964 resultados para spore dosimetry


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Thin uranium films built on muscovite mica basis and obsidian samples having known ages were irradiated with thermal neutrons at the IPEN/CNEN reactor, São Paulo. Comparing thin film performance with the obsidian one, it was observed that the latter feel a greater neutron fluence. Nominal fluences at the used facility are in agreement with the results obtained analysing the obsidian samples. A probable hypothesis to explain this disagreement, namely, the uranium loss from the thin films, was ruled out. © 1995.


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Temporal and spatial acoustic intensity (SATA) of therapeutic ultrasound (US) equipment should be monitored periodically. In order to evaluate the conditions of US equipment in use in the city of Piracicaba-Sao Paulo, Brazil, 31 machines - representing all Brazilian manufacturers - were analysed under continuous and pulsed conditions at a frequency of 1 MHz. Data about temporal and spatial acoustic intensity were collected and the use of equipment was surveyed. Intensities of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 Wcm -2, indicated on the equipment panel were analysed using a previously calibrated digital radiation pressure scale, model UPM-DT-1 (Ohmic Instruments Co). The acoustic intensity (I) results were expressed as superior and inferior quartile ranges for transducers with metal surfaces of 9 cm 2 and an effective radiation area (ERA) Of 4 cm 2. The results under continuous conditions were: I 0.1 = -20.0% and -96%. I 0.2 = -3.1% and -83.7%. I 0.5 = -35.0% and -86.5%. I 0.8 = -37.5% and -71.0%. I 2.5 = -49.0% and -69.5%. I 3.0 = -58.1% and -77.6%. For pulsed conditions, intensities were: I 0.1 = -40.0% and -86.2%. I 1.0 = -50.0% and -86.5%. I 1.5 = -62.5% and -82.5%. I 2.0 = -62.5% and -81.6%. I 2.5 = -64.7% and -88.8%. I 3.0 = -87.1% and -94.8%. In reply to the questionnaire drawn up to check the conditions of use of equipment, all users reported the use of hydrosoluble gel as a coupling medium and none had carried out previous calibrations. Most users used intensities in the range of 0.4. to 1.0 Wcm -2 and used machines for 300 to 400 minutes per week. The majority of machines had been bought during the previous seven years and weekly use ranged from less than 100 minutes to 700 minutes (11 hours 40 minutes). Findings confirm previous observations of discrepancy between the intensity indicated on the equipment panel and that emitted by the transducer and highlight the necessity for periodic evaluations of US equipment.


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Henneguya piaractus n.sp. was found from the gill filaments of Piaractus mesopotamicus (Characidae). Fishes were collected during a year from the reservoir at Centro de Aquicultura da UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The prevalence of this parasite was 97.3% in the gills of farmed fish. Observations on spore development into the cysts were done. Studies with scanning electon microscopy were performed to observe the spore and cyst structure.


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The isolation of Clostridium botulinum from honey samples is described. Botulism is characterized as an intoxication provoked by ingestion of contaminated foods with this toxin. Infant botulism happens by the ingestion of spores of C. botulinum together with food that in special conditions of the intestinal tract, such as those present in babies of less than 1 year old, will allow the germination and colonization of the intestine with production and absorption of botulinic toxin. The samples were subjected to dilution and to a thermal shock and cultivated in modified CMM (Difco). Cultures were subjected to Gram smears and toxicity tests in mice. The toxic cultures were purified in RFCA (Oxoid) plates and incubated in anaerobic jars. Positive samples were typed using the mouse assay neutralization test. From the 85 honey samples analyzed, six were positive for C. botulinum (7.06%), and identified as producers of type A, B, and D toxins.


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Phytophthora nicotianae was added to pasteurized soil at the rate of 500 laboratory-produced chlamydospores per gram of soil and exposed to temperatures ranging from 35 to 53°C for 20 days. The time required to reduce soil populations to residual levels (0.2 propagule per gram of soil or less) decreased with increasing temperatures. Addition of cabbage residue to the soil reduced the time required to inactivate chlamydo spores. Temperature regimes were established to simulate daily temperature changes observed in the field, with a high temperature of 47°C for 3 h/day, and were good estimators of the efficacy of soil solarization for the control of P. nicotianae in soil. Cabbage amendment reduced the time required to inactivate chlamydospores of P. nicotianae and its effect was more pronounced at lower temperature regimes.


