990 resultados para sexual maturity
Objective: The purpose of this paper was to compare the prevalence rates of child sexual abuse reported by [Finkelhor, D. (1994). The international epidemiology of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 18 (5), 409417] with those found in recent publications in order to confirm the widespread prevalence of child sexual abuse. Methods: Relevant articles about prevalence of child sexual abuse were identified through searches of computerized databases and a handsearch of Child Abuse & Neglect and the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. Results: Thirty-eight independent articles were identified, corresponding to 39 prevalence studies; these articles report the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse in 21 different countries, ranging from 0 to 53% for women and 0 to 60% for men. Conclusions: Comparison of the present study with that of [Finkelhor, D. (1994). The international epidemiology of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 18 (5), 409417] shows a similarity between prevalence distributions; there appears to be a general pattern that remains more or less constant over the years, especially in women. Practice implications: Twelve years after the first revision study about the international prevalence of child sexual abuse, there is still a need for new data about this topic. The present study shows child sexual abuse is still a widespread problem in the society. In this research, carried out on 38 independent studies, there is new data for 21 countries over the world, being especially relevant the results obtained from other countries different from those pertaining toNorth America or Europe. It is important to point out the high prevalence found in most of the countries, so this information could be a new warning to make society and governments aware of this problem and undertake actions to prevent sexual abuse in childhood. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
En este trabajo se describen las características principales que presenta la población atendida en un centro de asesoramiento y atención a menores víctimas de abusos sexuales. Este centro, con sede en Barcelona, pertenece a la asociación FADA,creada en 1997 con la finalidad de ofrecer un servicio profesional de asesoramiento, prevención y formación especializada en relación con el abuso sexual acontecido durante la infancia. El presente estudio, meramente descriptivo, muestra la frecuencia del abuso sexual, la dificultad de su descubrimiento durante la infancia, sus consecuencias más comunes, así como la reacción del entorno de la víctima ante su revelación. Para ello se han utilizado los testimonios de 385 personas víctimas de abuso sexual durante su infancia. A través del análisis de dos muestras de usuarios del centro (adultos y menores) se dan a conocer las diferencias más destacadas. Los profesionales de este centro hacen de este modo públicas sus experiencias y recalcan la urgente y necesaria atención especializada que requieren no sólo las víctimas de abuso sexual infantil, sino también sus familias y/o su entorno social.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a atração dos machos da traça-das-crucíferas (Plutella xylostella L., Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) por diferentes formulações do feromônio sexual sintético. Os tratamentos consistiram em: 1) formulação comercial; 2) Z11,16:Ald; 3) Z11,16:Ac; 4) mistura 7:3 de 2+3; 5) mistura 5:5 de 2+3; 6) septos de borracha com hexano (testemunha); e 7) cinco fêmeas virgens. A formulação comercial do feromônio sexual sintético propiciou maior captura de machos, não diferindo significativamente de fêmeas virgens e da mistura 5:5 utilizadas como isca. Os componentes isoladamente foram pouco atrativos aos machos. Foram testados cinco modelos de armadilhas. A armadilha Pherocon 1 CP (33,2 machos/armadilha/noite) foi a mais eficiente na captura de machos, seguida pelas armadilhas Cilíndrica Aberta, Cilíndrica Fechada, Delta e Redonda Aberta. Três alturas de instalação da armadilha foram avaliadas. Ocorreu significativamente maior captura de machos na altura do ápice das plantas (30 cm do solo). As alturas de 5 e 60 cm não diferiram entre si.
This report summarizes the findings of a research which was intended to evaluate the concrete strength and opening time for the full depth patching projects in Iowa under cold weather and whether or not cold water could be allowed in the mix. This research was performed both in the laboratory and in the field. The results indicated that with the present specification the concrete strength after five hours for two-lane patches which requires hot water and calcium chloride is about 1,600 psi. Hence, if a higher strength is desired, a longer curing time is required. Hot water will have to be used and water reducer is not recommended for two-lane patches. On the other hand, the concrete strength for multi-lane patches with either hot or cold water approaches 4,000 psi in less than 24 hours. There was only a slight difference in compressive strengths between the 24-hour and 36-hours curing times.
