993 resultados para submarine volcanism


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Using the finite-element we have modeled the stress field near the calving face of an idealized tidewater glacier under a variety of assumptions about submarine calving-face height, subaerial calving-face height, and ice rheology These simulations all suggest that a speed maximum should be present at the calving face near the waterline. In experiments without crevassing, the decrease in horizontal velocity above this maximum culminates in a zone of longitudinal compression at the surface somewhat Up-glacier from the face. This zone of compression appears to be a consequence of the non-linear rheology of ice. It disappears when a linear rheology is assumed. Explorations of the near-surface stress field indicate that when pervasive crevassing of the surface ice is accounted for in the simulations (by rheological softening), the zone of compressive strain rates does not develop. Variations in the pattern of horizontal velocity with glacier thickness support the contention that calving rates should increase with water depth at the calving face. In addition, the height of the subaerial calving face may have an importance that is not visible ill Current field data owing to the lack of variation in height of such faces in nature. Glaciers with lower calving faces may not have sufficient tensile stress to calve actively, while tensile stresses in simulated higher faces are sufficiently high that such faces will be unlikely to build in nature.


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The Semail ophiolite in Oman is capped by up to 2 km of basaltic-andesitic lavas that host copper-dominant, Cyprus-type, volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits. This study identifies multiple volcanostratigraphic horizons on which the deposits are situated, based on characterization of footwall and hanging-wall lavas from 16 deposits or deposit clusters. Comparison of field and petrographic features, compositions of igneous clinopyroxenes, and whole-rock geochemical signatures permits classification of the lavas within a modified version of the established regional volcanostratigraphy. Four extrusive units host deposits: Geotimes (earliest), Lasail, Alley, and Boninitic Alley (latest). The latter was previously known only at few localities, but this study reveals its regional extent and significance as a host for VMS deposits. The Geotimes and Lasail units represent Late Cretaceous, ocean spreading ridge and related off-axis volcanic environments, respectively. The Alley and Boninitic Alley units represent younger, subduction-related volcanism prior to Coniacian-Santonian obduction of the ophiolite. Our results show that VMS deposits occur on or near the Geotimes/Lasail and Geotimes/Alley contacts as well as entirely within the Geotimes, Lasail, Alley, and Boninitic Alley units. Highest Cu grades tend to occur in deposits lying on or within the Geotimes, whereas highest Au grades occur in deposits within the Boninitic Alley. In contrast to earlier studies, we conclude that essentially every horizon marking a hiatus in lava deposition in the Semail ophiolite, i.e., contacts between the four major eruptive units, and umbers and sedimentary chert layers within the units, has exploration potential for Cu-Au VMS deposits.


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Palaeoclimatic stability is regarded as an important factor in explaining patterns of endemism in the Azorean flora. However, modelling simulations and quantitative reconstructions for the last 6000 years suggest considerable palaeoclimatic variability. Here we explore the link between Holocene palaeoclimate and palaeovegetation on the islands of Flores and Pico. Modern pollen assemblages indicate that most major plant communities can be detected using pollen analysis and that, in some cases, the pre-colonisation vegetation was quite similar to present-day relict vegetation. A 200–500-year pollen record from Alagoinha, a low-elevation mire in western Flores, shows that Juniperus brevifolia-dominated communities were widespread at lower elevations prior to large-scale deforestation. Today these communities are generally restricted to higher elevations. While our results are preliminary, there appears to be a weak link between palaeovegetation (which was primarily influenced by volcanism, soil formation and human impact) and palaeoclimatic changes detected through geochemical proxies. Even if the Azorean palaeoclimate varied substantially, its impact on the pristine vegetation, at least in terms of pollen production, was relatively small.


