926 resultados para respiratory viruses, molecular epidemiology, Indonesia


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In transgenic and nontransgenic plants, viruses are both initiators and targets of a defense mechanism that is similar to posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS). Recently, it was found that potyviruses and cucumoviruses encode pathogenicity determinants that suppress this defense mechanism. Here, we test diverse virus types for the ability to suppress PTGS. Nicotiana benthamiana exhibiting PTGS of a green fluorescent protein transgene were infected with a range of unrelated viruses and various potato virus X vectors producing viral pathogenicity factors. Upon infection, suppression of PTGS was assessed in planta through reactivation of green fluorescence and confirmed by molecular analysis. These experiments led to the identification of three suppressors of PTGS and showed that suppression of PTGS is widely used as a counter-defense strategy by DNA and RNA viruses. However, the spatial pattern and degree of suppression varied extensively between viruses. At one extreme, there are viruses that suppress in all tissues of all infected leaves, whereas others are able to suppress only in the veins of new emerging leaves. This variation existed even between closely related members of the potexvirus group. Collectively, these results suggest that virus-encoded suppressors of gene silencing have distinct modes of action, are targeted against distinct components of the host gene-silencing machinery, and that there is dynamic evolution of the host and viral components associated with the gene-silencing mechanism.


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Four cDNAs, one encoding an α-subunit and three encoding β-subunits of the mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase, were isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) libraries. The deduced amino acid sequences of both α- and β-subunits are approximately 80% identical with Arabidopsis and pea (Pisum sativum L.) homologs. The mature N terminus was determined for the β-subunit by microsequencing the protein purified from etiolated maize shoot mitochondria and was resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. This single isoelectric species comprised multiple isoforms. Both α- and β-subunits are encoded by multigene families in maize, as determined by Southern-blot analyses. RNA transcripts for both α- and β-subunits were more abundant in roots than in young leaves or etiolated shoots. Pyruvate dehydrogenase activity was also higher in roots (5-fold) compared with etiolated shoots and leaves. Both subunits were present at similar levels in all tissues examined, indicating coordinated gene regulation. The protein levels were highest in heterotrophic organs and in pollen, which contained about 2-fold more protein than any other organ examined. The relative abundance of these proteins in nonphotosynthetic tissues may reflect a high cellular content of mitochondria, a high level of respiratory activity, or an extra plastidial requirement for acetate.


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RNA viruses evolve rapidly. One source of this ability to rapidly change is the apparently high mutation frequency in RNA virus populations. A high mutation frequency is a central tenet of the quasispecies theory. A corollary of the quasispecies theory postulates that, given their high mutation frequency, animal RNA viruses may be susceptible to error catastrophe, where they undergo a sharp drop in viability after a modest increase in mutation frequency. We recently showed that the important broad-spectrum antiviral drug ribavirin (currently used to treat hepatitis C virus infections, among others) is an RNA virus mutagen, and we proposed that ribavirin's antiviral effect is by forcing RNA viruses into error catastrophe. However, a direct demonstration of error catastrophe has not been made for ribavirin or any RNA virus mutagen. Here we describe a direct demonstration of error catastrophe by using ribavirin as the mutagen and poliovirus as a model RNA virus. We demonstrate that ribavirin's antiviral activity is exerted directly through lethal mutagenesis of the viral genetic material. A 99.3% loss in viral genome infectivity is observed after a single round of virus infection in ribavirin concentrations sufficient to cause a 9.7-fold increase in mutagenesis. Compiling data on both the mutation levels and the specific infectivities of poliovirus genomes produced in the presence of ribavirin, we have constructed a graph of error catastrophe showing that normal poliovirus indeed exists at the edge of viability. These data suggest that RNA virus mutagens may represent a promising new class of antiviral drugs.


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The negative-strand RNA viruses are a broad group of animal viruses that comprise several important human pathogens, including influenza, measles, mumps, rabies, respiratory syncytial, Ebola, and hantaviruses. The development of new strategies to genetically manipulate the genomes of negative-strand RNA viruses has provided us with new tools to study the structure-function relationships of the viral components and their contributions to the pathogenicity of these viruses. It is also now possible to envision rational approaches--based on genetic engineering techniques--to design live attenuated vaccines against some of these viral agents. In addition, the use of different negative-strand RNA viruses as vectors to efficiently express foreign polypeptides has also become feasible, and these novel vectors have potential applications in disease prevention as well as in gene therapy.


