772 resultados para robotic grasping


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A flexure hinge is a flexible connector that can provide a limited rotational motion between two rigid parts by means of material deformation. These connectors can be used to substitute traditional kinematic pairs (like bearing couplings) in rigid-body mechanisms. When compared to their rigid-body counterpart, flexure hinges are characterized by reduced weight, absence of backlash and friction, part-count reduction, but restricted range of motion. There are several types of flexure hinges in the literature that have been studied and characterized for different applications. In our study, we have introduced new types of flexures with curved structures i.e. circularly curved-beam flexures and spherical flexures. These flexures have been utilized for both planar applications (e.g. articulated robotic fingers) and spatial applications (e.g. spherical compliant mechanisms). We have derived closed-form compliance equations for both circularly curved-beam flexures and spherical flexures. Each element of the spatial compliance matrix is analytically computed as a function of hinge dimensions and employed material. The theoretical model is then validated by comparing analytical data with the results obtained through Finite Element Analysis. A case study is also presented for each class of flexures, concerning the potential applications in the optimal design of planar and spatial compliant mechanisms. Each case study is followed by comparing the performance of these novel flexures with the performance of commonly used geometries in terms of principle compliance factors, parasitic motions and maximum stress demands. Furthermore, we have extended our study to the design and analysis of serial and parallel compliant mechanisms, where the proposed flexures have been employed to achieve spatial motions e.g. compliant spherical joints.


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L'elaborato si propone di analizzare la fusione di due tecnologie diverse, ma allo stesso modo rivoluzionarie. Da un lato abbiamo la chirurgia robotica (Robotic Assisted Surgery), reputata ormai la nuova frontiera della chirurgia mini-invasiva, dall'altro invece l'eco-tomografia, che in molti ipotizzano poter divenire lo 'stetoscopio' del futuro.


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The work of this thesis is on the implementation of a variable stiffness joint antagonistically actuated by a couple of twisted-string actuator (TSA). This type of joint is possible to be applied in the field of robotics, like UB Hand IV (the anthropomorphic robotic hand developed by University of Bologna). The purposes of the activities are to build the joint dynamic model and simultaneously control the position and stiffness. Three different control approaches (Feedback linearization, PID, PID+Feedforward) are proposed and validated in simulation. To improve the properties of joint stiffness, a joint with elastic element is taken into account and discussed. To the end, the experimental setup that has been developed for the experimental validation of the proposed control approaches.


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Lo sviluppo hardware nel campo della robotica ha raggiunto negli ultimi anni livelli impressionanti ed è in continua crescita, e di pari passo si è espansa l’eterogeneità delle forme che può assumere, dalle tipologie basate su movimento a terra ai droni volanti, fino a forme più sofisticate di robot umanoidi che cercano di emularne il comportamento. Se da un lato ora possiamo disporre di hardware sempre più potente ed efficiente a costi sempre minori, dall’altro programmare il comportamento che un robot deve tenere nelle svariate circostanze in cui può imbattersi, nel poter portare a compimento il proprio obbiettivo, risulta essere sempre più complesso. Dopo una breve introduzione alla robotica e alle difficoltà che deve affrontare e una panoramica sui robot, cosa siano e come siano strutturati, fulcro della tesi sarà l’esposizione delle caratteristiche principali di ROS, Robot Operating System, come piattaforma di sviluppo software nel campo della robotica, e si concluderà con un semplice caso di studio in cui ne verrà messo in mostra concretamente l’utilizzo.


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Questo elaborato descrive il lavoro svolto nell'Area ricerca e formazione del Centro Protesi INAIL volto all'integrazione della tecnologia di stampa 3D con i processi produttivi dell'azienda stessa al fine di ottenere una protesi cinematica e funzionale per pazienti con amputazioni parziali di mano (a livello metacarpale e transmetacarpale) che risulti economica e in grado di restituire la funzionalità di grasping della mano.


