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Corrosion is an important phenomenon that frequently occurs in the oil industry, causing surface ablation, such as it happens on the internal surfaces of oil pipes. This work aims to obtain new systems to reduce this specific problem. The surfactants SDS, CTAB, and UNITOL L90 (in micellar and microemulsionated systems) were used as corrosion inhibitors. The systems were obtained using a C/S ratio of 2, butanol as cosorfactant, kerosene as oil phase and, as water phase, NaCl solutions of 0.5M with pH = 2, 4, and 7. Microemulsion regions were found both for direct and inverse micelles. SDS had the higher microemulsion region and the area was not dependent of pH. The study of micellization of these surfactans in the liquid-gas interface was carried out via the determination of CMC from surface tension measurements. Regarding microemulsionated systems, in the case of CTAB, CMC increased when pH was increased, being constant for SDS and UNITOL L90. Concerning micellar systems, increase in pH caused decrease and increase in CMC for SDC and CTAB, respectively. In the case of UNITOL L90, CMC was practically constant, but increased for pH = 4. The microemulsionated systems presented higher CMC values, except for UNITOL L90 L90. The negative values of free energy of micellization indicated that the process of adsorption was spontaneous. The results also indicated that, comparing microemulsionated to systems, adsorption was less spontaneous in the case of SDS and CTAB, while it did not change for UNITOL L90. SAXS experiments indicated that micelle geometry was spherical, existing also as halter and flat micelles, resuting in a better inght on the adsorption at the liquid-solid interface. Efficiency of corrosion inhibition as determined by electrochemical measurements, from corrosion currents calculated from Tafel extrapolation indicuting heat showed surfactants to be efficient even at low concentrations. Equilibrium isotherm data were fitted to the Freundlich model, indicating that surfactant adsorption occurs in the form of multilayers
This study aimed to analyze the phytoremediation potential of Eichhornia crassipes in natural environments, optimize the extraction process of crude protein from plant tissue and, obtain and characterize this process in order to determine its viability of use instead of the protein sources of animal and/or human feed. For this, it has been determined in Apodi/Mossoró river water the concentration of ammonium ions, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, aluminum, cádmium, lead, and total chromium; It was determined in plant tissue of aquatic macrophytes of Eichhornia crassipes species present in Apodi/Mossoró River the moisture content, ash, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, aluminum, cadmium, lead, total chromium, total nitrogen and crude protein. It was also determined the translocation factor and bioaccumulation of all the quantified elements; It was developed and optimized the extraction procedure of crude protein based on the isoelectric method and a factorial design 24 with repetition; It was extracted and characterized the extract obtained by determining the moisture content, ash, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, cadmium, total nitrogen and crude protein. And finally, it was also characterized the protein extract using Thermogravimetric Analysis (TG), Derived Thermogravimetric (DTG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and jelly-like electrophoresis of polyacrylamide (SDS -PAGE) to assess the their molecular weights/mass. Thus, from the results obtained for the translocation and bioaccumulation factors was found that the same can be used as phytoremediation agent in natural environments of all quantified elements. It was also found that the developed method of extraction and protein precipitation was satisfactory for the purpose of the work, which gave the best conditions of extraction and precipitation of proteins as: pH extraction equal to 13.0, extraction temperature equals 60 ° C, reaction time equals to 30 minutes, and pH precipitation equals to 4.0. As for the extract obtained, the total nitrogen and crude protein were quantified higher than those found in the plant, increasing the crude protein content approximately 116.88% in relation to the quantified contente in the vegetal tissue of macrophyte. The levels of nickel and cadmium were the unique that were found below the detection limit of used the equipment. The electrophoretic analysis allowed us to observe that the protein extract obtained is composed of low polypeptide chains by the molecular and phytochelatins, with 6 and 15 kDa bands. Analysis of TG, DTG, DSC and FT-IR showed similarities in protein content of the obtained extracts based on different collection points and 9 parts of the plant under study, as well as commercial soy protein and casein. Finally, based on all these findings, it was concluded that the obtained extract in this work can be used instead of the protein sources of animal feed should, before that, test its digestibility. As human supplementation, it is necessary to conduct more tests associated with the optimization process in the sense of removing undesirable components and constant monitoring of the water body and the raw material used