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To explain the pathogenesis of autoimmunity, we hypothesize that following an infection the immune response spreads to tissue-specific autoantigens in genetically predisposed individuals eventually determining progression to disease. Molecular mimicry between viral and self antigens could, in some instances, initiate autoimmunity. Local elicitation of inflammatory cytokines following infection probably plays a pivotal role in determining loss of functional tolerance to self autoantigens and the destructive activation of autoreactive cells. We also describe the potential role of interleukin 10, a powerful B-cell activator, in increasing the efficiency of epitope recognition, that could well be crucial to the progression toward disease.


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The phylogeny of 123 complete envelope gene sequences was reconstructed in order to understand the evolution of tick- and mosquito-borne flaviviruses. An analysis of phylogenetic tree structure reveals a continual and asymmetric branching process in the tick-borne flaviviruses, compared with an explosive radiation in the last 200 years in viruses transmitted by mosquitoes. The distinction between these two viral groups probably reflects differences in modes of dispersal, propagation, and changes in the size of host populations. The most serious implication of this work is that growing human populations are being exposed to an expanding range of increasingly diverse viral strains.


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Biological processes often require that a single gene product participate in multiple types of molecular interactions. Viruses with quasiequivalent capsids provide an excellent paradigm for studying such phenomena because identical protein subunits are found in different structural environments. Differences in subunit joints may be controlled by protein segments, duplex or single-stranded RNA, metal ions, or some combination of these. Each of the virus groups examined display a distinctive mechanism for switching interface interactions, illustrating the magnitude of options that are likely to be found in other biological systems. In addition to determining capsid morphology, assembly controls the timing of autocatalytic maturation cleavage of the viral subunits that is required for infectivity in picorna-, noda-, and tetraviruses. The mechanism of assembly-dependent cleavage is conserved in noda- and tetraviruses, although the quaternary structures of the capsids are different as are the molecular switches that control subunit interfaces. The function of the cleavage in picorna-, noda-, and tetraviruses is probably to release polypeptides that participate in membrane translocation of RNA.


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RNA synthesis by the paramyxovirus respiratory syncytial virus, a ubiquitous human pathogen, was found to be more complex than previously appreciated for the nonsegmented negative-strand RNA viruses. Intracellular RNA replication of a plasmid-encoded "minigenome" analog of viral genomic RNA was directed by coexpression of the N, P, and L proteins. But, under these conditions, the greater part of mRNA synthesis terminated prematurely. This difference in processivity between the replicase and the transcriptase was unanticipated because the two enzymes ostensively shared the same protein subunits and template. Coexpression of the M2 gene at a low level of input plasmid resulted in the efficient production of full-length mRNA and, in the case of a dicistronic minigenome, sequential transcription. At a higher level, coexpression of the M2 gene inhibited transcription and RNA replication. The M2 mRNA contains two overlapping translational open reading frames (ORFs), which were segregated for further analysis. Expression of the upstream ORF1, which encoded the previously described 22-kDa M2 protein, was associated with transcription elongation. A model involving this protein in the balance between transcription and replication is proposed. ORF2, which lacks an assigned protein, was associated with inhibition of RNA synthesis. We propose that this activity renders nucleocapsids synthetically quiescent prior to incorporation into virions.


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Cytochrome oxidase is a membrane protein complex that catalyzes reduction of molecular oxygen to water and utilizes the free energy of this reaction to generate a transmembrane proton gradient during respiration. The electron entry site in subunit II is a mixed-valence dinuclear copper center in enzymes that oxidize cytochrome c. This center has been lost during the evolution of the quinoloxidizing branch of cytochrome oxidases but can be restored by engineering. Herein we describe the crystal structures of the periplasmic fragment from the wild-type subunit II (CyoA) of Escherichia coli quinol oxidase at 2.5-A resolution and of the mutant with the engineered dinuclear copper center (purple CyoA) at 2.3-A resolution. CyoA is folded as an 11-stranded mostly antiparallel beta-sandwich followed by three alpha-helices. The dinuclear copper center is located at the loops between strands beta 5-beta 6 and beta 9-beta 10. The two coppers are at a 2.5-A distance and symmetrically coordinated to the main ligands that are two bridging cysteines and two terminal histidines. The residues that are distinct in cytochrome c and quinol oxidases are around the dinuclear copper center. Structural comparison suggests a common ancestry for subunit II of cytochrome oxidase and blue copper-binding proteins.


