856 resultados para product offering


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Cassava bagasse, the solid residue of the starch industry, was studied as a potential ingredient in high-fibre dietary products. The bagasse contained 80% of starch, 11.5% fibre, 1.14% ash and 0.85% of protein, and it had a pH of 5.8. Glucose was the major sugar and the hemicellulose content was 22.31%. Microscopic analysis of the bagasse revealed a large number of starch granules inside the parenchyma cells and fibres, as well as outside the cells. The bagasse may be used in high-fibre products, and total or partial hydrolysis of its starch content might increase its commercial value.


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The study was carried out to test the ability of Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. jugurti, Streptococcus thermophilus and L. delbrueckii ssp bulgaricus to decrease cholesterol in vitro and to grow in the presence of bile salts. Both properties were dependent on the species under study. The cultures were also inoculated into soymilk fortified with dry milk whey powder as single or mixed starters. The physicochemical and sensory evaluations of the fermented products showed that E. faecium plus L. jugurti (ratio 1:1) is the best combination, and this mixture also produces a 43% decrease in cholesterol. © Springer-Verlag 1999.


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Objectives: This study investigated the effects of soy product fermented by Enterococcus faecium and Lactobacillus jugurti supplemented with isoflavones on adipose tissue, blood lipid, and glucose levels on juvenile rats. Methods: Rats were fed a cholesterol-enriched diet for 3 wk as a preliminary treatment to create hypercholesterolemia. They were then fed a chow diet (HC), a chow diet plus fermented soy product supplemented with isoflavones (HCFI), a chow diet plus placebo (HCP), or a chow diet plus placebo supplemented with isoflavones (HCPI), respectively, for an additional 3 wk. Results: The beneficial effects of fermented soy product supplemented with isoflavones on epididymal (EPI) and retroperitoneal (RET) fat pads was likely due to isoflavones because adipocyte circumference (micrometers) in the HC group was significantly larger (EPI: 105.66 ± 13.36; RET: 134.95 ± 25.40) than that in the HCFI group (EPI: 93.17 ± 12.80; RET: 108.62 ± 15.50) and HCPI group (EPI: 93.06 ± 15.10; RET: 112.34 ± 18.21). The probiotic micro-organism accentuated the antilipogenic effect of isoflavones on RET (HCFI: 108.62 ± 15.50 micrometers versus HCPI: 112.34 ± 18.21 micrometers). Moreover, the fermented product increased glucose concentration similar to that in the chow group but did not change blood lipids. Conclusion: This product may offer new approaches to obesity prevention. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Proficiency in management activities undertaken in product development processes is regarded as a key competitive advantage for companies, particularly for high-tech industrial firms, which benefit from the important competitiveness factor of launching products with a differentiated technological content. This paper's objective was to identify, through case study, practices for integration between the roles of R & D with others involved in product development in a large Brazilian company of industrial automation. The results suggest some management practices to improve the integration in new products development, such as the use of employees from marketing with knowledge and experience previously gained from R & D activities and uses the heavyweight product manager to solve synchronization problems between product and technology development. © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios.


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The purpose of this study is to characterize the corrosion product on the surface of silver, employing H2SO4 (0.5M) as electrolyte. The electrochemical parameters, Ecor, Icor, V cor and Rp were obtained after analyzing the potentiodynamic polarization curve in which two peaks were observed. The smallest (passive region) is attributed to the Cl- traces from the reference electrode, with micro-cracks. The second peak (in the transpassivation region) corresponds to the polarization curve of silver in H2SO 4 without contaminants. SEM images and EDS analysis reveal images of a surface layer on silver, consisting of structures containing sulfur, oxygen, silver and chloride, as the corrosion product. On this layer silver sulfate crystals were observed, which occurs during the formation of silver chloride nanocrystals with different morphologies, when chloride ions were added to the electrolyte medium. ©The Electrochemical Society.


