843 resultados para process of subjectivation


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Public policies to support entrepreneurship and innovation play a vital role when firms have difficulties in accessing external finance. However, some authors have found evidence of long-term inefficiency in subsidized firms (Bernini and Pelligrini, 2011; Cerqua and Pelligrini, 2014) and ineffectiveness of public funds (Jorge and Suárez, 2011). The aim of the paper is to assess the effectiveness in the selection process of applications to public financial support for stimulating innovation. Using a binary choice model, we investigate which factors influence the probability of obtaining public support for an innovative investment. The explanatory variables are connected to firm profile, the characteristics of the project and the macroeconomic environment. The analysis is based on the case study of the Portuguese Innovation.Incentive System (PIIS) and on the applications managed by the Alentejo Regional Operational Program in the period 2007 – 2013. The results show that the selection process is more focused on the expected impact of the project than on the firm’s past performance. Factors that influence the credit risk and the decision to grant a bank loan do not seem to influence the government evaluator regarding the funding of some projects. Past activities in R&D do not significantly affect the probability of having an application approved under the PIIS, whereas an increase in the number of patents and the number of skilled jobs are both relevant factors. Nevertheless, some evidence of firms’ short-term inefficiency was found, in that receiving public financial support is linked to a smaller increase in productivity compared to non-approved firm applications. At the macroeconomic level, periods with a higher cost of capital in financial markets are linked to a greater probability of getting an application for public support approved, which could be associated with the effectiveness of public support in correcting market failings.


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In Bosnia Herzegovina the development of clear policy objectives and endorsement of a long-term, coherent and mutual agricultural and rural development policy have also been affected by structural problems: a lack of reliable information on population and other relevant issues, the absence of an adequate land registry system and cadastre. Moreover in BiH the agricultural and rural sectors are characterized by many factors that have typically affected transition countries such as land fragmentation, lack of agricultural mechanization and outdated production technologies, and rural aging, high unemployment and out-migration. In such a framework the condition and role of women in rural areas suffered for the lack of gender disaggregated data and a consequent poor information that lead to the exclusion of gender related questions in the agenda of public institutions and to the absence of targeted policy interventions. The aim of the research is to investigate the role and condition of women in the rural development process of Republic of Srpska and to analyze the capacity of extension services to stimulate their empowerment. Specific research questions include the status of women in the rural areas of Republic of Srpska, the role of government in fostering the empowerment of rural women, and the role of the extension service in supporting rural women. The methodology - inspired by the case study method developed by R. Yin - is designed along the three specific research questions that are used as building blocks. Each of the three research questions is investigated with a combination of methodological tools - including surveys, experts interviews and focus groups - aimed to overcome the lack of data and knowledge that characterize the research objectives.


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Generally, the problem of semen freezing process  is  cold shock effect and intracelullar change due to water release which is  related to  ice crystal formation. One factor to solve the problem is finding out optimal equilibration time and thawing method so there is only a little  damage spermatozoa during freezing process.  The research has been done  to explore  the  influence of  equilibration time and thawing methode  on  frozen semen quality of garut rams. The results shown that the mean of percentages of progressive motile sperm, percentages of viable sperm, percentages of plasma membrane and acrosomal intact on four hours equilibration (52.50% ;  62.33%; 57.17% and 56.42%)  were not significantly different  (P>0.05) from five hours equilibration (52.27%;  63.67%;  56.92% and 57.58 %)  and six hours equilibration (54.17%; 61.00%; 59.42% and 58.58%) respectively.  The percentages of progressive motile sperm, percentages of viable sperm,   percentages of plasma membrane and  acrosomal intact on the thawing method  on the temperature of 370C  for 30 seconds (53.33% ;  62.39%; 57.94% dan 58.61) were not significantly different  (P>0.05) from the thawing methode  on the temperature of 250C for 45 seconds (52.22% ; 62.28%; 57.72% dan 56.44) respectively.  The conclusion shown that  the treatment of four hours equilibration, five hours equilibration,   six hours equilibration and also  the treatment of thawing method  on the temperature of 370C   for 30 seconds and the thawing methode  on the temperature of 250C   for 45 seconds do not have effect on garut ram freezing semen quality. (Animal Production 7(2): 74-80 (2005) Key  Words : Equilibration, Thawing, Semen, Garut ram


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This article is about the lived experience in the Monitoring Programme of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), during the discipline of Spanish Language Applied to Tourism, of the Tourism Course, in Parnaíba/PI. The study aims at getting to introduce students, teachers and researchers the importance of this academic practice, as well as to characterize the relevance of the teaching/learning of foreign language (FL), more specifically the Spanish as foreign language (ELE), for tourism activity and career of tourism professional. The methodology adopted was a bibliographical, documentary and field research with qualitative and quantitative approach. Thus, it can be state that the monitoring encourages the students to teach, associated with teaching activities, research and extension activities, and it contributes to the development of their intellectual, academic and professional abilities. Furthermore, subjects perceive the relevance of foreign language teaching in the classroom, including the teaching of SFL for the efficient development of their works in relation to tourism.