The regeneration of bone defects with loss of substance remains as a therapeutic challenge in the medical field. There are basically four types of grafts: autologous, allogenic, xenogenic and isogenic. It is a consensus that autologous bone is the most suitable material for this purpose, but there are limitations to its use, especially the insufficient amount in the donor. Surveys show that the components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) are generally conserved between different species and are well tolerated even in xenogenic recipient. Thus, several studies have been conducted in the search for a replacement for autogenous bone scaffold using the technique of decellularization. To obtain these scaffolds, tissue must undergo a process of cell removal that causes minimal adverse effects on the composition, biological activity and mechanical integrity of the remaining extracellular matrix. There is not, however, a conformity among researchers about the best protocol for decellularization, since each of these treatments interfere differently in biochemical composition, ultrastructure and mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix, affecting the type of immune response to the material. Further down the arsenal of research involving decellularization bone tissue represents another obstacle to the arrival of a consensus protocol. The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of decellularization methods in the production of biological scaffolds from skeletal organs of mice, for their use for grafting. This was a laboratory study, sequenced in two distinct stages. In the first phase 12 mice hemi-calvariae were evaluated, divided into three groups (n = 4) and submitted to three different decellularization protocols (SDS [group I], trypsin [Group II], Triton X-100 [Group III]). We tried to identify the one that promotes most efficient cell removal, simultaneously to the best structural preservation of the bone extracellular matrix. Therefore, we performed quantitative analysis of the number of remaining cells and descriptive analysis of the scaffolds, made possible by microscopy. In the second stage, a study was conducted to evaluate the in vitro adhesion of mice bone marrow mesenchymal cells, cultured on these scaffolds, previously decellularized. Through manual counting of cells on scaffolds there was a complete cell removal in Group II, Group I showed a practically complete cell removal, and Group III displayed cell remains. The findings allowed us to observe a significant difference only between Groups II and III (p = 0.042). Better maintenance of the collagen structure was obtained with Triton X-100, whereas the decellularization with Trypsin was responsible for the major structural changes in the scaffolds. After culture, the adhesion of mesenchymal cells was only observed in specimens deccelularized with Trypsin. Due to the potential for total removal of cells and the ability to allow adherence of these, the protocol based on the use of Trypsin (Group II) was considered the most suitable for use in future experiments involving bone grafting decellularized scaffolds
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Heart failure is associated with a skeletal muscle myopathy with cellular and extracellular alterations. The hypothesis of this investigation is that extracellular changes may be associated with enhanced mRNA expression and activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP). We examined MMP mRNA expression and MMP activity in Soleus (SOL), extensor digitorum longus (EDL), and diaphragm (DIA) muscles of young Wistar rat with monocrotaline-induced heart failure. Rats injected with saline served as age-matched controls. MMP2 and MMP9 mRNA contents were determined by RT-PCR and MMP activity by electrophoresis in gelatin-containing polyacrylamide gels in the presence of SDS under non-reducing conditions. Heart failure increased MMP9 mRNA expression and activity in SOL, EDL and DIA and MMP2 mRNA expression in DIA. These results suggest that MMP changes may contribute to the skeletal muscle myopathy during heart failure.