Environmental shifts and lifestyle changes may result in formerly adaptive traits becoming non-functional or maladaptive. The subsequent decay of such traits highlights the importance of natural selection for adaptations, yet its causes have rarely been investigated. To study the fate of formerly adaptive traits after lifestyle changes, we evaluated sexual traits in five independently derived asexual lineages, including traits that are specific to males and therefore not exposed to selection. At least four of the asexual lineages retained the capacity to produce males that display normal courtship behaviours and are able to fertilize eggs of females from related sexual species. The maintenance of male traits may stem from pleiotropy, or from these traits only regressing via drift, which may require millions of years to generate phenotypic effects. By contrast, we found parallel decay of sexual traits in females. Asexual females produced altered airborne and contact signals, had modified sperm storage organs, and lost the ability to fertilize their eggs, impeding reversals to sexual reproduction. Female sexual traits were decayed even in recently derived asexuals, suggesting that trait changes following the evolution of asexuality, when they occur, proceed rapidly and are driven by selective processes rather than drift.
"La que mis palabras esconden, mi cuerpo lo revela". El interés de esta cita de Roland Barthes1 para una reflexión formal sobre la distinción de género entte 10 femenino y 10 masculino radica en el supuesto de la diferencia hermeneutica entte las palabras y el cuerpo, que se oponen conceptualmente a partir de su función, respectivamente, ocultadora y reveladora en relación con el deseo.
La present investigació té com a objectiu analitzar la dimensió d’assetjament sexual en el àmbit de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Per poder valorar-ho, s’ha creat una enquesta per analitzar aquest fenomen dirigida exclusivament a la població de la universitat. La investigació es divideix en tres apartats diferents. El primer, pretén valorar la percepció dels membres de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra en relació a l’assetjament sexual. El segon, veure si es produeix assetjament dins de la Universitat. Per últim, es vol valorar la opinió de la població en relació a la implementació d’un mecanisme per atendre a les víctimes d’assetjament sexual.
Objetivos. Conocer las características, el perfil sanitario, sexual y contraceptivo, y los factores de riesgo en las mujeres jóvenes (menores de 24 años) que han acudido por primera vez al Programa Joven del PSAD-ASSIR del Bages. Método. Estudio transversal, descriptivo y observacional, realizado mediante el vaciado de 790 historias clínicas de jóvenes, pertenecientes a la comarca del Bages (Barcelona), que acudieron por primera vez al Programa Joven durante el año 2002. Resultados. La media de edad de las mujeres estudiadas es de 20 años (DE= 3), la mayoría nacidas en España (84%), con estudios secundarios (43%) y que viven la gran mayoría con familiares de primer grado (71%). Factores sexuales de riesgo: la edad media de inicio de relaciones sexuales con penetración es de 18 años (DE= 2,41); un 16% no emplea ningún método anticonceptivo o métodos poco fiables; un 14% tiene más de dos parejas sexuales. El porcentaje de mujeres que manifestaron haber estado embarazadas es del 18%, y habían tenido una interrupción voluntaria del embarazo (IVE) el 7%. Las principales sustancias tóxicas consumidas son tabaco (46%), alcohol (26%) y cannabis (7,2%). La petición de la anticoncepción de emergencia es el principal motivo de consulta (20%). Conclusión. En el momento de plantear políticas preventivas para la población juvenil, debería contemplarse desde una perspectiva global y no individualizada, ya que los factores de riesgo son múltiples y se hallan estrechamente relacionados.
Theory predicts that if most mutations are deleterious to both overall fitness and condition-dependent traits affecting mating success, sexual selection will purge mutation load and increase nonsexual fitness. We explored this possibility with populations of mutagenized Drosophila melanogaster exhibiting elevated levels of deleterious variation and evolving in the presence or absence of male-male competition and female choice. After 60 generations of experimental evolution, monogamous populations exhibited higher total reproductive output than polygamous populations. Parental environment also affected fitness measures - flies that evolved in the presence of sexual conflict showed reduced nonsexual fitness when their parents experienced a polygamous environment, indicating trans-generational effects of male harassment and highlighting the importance of a common garden design. This cost of parental promiscuity was nearly absent in monogamous lines, providing evidence for the evolution of reduced sexual antagonism. There was no overall difference in egg-to-adult viability between selection regimes. If mutation load was reduced by the action of sexual selection in this experiment, the resultant gain in fitness was not sufficient to overcome the costs of sexual antagonism.