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Includes bibliography


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The effects of exogenous enzymes supplementation on kibble diets for dogs formulated with soybean meal (SBM) as a substitute for poultry by-product meal (PM) was investigated on nutrient digestibility, fermentation products formation, post-prandial urea response and selected faecal bacteria counts. Two kibble diets with similar compositions were used in two trials: PM-based diet (28.9% of PM; soybean hulls as a fibre source) and SBM-based diet (29.9% of SBM). In experiment 1, the SBM diet was divided into three diets: SBM-0, without enzyme addition; SBM-1, covered after extrusion with 7500U protease/kg and 45U cellulase/kg; and SBM-2, covered with 15000U protease/kg and 90U cellulase/kg. In experiment 2, the SBM diet was divided into three diets: SBM-0; SBM-1, covered with 140U protease/kg; 8U cellulase/kg, 800U pectinase/kg, 60U phytase/kg, 40U betaglucanase/kg and 20U xylanase/kg; and SMB-2, covered with 700U protease/kg, 40U cellulase/kg, 4000U pectinase/kg, 300U phytase/kg, 200U betaglucanase/kg and 100U xylanase/kg. Each experiment followed a block design with six dogs per diet. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and means compared by orthogonal and polynomial contrasts (p<0.05). In both experiments, nutrients and energy digestibility did not differ between diets (p>0.05). SBM consumption resulted in increased faecal moisture and production (p<0.05), without effect on faecal score. Higher concentration of propionate, acetate and lactate, and lower ammonia and pH were found in the faeces of dogs fed SBM (p<0.05). Higher post-prandial urea was verified in dogs fed SBM (p<0.05). In experiment 2, the addition of enzymes increased faecal concentration of propionate, acetate and total short-chain fatty acid (p<0.05) and tended to reduce post-prandial urea concentration (p=0.06). Although with similar digestibility, SBM shows a worse utilization of absorbed amino acids than the PM. Soybean oligosaccharides can beneficially change gut fermentation product formation. Enzymes can increase the gut fermentation activity and improve the SBM proteic value. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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Perhaps due to its origins in a production scheduling software called Optimised Production Technology (OPT), plus the idea of focusing on system constraints, many believe that the Theory of Constraints (TOC) has a vocation for optimal solutions. Those who assess TOC according to this perspective indicate that it guarantees an optimal solution only in certain circumstances. In opposition to this view and founded on a numeric example of a production mix problem, this paper shows, by means of TOC assumptions, why the TOC should not be compared to methods intended to seek optimal or the best solutions, but rather sufficiently good solutions, possible in non-deterministic environments. Moreover, we extend the range of relevant literature on product mix decision by introducing a heuristic based on the uniquely identified work that aims at achieving feasible solutions according to the TOC point of view. The heuristic proposed is tested on 100 production mix problems and the results are compared with the responses obtained with the use of Integer Linear Programming. The results show that the heuristic gives good results on average, but performance falls sharply in some situations. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Defining product mix is very important for organisations because it determines how productive resources are allocated among various operations. However, it is often defined subjectively. The methods commonly used for this definition are Integer Linear Programming and heuristics based in Theory of Constraints, which use maximum throughput as a performance measure. Although this measure provides maximum throughput to specific problem, it does not consider aspects of time, as days, utilised to make the throughput. Taking this into account, the aim of this paper is to present a throughput per day approach to define product mix, as well as to propose a constructive heuristic to help in this process. The results show that the proposed heuristic obtained satisfactory approximation when compared to the optimum values obtained by enumeration. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Objectives: The combination of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and chlorhexidine (CHX) yields a precipitate potentially toxic (PPT). The aim of this study was to evaluate the tissue response to implanted polyethylene tubes filled with PPT-soaked fibrin sponge. Methods: Forty rats received four polyethylene tubes each; each tube was filled with fibrin sponge soaked by 2.5 % NaOCl, 2.0 % CHX, PPT (2.5 % NaOCl plus 2.0 % CHX), or not soaked (control). The observation time points were 7, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days. At each time point, eight animals were killed, and the tubes and surrounding tissues were removed, fixed, and prepared for light microscopic analysis by performing glycol methacrylate embedding, serial cutting into 3-μm sections, and hematoxylin-eosin staining. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the reactions were performed. Results were statistically analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test (p < 0.05). Results: All chemical solutions caused moderate reactions at 7 days. On day 30, PPT group was more cytotoxic than the control group and the CHX group (p < 0.05). On days 15 and 60, PPT group was more cytotoxic than the control group (p < 0.05). On day 90, there was no statistically significant difference between the different groups. Conclusion: PPT is more cytotoxic than NaOCl and CHX alone, particularly in the short term. Clinical significance: Protocols which suggest the use of CHX and NaOCl must be revised because this mixture produces cytotoxic product. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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The exploitation of non-timber forest products is often considered a low-impact activity in tropical forests. However, assessments of the impacts of such activity are mostly focused on the harvested species and not on the plant community, thus limiting our understanding for establishing forest management recommendations. We investigated the consequences of Euterpe edulis palm heart harvesting on the seed rain in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. We compared the density of E. edulis individuals, as well as the density of E. edulis seeds, and the density, richness and functional composition of seed rain of the whole plant community, before and after palm heart harvesting in a 10 ha permanent plot. This assessment was carried out in preserved (typical old-growth Atlantic rainforest) and in disturbed (more open habitat dominated by the native bamboo Guadua tagoara) forest patches. Palm harvesting reduced the E. edulis population from 202.16 to 25.67 ind/ha and its seed rain density from 0.362 to 0.3 seeds/m2 and from 2.395 to 0.15 seeds/m2 in preserved and disturbed forest patches, respectively. Seed density of light-dependent climbers, pioneer trees, bamboo and animal-dispersed seeds increased after palm harvesting, especially in the disturbed forest patches, where palm harvesting was more intense and may have changed the light regime of the understory. On the other hand, species richness of the plant community declined by half. We observed a remarkable decline in the number of animal-dispersed species, especially for those with large seeds, suggesting that the activity of seed dispersers, including many species attracted by E. edulis fruits, was reduced. Therefore, harvesting of E. edulis palm heart may change the regeneration dynamics of the Atlantic rainforest, both due to shifts in forest structure, mediated by the removal of individuals from the forest canopy, and in community functioning, mediated by the interference on the activity of seed dispersers. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.