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The germinative capacity of spores of Fusarium was studied in the presence of copahiba balsam (5 to 100%). The culture was carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks with 50ml of ICI medium and 1 ml of the pre-inoculated fungus. In some specific cases, 1 ml of copahiba balsam was added to the medium. The development of spores was significantly reduced in the presence of copahiba balsam. Sensibility to copahiba balsam varied with the different strains of Fusarium.


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The TL, optical absorption (OA) and EPR properties of natural Brazilian alexandrite and chrysoberyl have been investigated. The TL measurements for natural alexandrite show five peaks between 100 and 450°C, with their emission spectrum having 370 and/or 570 nm components. The intensity of the 320°C TL peak was found to be enhanced with pre-annealing treatment, more prominently above 600°C. The OA and EPR measurements showed that this kind of heat treatment induces the Fe2→ Fe3+ conversion in the natural sample. Chrysoberyl samples exhibited the TL peaks at the same temperatures as alexandrite samples, but the glow curves were more than 200 times less intense than alexandrite ones.


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Tissue repair is an integration of dynamic interactive processes that involves soluble mediators, blood components, production of extra-cellular matrix and mesenchymal cells. Many studies involving the use of LLLT shows that the healing process is favored by such therapy. The aim of this work was to evaluate, through histological analysis, the tissue effects of cutaneous wounds submitted to different intensities and a same irradiation dose with lasers in λ670 or λ685nm. Eighteen animals were divided in two experimental groups according to wavelength used (λ670 or λ685nm). Each one of these groups was divided still in three subgroups of three animals each, related to the intensity of applied irradiation (2, 15 or 25mW). Twelve animals acted as untreated controls and were not irradiated. The irradiation was carried out during seven days. The animals were sacrificed eight days after surgery. The specimens were removed, kept in 4% formaldehyde for 24 hours, routinely prepared to wax, stained with H&E and analyzed under light microscopy. The histological characteristics observed, so much in the irradiated animals, as in the control, they are indicative of a substitution repair process, however, the LLLT modulatory positive effect was observed, in the healing process, mainly associate to the use of the shorter wavelength and low power. The results of the present study indicate that LLLT improves cutaneous wound repair and best results are achieved when higher potencies associated to short wavelengths or lower potencies associated to higher wavelengths are used.


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Soil samples collected in the campus, UNESP, Araraquara, SP, were employed to isolate and characterize fungi strains with potential pectinolytic enzymes. These enzymes have arisen great interest due to its increasing application in the food industry. Two hundred forty six strains were isolated based on the appearance of colony on PDA medium, morphology (septate mycelia, nonseptate conidiophore, black conidia, and clublike spore-bearing head), after 48 h of growth at 30°C. Strains were selected in solid medium containing pectin citrus as sole carbon source and 0.5% rutenium red. The characterization of pectinolytic production was performed in solid culture and batch fermentation medium containing pectin citrus. The enzyme pectinolytic production was evaluated at 30°C, without agitation in 100 mL of medium containing 2% pectin citrus, 0.2% ammonium sulphate, 0.2% magnesium sulphate, and 0.05% potassium phosphate. The maximum pectinolytic activity (15U/mL) was observed in the medium after Aspergillus sp CFCF-0492 growth, while Aspergillus sp CFCF-CC1 showed the higher level of the final biomass. The pectinolytic activity is more preserved when the fungi-spores were maintained in agar-Czapeck medium.


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Postbloom fruit drop (PFD) of citrus, caused by Colletotrichum acutatum, produces orange-brown lesions on petals and results in premature fruit drop and the retention of calyces. C. gloeosporioides is common in groves and causes postharvest anthracnose on fruit. Both diseases are controlled effectively by the fungicide benomyl in research fields and commercial orchards. Highly sensitive and resistant isolates of C. gloeosporioides were found, whereas all isolates of C. acutatum tested were moderately resistant. In preliminary studies conducted in vitro with three isolates of each, mycelial growth of sensitive isolates of C. gloeosporioides was inhibited completely by benomyl (Benlate 50 WP) at 1.0 μg/ml, whereas resistant isolates grew well at 10 μg/ml. Growth of all isolates of C. acutatum was inhibited by about 55% at 0.1 μg/ml and by 80% at 1.0 μg/ml. Spore germination of C. acutatum was inhibited more at 0.1 μg/ml than at 1.0 μg/ml or higher concentrations. In all, 20 isolates of C. acutatum from 17 groves and 20 isolates of C. gloeosporioides from 7 groves were collected from locations with different histories of benomyl usage in São Paulo, Brazil, and Florida, United States. Benomyl at 1.0 μ.g/ml completely inhibited growth of 133 isolates of C. gloeosporioides, with the exception of 7 isolates that were highly resistant to the fungicide, whereas all isolates of C. acutatum were only partially inhibited at 0.1 and 1.0 μg/ml. Analysis of variance indicated that the sensitivity of the isolates of C. acutatum was not affected by benomyl usage or grove of origin, and country of origin had only minor effects. No highly resistant or sensitive isolate of C. acutatum was recovered. Partial sequencing of the β-tubulin gene did not reveal nucleotide substitutions in codons 198 or 200 in C. acutatum that usually are associated with benomyl resistance in other fungi.