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Infectious human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was produced by the intracellular coexpression of five plasmid-borne cDNAs. One cDNA encoded a complete positive-sense version of the RSV genome (corresponding to the replicative intermediate RNA or antigenome), and each of the other four encoded a separate RSV protein, namely, the major nucleocapsid N protein, the nucleocapsid P phosphoprotein, the major polymerase L protein, or the protein from the 5' proximal open reading frame of the M2 mRNA [M2(ORF1)]. RSV was not produced if any of the five plasmids was omitted. The requirement for the M2(ORF1) protein is consistent with its recent identification as a transcription elongation factor and confirms its importance for RSV gene expression. It should thus be possible to introduce defined changes into infectious RSV. This should be useful for basic studies of RSV molecular biology and pathogenesis; in addition, there are immediate applications to the development of live attenuated vaccine strains bearing predetermined defined attenuating mutations.


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To elucidate the functions of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genes in a nonhuman primate model, we have constructed infectious recombinant viruses (chimeras) between the pathogenic molecular clone of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) SIVmac239 and molecular clones of HIV-1 that differ in phenotypic properties controlled by the env gene. HIV-1SF33 is a T-cell-line-tropic virus which induces syncytia, and HIV-1SF162 is a macrophage-tropic virus that does not induce syncytia. A DNA fragment encoding tat, rev, and env (gp160) of SIVmac239 has been replaced with the counterpart genetic region of HIV-1SF33 and HIV-1SF162 to derive chimeric recombinant simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) strains SHIVSF33 and SHIVSF162, respectively. In the acute infection stage, macaques inoculated with SHIVSF33 had levels of viremia similar to macaques infected with SIVmac239, whereas virus loads were 1/10th to 1/100th those in macaques infected with SHIVSF162. Of note is the relatively small amount of virus detected in lymph nodes of SHIVSF162-infected macaques. In the chronic infection stage, macaques infected with SHIVSF33 also showed higher virus loads than macaques infected with SHIVSF162. Virus persists for over 1 year, as demonstrated by PCR for amplification of viral DNA in all animals and by virus isolation in some animals. Antiviral antibodies, including antibodies to the HIV-1 env glycoprotein (gp160), were detected; titers of antiviral antibodies were higher in macaques infected with SHIVSF33 than in macaques infected with SHIVSF162. Although virus has persisted for over 1 year after inoculation, these animals have remained healthy with no signs of immunodeficiency. These findings demonstrate the utility of the SHIV/macaque model for analyzing HIV-1 env gene functions and for evaluating vaccines based on HIV-1 env antigens.


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In addition to their well-recognized hepatotropism, all hepatitis B viruses (HBVs) display marked species specificity, growing poorly or not at all in species other than those closely related to their natural hosts. We have examined the molecular basis for this narrow host range, using duck HBV (DHBV) and heron HBV (HHBV) as a model system. HHBV virions will not infect ducks in vivo and infect cultured duck hepatocytes extremely inefficiently in vitro. Mutant HHBV genomes lacking all viral envelope proteins (HHBV env-) can be complemented in trans with DHBV envelope proteins; the resulting pseudotyped virions can efficiently infect duck hepatocytes. Further complementation analysis reveals that of the two viral surface proteins (L and S), it is the L protein that determines host range. Pseudotyping of HHBV env- with DHBV/HHBV chimeric envelope proteins reveals that replacement of as few as 69 amino acids of the pre-S domain of the HHBV L protein by their DHBV counterparts is sufficient to permit infection of duck hepatocytes. These studies indicate that the species-specificity of hepadnaviral infection is determined at the level of virus entry and is governed by the pre-S domain of the viral L protein.