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In this article, we aim to analyse reflexive forms of say in writing the speech about the concepts of variation and change in four dissertations selected portal public domain – CAPES and defended in the years of 1979, 1989, 2000 and 2011. We focus in the theoretical presuppositions of Authier-Revuz (1998, 2004) as regards the enunciative heterogeneity, more specifically in the reflexive forms of say  that it refer to the field of not coincidences of say, and that it refers the notion of Interdiscourse, proposed by Pêcheux (2010). The results point to two processes of reflexive writing: one that represents speech of transparent form or opacity and other one who presents a speech fountain of say.


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The objective of this research is to produce alternative food sources of protein by optimizing the potential of jatropha curcas which is agroindustry waste. This study is planned in two years and is a series of jatropha seed exploration through fermentation using Lactobacillus acidophilus. Specific targets in the first year of study were to assess the optimization of the fermentation process by supplementing the source of N soybean meal and fish meal. Experiments using Completely Randomized Design (RAL) factorial pattern with first factor was supplementation (F) and second factor was incubation time (W), fermentation optimization consisted of: F1 (F0 + 2.5% soybean meal flour), F2 (F0 + 2.5% fish meal), F3 (F1 + 0.45% Dicalsium Phosphat) and F4 (F2 + 0.45% Dicalsium Phosphat). The incubation time is differentiated W1: 3 days, W2: 5 days and W3: 7 days. It can be concluded that: dry matter, gross energy, calcium and phospor are influenced by interaction between type of supplementation of source of N + DCP with fermentation time, whereas fat content is only influenced by fermentation time with optimal time decrease of fat content is 5,92 days. Total protein and amino acid levels are only influenced by different types of supplementation. Phorbolester antinutrition levels are influenced by the duration of the fermentation.  Based on antinutritive as a limiting factor. F4W5 is the best treatment and can used as a feed ingredient.


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O tema central da pesquisa foi pensar a família partindo do ponto de vista de crianças: como crianças, enquanto sujeitos sociais que são, estão compreendendo e experimentando o que é família. A ideia de entrevistar crianças partiu da suposição de que estas estão vivenciando muitos modelos de famílias diferentes dos tradicionais e, possivelmente, sem o cunho de novidade, diferença ou estranheza. Acreditamos que escutar as crianças é justamente alcançar um discurso que não ocupa um lugar de destaque, um lugar oficial, mas nem por isso é menos importante. Levando em consideração a tensão entre entender criança como faixa etária e pensar através de um devir-criança que pode estar em qualquer um de nós, optamos por entrevistar 22 crianças de idade entre 6 e 11 anos, contabilizando 6 grupos. Inspirada na Cartografia, que compreende a pesquisa como ocorrendo num espaço do meio, onde não há polos estáveis sujeito-objeto, mas que a pesquisa se constrói em conjunto. Essa perspectiva nos fez eleger como dispositivo o formato de entrevistas em grupo, onde era pedido que desenhassem sua própria família ou uma família. Para as crianças entrevistadas, a vivência pessoal parece ser o molde para a construção do sentimento de união e pertinência que se carrega ao longo da vida, cujos critérios variam de acordo com as histórias de cada um. A noção de processo de subjetivação presente no pensamento de Michel Foucault foi importante instrumento conceitual para compreender as ideias de famílias que emergiram dos depoimentos das crianças entrevistadas. Percebemos através das afirmações dessas crianças que há um jogo onde elas experimentam possibilidades de sentido para conjugar aspectos que consideram importantes do que seja família: afeto, convivência, relações sanguíneas, que se combinam no que denominamo s camadas de família. As crianças parecem gozar de certa liberdade para inventar e definir categorias, testando também critérios comuns cotidianos que ajudam a incluir e/ou excluir membros. Foi marcante uma extrema flexibilidade na escolha dos critérios, um momento devir-criança, aberto a novas possibilidades, ao singular que se criava na interação coletiva. Ao focalizarmos os critérios sugeridos pelas crianças, ficamos com a impressão de que elas nos oferecem um olhar mais rizomático (Deleuze e Guattari) em direção às famílias. O trabalho incorpora uma análise do percurso da pesquisa que descartou questões e priorizou outras, a partir da análise de implicação da pesquisadora no processo desde que a pesquisa começou a ser pensada até a intervenção realizada.