Concrete paving is often at a disadvantage in terms of pavement type selection due to the time of curing required prior to opening the pavement to traffic. The State of Iowa has been able to reduce traffic delay constraints through material selection and construction methods to date. Methods for monitoring concrete strength gain and quality have not changed since the first concrete pavements were constructed in Iowa. In 1995, Lee County and the Iowa DOT cooperated in a research project, HR-380, to construct a 7.1 mile (11. 43 km) project to evaluate the use of maturity and pulse velocity nondestructive testing (NDT) methods in the estimation of concrete strength gain. The research identified the pros and cons of each method and suggested an instructional memorandum to utilize maturity measurements to meet traffic delay demands. Maturity was used to reduce the traffic delay opening time from 5-7 days to less than 2 days through the implementation of maturity measurements and special traffic control measures. Recommendations on the development of the maturity curve for each project and the location and monitoring of the maturity thermocouples are included. Examples of equipment that could easily be used by project personnel to estimate the concrete strength using the maturity methods is described.
The effect of curing temperature, in the range of 4.4 to 22.8 degrees C (40 to 73 degrees F), on strength development was studied based on the maturity and pulse velocity measurements in this report. The strength-maturity relationships for various mixes using a Type I cement and using a Type IP cement, respectively, were experimentally developed. The similar curves for early age strength development of both the patching concrete, using a Type I cement with the addition of calcium chloride, and the fast track concrete, using a Type III cement and fly ash, have also been proposed. For the temperature ranges studied, the strength development of concrete can be determined using a pulse velocity measurement, but only for early ages up to 24 hours. These obtained relationships can be used to determine when a pavement can be opened to traffic. The amount of fly ash substitution, up to 30%, did not have a significant influence on the strength-maturity relationship.
Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) are known to have short adult life-spans. Adults are unable to feed, and they utilize reserves stored during their aquatic larval stage. Energy reserves (fat, glycogen, and free sugars) of mature larvae, subimagoes and imagoes of both sexes of Siphlonurus aestivalis Eaton were compared. All the stages of both sexes had low glycogen and free sugar contents, and the only significant change occurred during the transformation of the mature larva to subimago when almost all the reserves of free sugars were used up. Glycogen and free sugars may serve as energy sources permitting individuals to swim and fly out of the water during emergence. Fat made up most of the energy reserves of mature larvae and was the main source of energy used during the final development of both sexes. Young adult males had high fat reserves which they used as a source of energy for their swarming flights. In contrast, females did not seem to use a significant amount of fat for flight. This difference is probably related to the different mating strategies of the sexes in this species. Males perform long flights waiting for females, whereas females perform only brief flights to mate and reproduce.
L'adolescència és un període de transició entre la infància i l'edat adulta, una etapa del cicle de creixement que marca el final de la infància i anuncia la maduresa, aquest terme s'utilitza generalment per referir-se a una persona que es troba entre els 13 i 19 anys d'edat. En aquesta etapa s'inicia la maduració física, cognitiva, social i emocional del nen o nena en la cerca del camí cap a l'adultesa. Per a molts joves l'adolescència és un període d'incertesa i fins i tot de desesperació; per a uns altres, és una etapa d'amistats internes, de desvinculació de les lligadures amb els pares, de somnis sobre el futur, etc. El desenvolupament físic és només una part d'aquest procés de maduració, ja que els adolescents han de superar també una sèrie de canvis psicosocials, com per exemple: independència dels pares, aprenentatge d'estratègies de comunicació per relacionar-se de forma més madura, desenvolupament de les capacitats intel·lectuals, consolidació de la pròpia identitat, inici de les relacions sexuals, actituds i valors, control emocional, entre uns altres.