955 resultados para pseudo-oxocarbons
The adsorption of Cr(VI) in aqueous solution by magnetic particles of crosslinked chitosan-ethylenediamine-Fe(III) (MPCh-EDA-FeCL) was studied in a batch system. Fe3+ in the MPCh-EDA-FeCL permitted that adsorption of Cr(VI) occurred with maximum efficiency between pH 3 and 11. The maximum adsorption capacity at pH 7.0 was 81.04 mg g-1 at 25 ºC. The adsorption kinetic process was described by the pseudo-second-order model. Thermodynamic parameters indicated spontaneous, exothermic and chemical adsorption nature. The adsorbent was successively regenerated using a 0.1 mol L-1 NaOH solution. Results were satisfactory for treatment of wastewater from the electroplating industry.
Microemulsions (MEs) are thermodynamically stable systems consisting of nanosized droplets dispersed in a solvent continuous medium (known as pseudo-phase), which is immiscible with the dispersed phase. These systems consist of water, a hydrophobic solvent called "oil," an amphiphile and often, a co-surfactant that is normally a medium chain alcohol. A large number of publications describe the importance of MEs in many branches of chemistry, and there is an intensive search for new applications. In addition, MEs have been applied in many areas, including oil extraction, removal of environmental pollutants from soils and effluents, dissolution of additives in lubricants and cutting oils, cleaning processes, dyeing and textile finishing, as nanoreactors to obtain nanoparticles of metals, semiconductors, superconductors, magnetic and photographic materials, and latex. However, only some studies indicate the potential applications of MEs in food and even fewer evaluate their chemical behavior. Potential applications of MEs in food comprise dissolution of lipophilic additives, stabilization of nutrients and biologically active compounds, using as an antimicrobial agent and to maximize the efficiency of food preservatives. This work consists of a literature review focusing on composition and physical and chemical characteristics of microemulsions. Despite the small number of studies on the subject reported in the literature, we demonstrate some potential applications of MEs in food chemistry.
Ultrasound as a metrology tool has many applications in health care, industrial, and chemical analyses. Ultrasonic techniques are rapid, low-cost, non-invasive, and highly repeatable. Although ultrasound can be used to measure emulsions, no effort had been made thus far to optimize its sensitivity for metrological analysis. In this work, a technique for analyzing oil in water was validated. The wave velocity and attenuation were chosen as the ultrasonic parameters. The technique was implemented in the boundary region established by law for effluents from industrial plants involved with biofuel manufacturing. A technical effort of this study was to establish stable emulsions in concentrations close to the desired limit of study. The phase behaviours of pseudo-ternary oil, sodium chloride, and sodium lauryl sulphate were studied. The composition in the widest region of the diagram allowed for the formation of a stable emulsion, from which the ultrasound measurement was carried out. An analytical curve was obtained using ultrasonic attenuation to determine the content of oils and greases in wastewater ranging 15–240 ppm. The speed of sound did not appear to be an applicable parameter for this application. The technique was demonstrated to be an important alternative solution for the continuous monitoring of wastewater with regard to oil concentrations.
Ciclopaladados diméricos do tipo [Pd(dmba)(m-X)]2 (dmba = N,N-dimetilbenzilamina; X = Cl, N3, NCO) reagem com tiouréia (tu), à temperatura ambiente, resultando espécies mononucleares do tipo [Pd(dmba)(X)(tu)]. Todos os compostos foram caracterizados por análise elementar, espectroscopias no IV e de RMN de ¹H e com base nessas técnicas as estruturas, desses compostos, foram propostas. Os espectros de absorção no infravermelho mostraram que a coordenação da tiouréia, ao paládio, ocorre através do átomo de enxofre. O anel ciclometalado foi confirmado através da espectroscopia de RMN de ¹H.
