mutaciones puntuales H147A y C202A en la díada catalítica de LmjMCA y con la adición de leupeptina, un inhibidor con arginina. Con el fin de identificar proteínas que pudieran funcionar como substratos, inhibidores o moléculas modificadoras de LmjMCA, se aplicó el método de doble-híbrido en levadura con bibliotecas de ADNc provenientes de diferentes estadios del ciclo de vida del parásito. Algunas proteínas potencialmente implicadas. en la MCP del parásito fueron identiñcadas interactuando con LmjMCA. La identificación de otras proteínas involucradas en transporte vesicular sugiere que la LmjMCA podría tener una función biológica adicional en los diferentes estadios del ciclo de vida dei parásito.


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Activation of proteolytic cell death pathways may circumvent drug resistance in deadly protozoan parasites such as Plasmodium falciparum and Leishmania. To this end, it is important to define the cell death pathway(s) in parasites and thus characterize proteases such as metacaspases (MCA), which have been reported to induce cell death in plants and Leishmania parasites. We, therefore, investigated whether the cell death function of MCA is conserved in different protozoan parasite species such as Plasmodium falciparum and Leishmania major, focusing on the substrate specificity and functional role in cell survival as compared to Saccharomyces cerevisae. Our results show that, similarly to Leishmania, Plasmodium MCA exhibits a calcium-dependent, arginine-specific protease activity and its expression in yeast induced growth inhibition as well as an 82% increase in cell death under oxidative stress, a situation encountered by parasites during the host or when exposed to drugs such as artemisins. Furthermore, we show that MCA cell death pathways in both Plasmodium and Leishmania, involve a z-VAD-fmk inhibitable protease. Our data provide evidence that MCA from both Leishmania and Plasmodium falciparum is able to induce cell death in stress conditions, where it specifically activates a downstream enzyme as part of a cell death pathway. This enzymatic activity is also induced by the antimalarial drug chloroquine in erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium falciparum. Interestingly, we found that blocking parasite cell death influences their drug sensitivity, a result which could be used to create therapeutic strategies that by-pass drug resistance mechanisms by acting directly on the innate pathways of protozoan cell death.


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INTRODUCTION: Infertility treatments are a major source of the increase in multiple pregnancies (MPs). AIMS: The aims of the present study were (1.) to investigate the origin and maternal/neonatal outcomes of MP and (2.) to review the different measures that can be adopted to reduce these serious complications. METHODS: The study included all women with multiple births between 1 January 1995 and 31 December 2006 at the University Hospital of Bern, Switzerland. The outcomes associated with the various origins of MP (natural conception, ovarian stimulation [OS] ‒ in-vitro fertilisation [IVF-ICSI]) were analysed using a multinomial logistic regression model. An analysis of the Swiss law on reproductive medicine and its current proposed revision, as well as a literature review using Pubmed, was carried out. RESULTS: A total of 592 MP were registered, 91% (n = 537) resulted in live births. There was significantly more neonatal/maternal morbidity in MP after OS compared with natural conception and even with the IVF-ICSI group. With a policy of elective single embryo transfer (eSET), twin rates after IVF-ICSI can be reduced to <5% and triplets to <1%. CONCLUSIONS: After OS, more triplets are found and the outcome of MP is worse. MP is known to be associated with morbidity, mortality, and economic and social risks. To counteract these complications (1.) better training for physicians performing OS should be encouraged and (2.) the Swiss law on reproductive medicine needs to be changed, with the introduction of eSET policies. This would lead to a dramatic decrease in neonatal and maternal morbidity/mortality as well as significant cost reductions for the Swiss healthcare system.


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It is often supposed that a protein's rate of evolution and its amino acid content are determined by the function and anatomy of the protein. Here we examine an alternative possibility, namely that the requirement to specify in the unprocessed RNA, in the vicinity of intron-exon boundaries, information necessary for removal of introns (e.g., exonic splice enhancers) affects both amino acid usage and rates of protein evolution. We find that the majority of amino acids show skewed usage near intron-exon boundaries, and that differences in the trends for the 2-fold and 4-fold blocks of both arginine and leucine show this to be owing to effects mediated at the nucleotide level. More specifically, there is a robust relationship between the extent to which an amino acid is preferred/avoided near boundaries and its enrichment/paucity in splice enhancers. As might then be expected, the rate of evolution is lowest near intron-exon boundaries, at least in part owing to splice enhancers, such that domains flanking intron-exon junctions evolve on average at under half the rate of exon centres from the same gene. In contrast, the rate of evolution of intronless retrogenes is highest near the domains where intron-exon junctions previously resided. The proportion of sequence near intron-exon boundaries is one of the stronger predictors of a protein's rate of evolution in mammals yet described. We conclude that after intron insertion selection favours modification of amino acid content near intron-exon junctions, so as to enable efficient intron removal, these changes then being subject to strong purifying selection even if nonoptimal for protein function. Thus there exists a strong force operating on protein evolution in mammals that is not explained directly in terms of the biology of the protein.


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Water balance is achieved through the ability of the kidney to control water reabsorption in the connecting tubule and the collecting duct. In a mouse cortical collecting duct cell line (mCCD(c11)), physiological concentrations of arginine vasopressin increased both electrogenic, amiloride-sensitive, epithelial sodium channel (ENaC)-mediated sodium transport measured by the short-circuit current (Isc) method and water flow (Jv apical to basal) measured by gravimetry with similar activation coefficient K(1/2) (6 and 12 pM, respectively). Jv increased linearly according to the osmotic gradient across the monolayer. A small but highly significant Jv was also measured under isoosmotic conditions. To test the coupling between sodium reabsorption and water flow, mCCD(c11) cells were treated for 24 h under isoosmotic condition with either diluent, amiloride, vasopressin or vasopressin and amiloride. Isc, Jv, and net chemical sodium fluxes were measured across the same monolayers. Around 30% of baseline and 50% of vasopressin-induced water flow is coupled to an amiloride-sensitive, ENaC-mediated, electrogenic sodium transport, whereas the remaining flow is coupled to an amiloride-insensitive, nonelectrogenic sodium transport mediated by an unknown electroneutral transporter. The mCCD(c11) cell line is a first example of a mammalian tight epithelium allowing quantitative study of the coupling between sodium and water transport. Our data are consistent with the 'near isoosmotic' fluid transport model.