959 resultados para regime of temperature


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Chironomid headcapsules were used to reconstruct late glacial and early-Holocene summer temperatures at Lago Piccolo di Avigliana (LPA). Two training sets (northern Sweden, North America) were used to infer temperatures. The reconstructed patterns of temperature change agreed well with the GRIP and NGRIP d18O records. Inferred temperatures were high during the Bølling (ca 19 °C), slowly decreased to ca 17.5 °C during the Allerød, reached lowest temperatures (ca 16 °C) during the Younger Dryas, and increased to ca. 18.5 °C during the Preboreal. The amplitudes of change at climate transitions (i.e. Oldest Dryas/Bølling: 3 °C, Allerød/Younger Dryas: 1.5 °C, and Younger Dryas/Preboreal: 2.5 °C) were smaller than in the northern Alps but similar to those recorded at another site in northeastern Italy. Our results suggest that (1) Allerød temperatures were higher in the southern Alps and (2) higher during the Preboreal (1 °C) than during the Allerød. These differences might provide an explanation for the different responses of terrestrial-vegetation to late glacial and early-Holocene climatic changes in the two regions. Other sites on both sides of the Alps should be studied to confirm these two hypotheses.


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Increasing temperatures resulting from climate change have within recent years been shown to advance phenological events in a large number of species worldwide. Species can differ in their response to increasing temperatures, and understanding the mechanisms that determine the response is therefore of great importance in order to understand and predict how a warming climate can influence both individual species, but also their interactions with each other and the environment. Understanding the mechanisms behind responses to increasing temperatures are however largely unexplored. The selected study system consisting of host plant species of the Brassicaceae family and their herbivore Anthocharis cardamines, is assumed to be especially vulnerable to climatic variations. Through the use of this study system, the aim of this thesis is to study differences in the effect of temperature on development to start of flowering within host plant species from different latitudinal regions (study I), and among host plant species (study II). We also investigate whether different developmental phases leading up to flowering differ in sensitivity to temperature (study II), and if small-scale climatic variation in spring temperature influence flowering phenology and interactions with A. cardamines (study III). Finally, we investigate if differences in the timing of A. cardamines relative to its host plants influence host species use and the selection of host individuals differing in phenology within populations (study IV). Our results showed that thermal reaction norms differ among regions along a latitudinal gradient, with the host plant species showing a mixture of co-, counter- and mixed gradient patterns (study I). We also showed that observed differences in the host plant species order of flowering among regions and years might be caused by both differences in the distribution of warm days during development and differences in the sensitivity to temperature in different phases of development (study II). In addition, we showed that small-scale variations in temperature led to variation in flowering phenology among and within populations of C. pratensis, impacting the interactions with the butterfly herbivore A. cardamines. Another result was that the less the mean plant development stage of a given plant species in the field deviated from the stage preferred by the butterfly for oviposition, the more used was the species as a host by the butterfly (study IV). Finally, we showed that the later seasonal appearance of the butterflies relative to their host plants, the higher butterfly preference for host plant individuals with a later phenology, corresponding to a preference for host plants in earlier development stages (study IV). For our study system, this thesis suggest that climate change will lead to changes in the interactions between host plants and herbivore, but that differences in phenology among host plants combined with changes in host species use of the herbivore might buffer the herbivore against negative effects of climate change. Our work highlights the need to understand the mechanisms behind differences in the responses of developmental rates to temperature between interacting species, as well as the need to account for differences in temperature response for interacting organisms from different latitudinal origins and during different developmental phases in order to understand and predict the consequences of climate change. 