The pollution and toxicity problems posed by arsenic in the environment have long been established. Hence, the removal and recovery remedies have been sought, bearing in mind the efficiency, cost effectiveness and environmental friendliness of the methods employed. The sorption kinetics and intraparticulate diffusivity of As (III) bioremediation from aqueous solution using modified and unmodified coconut fiber was investigated. The amount adsorbed increased as time increased, reaching equilibrium at about 60 minutes. The kinetic studies showed that the sorption rates could be described by both pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order process with the later showing a better fit with a value of rate constant of 1.16 x 10-4 min-1 for the three adsorbent types. The mechanism of sorption was found to be particle diffusion controlled. The diffusion and boundary layer effects were also investigation. Therefore, the results show that coconut fiber, both modified and unmodified is an efficient sorbent for the removal of As (III) from industrial effluents with particle diffusion as the predominant mechanism.
A degradação fotocatalítica de imazetapir, um herbicida da família das imidazolinonas, em suspensão aquosa de dióxido titânio foi investigada na presença de dois receptores de elétrons como persulfato de potássio e periodato de sódio, assim como na presença de dois sais inorgânicos como sulfato de sódio e dihidrogenofosfato de sódio a 30ºC. O modelo cinético de pseudo-primeira ordem foi empregado para discutir os resultados. O desaparecimento de imazetapir em função do tempo de irradiação foi analisado por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Entre os dois oxidantes estudados a degradação foi mais rápida quando se adicionou o periodato de sódio, enquanto a presença do sulfato de sódio retarda a degradação de imazetapir mais que o dihidrogenofosfato na suspensão de TiO2.
O propósito deste trabalho foi determinar os parâmetros cinéticos de decomposição térmica para uma amostra de propelente base simples e base dupla. Os dados obtidos pela calorimetria exploratória diferencial foram ajustados para o modelo cinético de pseudo-primeira ordem de Flynn, Wall e Ozawa. Os respectivos parâmetros obtidos foram: BS REX 1200 (Ea) (2,3 ± 0,2) 10² kJ mol-1 e (A) 1,34 10(25) min-1; BD-111 (Ea) (1,6 ± 0,1) 10² kJ mol-1 e (A) 3,31 10(17) min-1. O espectro de infravermelho da amostra de propelente base dupla indicou a presença de salicilato, justificando o comportamento de decomposição observado na respectiva curva térmica.
O presente trabalho investiga a degradação fotoeletrocatalítica do corante Azul Básico 41 (AB 41) amplamente utilizado na tintura de fibras sintéticas, utilizando um semicondutor Ti/TiO2 como fotoanodo. 100% de degradação foi obtida após 60 min de tratamento de 8,33x10-5 mol L-1 do corante em 0,1 mol L−1 Na2SO4, pH 2 sob densidade de corrente de 0,40 mA cm−2 e irradiação UV. Ainda foi obtido 80% de remoção de carbono orgânico total, cuja oxidação segue uma reação de pseudo-primeira ordem com constante de velocidade inicial de -0,040 mim-1 e uma eficiência de corrente de 51%. Os resultados são superiores á fotocatálise convencional nas mesmas condições sem a polarização do fotoanodo que leva a 65% de mineralização sob constante de velocidade de -0,024 mim-1.
En 1931, Rudolf Carnap publicó un artículo titulado "Die Überwindung der Metaphysik durch logische Analyse der Sprache" donde calificaba algunas expresiones de la conferencia de Martin Heidegger, "Was ist Metaphysik?", como 'sinsentidos'. Distinguía así entre expresiones (enunciados) 'con' y 'sin' sentido. Denunció que las que violaran el criterio empirista de significado serían del segundo tipo: 'pseudo-expresiones'. Sin embargo, Carnap reconocía desconocer la fuente exacta de los sinsentidos al comentar que expresaban algo, pero 'como lo hace un artista'. En 1936, Heidegger reaccionaba explorando el 'como lo hace un artista' de Carnap en una conferencia en Zürich, "Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes", donde distinguía, basado en la 'diferencia ontológica' de Sein und Zeit (1927), entre expresiones (lenguaje) 'de comunicación' y 'del ser'. En 1955, Heidegger fundaría esa distinción en términos de áreas de investigación, 'filosofía' y 'poesía', en la conferencia de Normandia, "Was ist das-die Philosophie?". En ella, Heidegger, no obstante, concluía, al igual que Carnap, no saber cómo distinguirlas, dado que el lenguaje acoge a ambas. Esta disputa por la prioridad entre tipos de expresión continúa en nuestros días (Stove 1991; Smith 1992; Lacoue-Labarthe 2002; Gadenne 2008; y Nef 2009). En este escrito, quisiera contribuir a la controversia ensayando una reconciliación entre lo que llamaré 'la concepción formal del mundo', representada por el realismo lógico, el empirismo lógico y las fenomenologías realista y trascendental, y 'la concepción informal del mundo', representada por la filosofía del lenguaje ordinario, la hermenéutica, la deconstrucción, el contextualismo y la poesía. La conclusión será una eliminación de las prioridades mediante una defensa biológica de la libertad de expresión.