Freshwater stingrays are very common in the Parana, Paraguay, Araguaia, and Tocantins Rivers and tributaries in Brazil. This study presents the clinical aspects of 84 patients injured by freshwater stingrays. Intense pain was the most conspicuous symptom. Skin necrosis was observed in a high percentage of the victims, mostly fishermen and bathers. The initial therapeutic procedures, like immersion of the affected member in hot water were effective in the initial phases of the envenoming, especially in the control of the acute pain; however, they did not prevent skin necrosis. By SDS-PAGE, the freshwater stingray (Potamotrygon falkneri) venom extract presented a major band of approximately 12 kDa. Several other components distributed between 15 and 130 kDa were detected in the venom extract. Many components with molecular mass above 80 and 100 kDa have gelatinolytic and caseinolytic activities, respectively. Hyaluronidase activity was detected only in a component around 84 kDa in P. falkneri venom extract. Our results demonstrated that the presence of these enzymes could explain partially the local clinical pictures presented by patients wounded by freshwater stingray. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present article describes the preparation and characterization A anionic Collagen gels obtained from porcine intestinal submucosa after 72 h of alkaline treatment and in the form of rhamsan composites to develop injectable biomaterials for plastic for construction. All materials were characterized by SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, infrared spectroscopy, thermal stability, potentiometric titration, rheological properties, and fluidity tests. Biocompatibility was appraised after the injection of anionic collagen:rhamsan composites at 2.5% in 60 North Folk rabbits. Independently of processing, the Collagen's secondary structure was preserved in all cases, and after 72 h of hydrolysis the Collagen was characterized by a carboxyl group content of 346 :L 9, which, at physiological pH, corresponds to an increase of 106 17 negative charges, in comparison to native Collagen, due to the selective hydrolysis of asparagine and glutamine carboxyamide side chain. Rheological studies of composites at pH 7.4 in concentrations of 2, 4, and 6% (in proportions of 75:1 and 50:1) showed a viscoelastic behavior dependent on the frequency, which is independent of concentration and proportion. In both, the concentration of the storage modulus always predominated over the loss modulus (G' > G and delta < 45 degrees). The results from creep experiments confirmed this behavior and showed that anionic collagen:rhamsan composites at pH 7.4 in the proportion of 50:1 are less elastic and more susceptible to deformation in comparison to gels in the proportion of 75:1, independent of concentration. This was further confirmed by flow experiments, indicating that the necessary force for the extrusion of anionic collagen:rhamsan composites, in comparison to anionic Collagen, was significantly smaller and with a smooth flow. Biocompatibility studies showed that the tissue reaction of anionic collagen:rhamsan composites at 2.5% in the proportion of 75:1 was compatible with the application of these gels in plastic reconstruction. These results suggest that the association of Collagen with rhamsan may be a good alternative in the replacement of glutaraidehyde to stabilize the microfibril assembly of commercial Collagen gel preparations. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Em meados da década de 50 iniciou-se o desenvolvimento da citometria de fluxo, tecnologia que permite verificar características físico-químicas de células ou partículas suspensas em meio fluido. Esta tecnologia utiliza anticorpos monoclonais marcados com fluorocromos como ferramenta de investigação em diversas análises e necessita de controles isotípicos para definição da região negativa (background). Estes controles são constituídos por imunoglobulinas de mesmo isotipo e fluorocromo dos anticorpos testes, sendo o isotiocianato de fluoresceína (FITC) o marcador fluorescente mais utilizado na conjugação de anticorpos. Os controles isotípicos têm como função definir a fluorescência inespecífica (células negativas) e as regiões fluorescentes (células positivas). No presente estudo foi selecionado anticorpo monoclonal murino (AcMm) dirigido contra antígeno eritrocitário canino, produzido no Laboratório