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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In this thesis the critical dynamics of several magnetoelectric compounds at their phase transition were examined. Mostly measurements of the dielectric properties in the frequency range of below 1 Hz up to 5 GHz were employed to evaluate the critical exponents for both magnetic field and temperature-dependent measurements. Most of the materials that are part of this work show anomalous behavior, especially at very low temperatures where quantum fluctuations are of the order of or even dominate those induced thermally. This anomalous behavior manifests in different forms. In Dy2Ti2O7 we demonstrate the existence of electric dipoles on magnetic monopoles. Here the dynamics at the critical endpoint located at 0.36K and in a magnetic field of 1T parallel to the [111] direction are of special interest. At this critical endpoint the expected critical slowing down of the dynamics could not only not be observed but instead the opposite, critical speeding-up by several orders of magnitude, could be demonstrated. Furthermore, we show that the phase diagram of Dy2Ti2O7 in this field direction can be reproduced solely from the dynamical properties, for example the resonance frequency of the observed relaxation that is connected to the monopole movement. Away from this point of the phase diagram the dynamics are slowing-down with reduction of temperature as one would expect. Additional measurements on Y2Ti2O7, a structurally identical but non-magnetic material, show only slowing down with reduction of temperature and no additional features. A possible explanation for the observed critical speeding-up is a coherent movement of magnetic monopoles close to the critical field that increases the resonance frequency by reducing the damping of the process. LiCuVO4 on the other hand behaves normally at its phase transition as long as the temperature is higher than 0.4 K. In this temperature regime the dynamics show critical slowing-down analogous to classical ferroelectric materials. This analogy extends also towards higher frequencies where the permittivity displays a ‘dispersion’ minimum that is temperature-dependent but of the order of 2 GHz. Below 0.4K the observed behavior changes drastically. Here we found no longer relaxational behavior but instead an excitation with very low energy. This low energy excitation was predicted by theory and is caused by nearly gapless soliton excitations within the 1D Cu2+ chains of LiCuVO4. Finally, in TbMnO3 the dynamics of the phase transition into the multiferroic phase was observed at roughly 27 K, a much higher temperature compared to the other materials. Here the expected critical slowing-down was observed, even though in low-frequency measurements this transition into the ferroelectric phase is overshadowed by the so-called c-axis relaxation. Therefore, only frequencies above 1MHz could be used to determine the critical exponents for both temperatureand magnetic-field-dependent measurements. This was done for both the peak frequency as well as the relaxation strength. In TbMnO3 an electromagnetic soft-mode with small optical weight causes the observed fluctuations, similar to the case of multiferroic MnWO4.


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Layered structures, known as micro structures in marine environments are common features of which their formation mechanisms are first reviewed. Some methods of measuring such features based on the measurements and theories are presented for the Persian Gulf. This includes determination of layers with temperature inversion (TI) associated with double diffusive convection (DDC). The relevant associated parameters are estimated from ROPME CTD data for late winter and early summer of 1992. Only in certain parts temperature inversion and DDC are observed which seem to produce layered structures. Observations show that the places with TI and DDC are mainly confined to the frontal regions where the water entering the Persian Gulf and water exiting it meet, nearly along the axis of the Gulf. TI and DDC is mainly observer in the northern bound of the front. Typical density ratio for regions with TI and DDC is 0.7 to 0.2 and the mean depth is at about 37 ± 3 m for the Persian Gulf. TI and DDC are also found in the outflow from the Persian Gulf to the Oman Gulf which is found to be at a depth of about 250 m. Horizontal addiction and reduction of solar heating seem to be the main reasons in producing layers with TI and DDC. It is also found that the regime of DDC in the Persian Gulf is more diffusive and the flow associated with intrusion layers with TI is non-isopycnal (more unstable). However for the Oman sea both diffusive and finger regime are observed and the flow is inferred to be isopycnal (more stable statically). Typical heat and salt fluxes due to DDC are found to be 6 W/m2 and 0.36 W/m2 respectively. Effective salinity diffusivity, Ks and heat diffusivity, Kr have been estimated for the places with DDC in the Persian Gulf and Oman Gulf (Ks=1.1 *10-7 m2/s, KT= 1.88*10-6 m2/s). Their values are within the values obtained by others. The buoyancy frequency for the Persian Gulf with typical mean value of 0.05s-1 is much higher than these of the free Oceans. Such large values of N (typically 0.05 s-1) indicate that processes such as tide can produce strong internal waves which may be another factor in producing layered structures. This requires separate study.