Para elaborar sua profetologia, Maimônides retoma conceitos relativos às teorias do intelecto de Al-Fārābī e de Avicena, que, por sua vez, se baseiam nas noções sobre a alma de Aristóteles. Dessa perspectiva, a Revelação divina deve ser considerada um fato natural inserido na totalidade da natureza criada por Deus. Compreender a Revelação significa, portanto, compreendê-la a partir do homem, uma vez que o profeta, apesar de se tratar de alguém que se destaca do conjunto da humanidade, é sempre um ser humano, possuidor de uma natureza humana. Desse modo, a doutrina da profecia – central no "Guia dos Perplexos" ‒ é elaborada a partir da natureza humana à luz da filosofia racional greco-árabe. Os falāsifa – filósofos muçulmanos helenizantes – já ensinavam que a profecia é possível graças a certa perfeição da natureza humana (leia-se intelecto). Esse ensinamento está fundamentado na teoria do intelecto apresentada por Aristóteles em "De Anima" III, 5, 430a 10 et seq. Contudo, para os filósofos de expressão árabe (inclusive Maimônides), a profecia é resultante de certas condições físicas e psíquicas determinadas pelo fluxo necessário das emanações, cuja teoria deriva da "Teologia Pseudo-Aristotélica", um tratado neoplatônico atribuído ao Estagirita que, durante a Idade Média, circulou amplamente nos ambientes filosóficos tanto dos judeus quanto dos muçulmanos. Na cosmovisão neoplatônica adotada por eles, o intelecto do profeta reflete a luz e o conhecimento divino derramado pelo fluxo emanatório (fayḍ) do Ser primeiro no mundo celeste, composto pelas dez inteligências separadas, suas almas e esferas. No processo emanatório, a faculdade da imaginação do profeta recebe da última inteligência, o Intelecto Agente, as verdades dos preceitos positivos e culturais da religião, que a imaginação transforma em alegorias e símbolos a serem transmitidos para a humanidade. Maimônides faz da imaginação a pedra de toque de sua profetologia.
Kulttuuriset ja tekstuaaliset tekijät alluusioiden kääntämisessä ja tulkinnassa. Alluusiot Dorothy L. Sayersin 1940- ja 1980-luvuilla suomennetuissa salapoliisiromaaneissa Väitöskirja käsittelee alluusioiden kääntämistä ja tulkintaa. Alluusio on intertekstuaalinen viittaus, jonka tulkitsemiseen tarvitaan implisiittistä tietoa tutuksi oletetusta viittauskohteesta. Käännösongelma alluusiosta tulee, mikäli kohdekulttuurin lukijat eivät tunne viittauskohdetta eivätkä voi päätellä alluusion merkitystä. Tutkimus pyrkii kuitenkin uuden analyysimenetelmän avulla osoittamaan, että vieraat alluusiot eivät välttämättä johda tulkintaongelmiin. Väitöskirja jakautuu kahteen osaan: analyysimenetelmän kehittämiseen (luvut 1-5) sekä tapaustutkimukseen (luvut 6-7). Kehitetyn menetelmän avulla pystytään analysoimaan aikaisempaa tarkemmin, millaisia tulkintamahdollisuuksia alluusiot tarjoavat eri lukijakunnille