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At the mid-latitudes of Utopia Planitia (UP), Mars, a suite of spatially-associated landforms exhibit geomorphological traits that, on Earth, would be consistent with periglacial processes and the possible freeze-thaw cycling of water. The suite comprises small-sized polygonally-patterned ground, polygon-junction and -margin pits, and scalloped, rimless depressions. Typically, the landforms incise a dark-toned terrain that is thought to be ice-rich. Here, we investigate the dark-toned terrain by using high resolution images from the HiRISE as well as near-infrared spectral-data from the OMEGA and CRISM. The terrain displays erosional characteristics consistent with a sedimentary nature and near-infrared spectra characterised by a blue slope similar to that of weathered basaltic-tephra. We also describe volcanic terrain that is dark-toned and periglacially-modified in the Kamchatka mountain-range of eastern Russia. The terrain is characterised by weathered tephra inter-bedded with snow, ice-wedge polygons and near-surface excess ice. The excess ice forms in the pore space of the tephra as the result of snow-melt infiltration and, subsequently, in-situ freezing. Based on this possible analogue, we construct a three-stage mechanism that explains the possible ice-enrichment of a broad expanse of dark-toned terrain at the mid-latitudes of UP: (1) the dark-toned terrain accumulates and forms via the regional deposition of sediments sourced from explosive volcanism; (2) the volcanic sediments are blanketed by atmospherically-precipitated (H2O) snow, ice or an admixture of the two, either concurrent with the volcanic-events or between discrete events; and, (3) under the influence of high obliquity or explosive volcanism, boundary conditions tolerant of thaw evolve and this, in turn, permits the migration, cycling and eventual formation of excess ice in the volcanic sediments. Over time, and through episodic iterations of this scenario, excess ice forms to decametres of depth. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Strontium, neodymium, and lead isotope ratios are reported for 13 Leg 115 basalts as well as 3 basalts from Texaco drill hole SM-1 on the Mascarene Plateau. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and eNd range from 0.70330 to 0.70439 and 5.5 to 7.4, respectively, although 87Sr/86Sr ratios higher than 0.70383 are found only in SM-1 basalts. The high 87Sr/86Sr values are thought to reflect seawater Sr in secondary phases, although all samples were strongly leached in HC1 before analysis. 206Pb/204Pb ratios range from 18.53 to 18.80, and sho high 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios relative to 206Pb/204Pb ratios, typical of Indian Ocean mid-ocean ridge (MORB) and oceanic-island basalts (OIB). Isotopic compositions of Leg 115 basalts generally fall between fields for MORB and Reunion Island basalts, consistent with the conclusion drawn from geochronological studies that Deccan flood basalt volcanism, the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge, and the Mascarene Plateau are all products of the Reunion mantle plume. Isotopic compositions of magmas produced by this plume have varied systematically with time in the direction of less "depleted," less MORB-like isotopic signatures. This compositional change has been accompanied by a decrease in eruption rate. We interpret Deccan volcanism as the voluminous beginning of the plume. Reduced entrainment of asthenosphere following melting of the plume head resulted in less MORB-like isotope ratios in magmas and a decrease in eruptive activity with time.


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Mass accumulation rates (MAR) of different components of North Pacific deep-sea sediment provide detailed information about the timing of the onset of major Northern Hemisphere glaciation that occurred at 2.65 Ma. An increase in explosive volcanism in the Kamchatka-Kurile and Aleutian arcs occured at this same time, suggesting a link between volcanism and glaciation. Sediments recovered by piston-coring techniques during ODP Leg 145 provide a unique opportunity to undertake a detailed test of this possibility. Here we use volcanic glass as a proxy for explosive volcanism and ice-rafted debris (IRD) as a proxy for glaciation. The MAR of both glass and IRD increase markedly at 2.65 Ma. Further, the flux of the volcanic glass increased just prior the flix of ice-radted material, suggesting that the cooling resulting from explosive volcanic eruptions may have been the ultimate trigger for the mid-Pliocene glacial intensification.


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Properties of the dense ice shelf water plume emerging from the Filchner Depression in the southwestern Weddell Sea are described, using available current meter records and CTD stations. A mean hydrography, based on more than 300 CTD stations gathered over 25 yr points to a cold, relatively thin and vertically well-defined plume east of the two ridges cross-cutting the continental slope about 60 km from the Filchner sill, whereas the dense bottom layer is warmer, more stratified and much thicker west of these ridges. The data partly confirm the three major pathways suggested earlier and agree with recent theories on topographic steering by submarine ridges. A surprisingly high mesoscale variability in the overflow region is documented and discussed. The variability is to a large extent due to three distinct oscillations (with periods of about 35 h, 3 and 6 d) seen in both temperature and velocity records on the slope. The oscillations are episodic, barotropic and have a horizontal scale of ~20-40 km across the slope. They are partly geographically separated, with the longer period being stronger on the lower part of the slope and the shorter on the upper part of the slope. Energy levels are lower west of the ridges, and in the Filchner Depression. The observations are discussed in relation to existing theories on eddies, commonly generated in plumes, and continental shelf waves.


