994 resultados para sequential male choice


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Roughly one half of World's languages are in danger of extinction. The endangered languages, spoken by minorities, typically compete with powerful languages such as En- glish or Spanish. Consequently, the speakers of minority languages have to consider that not everybody can speak their language, converting the language choice into strategic,coordination-like situation. We show experimentally that the displacement of minority languages may be partially explained by the imperfect information about the linguistic type of the partner, leading to frequent failure to coordinate on the minority language even between two speakers who can and prefer to use it. The extent of miscoordination correlates with how minoritarian a language is and with the real-life linguistic condition of subjects: the more endangered a language the harder it is to coordinate on its use, and people on whom the language survival relies the most acquire behavioral strategies that lower its use. Our game-theoretical treatment of the issue provides a new perspective for linguistic policies.


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[EN] The purpose of this study was to evaluate body composition and body image (perception and satisfaction) in a group of young elite soccer players and to compare the data with those of a control group (age and BMI matched). Participants were 56 volunteer males whose mean age and BMI were 19.6 (SD 1.3) years and 23.3 (SD 1.1) kg/m2, respectively. Results showed that soccer players have a higher lean mass and lower fat mass than controls. Moreover, body perception (difference between current and actual image) was more accurate in controls than in soccer players, and the results suggest a tendency for soccer players to aspire to have more muscle mass and body fat. Soccer players perceived an ideal image with significantly higher body-fat percentage than their current and actual images. There were no body-dissatisfaction differences between groups, however. Although the results are necessarily limited by the small sample size, the findings should be of interest to coaches of young elite soccer teams.


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Trata-se de um estudo do tipo estudo de caso, na abordagem qualitativa, que visa a analisar as vivências das mulheres que utilizaram as tecnologias não-invasivas de cuidado de enfermagem durante a gravidez e o parto e discutir quais e como essas tecnologias estimularam o empoderamento nelas. Para isso foram utilizadas referências que abordem conceitos de gênero, empoderamento e tecnologias. Como referencial teórico foi utilizado a de Promoção da Saúde de Nola Pender que, a partir da identificação dos fatores biopsicossociais do indivíduo, busca influenciar comportamentos saudáveis, visando ao bem-estar como proposta de promoção da saúde. O cenário do estudo foi a Casa de Parto David Capistrano Filho, localizada no município do Rio de Janeiro, e contou com a participação de dez mulheres que pariram na Casa. Para a coleta de dados, foi elaborado um diagrama semelhante ao de Pender, contendo alguns aspectos biopsicossociais das mulheres que pudessem ter influência na vivência de empoderamento delas. As entrevistas aconteceram entre os meses de março e maio de 2010. Os dados produzidos foram analisados e transformados em três categorias: características e vivências individuais da mulher; conhecimentos, sentimentos e influências, na gravidez e no parto, a partir do uso das tecnologias; e o resultado do empoderamento. A tecnologia relacional, como o acolhimento, o vínculo e a escuta sensível, influenciou de forma benéfica as mulheres desde o momento que elas iniciaram o pré-natal na Casa, já que no início da gravidez algumas tinham receio com as mudanças do corpo e com as responsabilidades da maternidade. A dor do parto também foi outra preocupação citada por desconhecerem a fisiologia do processo. Mas, através de tecnologias como a de informação, de apoio, de potencialização de expressão corporal, de favorecimento da presença do acompanhante e de respeito de escolha delas, o parto acabou sendo calmo, tranqüilo, acolhedor e prazeroso. Com isso, as tecnologias contribuíram para as vivências de fortalecimento do vínculo com o bebê, na maior autoconfiança em parir e no preparo da maternidade que despertou nelas um desejo de serem pessoas de opiniões próprias e de terem uma formação profissional para garantir um bom futuro para o filho. Percebeu-se, nesse estudo, que as tecnologias favoreceram o empoderamento delas em parir numa Casa de Parto sendo assistidas por enfermeiras obstetras. No entanto, elas ainda se mostram passivas à dominação masculina quando valorizam a capacidade feminina em conquistar o espaço público masculino, mesmo em detrimento de suas reais necessidades, mostrando a importância de mais discussão sobre a temática a fim de vislumbrar novas tecnologias que auxiliem às mulheres a transpor esse empoderamento, adquirido durante a gravidez e o parto, para o seu dia a dia.


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The following work explores the processes individuals utilize when making multi-attribute choices. With the exception of extremely simple or familiar choices, most decisions we face can be classified as multi-attribute choices. In order to evaluate and make choices in such an environment, we must be able to estimate and weight the particular attributes of an option. Hence, better understanding the mechanisms involved in this process is an important step for economists and psychologists. For example, when choosing between two meals that differ in taste and nutrition, what are the mechanisms that allow us to estimate and then weight attributes when constructing value? Furthermore, how can these mechanisms be influenced by variables such as attention or common physiological states, like hunger?