de Anticorpos Monoclonais do Hemocentro de Botucatu, o qual reage positivamente com hemácias de cães, mas nunca com leucócitos humanos, tendo, portanto, potencial utilidade como controle negativo em citometria de fluxo. A purificação do AcMm da subclasse IgG1 foi feita por cromatografia de afinidade em Proteína-A Sepharose, e o controle da purificação realizado por eletroforese em géis de ágarose e poliacrilamida (SDS-PAGE). A imunoglobulina purificada foi conjugada ao FITC e filtrado em coluna de Sephadex G-25 para separação das proteínas marcadas e não-marcadas. O AcMm conjugado foi testado contra hemácias de cães, e o êxito da conjugação comprovado por testes de fluorescência, sendo a mediana de positividade de 94,70. Frente a leucócitos humanos a mediana de positividade foi 0,03 contra 0,50 dos reagentes comerciais. Os testes estatísticos não-paramétricos de Wilcoxon e correlação de Spearman comprovaram a eficiência e validam o controle isotípico produzido em comparação aos reagentes comerciais testados.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
As proteínas de fase aguda (PFA) apresentam concentrações séricas alteradas mediante processos infecciosos, inflamatórios e neoplásicos. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar as variações séricas das PFA em cadelas portadoras de neoplasia mamária, comparando com a avaliação histológica e leucograma. As PFA foram avaliadas em 45 cadelas com tumor de mama, distribuídas nos grupos neoplasia benigna (n=13), maligna não ulcerada (n=24) e maligna ulcerada (n=8). O grupo controle foi composto por 20 cadelas saudáveis. Foram realizados o teste de eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS-PAGE) para identificar as PFA (albumina, ceruloplasmina, transferrina, haptoglobina Hp, α-1 antitripsina e α-1 glicoproteina ácida) e o teste ultrassensível para proteína C reativa (PCR). As pacientes com neoplasia mamária maligna ulcerada apresentaram elevações sérica para PCR e Hp e redução da albumina (P<0,05, One-Way ANOVA e Teste de Dunn). Nessas pacientes, foi observada correlação positiva entre o leucograma inflamatório e o aumento das PFA (P=0,002, Teste de Fisher) e não foram observadas correlações entre as PFA e os subtipos histológicos. Conclui-se que avaliações conjuntas da PCR, Hp e albumina podem ser utilizadas como ferramenta de auxílio diagnóstico e prognóstico em cadelas com neoplasia mamária.
1. This experiment was carried out to evaluate the productive and physiological consequences of a slight but long term food restriction of male broiler chickens from 2 commercial strains.2. Cobb-500 and Ross chickens were submitted to a 20% food restriction from 8 to 21 d of age. Strain, food programme and their interactive effects were analysed in terms of consequences upon performance, mortality, incidence of sudden death syndrome (SDS) and ascites syndrome (AS), index of right cardiac hypertrophy and plasma concentrations of hormones related to metabolism and growth (T-3, T-4, T-3:T-4 ratio, IGF-I and GH).3. Although some catch-up growth was observed by refeeding previously restricted birds after 22 d of rearing, food restriction decreased (P less than or equal to 0.05) body weight at market age (42 d) irrespective of the strain, but improved (P less than or equal to 0.05) food conversion.4. The incidence of mortality was not high in non-restricted birds but SDS and AS caused more than 50% of deaths. Hypertrophic cardiac index was observed in chickens of both strains after 4 weeks of age and was higher in ad libitum fed birds.5. During the period of food restriction, plasma T-3 and IGF-I concentrations decreased whereas plasma T-4 and GH concentrations increased compared to those of the age-matched ad libitum fed counterparts. During the subsequent ad libitum feeding period, few differences in circulating hormone concentrations were observed, except for the higher mean CH litres in previously food-restricted chickens at 35 d of age.6. These results indicate that even a non-severe food restriction negatively affects body weight of 42-d-old male broilers but these are benefits with improved food efficiency and diminished mortality from metabolic disturbances. The hormone results suggest that the degree of food restriction applied was not severe because there was a very fast adaptive response with small and transient alterations in T-3, T-4 and GH plasma concentrations during the period of compensatory growth.