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We have developed a haptic-based approach for retraining of interjoint coordination following stroke called time-independent functional training (TIFT) and implemented this mode in the ARMin III robotic exoskeleton. The ARMin III robot was developed by Drs. Robert Riener and Tobias Nef at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich, or ETH Zurich), in Zurich, Switzerland. In the TIFT mode, the robot maintains arm movements within the proper kinematic trajectory via haptic walls at each joint. These arm movements focus training of interjoint coordination with highly intuitive real-time feedback of performance; arm movements advance within the trajectory only if their movement coordination is correct. In initial testing, 37 nondisabled subjects received a single session of learning of a complex pattern. Subjects were randomized to TIFT or visual demonstration or moved along with the robot as it moved though the pattern (time-dependent [TD] training). We examined visual demonstration to separate the effects of action observation on motor learning from the effects of the two haptic guidance methods. During these training trials, TIFT subjects reduced error and interaction forces between the robot and arm, while TD subject performance did not change. All groups showed significant learning of the trajectory during unassisted recall trials, but we observed no difference in learning between groups, possibly because this learning task is dominated by vision. Further testing in stroke populations is warranted.


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The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) carried on board the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Meteorological Operational Satellite (MetOp) polar orbiting satellites is the only instrument offering more than 25 years of satellite data to analyse aerosols on a daily basis. The present study assessed a modified AVHRR aerosol optical depth τa retrieval over land for Europe. The algorithm might also be applied to other parts of the world with similar surface characteristics like Europe, only the aerosol properties would have to be adapted to a new region. The initial approach used a relationship between Sun photometer measurements from the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) and the satellite data to post-process the retrieved τa. Herein a quasi-stand-alone procedure, which is more suitable for the pre-AERONET era, is presented. In addition, the estimation of surface reflectance, the aerosol model, and other processing steps have been adapted. The method's cross-platform applicability was tested by validating τa from NOAA-17 and NOAA-18 AVHRR at 15 AERONET sites in Central Europe (40.5° N–50° N, 0° E–17° E) from August 2005 to December 2007. Furthermore, the accuracy of the AVHRR retrieval was related to products from two newer instruments, the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) on board the Environmental Satellite (ENVISAT) and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board Aqua/Terra. Considering the linear correlation coefficient R, the AVHRR results were similar to those of MERIS with even lower root mean square error RMSE. Not surprisingly, MODIS, with its high spectral coverage, gave the highest R and lowest RMSE. Regarding monthly averaged τa, the results were ambiguous. Focusing on small-scale structures, R was reduced for all sensors, whereas the RMSE solely for MERIS substantially increased. Regarding larger areas like Central Europe, the error statistics were similar to the individual match-ups. This was mainly explained with sampling issues. With the successful validation of AVHRR we are now able to concentrate on our large data archive dating back to 1985. This is a unique opportunity for both climate and air pollution studies over land surfaces.


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Recent research with several species of nonhuman primates suggests sophisticated motor-planning abilities observed in human adults may be ubiquitous among primates. However, there is considerable variability in the extent to which these abilities are expressed across primate species. In the present experiment, we explore whether the variability in the expression of anticipatory motor-planning abilities may be attributed to cognitive differences (such as tool use abilities) or whether they may be due to the consequences of morphological differences (such as being able to deploy a precision grasp). We compared two species of New World monkeys that differ in their tool use abilities and manual dexterity: squirrel monkeys, Saimiri sciureus (less dexterous with little evidence for tool use) and tufted capuchins, Sapajus apella (more dexterous and known tool users). The monkeys were presented with baited cups in an untrained food extraction task. Consistent with the morphological constraint hypothesis, squirrel monkeys frequently showed second-order motor planning by inverting their grasp when picking up an inverted cup, while capuchins frequently deployed canonical upright grasping postures. Findings suggest that the lack of ability for precision grasping may elicit more consistent second-order motor planning, as the squirrel monkeys (and other species that have shown a high rate of second-order planning) have fewer means of compensating for inefficient initial postures. Thus, the interface between morphology and motor planning likely represents an important factor for understanding both the ontogenetic and phylogenetic origins of sophisticated motor-planning abilities.


