572 resultados para teacher autonomy
In distance learning degree in Chemistry in full of the Secretária de Educação a distância da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (SEDIS / UFRN). The teacher-tutor to establish the experimental subjects closer relationships with students, mediating the pedagogical actions that develop in the distance learning course, with a view to achieving the principles of autonomy and learning, contributing to the creation of learning environments collaborative, guided by affection.The article presents the results of an empirical research on affectivity in practice this tutorial experimental classes in higher distance education in the full degree course in Chemistry Polo Currais Novos/ RN, held between 2009 and 2010. The study is based on qualitative methodology, whose data were collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with 48 (forty eight) students involved in distance learning courses and selected in order to compose a group of subjects who showed variability, as guidelines that guide the sampling procedures in qualitative research. The results, based on category theory and empirical analysis of data from the interviews were supplemented by information obtained from participant observation which also served to guide the data collection of the corpus of this work. With the results we understand that there is clarity about what characterizes a loving relationship between those involved in the process of teaching and learning in experimental classes in high school chemistry Distance Education. Furthermore, it was also clear that the communication process in dialogic teaching and learning in higher distance education in chemistry at the trial need to mark out in balanced affective attitudes, the experimental error that value and respect the many possible construction of knowledge by movements social interaction of individual and collective
In distance learning degree in Chemistry in full of the Secretária de Educação a distância da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (SEDIS / UFRN). The teacher-tutor to establish the experimental subjects closer relationships with students, mediating the pedagogical actions that develop in the distance learning course, with a view to achieving the principles of autonomy and learning, contributing to the creation of learning environments collaborative, guided by affection.The article presents the results of an empirical research on affectivity in practice this tutorial experimental classes in higher distance education in the full degree course in Chemistry Polo Currais Novos/ RN, held between 2009 and 2010. The study is based on qualitative methodology, whose data were collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with 48 (forty eight) students involved in distance learning courses and selected in order to compose a group of subjects who showed variability, as guidelines that guide the sampling procedures in qualitative research. The results, based on category theory and empirical analysis of data from the interviews were supplemented by information obtained from participant observation which also served to guide the data collection of the corpus of this work. With the results we understand that there is clarity about what characterizes a loving relationship between those involved in the process of teaching and learning in experimental classes in high school chemistry Distance Education. Furthermore, it was also clear that the communication process in dialogic teaching and learning in higher distance education in chemistry at the trial need to mark out in balanced affective attitudes, the experimental error that value and respect the many possible construction of knowledge by movements social interaction of individual and collective
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O presente ensaio propõe algumas reflexões sobre como o livro didático se articula com a Educação Física, apontando algumas discussões sobre o processo de elaboração de um material de dança na perspectiva da Pluralidade Cultural voltado para o professor e para o aluno. O texto traz algumas sugestões de como construir um livro com este objetivo para a área, considerando o contexto deste componente curricular. E, finalmente problematiza algumas questões sobre a importância da autonomia do professor para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, bem como o uso que o mesmo pode fazer do livro didático.
O artigo postula a necessidade de uma concepção afirmativa sobre o ato de ensinar e analisa criticamente algumas concepções consideradas negativas em relação ao ensino como transmissão de conhecimento. Nesse sentido, defende que a Escola Nova e o Construtivismo estabelecem uma dicotomia entre a transmissão de conhecimentos pelo professor e a conquista da autonomia intelectual pelo aluno, secundarizando, assim, o ensino e descaracterizando o papel do professor. O artigo analisa, ainda, alguns postulados defendidos por Vigotski e seguidores, que iriam numa direção oposta à das idéias defendidas pela Escola Nova e pelo Construtivismo.
The focus of our research is on how teachers construct their knowledge. We also intend to depth our understanding of the factors that regulate teachers' action - either to maintain, either to modify their professional practice. In order to investigate the means by which teachers learn and the reasons that make them change or resist transforming their practice, we accomplished a task aiming teachers' formation, in a manner similar to a collaborative research design, which involved part of the staff of a school chosen among others which were part of a sample of a previous exploratory study. The subjects were ten teachers of elementary teaching (first stage) and three school administrators. The intervention occurred through our constant presence in the school's daily life, for we believe that empowerment and professional development must be a choice of teachers themselves, based on their own expressed needs toward the construction of their autonomy. A preliminary analysis of data shows that teachers sometimes resist to changes; so these are slow and difficult. Nevertheless, our intervention based on a collaborative research design enabled us to deal with these difficulties, contributing to form a kind of teacher who investigates its own practice.
This paper presents some findings regarding the interaction between different computer interfaces and different types of collective work. We want to claim that design in online learning environments has a paramount role in the type of collaboration that happens among participants. In this paper, we report on data that illustrate how teachers can collaborate online in order to learn how to use geometry software in teaching activities. A virtual environment which allows that construction to be carried out collectively, even if the participants are not sharing a classroom, is the setting for the research presented in this paper.
Chasing traces of the mathematical preparation on the professional practice of a mathematics teacher
Question: Which communication factors used by clinicians during patient-clinician interactions are associated with satisfaction with care? Design: Systematic review with meta-analysis of studies investigating the association of verbal or nonverbal factors or interaction styles used by clinicians with patient satisfaction during an encounter between clinician and patient. Participants: Clinicians interacting with patients in primary care or rehabilitation settings. Results: Twenty-seven studies investigated 129 verbal, nonverbal, and interaction style factors. of these, 38 factors were consistently associated with satisfaction. Verbal factors concerning clinicians involving, facilitating, and supporting patients were associated with satisfaction with care. Most communication factors presented a fair correlation (r >= 0.21 but < 0.41) with satisfaction with care. Nonverbal factors such as time spent discussing prevention and time spent reading patient charts had a fair association with satisfaction with care (correlations range from 0.21 to 0.40). A moderate association was found between interaction styles such as caring (pooled r = 0.51, 95% CI 0.42 to 0.60) and satisfaction with care. Over half (58%) of the 129 identified factors never associated with satisfaction with care and the remainder associated inconsistently. Conclusion: The number of potential modifiable communication factors associated with satisfaction with care and the magnitude of their association partially support interventions to train clinicians in communication skills that value patient autonomy. [Oliveira VC, Refshauge KM, Ferreira ML, Pinto RZ, Beckenkamp PR, Negrao Filho RF, Ferreira PH (2012) Communication that values patient autonomy is associated with satisfaction with care: a systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy 58: 215-229]
The Fernando Henrique Cardoso administration attempted to replace a reactive foreign policy agenda dominated by a logic of autonomy through distance with a proactive international agenda guided by a logic of autonomy through integration. In adopting this agenda, the administration maintained that Brazil would be able to confront its problems and secure more control over its future if it actively contributed to elaborating the norms and guidelines of the administration of the global order. Because of structural weaknesses, however, this policy of integration, adherence, and participation was not adequately accompanied by positions entailing practical responsibilities - responsibilities that would have prepared both government and civil society for a higher profile in the post - cold-war era. In the end, the gains achieved during Cardoso's tenure failed to alter Brazil's international standing in any significant way. © 2007 Latin American Perspectives.