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Os ratos Wistar são amplamente empregados como modelo animal na pesquisa biomédica e o controle sanitário dos biotérios é essencial para garantir a qualidade dos experimentos. O objetivo do estudo foi a caracterização do estado sanitário da colônia de ratos Wistar em sistema de criação convencional e para tanto determinar as bactérias, fungos, virus e parasitos, bem como caracterizar as lesões anatomopatológicas do sistema respiratório. Foram utilizados 273 ratos (N), machos (M) e fêmeas (F), das faixas etárias 4, 8, 12, 16 a 20 semanas e entre 12 a 18 meses, para as determinações de peso e condição corpórea (N=273, 140M, 133F); avaliação bacteriológica de orofaringe, mucosa intestinal e lavado traqueobrônquico (N=40, 20M, 20F); determinação de anticorpos para vírus e bactérias (N=20, 10M, 10F); exame parasitológico (N=60, 30M, 30F); identificação molecular de Mycoplasma pulmonis em amostras de pulmão (N=25, 15M, 10F), e caracterização anatomopatológica da cavidade nasal, orofaringe, laringe, traqueia e pulmão (N=106, 53M, 53F). Foram realizadas ainda avaliações microbiológicas das salas dos ratos em três períodos com isolamento de Micrococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Bacillus spp., Aspergillus spp. e Penicillium spp. O peso se mostrou homogêneo dentro da faixa etária e gênero, com apenas sete animais magros (2,56%) e nove em sobrepeso (3,30%). Não foram isoladas bactérias patogênicas na orofaringe, mucosa intestinal e lavado traqueobrônquico por cultivo. Mycoplasma pulmonis foi determinado em 72% das amostras pulmonares e em 100% dos soros testados. Em 35% foram detectados anticorpos para Reovirus tipo III e em 100% para bacilos associados ao epitélio respiratório ciliado. Syphacia muris foi diagnosticada em 91,67%, Eimeria spp. em 3,33% e Entamoeba muris em 1,67%. Lesões relacionadas a infecção por agentes exógenos foram observadas em cavidade nasal e na orofaringe, laringe e traqueia a partir da 4 semanas de idade e, em pulmão desde as 12 semanas, com aumento de frequência de ocorrência e do grau de progressão, com o avançar da idade, nos vários segmentos estudados. Concluímos que a caracterização do estado sanitário dos ratos permite conhecer as particularidades do modelo biológico utilizado e compor base de dados para auxiliar no desenho e na interpretação experimental dos pesquisadores, além de garantir uma base para o programa de monitorização sanitária de biotérios em condições similares


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Muscular weakness and muscle wasting may often be observed in critically ill patients on intensive care units (ICUs) and may present as failure to wean from mechanical ventilation. Importantly, mounting data demonstrate that mechanical ventilation itself may induce progressive dysfunction of the main respiratory muscle, i.e. the diaphragm. The respective condition was termed 'ventilator-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction' (VIDD) and should be distinguished from peripheral muscular weakness as observed in 'ICU-acquired weakness (ICU-AW)'. Interestingly, VIDD and ICU-AW may often be observed in critically ill patients with, e.g. severe sepsis or septic shock, and recent data demonstrate that the pathophysiology of these conditions may overlap. VIDD may mainly be characterized on a histopathological level as disuse muscular atrophy, and data demonstrate increased proteolysis and decreased protein synthesis as important underlying pathomechanisms. However, atrophy alone does not explain the observed loss of muscular force. When, e.g. isolated muscle strips are examined and force is normalized for cross-sectional fibre area, the loss is disproportionally larger than would be expected by atrophy alone. Nevertheless, although the exact molecular pathways for the induction of proteolytic systems remain incompletely understood, data now suggest that VIDD may also be triggered by mechanisms including decreased diaphragmatic blood flow or increased oxidative stress. Here we provide a concise review on the available literature on respiratory muscle weakness and VIDD in the critically ill. Potential underlying pathomechanisms will be discussed before the background of current diagnostic options. Furthermore, we will elucidate and speculate on potential novel future therapeutic avenues.