ja miten lähdetekstin alluusioiden kulttuuriset ja tekstuaaliset piirteet korreloivat käännösstrategioiden kanssa. Tapaustutkimus selvittää, millaisia tulkintamahdollisuuksia Dorothy L. Sayersin 1940- ja 1980-luvuilla suomennettujen salapoliisiromaanien alluusiot tarjosivat aikansa suomalaisille lukijoille. Tavoitteena on myös hahmottaa, miten suomentajien käännösratkaisut ja alluusioiden tulkintamahdollisuudet liittyvät toisaalta lähdetekstin alluusioiden piirteisiin ja toisaalta kohdekulttuurin kontekstiin. Tapaustutkimus tarjoaa näin uutta tietoa suomennoskirjallisuuden ja salapoliisiromaanien historiasta. Analyysimenetelmä määrittelee aikaisempaa alluusioita ja intertekstuaalisuutta käsitelleen tutkimuksen pohjalta ne kulttuuriset ja tekstuaaliset piirteet, jotka vaikuttavat alluusioiden kääntämiseen ja tulkintaan. Kulttuurisessa mielessä alluusio voi olla tietylle lukijakunnalle tuttu tai tuntematon. Tekstuaalisia tekijöitä ovat alluusion muodon ja tyylin tunnusmerkillisyys sekä alluusion pintamerkityksen koherenttius uudessa tekstikontekstissa, ilman tietoa viittauskohteesta. Alluusioiden tulkinnassa on perinteisesti erotettu toisaalta allusiivinen tulkintamahdollisuus, jossa alluusio on lukijoille tuttu ja yhdistettävissä viittauskohteeseensa, toisaalta kulttuuritöyssy, jonka muodostaa lukijoille tuntematon ja pintamerkitykseltään inkoherentti alluusio. Tutkimuksessa määritellään kulttuuristen ja tekstuaalisten tekijöiden perusteella lisäksi kaksi muuta mahdollisuutta. Pseudo-allusiivisessa tulkinnassa tuntematon alluusio erottuu ympäröivästä tekstikontekstista tyyliltään ja on koherentti ainakin kuvaannollisessa mielessä ilman viittauskohdettaan. Ei-allusiivisessa tulkinnassa taas vieras alluusio sulautuu kontekstiin sekä muodoltaan että merkitykseltään niin, ettei lukija edes huomaa mahdollista alluusiota. Tulkintamahdollisuuksien jakauma antaa yleiskuvan siitä, miten tietty lukijakunta pystyi tulkitsemaan tekstin alluusioita. Lisäksi analyysi tarkastelee lähdetekstin ja käännöksen välillä tulkintamahdollisuuksissa tapahtuneita muutoksia sekä niiden vaikutusta tulkinnan vaatimaan vaivannäköön (effort) ja alluusion funktioihin. Tapaustutkimus perehtyy Sayers-suomennosten kulttuurikonteksteihin tarkastelemalla salapoliisiromaanien asemaa suomalaisessa kirjallisuusjärjestelmässä, suomennoksilta odotettuja piirteitä sekä suomentajien ammattikuvaa, taustoja ja työoloja. Tulosten perusteella alluusioiden kääntäminen oli vaativa tehtävä sekä 1940- että 1980-luvun suomentajille. Lähdetekstien alluusioista 60–70 prosenttia oli todennäköisesti kohdelukijoille vieraita. Molempina aikakausina suomennoksilta odotettiin silti sekä kielellistä sujuvuutta että lähdetekstin merkitysten välittämistä. 