937 resultados para rank-based procedure
In the developed world we are surrounded by man-made objects, but most people give little thought to the complex processes needed for their design. The design of hand knitting is complex because much of the domain knowledge is tacit. The objective of this thesis is to devise a methodology to help designers to work within design constraints, whilst facilitating creativity. A hybrid solution including computer aided design (CAD) and case based reasoning (CBR) is proposed. The CAD system creates designs using domain-specific rules and these designs are employed for initial seeding of the case base and the management of constraints. CBR reuses the designer's previous experience. The key aspects in the CBR system are measuring the similarity of cases and adapting past solutions to the current problem. Similarity is measured by asking the user to rank the importance of features; the ranks are then used to calculate weights for an algorithm which compares the specifications of designs. A novel adaptation operator called rule difference replay (RDR) is created. When the specifications to a new design is presented, the CAD program uses it to construct a design constituting an approximate solution. The most similar design from the case-base is then retrieved and RDR replays the changes previously made to the retrieved design on the new solution. A measure of solution similarity that can validate subjective success scores is created. Specification similarity can be used as a guide whether to invoke CBR, in a hybrid CAD-CBR system. If the newly resulted design is suffciently similar to a previous design, then CBR is invoked; otherwise CAD is used. The application of RDR to knitwear design has demonstrated the flexibility to overcome deficiencies in rules that try to automate creativity, and has the potential to be applied to other domains such as interior design.
The inverse problem of determining a spacewise dependent heat source, together with the initial temperature for the parabolic heat equation, using the usual conditions of the direct problem and information from two supplementary temperature measurements at different instants of time is studied. These spacewise dependent temperature measurements ensure that this inverse problem has a unique solution, despite the solution being unstable, hence the problem is ill-posed. We propose an iterative algorithm for the stable reconstruction of both the initial data and the source based on a sequence of well-posed direct problems for the parabolic heat equation, which are solved at each iteration step using the boundary element method. The instability is overcome by stopping the iterations at the first iteration for which the discrepancy principle is satisfied. Numerical results are presented for a typical benchmark test example, which has the input measured data perturbed by increasing amounts of random noise. The numerical results show that the proposed procedure gives accurate numerical approximations in relatively few iterations.
An iterative procedure is proposed for the reconstruction of a temperature field from a linear stationary heat equation with stochastic coefficients, and stochastic Cauchy data given on a part of the boundary of a bounded domain. In each step, a series of mixed well-posed boundary-value problems are solved for the stochastic heat operator and its adjoint. Well-posedness of these problems is shown to hold and convergence in the mean of the procedure is proved. A discretized version of this procedure, based on a Monte Carlo Galerkin finite-element method, suitable for numerical implementation is discussed. It is demonstrated that the solution to the discretized problem converges to the continuous as the mesh size tends to zero.
We consider a Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation in a two-dimensional semi-infinite region with a bounded inclusion, i.e. the region is the intersection between a half-plane and the exterior of a bounded closed curve contained in the half-plane. The Cauchy data are given on the unbounded part of the boundary of the region and the aim is to construct the solution on the boundary of the inclusion. In 1989, Kozlov and Maz'ya [10] proposed an alternating iterative method for solving Cauchy problems for general strongly elliptic and formally self-adjoint systems in bounded domains. We extend their approach to our setting and in each iteration step mixed boundary value problems for the Laplace equation in the semi-infinite region are solved. Well-posedness of these mixed problems are investigated and convergence of the alternating procedure is examined. For the numerical implementation an efficient boundary integral equation method is proposed, based on the indirect variant of the boundary integral equation approach. The mixed problems are reduced to integral equations over the (bounded) boundary of the inclusion. Numerical examples are included showing the feasibility of the proposed method.
