996 resultados para sensorimotor coordination


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For children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), the real-time coupling between frontal executive function and online motor control has not been explored despite reported deficits in each domain. The aim of the present study was to investigate how children with DCD enlist online control under task constraints that compel the need for inhibitory control. A total of 129 school children were sampled from mainstream primary schools. Forty-two children who met research criteria for DCD were compared with 87 typically developing controls on a modified double-jump reaching task. Children within each skill group were divided into three age bands: younger (6-7 years), mid-aged (8-9), and older (10-12). Online control was compared between groups as a function of trial type (non-jump, jump, anti-jump). Overall, results showed that while movement times were similar between skill groups under simple task constraints (non-jump), on perturbation (or jump) trials the DCD group were significantly slower than controls and corrected trajectories later. Critically, the DCD group was further disadvantaged by anti-jump trials where inhibitory control was required; however, this effect reduced with age. While coupling online control and executive systems is not well developed in younger and mid-aged children, there is evidence of age-appropriate coupling in older children. Longitudinal data are needed to clarify this intriguing finding. The theoretical and applied implications of these results are discussed.


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The coordination of zinc ions by tetraglyme has been investigated here to support the development of novel electrolytes for rechargeable zinc batteries. Zn(2+) reduction is electrochemically reversible from tetraglyme. The spectroscopic data, molar conductivity and thermal behavior as a function of zinc composition, between mole ratios [80 : 20] and [50 : 50] [tetraglyme : zinc chloride], all suggest that strong interactions take place between chloro-zinc complexes and tetraglyme. Varying the concentration of zinc chloride produces a range of zinc-chloro species (ZnClx)(2-x) in solution, which hinder full interaction between the zinc ion and tetraglyme. Both the [70 : 30] and [50 : 50] mixtures are promising electrolyte candidates for reversible zinc batteries, such as the zinc-air device.


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Driving simulators have become useful research tools for the institution and laboratories which are studying in different fields of vehicular and transport design to increase road safety. Although classical washout filters are broadly used because of their short processing time, simplicity and ease of adjust, they have some disadvantages such as generation of wrong sensation of motions, false cue motions, and also their tuning process which is focused on the worst case situations leading to a poor usage of the workspace. The aim of this study is to propose a new motion cueing algorithm that can accurately transform vehicle specific force into simulator platform motions at high fidelity within the simulator’s physical limitations. This method is proposed to compensate wrong cueing motion caused by saturation of tilt coordination rate limit using an adaptive correcting signal based on added fuzzy logic into translational channel to minimize the human sensation error and exploit the platform more efficiently.


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Changes in expectations of research education worldwide have seen the rise of new demands beyond supervision and have highlighted the need for academic leadership in research education at a local level. Based on an interview study of those who have taken up local leadership roles in four Australian universities, this paper maps and analyses different dimensions of the emerging leadership role of research education coordination. It argues that while there is increasing clarity of what is required, there are considerable tensions in the nature of the coordination role and how coordination is to be executed. In particular, what leadership roles are appropriate and how can they be positioned effectively within universities? The paper draws on the Integrated Competing Values Framework to focus on the activities of coordination and on ideas of distributed leadership to discuss the leadership that characterises coordination. It is argued that without acknowledgement of the influences that coordinators need to exert and the positioning and support needed to achieve this, the contemporary agenda for research education will not be realised.


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 Dr. Johnstone’s research focussed on the design, synthesis and characterisation of molecular architectures based on the [n]polynorbornane framework. This work resulted in the development of novel supramolecular systems including coordination cages and molecular receptors for anions.


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Recent evidence indicates that the ability to correct reaching movements in response to unexpected target changes (i.e., online control) is reduced in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Recent computational modeling of human reaching suggests that these inefficiencies may result from difficulties generating and/or monitoring internal representations of movement. This study was the first to test this putative relationship empirically. We did so by investigating the degree to which the capacity to correct reaching mid-flight could be predicted by motor imagery (MI) proficiency in a sample of children with probable DCD (pDCD). Thirty-four children aged 8 to 12 years (17 children with pDCD and 17 age-matched controls) completed the hand rotation task, a well-validated measure of MI, and a double-step reaching task (DSRT), a protocol commonly adopted to infer one's capacity for correcting reaching online. As per previous research, children with pDCD demonstrated inefficiencies in their ability to generate internal action representations and correct their reaching online, demonstrated by inefficient hand rotation performance and slower correction to the reach trajectory following unexpected target perturbation during the DSRT compared to age-matched controls. Critically, hierarchical moderating regression demonstrated that even after general reaching ability was controlled for, MI efficiency was a significant predictor of reaching correction efficiency, a relationship that was constant across groups. Ours is the first study to provide direct pilot evidence in support of the view that a decreased capacity for online control of reaching typical of DCD may be associated with inefficiencies generating and/or using internal representations of action.