1940-luvun suomentajien tehtävää vaikeutti lisäksi mm. se, että suomentaminen oli enimmäkseen sivutoimista ja englanti oli harvoin parhaiten hallittu vieras kieli. Nämä olosuhteet lienevät vaikuttaneet etenkin vähäarvoisena pidetyn salapoliisikirjallisuuden suomennoksiin. 1980-luvulla suomentajien aikataulut olivat realistisempia, englannin taidot parempia ja päätoiminen suomentaminen mahdollista. Myös salapoliisiromaanien arvostus oli lisääntynyt. Sekä 1940- että 1980-luvun suomennoksissa kohdelukijoille vieraitakin alluusioita oli usein säilytetty, mikäli ne olivat koherentteja ilman viittauskohdettaan. Sen sijaan vieraita ja pintamerkitykseltään epäselviä alluusioita oli muokattu tai poistettu. Kuitenkin 1980-luvun suomentajat säilyttivät lähdetekstin alluusioita useammin ja tarkemmin kuin 1940-luvun suomentajat. Varsinkin poisjättämistä esiintyi 1940-luvun suomennoksissa enemmän. Alluusioiden tulkintamahdollisuudet olivat kaikissa käännöksissä muuttuneet sikäli, että melko harvat suomennetut alluusiot olivat enää kohdelukijoiden tunnistettavissa. Toisaalta myös kulttuuritöyssyt olivat harvinaisia. Erot 1940- ja 1980-luvun suomennosten välillä näkyivätkin pseudo-allusiivisissa ja ei-allusiivisissa tulkintamahdollisuuksissa. 1980-luvun suomennoksissa vieraat alluusiot oli johdonmukaisesti säilytetty niin, että käännetyt alluusiot voitiin tulkita pseudo-alluusioiksi. Sen sijaan 1940-luvun suomennoksissa vieraita alluusioita oli usein muokattu tai jätetty pois tavalla, joka johti ei-allusiiviseen tulkintaan. Kohdelukijoiden kannalta 1980-luvun suomennettujen alluusioiden tulkitseminen lienee vaatinut jonkin verran enemmän vaivaa. Toisaalta pseudo-allusiivisten käännösten pohjalta oli useimmiten mahdollista rakentaa koherentti tulkinta, ja monesti ne jopa välittivät samankaltaisia funktioita kuin lähdetekstin alluusiot. 1940-luvun suomennosten muokkaukset ja poistot periaatteessa helpottivat tulkintaa, mutta mahdollisia kulttuuritöyssyjä esiintyi edelleen, jopa kääntäjän tekemien muutosten seurauksena. 1940-luvun suomennoksissa myös käännettyjen alluusioiden funktiot olivat muuttuneet enemmän lähdetekstin alluusioihin nähden. Kaiken kaikkiaan 1980-luvun suomennokset olivat lähempänä oman aikansa hyvän käännöksen piirteitä. Toisaalta alluusioiden muokkaaminen sai 1940-luvun suomennokset muistuttamaan enemmän perinteistä arvoituksen ratkaisuun keskittyvää salapoliisiromaania, joten tältä osin ne lienevät vastanneet kohdelukijoiden odotuksia. Kulttuurikontekstin vaikutus siis näkyi sekä käännösstrategioissa että käännettyjen alluusioiden tulkintamahdollisuuksissa. Tutkimustuloksissa korostui kuitenkin myös se, että lähdetekstin alluusion pintamerkitys saattaa vaikuttaa käännösratkaisuihin. Lisäksi käännetyt pseudo-alluusiot saattavat välittää samankaltaisia funktioita kuin lähdetekstin alluusiot. Toisin kuin yleensä on esitetty, kohdelukijoille vieraiden alluusioiden säilyttäminen saattaakin siis olla toimiva ratkaisu.