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There is increasing interest in evaluating the environmental effects on crop architectural traits and yield improvement. However, crop models describing the dynamic changes in canopy structure with environmental conditions and the complex interactions between canopy structure, light interception, and dry mass production are only gradually emerging. Using tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) as a model crop, a dynamic functional-structural plant model (FSPM) was constructed, parameterized, and evaluated to analyse the effects of temperature on architectural traits, which strongly influence canopy light interception and shoot dry mass. The FSPM predicted the organ growth, organ size, and shoot dry mass over time with high accuracy (>85%). Analyses of this FSPM showed that, in comparison with the reference canopy, shoot dry mass may be affected by leaf angle by as much as 20%, leaf curvature by up to 7%, the leaf length: width ratio by up to 5%, internode length by up to 9%, and curvature ratios and leaf arrangement by up to 6%. Tomato canopies at low temperature had higher canopy density and were more clumped due to higher leaf area and shorter internodes. Interestingly, dry mass production and light interception of the clumped canopy were more sensitive to changes in architectural traits. The complex interactions between architectural traits, canopy light interception, dry mass production, and environmental conditions can be studied by the dynamic FSPM, which may serve as a tool for designing a canopy structure which is 'ideal' in a given environment.


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The In Situ Analysis System (ISAS) was developed to produce gridded fields of temperature and salinity that preserve as much as possible the time and space sampling capabilities of the Argo network of profiling floats. Since the first global re-analysis performed in 2009, the system has evolved and a careful delayed mode processing of the 2002-2012 dataset has been carried out using version 6 of ISAS and updating the statistics to produce the ISAS13 analysis. This last version is now implemented as the operational analysis tool at the Coriolis data centre. The robustness of the results with respect to the system evolution is explored through global quantities of climatological interest: the Ocean Heat Content and the Steric Height. Estimates of errors consistent with the methodology are computed. This study shows that building reliable statistics on the fields is fundamental to improve the monthly estimates and to determine the absolute error bars. The new mean fields and variances deduced from the ISAS13 re-analysis and dataset show significant changes relative to the previous ISAS estimates, in particular in the southern ocean, justifying the iterative procedure. During the decade covered by Argo, the intermediate waters appear warmer and saltier in the North Atlantic and fresher in the Southern Ocean than in WOA05 long term mean. At inter-annual scale, the impact of ENSO on the Ocean Heat Content and Steric Height is observed during the 2006-2007 and 2009-2010 events captured by the network.


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Vulcanodinium rugosum, a recently described species, produces pinnatoxins. The IFR-VRU-01 strain, isolated from a French Mediterranean lagoon in 2010 and identified as the causative dinoflagellate contaminating mussels in the Ingril Lagoon (French Mediterranean) with pinnatoxin-G, was grown in an enriched natural seawater medium. We tested the effect of temperature and salinity on growth, pinnatoxin-G production and chlorophyll a levels of this dinoflagellate. These factors were tested in combinations of five temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C) and five salinities (20, 25, 30, 35 and 40) at an irradiance of 100 µmol photon m−2 s−1. V. rugosum can grow at temperatures and salinities ranging from 20 °C to 30 °C and 20 to 40, respectively. The optimal combination for growth (0.39 ± 0.11 d−1) was a temperature of 25 °C and a salinity of 40. Results suggest that V. rugosum is euryhaline and thermophile which could explain why this dinoflagellate develops in situ only from June to September. V. rugosum growth rate and pinnatoxin-G production were highest at temperatures ranging between 25 and 30 °C. This suggests that the dinoflagellate may give rise to extensive blooms in the coming decades caused by the climate change-related increases in temperature expected in the Mediterranean coasts.