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Recent research with several species of nonhuman primates suggests sophisticated motor-planning abilities observed in human adults may be ubiquitous among primates. However, there is considerable variability in the extent to which these abilities are expressed across primate species. In the present experiment, we explore whether the variability in the expression of anticipatory motor-planning abilities may be attributed to cognitive differences (such as tool use abilities) or whether they may be due to the consequences of morphological differences (such as being able to deploy a precision grasp). We compared two species of New World monkeys that differ in their tool use abilities and manual dexterity: squirrel monkeys, Saimiri sciureus (less dexterous with little evidence for tool use) and tufted capuchins, Sapajus apella (more dexterous and known tool users). The monkeys were presented with baited cups in an untrained food extraction task. Consistent with the morphological constraint hypothesis, squirrel monkeys frequently showed second-order motor planning by inverting their grasp when picking up an inverted cup, while capuchins frequently deployed canonical upright grasping postures. Findings suggest that the lack of ability for precision grasping may elicit more consistent second-order motor planning, as the squirrel monkeys (and other species that have shown a high rate of second-order planning) have fewer means of compensating for inefficient initial postures. Thus, the interface between morphology and motor planning likely represents an important factor for understanding both the ontogenetic and phylogenetic origins of sophisticated motor-planning abilities. (C) 2013 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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For the past 10 years, medical imaging techniques have been increasingly applied to forensic investigations. To obtain histological and toxicological information, tissue and liquid samples are required. In this article, we describe the development of a low-cost, secure, and reliable approach for a telematic add-on for remotely planning biopsies on the Virtobot robotic system. Data sets are encrypted and submitted over the Internet. A plugin for the OsiriX medical image viewer allows for remote planning of needle trajectories that are used for needle placement. The application of teleradiological methods to image-guided biopsy in the forensic setting has the potential to reduce costs and, in conjunction with a mobile computer tomographic scanner, allows for tissue sampling in a mass casualty situation involving nuclear, biological, or chemical agents, in a manner that minimizes the risk to involved staff.


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Localization is information of fundamental importance to carry out various tasks in the mobile robotic area. The exact degree of precision required in the localization depends on the nature of the task. The GPS provides global position estimation but is restricted to outdoor environments and has an inherent imprecision of a few meters. In indoor spaces, other sensors like lasers and cameras are commonly used for position estimation, but these require landmarks (or maps) in the environment and a fair amount of computation to process complex algorithms. These sensors also have a limited field of vision. Currently, Wireless Networks (WN) are widely available in indoor environments and can allow efficient global localization that requires relatively low computing resources. However, the inherent instability in the wireless signal prevents it from being used for very accurate position estimation. The growth in the number of Access Points (AP) increases the overlap signals areas and this could be a useful means of improving the precision of the localization. In this paper we evaluate the impact of the number of Access Points in mobile nodes localization using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). We use three to eight APs as a source signal and show how the ANNs learn and generalize the data. Added to this, we evaluate the robustness of the ANNs and evaluate a heuristic to try to decrease the error in the localization. In order to validate our approach several ANNs topologies have been evaluated in experimental tests that were conducted with a mobile node in an indoor space.


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Conclusion: A robot built specifically for stereotactic cochlear implantation provides equal or better accuracy levels together with a better integration into a clinical environment, when compared to existing approaches based on industrial robots. Objectives: To evaluate the technical accuracy of a robotic system developed specifically for lateral skull base surgery in an experimental setup reflecting the intended clinical application. The invasiveness of cochlear electrode implantation procedures may be reduced by replacing the traditional mastoidectomy with a small tunnel slightly larger in diameter than the electrode itself. Methods: The end-to-end accuracy of the robot system and associated image-guided procedure was evaluated on 15 temporal bones of whole head cadaver specimens. The main components of the procedure were as follows: reference screw placement, cone beam CT scan, computer-aided planning, pair-point matching of the surgical plan, robotic drilling of the direct access tunnel, and post-operative cone beam CT scan and accuracy assessment. Results: The mean accuracy at the target point (round window) was 0.56 ± 41 mm with an angular misalignment of 0.88 ± 0.41°. The procedural time of the registration process through the completion of the drilling procedure was 25 ± 11 min. The robot was fully operational in a clinical environment.