The existing assignment problems for assigning n jobs to n individuals are limited to the considerations of cost or profit measured as crisp. However, in many real applications, costs are not deterministic numbers. This paper develops a procedure based on Data Envelopment Analysis method to solve the assignment problems with fuzzy costs or fuzzy profits for each possible assignment. It aims to obtain the points with maximum membership values for the fuzzy parameters while maximizing the profit or minimizing the assignment cost. In this method, a discrete approach is presented to rank the fuzzy numbers first. Then, corresponding to each fuzzy number, we introduce a crisp number using the efficiency concept. A numerical example is used to illustrate the usefulness of this new method. © 2012 Operational Research Society Ltd. All rights reserved.
Respiratory-volume monitoring is an indispensable part of mechanical ventilation. Here we present a new method of the respiratory-volume measurement based on a single fibre-optical long-period sensor of bending and the correlation between torso curvature and lung volume. Unlike the commonly used air-flow based measurement methods the proposed sensor is drift-free and immune to air-leaks. In the paper, we explain the working principle of sensors, a two-step calibration-test measurement procedure and present results that establish a linear correlation between the change in the local thorax curvature and the change of the lung volume. We also discuss the advantages and limitations of these sensors with respect to the current standards. © 2013 IEEE.
Traditional content-based filtering methods usually utilize text extraction and classification techniques for building user profiles as well as for representations of contents, i.e. item profiles. These methods have some disadvantages e.g. mismatch between user profile terms and item profile terms, leading to low performance. Some of the disadvantages can be overcome by incorporating a common ontology which enables representing both the users' and the items' profiles with concepts taken from the same vocabulary. We propose a new content-based method for filtering and ranking the relevancy of items for users, which utilizes a hierarchical ontology. The method measures the similarity of the user's profile to the items' profiles, considering the existing of mutual concepts in the two profiles, as well as the existence of "related" concepts, according to their position in the ontology. The proposed filtering algorithm computes the similarity between the users' profiles and the items' profiles, and rank-orders the relevant items according to their relevancy to each user. The method is being implemented in ePaper, a personalized electronic newspaper project, utilizing a hierarchical ontology designed specifically for classification of News items. It can, however, be utilized in other domains and extended to other ontologies.
Internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of a high-brightness blue LED has been evaluated from the external quantum efficiency measured as a function of current at room temperature. Processing the data with a novel evaluation procedure based on the ABC-model, we have determined separately IQE of the LED structure and light extraction efficiency (LEE) of UX:3 chip. Full text Nowadays, understanding of LED efficiency behavior at high currents is quite critical to find ways for further improvement of III-nitride LED performance [1]. External quantum efficiency ηe (EQE) provides integral information on the recombination and photon emission processes in LEDs. Meanwhile EQE is the product of IQE ηi and LEE ηext at negligible carrier leakage from the active region. Separate determination of IQE and LEE would be much more helpful, providing correlation between these parameters and specific epi-structure and chip design. In this paper, we extend the approach of [2,3] to the whole range of the current/optical power variation, providing an express tool for separate evaluation of IQE and LEE. We studied an InGaN-based LED fabricated by Osram OS. LED structure grown by MOCVD on sapphire substrate was processed as UX:3 chip and mounted into the Golden Dragon package without molding. EQE was measured with Labsphere CDS-600 spectrometer. Plotting EQE versus output power P and finding the power Pm corresponding to EQE maximum ηm enables comparing the measurements with the analytical relationships ηi = Q/(Q+p1/2+p-1/2) ,p = P/Pm , and Q = B/(AC) 1/2 where A, Band C are recombination constants [4]. As a result, maximum IQE value equal to QI(Q+2) can be found from the ratio ηm/ηe plotted as a function of p1/2 +p1-1/2 (see Fig.la) and then LEE calculated as ηext = ηm (Q+2)/Q . Experimental EQE as a function of normalized optical power p is shown in Fig. 1 b along with the analytical approximation based on the ABCmodel. The approximation fits perfectly the measurements in the range of the optical power (or operating current) variation by eight orders of magnitude. In conclusion, new express method for separate evaluation of IQE and LEE of III-nitride LEDs is suggested and applied to characterization of a high-brightness blue LED. With this method, we obtained LEE from the free chip surface to the air as 69.8% and IQE as 85.7% at the maximum and 65.2% at the operation current 350 rnA. [I] G. Verzellesi, D. Saguatti, M. Meneghini, F. Bertazzi, M. Goano, G. Meneghesso, and E. Zanoni, "Efficiency droop in InGaN/GaN blue light-emitting diodes: Physical mechanisms and remedies," 1. AppL Phys., vol. 114, no. 7, pp. 071101, Aug., 2013. [2] C. van Opdorp and G. W. 't Hooft, "Method for determining effective non radiative lifetime and leakage losses in double-heterostructure lasers," 1. AppL Phys., vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 3827-3839, Feb., 1981. [3] M. Meneghini, N. Trivellin, G. Meneghesso, E. Zanoni, U. Zehnder, and B. Hahn, "A combined electro-optical method for the determination of the recombination parameters in InGaN-based light-emitting diodes," 1. AppL Phys., vol. 106, no. II, pp. 114508, Dec., 2009. [4] Qi Dai, Qifeng Shan, ling Wang, S. Chhajed, laehee Cho, E. F. Schubert, M. H. Crawford, D. D. Koleske, Min-Ho Kim, and Yongjo Park, "Carrier recombination mechanisms and efficiency droop in GalnN/GaN light-emitting diodes," App/. Phys. Leu., vol. 97, no. 13, pp. 133507, Sept., 2010. © 2014 IEEE.
Product recommender systems are often deployed by e-commerce websites to improve user experience and increase sales. However, recommendation is limited by the product information hosted in those e-commerce sites and is only triggered when users are performing e-commerce activities. In this paper, we develop a novel product recommender system called METIS, a MErchanT Intelligence recommender System, which detects users' purchase intents from their microblogs in near real-time and makes product recommendation based on matching the users' demographic information extracted from their public profiles with product demographics learned from microblogs and online reviews. METIS distinguishes itself from traditional product recommender systems in the following aspects: 1) METIS was developed based on a microblogging service platform. As such, it is not limited by the information available in any specific e-commerce website. In addition, METIS is able to track users' purchase intents in near real-time and make recommendations accordingly. 2) In METIS, product recommendation is framed as a learning to rank problem. Users' characteristics extracted from their public profiles in microblogs and products' demographics learned from both online product reviews and microblogs are fed into learning to rank algorithms for product recommendation. We have evaluated our system in a large dataset crawled from Sina Weibo. The experimental results have verified the feasibility and effectiveness of our system. We have also made a demo version of our system publicly available and have implemented a live system which allows registered users to receive recommendations in real time. © 2014 ACM.
Reliability modelling and verification is indispensable in modern manufacturing, especially for product development risk reduction. Based on the discussion of the deficiencies of traditional reliability modelling methods for process reliability, a novel modelling method is presented herein that draws upon a knowledge network of process scenarios based on the analytic network process (ANP). An integration framework of manufacturing process reliability and product quality is presented together with a product development and reliability verification process. According to the roles of key characteristics (KCs) in manufacturing processes, KCs are organised into four clusters, that is, product KCs, material KCs, operation KCs and equipment KCs, which represent the process knowledge network of manufacturing processes. A mathematical model and algorithm is developed for calculating the reliability requirements of KCs with respect to different manufacturing process scenarios. A case study on valve-sleeve component manufacturing is provided as an application example of the new reliability modelling and verification procedure. This methodology is applied in the valve-sleeve component manufacturing processes to manage and deploy production resources.