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The changes in time and location of surface temperature from a water body has an important effect on climate activities, marine biology, sea currents, salinity and other characteristics of the seas and lakes water. Traditional measurement of temperature is costly and time consumer due to its dispersion and instability. In recent years the use of satellite technology and remote sensing sciences for data acquiring and parameter and lysis of climatology and oceanography is well developed. In this research we used the NOAA’s Satellite images from its AVHRR system to compare the field surface temperature data with the satellite images information. Ten satellite images were used in this project. These images were calibrated with the field data at the exact time of satellite pass above the area. The result was a significant relation between surface temperatures from satellite data with the field work. As the relative error less than %40 between these two data is acceptable, therefore in our observation the maximum error is %21.2 that can be considered it as acceptable. In all stations the result of satellite measurements is usually less than field data that cores ponds with the global result too. As this sea has a vast latitude, therefore the different in the temperature is natural. But we know this factor is not the only cause for surface currents. The information of all satellites were images extracted by ERDAS software, and the “Surfer” software is used to plot the isotherm lines.


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The sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a concentration (CHL-a) were analysed in the Gulf of Tadjourah from two set of 8-day composite satellite data, respectively from 2008 to 2012 and from 2005 to 2011. A singular spectrum analysis (SSA) shows that the annual cycle of SST is strong (74.3% of variance) and consists of warming (April-October) and cooling (November-March) of about 2.5C than the long-term average. The semi-annual cycle captures only 14.6% of temperature variance and emphasises the drop of SST during July-August. Similarly, the annual cycle of CHL-a (29.7% of variance) depicts high CHL-a from June to October and low concentration from November to May. In addition, the first spatial empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of SST (93% of variance) shows that the seasonal warming/cooling is in phase across the whole study area but the southeastern part always remaining warmer or cooler. In contrast to the SST, the first EOF of CHL-a (54.1% of variance) indicates the continental shelf in phase opposition with the offshore area in winter during which the CHL-a remains sequestrated in the coastal area particularly in the south-east and in the Ghoubet Al-Kharab Bay. Inversely during summer, higher CHL-a quantities appear in the offshore waters. In order to investigate processes generating these patterns, a multichannel spectrum analysis was applied to a set of oceanic (SST, CHL-a) and atmospheric parameters (wind speed, air temperature and air specific humidity). This analysis shows that the SST is well correlated to the atmospheric parameters at an annual scale. The windowed cross correlation indicates that this correlation is significant only from October to May. During this period, the warming was related to the solar heating of the surface water when the wind is low (April-May and October) while the cooling (November-March) was linked to the strong and cold North-East winds and to convective mixing. The summer drop in SST followed by a peak of CHL-a, seems strongly correlated to the upwelling. The second EOF modes of SST and CHL-a explain respectively 1.3% and 5% of the variance and show an east-west gradient during winter that is reversed during summer. This work showed that the seasonal signals have a wide spatial influence and dominate the variability of the SST and CHL-a while the east-west gradient are specific for the Gulf of Tadjourah and seem induced by the local wind modulated by the topography.


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A detailed investigation both of the DC and of the AC electrical properties of the Schottky barrier formed between aluminium and electrodeposited poly(3-methylthiophene) is reported. The devices show rectification ratios up to 2 x 10(4) which can be increased further after post-metal annealing. The reverse characteristics of the devices follow predictions based on the image-force lowering of the Schottky barrier, from which the doping density can be estimated, As the forward voltage increases, the device current is limited by the bulk resistance of the polymer with some evidence for injection limitation at the gold counter-electrode at high bias. In the bulk-limited regime, the device current is thermally activated near room temperature with an activation energy in the range 0.2-0.3 eV. Below about 150 K the device current is almost independent of temperature. Capacitance-voltage plots obtained at frequencies well below the device relaxation frequency indicate the presence of two distinct acceptor states, A set of shallow acceptor states are active in forward bias and are believed to determine the bulk conductivity of the polymer. A set of deeper accepters are active only for very small forward voltages and for all reverse voltages, namely when band banding causes the Fermi energy to cross these states. The density of these deeper states is approximately an order of magnitude greater than that of the shallow states. Evidence is presented also for the influence of fabrication conditions on the formation of an insulating interfacial layer at the rectifying interface. The presence of such a layer leads to inversion at the polymer surface and a modification of the I-V characteristics.