The objective of this dissertation is to improve the dynamic simulation of fluid power circuits. A fluid power circuit is a typical way to implement power transmission in mobile working machines, e.g. cranes, excavators etc. Dynamic simulation is an essential tool in developing controllability and energy-efficient solutions for mobile machines. Efficient dynamic simulation is the basic requirement for the real-time simulation. In the real-time simulation of fluid power circuits there exist numerical problems due to the software and methods used for modelling and integration. A simulation model of a fluid power circuit is typically created using differential and algebraic equations. Efficient numerical methods are required since differential equations must be solved in real time. Unfortunately, simulation software packages offer only a limited selection of numerical solvers. Numerical problems cause noise to the results, which in many cases leads the simulation run to fail. Mathematically the fluid power circuit models are stiff systems of ordinary differential equations. Numerical solution of the stiff systems can be improved by two alternative approaches. The first is to develop numerical solvers suitable for solving stiff systems. The second is to decrease the model stiffness itself by introducing models and algorithms that either decrease the highest eigenvalues or neglect them by introducing steady-state solutions of the stiff parts of the models. The thesis proposes novel methods using the latter approach. The study aims to develop practical methods usable in dynamic simulation of fluid power circuits using explicit fixed-step integration algorithms. In this thesis, twomechanisms whichmake the systemstiff are studied. These are the pressure drop approaching zero in the turbulent orifice model and the volume approaching zero in the equation of pressure build-up. These are the critical areas to which alternative methods for modelling and numerical simulation are proposed. Generally, in hydraulic power transmission systems the orifice flow is clearly in the turbulent area. The flow becomes laminar as the pressure drop over the orifice approaches zero only in rare situations. These are e.g. when a valve is closed, or an actuator is driven against an end stopper, or external force makes actuator to switch its direction during operation. This means that in terms of accuracy, the description of laminar flow is not necessary. But, unfortunately, when a purely turbulent description of the orifice is used, numerical problems occur when the pressure drop comes close to zero since the first derivative of flow with respect to the pressure drop approaches infinity when the pressure drop approaches zero. Furthermore, the second derivative becomes discontinuous, which causes numerical noise and an infinitely small integration step when a variable step integrator is used. A numerically efficient model for the orifice flow is proposed using a cubic spline function to describe the flow in the laminar and transition areas. Parameters for the cubic spline function are selected such that its first derivative is equal to the first derivative of the pure turbulent orifice flow model in the boundary condition. In the dynamic simulation of fluid power circuits, a tradeoff exists between accuracy and calculation speed. This investigation is made for the two-regime flow orifice model. Especially inside of many types of valves, as well as between them, there exist very small volumes. The integration of pressures in small fluid volumes causes numerical problems in fluid power circuit simulation. Particularly in realtime simulation, these numerical problems are a great weakness. The system stiffness approaches infinity as the fluid volume approaches zero. If fixed step explicit algorithms for solving ordinary differential equations (ODE) are used, the system stability would easily be lost when integrating pressures in small volumes. To solve the problem caused by small fluid volumes, a pseudo-dynamic solver is proposed. Instead of integration of the pressure in a small volume, the pressure is solved as a steady-state pressure created in a separate cascade loop by numerical integration. The hydraulic capacitance V/Be of the parts of the circuit whose pressures are solved by the pseudo-dynamic method should be orders of magnitude smaller than that of those partswhose pressures are integrated. The key advantage of this novel method is that the numerical problems caused by the small volumes are completely avoided. Also, the method is freely applicable regardless of the integration routine applied. The superiority of both above-mentioned methods is that they are suited for use together with the semi-empirical modelling method which necessarily does not require any geometrical data of the valves and actuators to be modelled. In this modelling method, most of the needed component information can be taken from the manufacturer’s nominal graphs. This thesis introduces the methods and shows several numerical examples to demonstrate how the proposed methods improve the dynamic simulation of various hydraulic circuits.
Surface runoff and sediment production from different timber yarding practices, some using Best Management Practices (BMPs) recommended for Honduras, were monitored in experimental plots during the rainy seasons of two consecutive years in pine forest highlands of central Honduras. Different timber yarding systems were applied to pseudo-replicated plots during the rainy seasons of 1999 and 2000. In 1999, two treatments were studied: tractor yarding and skyline cable (a recommended BMP). In 2000, four treatments were evaluated: tractor skidding, skyline cable, animal skidding (another recommended BMP), and undisturbed forest (reference). During the rainy seasons of these years, surface runoff volumes and sediment yield were measured at five 1.5m x 10m erosion plots in each treated area. The results showed significant differences between traditional tractor yarding and the recommended skyline cable and animal skidding methods. Tractor yarding produced six to ten times more erosion during the rainy seasons than cable and animal yarding. The improved soil retention of cable and animal yarding was especially important during September when the highest rainfall occurred in this climate.