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Rett syndrome, commonly associated with mutations of the methyl CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene, is characterised by an apparently normal early postnatal development followed by deterioration of acquired cognitive and motor coordination skills in early childhood. To evaluate whether environmental factors may influence the disease outcome of Rett syndrome, we tested the effect of environmental enrichment from 4 weeks of age on the behavioural competence of mutant mice harboring a Mecp2 tm1Tam-null allele. Our findings show that enrichment improves motor coordination in heterozygous Mecp2 +/− females but not Mecp2 −/y males. Standard-housed Mecp2 +/− mice had an initial motor coordination deficit on the accelerating rotarod, which improved with training then deteriorated in subsequent weeks. Enrichment resulted in a significant reduction in this coordination deficit in Mecp2 +/− mice, returning the performance to wild-type levels. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein levels were 75 and 85% of wild-type controls in standard-housed and environmentally enriched Mecp2 +/− cerebellum, respectively. Mecp2 −/y mice showed identical deficits of cerebellar BDNF (67% of wild-type controls) irrespective of their housing environment. Our findings demonstrate a positive impact of environmental enrichment in a Rett syndrome model; this impact may be dependent on the existence of one functional copy of Mecp2.


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A modular approach has been developed for the synthesis of rigid linear di- and tritopic ligands based on a fused [6]polynorbornane scaffold. The design provides up to three sites for installing functionality, including both "ends" and a "central" position with the advantage that each region can be independently addressed during synthesis. To illustrate the utility of the approach, both pyridyl and picolyl units were incorporated to provide six new ligands, with centers and ends either matched or mismatched. Indeed, both [M2 L4 ] cages with endohedral functionality and [M3 L4 ] complexes were cleanly produced from these ligands with assembled structures confirmed by using (1) H NMR spectroscopy, HRMS, and molecular modelling.


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Electric vehicles (EVs) have recently gained much popularity as a green alternative to fossil-fuel cars and a feasible solution to reduce air pollution in big cities. The use of EVs can also be extended as a demand response tool to support high penetration of renewable energy (RE) sources in future smart grid. Based on the certainty equivalent adaptive control (CECA) principle and a customer participation program, this paper presents a novel control strategy using optimization technique to coordinate not only the charging but also the discharging of EV batteries to deal with the intermittency in RE production. In addition, customer charging requirements and schedules are incorporated into the optimization algorithm to ensure customer satisfaction, and further improve the control performance. The merits of this scheme are its simplicity, efficiency, robustness and readiness for practical applications. The effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm is demonstrated by computer simulations of a power system with high level of wind energy integration.


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Este estudo pretende trazer uma contribuição à discussão da relação linguagem-cognição, através do exame de um aspecto restrito do problema: a hipótese de uma base cognitiva para aquisição de linguagem. O modelo teórico piagetiano é analisado em sua explicação da ontogenese da linguagem como resultante das construções da inteligência sensório-motora. Alguns de seus aspectos são questionados, a possibilidade de sua explicitação em forma de hipótese verificável é examinada e a literatura é analisada em busca de evidências relevantes. A principal lacuna constatada é a visão de linguagem restrita a aspectos de desempenho, sendo levado em conta apenas o começo da emissão de palavras na quase totalidade das pesquisas. Ainda dentro de uma perspectiva construtivista, o esboço de um novo modelo teórico é proposto, incluindo a discussão da ontogenese da compreensão de linguagem. Hipóteses decorrentes da proposta teórica, especialmente a de início da possibilidade de tratar o signo linguístico antes do estágio VI, são formuladas e verificadas por pesquisa empírica. Esta inclui um estudo longitudinal e outro transversal do desenvolvimento linguístico e cognitivo de 45 crianças entre 8 e 18 meses. O desenvolvimento da compreensão é comparado em diversos aspectos ao da produção ou fala. Verifica-se que o primeiro começa mais cedo, é mais rápido e atinge um vocabulário maior e um nível mais complexo na faixa etária estudada. Há evidências ainda de diferenças no papel da imitação na construção do vocabulário nas duas vertentes. Observa-se um início de resposta mais generalizada e sistemática à linguagem a partir de nove meses, ocasião em que a criança se mostra capaz de coordenação de reações circulares secundárias e quando consegue reconstruir mentalmente um objeto invisível a partir de uma fração visível. Considera-se que esta resposta já envolve a decodificação de signos e a diferenciação significante-significado, numa etapa preliminar de um processo evolutivo que se entrelaça com a formação de conceitos. Os dados nao permitem a identificação de prê-requisitos cognitivos para aquisição de liguagem, mas dois aspectos podem ser destacados como correlatos do início do processo de compartilhar o signo linguístico: a possibilidade da criança compreender que tem um nome e responder a ele e uma intencionalidade primitiva. Os resultados apoiam as hipóteses formuladas e sugerem que as construções finais do período sensório-motor não são condições necessárias para aquisição de linguagem e que esta não ê consequência direta do desenvolvimento cognitivo. Novos estudos são necessários para suprir as limitações desta pesquisa e verificação das implicações decorrentes dos resultados obtidos.