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This study was designed to determine the effect of temperature on the mechanical strength (in both in vivo and post-exposure trials) of two alkaline cements (without OPC): (a) 100% fly ash (FA) and (b) 85% FA + 15% bauxite, the activated alkaline solution used was 85% 10-M NaOH + 15% sodium silicate. A Type I 42.5 R Portland cement was used as a control. Two series of trials were conducted: (i) in vivo trials in which bending and compressive strength, fracture toughness and modulus of elasticity were determined at different temperatures; and (ii) post-firing trials, assessing residual bending and compres-sive strength after a 1-h exposure to high temperatures and subsequent cooling. The findings showed that from 25 to 600 C, irrespective of the type of test (in vivo or post-firing), compressive mechanical strength rose, with the specimens exhibiting elastic behaviour and consequently brittle failure. At tem-peratures of over 600 C, behaviour differed depending on the type of test: (i) in the in vivo trials the high temperature induced pseudo-plastic strain and a decline in mechanical strength that did not necessarily entail specimen failure; (ii) in the post-firing trials, compressive strength rose.


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To examine the reliability of infrared thermography (IRT) in wheelchair users (WCUs), as a noninvasive and risk-free technique to detect the natural thermal radiation emitted by human skin and to allow subsequent interpretations of temperature distributions.


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A detailed investigation both of the DC and of the AC electrical properties of the Schottky barrier formed between aluminium and electrodeposited poly(3-methylthiophene) is reported. The devices show rectification ratios up to 2 x 10(4) which can be increased further after post-metal annealing. The reverse characteristics of the devices follow predictions based on the image-force lowering of the Schottky barrier, from which the doping density can be estimated, As the forward voltage increases, the device current is limited by the bulk resistance of the polymer with some evidence for injection limitation at the gold counter-electrode at high bias. In the bulk-limited regime, the device current is thermally activated near room temperature with an activation energy in the range 0.2-0.3 eV. Below about 150 K the device current is almost independent of temperature. Capacitance-voltage plots obtained at frequencies well below the device relaxation frequency indicate the presence of two distinct acceptor states, A set of shallow acceptor states are active in forward bias and are believed to determine the bulk conductivity of the polymer. A set of deeper accepters are active only for very small forward voltages and for all reverse voltages, namely when band banding causes the Fermi energy to cross these states. The density of these deeper states is approximately an order of magnitude greater than that of the shallow states. Evidence is presented also for the influence of fabrication conditions on the formation of an insulating interfacial layer at the rectifying interface. The presence of such a layer leads to inversion at the polymer surface and a modification of the I-V characteristics.


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Time series of commercial landings from the Algarve (southern Portugal) from 1982 to 1999 were analyzed using min/max autocorrelation factor analysis (MAFA) and dynamic factor analysis (DFA). These techniques were used to identify trends and explore the relationships between the response variables (annual landings of 12 species) and explanatory variables [sea surface temperature, rainfall, an upwelling index, Guadiana river (south-east Portugal) flow, the North Atlantic oscillation, the number of licensed fishing vessels and the number of commercial fishermen]. Landings were more highly correlated with non-lagged environmental variables and in particular with Guadiana river flow. Both techniques gave coherent results, with the most important trend being a steady decline over time. A DFA model with two explanatory variables (Guadiana river flow and number of fishermen) and three common trends (smoothing functions over time) gave good fits to 10 of the 12 species. Results of other models indicated that river flow is the more important explanatory variable in this model. Changes in the mean flow and discharge regime of the Guadiana river resulting from the construction of the Alqueva dam, completed in 2002, are therefore likely to have a significant and deleterious impact on Algarve fisheries landings.