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The Bucknell Humanoid Robot Arm project was developed in order toprovide a lightweight robotic arm for the IHMC / Bucknell University bipedal robot that will provide a means of manipulation and facilitate operations in urban environments. The resulting fabricated arm described in this thesis weighs only 13 pounds, and is capable of holding 11 pounds fully outstretched, lifting objects such as tools, and it can open doors. It is also capable of being easily integrated with the IHMC / Bucknell University biped. This thesis provides an introduction to robots themselves, discusses the goals of the Bucknell Humanoid Robot Arm project, provides a background on some of the existing robots, and shows how the Bucknell Humanoid Robot Arm fits in with the studies that have been completed. After reading these studies, important items such as design trees and operational scenarios were completed. The completion of these items led to measurable specifications and later the design requirements and specifications. A significant contribution of this thesis to the robotics discipline involves the design of the actuator itself. The arm uses of individual, lightweight, compactly designed actuators to achieve desired capabilities and performance requirements. Many iterations were completed to get to the final design of each actuator. After completing the actuators, the design of the intermediate links and brackets was finalized. Completion of the design led to the development of a complex controls system which used a combination of Clanguage and Java.


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Multiple recent studies provide evidence that both human and nonhuman primates possess motor planning abilities. I tested for the demonstration of motor planning in two previously untested primate species through two experiments. In the first experiment, I compared the extent to which squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and brown capuchins (Cebus apella) plan their movements in a grasping task. Individuals were presented with an inverted cup that required being turned and held upright in order to extract a food reward from the inside of the cup. This task was most efficiently solved by using an initially awkward inverted grasp that affords a comfortable hand and arm orientation at the end of the movement (known as end-state comfort). While certain individuals from both species exhibited end-state comfort, many of the capuchins never demonstrated this type of motor planning. Furthermore, the squirrel monkeys used the efficient grasp significantly more than the capuchins. In the second experiment, I presented the capuchins with another grasping task to test if they would express motor planning abilities in a different context. Here, the capuchins were offered a dowel that was baited on either the left or right end. A radial grasp with the thumb pointing towards the baited end was considered to be the most efficient grasp because it afforded a comfortable final position. The capuchins switched hands and used an overhand radial grasp on the dowel significantly more often than not, thus demonstrating motor planning in this task. The grasps typically utilized by these two closely related species differ considerably in that capuchins are capable of exercising precision grips, whereas squirrel monkeys are limited to whole-handed power grips. Moreover, unlike capuchins, squirrel monkeys are not particularly dexterous nor are they capable of precise manipulative actions. It is therefore more beneficial for squirrel monkeys to plan their movements efficiently because they are less capable of compensating for inappropriate initial grasps. Due to the appreciable variability in the expression of motor planning skills across species, I proposed that morphological constraints might explain the observed discrepancies in movement planning among different primate species.


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Open radical prostatectomy represents one possible therapeutic option for treating patients with clinically localized prostate cancer Patient selection and the surgical management have undergone important changes during the last years, resulting in lower morbidity and probably in a better tumor control due to a better standardisation of the surgical technique. Long-term functional outcome regarding continence and potency are of increasing importance and influence mainly the quality of life in these patients. Open radical retropubic prostatectomy remains the gold standard in patients with localized prostate cancer, due to its low morbidity and excellent oncological and functional results. The value of laparoscopic and robotic radical prostatectomy is still discussed controversially. Due to the relative high morbidity during the so-called learning curve and the lack of long-term oncological and functional results, these techniques seem to show less favourable results.