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This paper studies how constraints on the timing of actions affect equilibrium in intertemporal coordination problems. The model exhibits a unique symmetric equilibrium in cut-o¤ strategies. The risk-dominant action of the underlying one-shot game is selected when the option to delay effort is commensurate with the option to wait longer for others' actions. The possibility of waiting longer for the actions of others enhances coordination, but the option of delaying one s actions can induce severe coordination failures: if agents are very patient, they might get arbitrarily low expected payoffs even in cases where coordination would yield arbitrarily large returns.


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Fundamental models of money, while explicit about the frictions that render money essential, are silent on how agents actually coordinate in its use. This paper studies this coordination problem, providing an endogenous map between the primitives of the environment and the beliefs on the acceptability of money. We show that an increase in the frequency of trade meetings, besides its direct impact on payo¤s, facilitates coordination. In particular, for a large enough frequency of trade meetings, agents always coordinate in the use of money.


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Este trabalho desenvolve um novo "canal de Confiança" da política fiscal e caracteriza a política ótima quando esse canal é levado em consideração. Para esse objetivo, utilizamos um modelo estático com (i) concorrência monopolística, (ii) custos de ajustamento fixos para investir, (iii) complementaridade estratégica devido a informação imperfeita com respeito a produtividade agregada, e (iv) bens privados como substitutos imperfeitos de bens privados. Este arcabouço acomoda a possibilidade de falhas de coordenação nos investimentos, mas apresenta um equilíbrio único. Mostramos que a política fiscal tem efeitos importantes na coordenação. Um aumento dos gastos do governo leva a uma maior demanda por bens privados. Mais importante, este também afeta as expectativas de ordem superior com relação a demanda das demais firmas, que amplifica os efeitos do aumento inicial da demanda devido a complementaridade estratégica nas decisões de investimento. Como as demais firmas estão se deparam com uma demanda maior, espera-se que estas invistam mais, que por sua vez, aumenta a demanda individual de cada firma, que aumenta os incentivos a investir. Denominamos isto como o "canal de confiança" da política fiscal. Sob a ameaça de falhas de coordenação, a política fiscal ótima prescreve produzir além do ponto em que o benefício marginal resultante do consumo de bens públicos é igual ao custo marginal desses bens. Este benefício adicional vem do fato de que a política fiscal pode ampliar a coordenação dos investimentos.


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There are plenty of economic studies pointing out some requirements, like the inexistence of fiscal dominance, for inflation targeting framework be implemented in successful (credible) way. Essays on how public targets could be used in the absence of such requirements are unusual. In this papel' we appraise how central banks could use inflation targeting before soundness economic fundamentaIs have been achieved. First, based on concise framework, where confidence crises and imperfect information are neglected, we conclude that less ambitious (greater) target for inflation increases the credibility in the precommitment. Optimal target is higher than the one obtained using the Cukierman-Liviatan [7] model, where increasing credibility effect is not considered. Second, extending the model to make confidence crises possible, multiple equilibria solutions becomes possible too. In this case, to set greater targets for inflation may stimulate confidence crises and reduce the policymaker credibility. On the other hand, multiple (bad) equilibria may be avoided. The optimal target depends on the likelihood of each equilibrium be selected. Finally, when perturbing common knowledge uniqueness is restored even considering confidence crises, as in Morris-Shin[ 14]. The first result, i.e. less ambitious target for inflation increases credibility in precommitment, is also recovered. Adding a precise public signal, cOOl'dinated self-fulfilling actions and equilibrium multiplicity may still exist for some lack of common knowledge (as in Angeleto and Weming[l]). In this case, to set greater targets for inflation may stimulate confidence crisis again, reducing the policymaker credibility. From another aspect, multiple (bad) equilibria may be avoided. Optimal policy prescriptions depend on the likelihood of each equilibrium be selected. Results also indicate that more precise public information may open the door for bad equilibrium, contrary to the conventional wisdom that more central oank transparency is always good when considering inflation targeting framework.