Decision-making in product quality is an indispensable stage in product development, in order to reduce product development risk. Based on the identification of the deficiencies of quality function deployment (QFD) and failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), a novel decision-making method is presented that draws upon a knowledge network of failure scenarios. An ontological expression of failure scenarios is presented together with a framework of failure knowledge network (FKN). According to the roles of quality characteristics (QCs) in failure processing, QCs are set into three categories namely perceptible QCs, restrictive QCs, and controllable QCs, which present the monitor targets, control targets and improvement targets respectively for quality management. A mathematical model and algorithms based on the analytic network process (ANP) is introduced for calculating the priority of QCs with respect to different development scenarios. A case study is provided according to the proposed decision-making procedure based on FKN. This methodology is applied in the propeller design process to solve the problem of prioritising QCs. This paper provides a practical approach for decision-making in product quality. Copyright © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62E16,62F15, 62H12, 62M20.
Advances in multiscale material modeling of structural concrete have created an upsurge of interest in the accurate evaluation of mechanical properties and volume fractions of its nano constituents. The task is accomplished by analyzing the response of a material to indentation, obtained as an outcome of a nanoindentation experiment, using a procedure called the Oliver and Pharr (OP) method. Despite its widespread use, the accuracy of this method is often questioned when it is applied to the data from heterogeneous materials or from the materials that show pile-up and sink-in during indentation, which necessitates the development of an alternative method. ^ In this study, a model is developed within the framework defined by contact mechanics to compute the nanomechanical properties of a material from its indentation response. Unlike the OP method, indentation energies are employed in the form of dimensionless constants to evaluate model parameters. Analysis of the load-displacement data pertaining to a wide range of materials revealed that the energy constants may be used to determine the indenter tip bluntness, hardness and initial unloading stiffness of the material. The proposed model has two main advantages: (1) it does not require the computation of the contact area, a source of error in the existing method; and (2) it incorporates the effect of peak indentation load, dwelling period and indenter tip bluntness on the measured mechanical properties explicitly. ^ Indentation tests are also carried out on samples from cement paste to validate the energy based model developed herein by determining the elastic modulus and hardness of different phases of the paste. As a consequence, it has been found that the model computes the mechanical properties in close agreement with that obtained by the OP method; a discrepancy, though insignificant, is observed more in the case of C-S-H than in the anhydrous phase. Nevertheless, the proposed method is computationally efficient, and thus it is highly suitable when the grid indentation technique is required to be performed. In addition, several empirical relations are developed that are found to be crucial in understanding the nanomechanical behavior of cementitious materials.^
The standard highway assignment model in the Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure (FSUTMS) is based on the equilibrium traffic assignment method. This method involves running several iterations of all-or-nothing capacity-restraint assignment with an adjustment of travel time to reflect delays encountered in the associated iteration. The iterative link time adjustment process is accomplished through the Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) volume-delay equation. Since FSUTMS' traffic assignment procedure outputs daily volumes, and the input capacities are given in hourly volumes, it is necessary to convert the hourly capacities to their daily equivalents when computing the volume-to-capacity ratios used in the BPR function. The conversion is accomplished by dividing the hourly capacity by a factor called the peak-to-daily ratio, or referred to as CONFAC in FSUTMS. The ratio is computed as the highest hourly volume of a day divided by the corresponding total daily volume. ^ While several studies have indicated that CONFAC is a decreasing function of the level of congestion, a constant value is used for each facility type in the current version of FSUTMS. This ignores the different congestion level associated with each roadway and is believed to be one of the culprits of traffic assignment errors. Traffic counts data from across the state of Florida were used to calibrate CONFACs as a function of a congestion measure using the weighted least squares method. The calibrated functions were then implemented in FSUTMS through a procedure that takes advantage of the iterative nature of FSUTMS' equilibrium assignment method. ^ The assignment results based on constant and variable CONFACs were then compared against the ground counts for three selected networks. It was found that the accuracy from the two assignments was not significantly different, that the hypothesized improvement in assignment results from the variable CONFAC model was not empirically evident. It was recognized that many other factors beyond the scope and control of this study could contribute to this finding. It was recommended that further studies focus on the use of the variable CONFAC model with recalibrated parameters for the BPR function and/or with other forms of volume-delay functions. ^