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Basement intersected in DSDP holes 525A, 528 and 527 on the Walvis Ridge consists of submarine basalt flows and pillows with minor intercalated sediments. These holes are situated on the crest and mid and lower northwest flank of a NNW-SSE-trending ridge block which would have closely paralleled the paleo mid-ocean ridge (Rabinowitz and LaBrecque, 1979 doi:10.1029/JB084iB11p05973, Moore et al. (1983 doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1983)94<907:TWRTDS>2.0.CO;2). The basalts were erupted approximately 70 m.y. ago, an age equivalent to that of immediately adjacent oceanic crust in the Angola Basin and coraistent with formation at the paleo mid-ocean ridge (Moore et al., 1983). The basalt types vary from aphyric quartz tholeiites on the ridge crest to highly plagioclase phyric olivine tholeiites on the ridge flank. These show systematic differences in incompatible trace element and isotopic composition. Many element and isotope ratio pairs form systematic trends with the ridge crest basalts at one end and the highly phyric ridge flank basalts at the other. The low 143Nd/144Nd (0.51238), 206Pb/204Pb (17.54), 207Pb/204Pb (15.47), 208Pb/204Pb (38.14) and high 87Sr/86Sr (0.70512) ratios of the ridge crest basalts suggest derivation from an old Nd/Sm-, Rb/Sr- and Pb/U-enriched mantle source. This isotopic signature is similar to that of alkaline basalts on Tristan da Cunha but offset to significantly lower Nd and Pb isotopic ratios. The isotopic ratio trends may be extrapolated beyond the ridge flank basalts with higher 143Nd/144Nd (0.51270), 206Pb/204Pb (18.32), 207Pb/204Pb (15.52), 208Pb/204Pb (38.77) and lower 87Sr/86Sr (0.70417) ratios in the direction of increasingly Nd/Sm-, Rb/Sr- and Pb/U-depleted source compositions. These isotopic correlations are equally consistent with mixing of depleted and enriched end member melts or partial melting of an inhomogeneous, variably enriched mantle source. However, observed Zr-Ba-Nb-Y interelement relationships are inconsistent with any simple two-component model of magma mixing, as might result from the rise of a lower mantle plume through the upper mantle. Incompatible element and Pb isotopic systematics also preclude extensive involvement of depleted (N-type) MORB material or its mantle sources. In our preferred petrogenetic model the Walvis Ridge basalts were derived by partial melting of mantle similar to an enriched (E-type) MORB source which had become heterogeneous on a small scale due to the introduction of small-volume melts and metasomatic fluids.


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Air-fall volcanic ash recovered at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 541, 542, and 543 on and east of the toe of the Barbados Ridge delineate middle and late Miocene, early Pliocene, and Pleistocene-Quaternary pulses of explosive volcanism in the Lesser Antilles arc. The ash beds at Site 541 allow precise correlation of intervals repeated by a probable reverse fault at this convergent margin.


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A prominent middle Eocene warming event is identified in Southern Ocean deep-sea cores, indicating that long-term cooling through the middle and late Eocene was not monotonic. At sites on Maud Rise and the Kerguelen Plateau, a distinct negative shift in d18O values (~1.0 per mil) is observed ca. 41.5 Ma. This excursion is interpreted as primarily a temperature signal, with a transient warming of 4°C over 600 k.y. affecting both surface and middle-bathyal deep waters in the Indian-Atlantic region of the Southern Ocean. This isotopic event is designated as the middle Eocene climatic optimum, and is interpreted to represent a significant climatic reversal in the midst of middle to late Eocene deep-sea cooling. The lack of a significant negative carbon isotope excursion, as observed during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum, and the gradual rate of high-latitude warming suggest that this event was not triggered by methane hydrate dissociation. Rather, a transient rise in pCO2 levels is suspected, possibly as a result of metamorphic decarbonation in the Himalayan orogen or increased ridge/arc volcanism during the late middle Eocene.