The present study examines the repertory of liturgical chant known as St. Petersburg Court Chant which emerged within the Imperial Court of St. Petersburg, Russia, and appeared in print in a number of revisions during the course of the 19th century, eventually to spread throughout the Russian Empire and even abroad. The study seeks answers to questions on the essence and composition of Court Chant, its history and liturgical background, and most importantly, its musical relationship to other repertories of Eastern Slavic chant. The research questions emerge from previous literary accounts of Court Chant (summarized in the Introduction), which have tended to be inaccurate and generally not based on critical research. The study is divided into eight main chapters. Chapter 1 provides a survey of the history of Eastern Slavic chant and the Imperial Court Chapel of St. Petersburg until 1917, with special emphasis on the history of singing traditional chant in polyphony, the status of the Court Chapel as a government authority, and its endeavours in publishing church music. Chapter 2 deals with the liturgical background of Eastern chant, the chant genres, and main repertories of Eastern Slavic chant. Chapter 3 concentrates on chant sources: it introduces the musical notations utilised, after which a typology of chant books is presented. The discussion continues with a survey of the sources of Court Chant and their content, the specimens selected for closer analysis, the comparative materials from other repertories, and ends with a commentary on some chant sources that have been excluded. The comparative sources include a specimen from around the beginning of the 12th century, a few manuscripts from the 17th century, and printed and manuscript chant books from the early 18th to early 20th century, covering the geographical area that delimits to the western Ukraine, Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod, and the Solovetsky Monastery. Chapter 4 presents the approach and methods used in the subsequent analytical comparisons. After a survey of the pitch organization of Eastern Slavic chant, the customary harmonization strategy of traditional chant polyphony is examined, according to which a method for meaningful analysis of the harmony is proposed. The method is based on the observation that the harmonic framework of chant polyphony derives from the standard pitch collection of monodic chant known as the Church Gamut, specific pitches of which form eight harmonic regions that behave like the usual tonalities of major and harmonic minor. Because of the considerable quantity of comparative chant forms, computer-assisted statistical methods are applied to the analysis of chant melodies. The primary chant forms and their respective comparative forms have been pre-processed into reduced chant prototypes and divided into redactions. The analyses are carried out by measuring the formal dissimilarities of the primary chant forms of the Court Chant repertory against each comparative form, and also by measuring the reciprocal dissimilarities of all chant versions in a redaction, the results of which are subjected to agglomerative hierarchical clustering in order to find out how the chant forms relate to each other. The dissimilarities are determined by applying a metric dissimilarity function that is based on the Levenshtein Distance. Chapter 5 provides the melodic and harmonic analyses of generic chants (chants used for multiple texts of different lengths), i.e., chants for stichera samoglasny and troparia, Chapter 6 of pseudo-generic chants (chants that are used for multiple texts but with certain restrictions), i.e., chants for heirmoi, prokeimena, and three other hymns, and Chapter 7 of non-generic chants, covering nine chants that in the Court repertory are not shared by multiple texts. The results are summarized and evaluated in Chapter 8. Accordingly, it can be established that, contrary to previous conceptions, melodically, Court Chant is in effect a full part of the wider Eastern Slavic chant tradition. Even if it is somewhat detached from the chant versions of the Synodal square-note chant books and the local tradition of Moscow, it is particularly close to chant forms of East Ukraine and some vernacular repertories from Russia. Respectively, the harmonization strategies of Court Chant do not show significant individuality in comparison with those of the available polyphonic comparative sources, the main difference being the part-writing, which generally conforms to western common practice standard, whereas the deviations from this tend to be more significant in other analysed repertories of polyphonic chant. Thus, insofar as the subsequent prevalence of Court Chant is not based on its forceful dissemination by authorities (as suggested in previous literature but for which little tangible evidence could be found in Chapter 1), in the present author’s interpretation, Court Chant attained its dominance principally because musically it was considered sufficiently traditional, and as a chant body supported by the government, was conveniently available in print in serviceable harmonizations.
Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction or Ogilvie’s Syndrome is characterized by signs and symptoms of large bowel obstruction without evidence of mechanical cause. The authors report two cases of patients with acute obstructive abdomen who were previously submitted to clinical treatment with no sucess. Later on one of them was submitted to laparoscopic cecostomy and the other to colonoscopic cecostomy The results showed that only the interventionist methods were successful.