The objectives were to separate canine seminal plasma proteins (with SDS-PAGE) and to determine the correlation between specific proteins and semen characteristics. Three ejaculates from 20 mixed-breed dogs, of unknown fertility, were collected by digital manipulation. Ejaculate volume and color, sperm motility, sperm vigor, percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa, and membrane integrity (hypoosmotic swelling test and fluorescent staining) were assessed. For each dog, seminal plasma was pooled from all three ejaculates and proteins were separated with SDS-PAGE, using polyacrylamide concentrations of 13% and 22% in the separation gels. After staining, gel images were digitized to estimate molecular weights (MW) and integrated optical density (IOD) of each lane and of individual bands. Total seminal plasma protein concentration was 2.19 +/- 1.56 g/dL (mean +/- SD; range 1.12-5.19 g/dL). A total of 37 protein bands were identified (although no dog had all 37 bands). In the 13% gel, molecular weights ranged from 100.6 to 17.1 kDa, with four bands (49.7, 33.2, 26.4, and 19.5 kDa) present in samples from all dogs. In the 22% gel, molecular weights ranged from 15.6 to 3.6 kDa, with nine bands (15.6, 13.5, 12.7, 11.7, 10.5, 8.7, 7.8, 5.6, and 4.9 kDa) present in samples from all dogs. Combined for both gels, the majority of bands (85%) had molecular weights < 17 kDa, with B20 (15.6 kDa) in high concentrations in samples from all dogs. There were positive correlations (P <= 0.01) between two bands, 134 (67 kDa) and B5 (58.6 kDa), and sperm motility (r = 0.66 and r = 0.46), sperm vigor (r = 0.56 and r = 0.66), percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa (r = 0.55 and r = 0.59), the hypoosmotic swelling test (r = 0.76 and r 0.68), and fluorescent staining (r = 0.56 and r = 0.59), respectively. In conclusion, 37 proteins were identified in seminal plasma; two were significantly correlated with semen characteristics. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Three semen samples were collected at 48 It intervals from 20 mature research dogs previously conditioned to manual semen collection. Vasectomy was performed in all dogs, and 15 days after surgery, another three ejaculates were similarly collected. The semen was evaluated, and centrifuged to obtain seminal plasma for measurement of pH, and concentrations of total proteins (TP), total chlorides (Cl), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), and sodium (Na). The seminal plasma protein profile was evaluated by SDS-PAGE; molecular weights and the integrated optical density (IOD) of each band were estimated. There was a negative correlation between K concentration and progressive motility (r = -0.49, P = 0.027), sperm vigor (r = -0.60, P = 0.0053), and plasma integrity, evaluated by both the hypo-osmotic swelling test (r = -0.50, P = 0.026) and a fluorescent stain (r = -0.45, P = 0.046). Positive correlations between Na and K pre- and post-vasectomy (r = 0.88, P < 0.001; r = 0.56, P < 0.01, respectively) were verified. There were a total of 37 bands pre-vasectomy and 35 post-vasectomy (range, 100.6-3.6 kDa). Bands B9 and B13 (42.6 and 29.2 kDa) were not present post-vasectomy. The IOD of band B3 (73.5 kDa) was higher (P 0.03) pre-vasectomy, compared to post-vasectomy; conversely, the IODs of bands B29 and B37 (7.8 and 3.6 kDa) increased (P 0.026 and 0.047). Pre-vasectomy, there was a positive correlation (r = 0.49, P = 0.029) between band B37 band (3.6 kDa) and the Na:K ratio. In conclusion, K appeared to be involved in sperm motility in dogs and could be a tool to evaluate sperm function. The prostate contributed several elements to canine seminal plasma. Vasectomy changed Ca concentrations and the protein profile of the seminal plasma. Further studies must be performed to clarify the function of these elements on the in vivo fertility of dogs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Heparin-binding proteins (HBP) from seminal plasma have been expected to participate in modulation of the acrosomal reaction, and have been correlated with fertility in some species. However, they have not been described in the dog. The aim of this study was to document the HBPs of canine seminal plasma. Six pooled samples of seminal plasma from three crossbred dogs were used. The HBPs were isolated by heparin affinity chromatography and the fractions recovered were pooled. One-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was carried out on 12 and 18% vertical minigels. The stained gels were scanned and the molecular weight (kDa) values for each band within a lane were calculated by image analysis software. The electrophoresis analysis of the pooled eluded fractions identified 19 bands, with molecular weights varying from 61.5 to 5.2 kDa. Previous studies, using one-dimensional SDS-PAGE, identified two bands (67 and 58.6 kDa), which were positively correlated with some semen parameters (sperm motility, sperm vigor, percentage of morphologically normal sperm and plasma membrane integrity). The 61.5 kDa band detected in the present study apparently corresponded to the 58.6 kDa band identified previously. Canine seminal plasma contained HBP; since HBP modulate the acrosome reaction in other species, they may have the same function in the dog. Further studies are necessary to better characterize this protein and determine if it is associated with fertility in the dog. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)