In order to investigate these and similar questions, we use a combination of choice and attentional data, where the attentional data was collected by recording eye movements as individuals made decisions. Chapter 1 designs and tests a neuroeconomic model of multi-attribute choice that makes predictions about choices, response time, and how these variables are correlated with attention. Chapter 2 applies the ideas in this model to intertemporal decision-making, and finds that attention causally affects discount rates. Chapter 3 explores how hunger, a common physiological state, alters the mechanisms we utilize as we make simple decisions about foods.


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The general formulation of double refraction or internal double reflection for any directions of incidence and arbitrary orientation of the optic axis in a uniaxial crystal is analysed in terms of Huygens' principle. Then double refraction and double reflection along the sequential interfaces in a crystal are discussed. On this basis, if the parameters of the interface are chosen appropriately, the range of angular separation between the ordinary ray and extraordinary ray can be much greater, It is useful for crystal element design. Finally, as an example, an optimum design of the Output end interface for a 2 x 2 electro-optic switch is given.


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Vectorial Kukhtarev equations modified for the nonvolatile holographic recording in doubly doped crystals are analyzed, in which the bulk photovoltaic effect and the external electrical field are both considered. On the basis of small modulation approximation, both the analytic solution to the space-charge field with time in the recording phase and in the readout phase are deduced. The analytic solutions can be easily simplified to adapt the one-center model, and they have the same analytic expressions given those when the grating vector is along the optical axis. Based on the vectorial analyses of the band transport model an optimal recording direction is given to maximize the refractive index change in doubly doped LiNbO3:Fe: Mn crystals. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Time, risk, and attention are all integral to economic decision making. The aim of this work is to understand those key components of decision making using a variety of approaches: providing axiomatic characterizations to investigate time discounting, generating measures of visual attention to infer consumers' intentions, and examining data from unique field settings.

Chapter 2, co-authored with Federico Echenique and Kota Saito, presents the first revealed-preference characterizations of exponentially-discounted utility model and its generalizations. My characterizations provide non-parametric revealed-preference tests. I apply the tests to data from a recent experiment, and find that the axiomatization delivers new insights on a dataset that had been analyzed by traditional parametric methods.

Chapter 3, co-authored with Min Jeong Kang and Colin Camerer, investigates whether "pre-choice" measures of visual attention improve in prediction of consumers' purchase intentions. We measure participants' visual attention using eyetracking or mousetracking while they make hypothetical as well as real purchase decisions. I find that different patterns of visual attention are associated with hypothetical and real decisions. I then demonstrate that including information on visual attention improves prediction of purchase decisions when attention is measured with mousetracking.

Chapter 4 investigates individuals' attitudes towards risk in a high-stakes environment using data from a TV game show, Jeopardy!. I first quantify players' subjective beliefs about answering questions correctly. Using those beliefs in estimation, I find that the representative player is risk averse. I then find that trailing players tend to wager more than "folk" strategies that are known among the community of contestants and fans, and this tendency is related to their confidence. I also find gender differences: male players take more risk than female players, and even more so when they are competing against two other male players.

Chapter 5, co-authored with Colin Camerer, investigates the dynamics of the favorite-longshot bias (FLB) using data on horse race betting from an online exchange that allows bettors to trade "in-play." I find that probabilistic forecasts implied by market prices before start of the races are well-calibrated, but the degree of FLB increases significantly as the events approach toward the end.


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Both chemical and biological methods are used to assess the water quality of rivers. Many standard physical and chemical methods are now established, but biological procedures of comparable accuracy and versatility are still lacking. This is unfortunate because the biological assessment of water quality has several advantages over physical and chemical analyses. Several groups of organisms have been used to assess water quality in rivers and these include Bacteria, Protozoa, Algae, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish. Hellawell (1978) provides an excellent review of the advantages and disadvantages of these groups, and concludes that macroinvertebrates are the most useful for monitoring water quality. Although macroinvertebrates are relatively easy to sample in shallow water (depth < 1m), quantitative sampling poses more problems than qualitative sampling because a large number of replicate sampling units are usually required for accurate estimates of numbers or biomass per unit area. Both qualitative and quantitative sampling are difficult in deep water (depth > 1m). The present paper first considers different types of samplers with emphasis on immediate samplers, and then discusses some problems in choosing a suitable sampler for benthic macroinvertebrates in deep rivers.