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The objective of this research was to investigate the potential of xylanase production by Aspergillus japonicus and to determine the effects of cultivation conditions in the process, aiming toward optimization of enzyme production. The best temperature, as well as the best carbon source, for biomass production was determined through an automated turbidimetric method (Bioscreen-C). The enzyme activity of this fungus was separately evaluated in two solid substrates (wheat and soybean bran) and in Vogel medium, adding other carbon sources. Temperature effects, cultivation time, and spore concentrations were also tested. The best temperature for enzyme and biomass production was 25°C; however, the best carbon source for growth (determined by the Bioscreen C) did not turn out to be a good inducer of xylanase production. Maximum xylanase activity was achieved when the fungus was cultivated in wheat bran (without the addition of any other carbon source) using a spore concentration of 1 × 107 spores/mL (25°C, pH 5.0, 120 h). A. japonicus is a good xylanase producer under the conditions presented in these assays. © 2006 Academic Journals.


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Background: Sporotrichosis is a granulomatous fungal infection caused by Sporothrix schenckii, which frequently causes cutaneous or lymphocutaneous lesions and rarely has oral manifestations. Case: A 38-year-old, white, HIV-positive man complained of a 5.0-cm, symptomatic, ulcerated lesion with thin, superficial granulation in the soft palate extending to the uvula. Exfoliative cytology of this oral lesion showed chronic granulomatous inflammatory alterations and extracellular fungal structures consisting of periodic acid-Schiff-positive budding cells and spherical or elongated (cigar bodies) free spore forms. Conclusion: The clinical and cytologic findings allowed the diagnosis of sporotrichosis, demonstrating the importance of cytodiagnosis in fungal diseases. © The International Academy of Cytology.


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A major challenge in cancer radiotherapy is to deliver a lethal dose of radiation to the target volume while minimizing damage to the surrounding normal tissue. We have proposed a model on how treatment efficacy might be improved by interfering with biological responses to DNA damage using exogenous electric fields as a strategy to drastically reduce radiation doses in cancer therapy. This approach is demonstrated at this Laboratory through case studies with prokaryotes (bacteria) and eukaryotes (yeast) cells, in which cellkilling rates induced by both gamma radiation and exogenous electric fields were measured. It was found that when cells exposed to gamma radiation are immediately submitted to a weak electric field, cell death increases more than an order of magnitude compared to the effect of radiation alone. This finding suggests, although does not prove, that DNA damage sites are reached and recognized by means of long-range electric DNA-protein interaction, and that exogenous electric fields could destructively interfere with this process. As a consequence, DNA repair is avoided leading to massive cell death. Here we are proposing the use this new technique for the design and construction of novel radiotherapy facilities associated with linac generated gamma beams under controlled conditions of dose and beam intensity.


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A microcontrolled instrument for measuring the energy fluence rate (or intensity) of X-ray pulses in the orthovoltage range of 120 to 300 kV is described. The prototype instrument consists of a pyroelectric sensor, a low-noise highsensitivity current-to-voltage converter, a microcontroller and a digital display. The response of the instrument is nonlinear with the intensity of the radiation. The precision is better than 3%. The equipment is inexpensive, rugged, simple to construct and has good long-term stability. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.


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This study aims the evaluation of the radiation dose levels involved in veterinary radiology and to contribute to review the procedures for performing radiographic exams in animals in the Department of Veterinary Radiology of Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia of Universidade Estadual Paulista (FMVZ-UNESP/Brazil). The obtained results has shown to be extremely important the assessment of doses involved in veterinary diagnostic radiology procedures both to protect the occupationally exposed workers and to optimize the delivered doses to the animals. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.