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Esta tese examina o possível sentido atribuído por Ferenczi à amizade. São feitas considerações sobre o mesmo, a partir de um exame de relações pessoais de Ferenczi com alguns de seus pares, e no contexto de sua obra. A importância de uma reflexão sobre a amizade, sobretudo no campo psicanalítico da atualidade, se deve a uma preocupação sobre em relação ais desafios gerados no âmbito da clínica psicanalítica contemporânea. Considera-se que a liberdade dominante na cultura contemporânea contribui para a formação de subjetividades bastante resistentes à aceitação das condições mediante as quais a terapia psicanalítica costuma se desenvolver, ou seja, pela via da comunicação verbal. Por outro lado, a redução do senso de responsabilidade e da função crítica implicadas em escolhas e decisões, e observadas na contemporaneidade, se constituem em fatores adversos à situação analítica. Um dos aspectos da resistência então verificada deriva de uma formação egóica que pode ser caracterizada como tão plástica quanto rígida, cujo funcionamento opera de acordo com circunstâncias, e em função de os indivíduos não serem, na contemporaneidade, na verdade tão livres quanto a princípio se espera. Ferenczi, divergindo em parte de Freud, concede um maior destaque à importância dos afetos nas relações interpessoais, notadamente no âmbito terapêutico, de forma que enfatiza, por exemplo, a importância terapêutica da regressão e da contratransferência, para se lograr o equilíbrio da economia psíquica do analisado. Então, desde um destaque dado à implicação do afeto amizade em experimentações técnicas realizadas e nas considerações propostas por Ferenczi, esta tese situa o afeto amizade, experimentado pelo analista junto ao analisando, como uma variante importante na condução da cura analítica. Como suporte desta tematização, se recorre à Filosofia, no intuito de recensear alguns dos sentidos historicamente atribuído à amizade. O principal suporte bibliográfico utilizado é uma trilogia dedicada a este tema, pulicada por Francisco Ortega, em que aquele é investigado desde a Antiguidade até a Contemporaneidade. Outros filósofos, aos quais este autor recorre, são Derrida e Foucault. Assim, conclui-se ser recomendável que o analista não se mantenha alheio às condições culturais e aos valores que influem nos processos de subjetivação, nem tampouco distanciado do que envolve o sofrimento de seu analisando, não se furtando, portanto, a apresentar-se, em certa medida, como um artigo. Compreende-se, então, que é preciso que o analista se implique cada vez mais no processo analítico, apresentando-se também como uma amigo, à medida que esta postura possa se revelar terapêutica.


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The aim of this paper is to show that only in a society where human rights are honored and democracy is vigorous, the process of subjectivation be possible. It is a critical sociology research. The article is presented in two parts, the first, subject and subjectivity in contemporary times, analyze the obstacles that individuals have for subjective process, and the second, subject and human rights and subject and democracy we argue about the need for human rights and democracy for the process of subjectivation.


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This thesis proposes a new thinking on the English teacher and their continuing education, leaving the picture emerging of a new professional, who is producing and being produced. From this perspective, I present an analysis of self writing of thirteen student-teachers, teachers on how they position themselves to be discursively constituted as subjects in the context of continuing education. As part of Applied Linguistics, the theory and method that supports the analysis of data are articulate key elements of Foucault notions, namely:The care of the self, seeking their connection with one another and care of and the self writing. In the theoretical notions of these elements are implied notions of others, such as speech, ethics, technology of the self, subject and truth. (Foucault, 1984, 1995, 2004c, 2006), and questioning the ethics of the subject. I propose to examine selected excerpts from the self writings of student teachers with a specialization in Teaching and Learning the English Language, seeking linguistic processes in the material production of subjectivities.In order to analyze the process of subjectivation, I examine the discursive statements of selected cuts, aiming to learn more specifically, the points of identification and fragments of the uniqueness of the teachers, showing how they care for themselves and reflect upon them in building their subjectivity from the technologies of the self, to occupy the position of English Language teachers. The results show that, in the exercise of self writing, the subject falls, and a practice of asceticism, discursively construct her/his subjectivity


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Deleuze e Guattari entendem as idéias de Ética e Moral como movimentos produtores de realidade psicossocial ou sentidos de produção da vida psicossocial. Buscamos entender como os modos de funcionamento psicossociais produzem sentidos e podem ser captados nas práticas psicossociais éticas e morais. Nossa intenção é demonstrar, a partir da literatura kafkiana, os modos de subjetivação ética e moral.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, 2016.


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El presente trabajo constituye una revisión literaria que permite establecer una relación entre duelo, arte y subjetividad para poder entender cómo puede el arte intervenir dentro del proceso de subjetivación del trabajo de duelo. Inicialmente se aborda el contexto en el que nace la pregunta y porqué es importante para los agentes que podrían estar involucrados responderse la misma. Mediante diferentes teorías bajo la línea del psicoanálisis se desarrollan los conceptos de duelo, arte y subjetividad para la construcción de esta investigación. Finalmente se responde la pregunta planteada al inicio de la investigación, concluyendo así que el arte es una herramienta que hace parte de la elaboración de procesos de duelo que han mostrado que la persona puede crecer a partir de esta experiencia.


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Process models are used by information professionals to convey semantics about the business operations in a real world domain intended to be supported by an information system. The understandability of these models is vital to them actually being used. After all, what is not understood cannot be acted upon. Yet until now, understandability has primarily been defined as an intrinsic quality of the models themselves. Moreover, those studies that looked at understandability from a user perspective have mainly conceptualized users through rather arbitrary sets of variables. In this paper we advance an integrative framework to understand the role of the user in the process of understanding process models. Building on cognitive psychology, goal-setting theory and multimedia learning theory, we identify three stages of learning required to realize model understanding, these being Presage, Process, and Product. We define eight relevant user characteristics in the Presage stage of learning, three knowledge construction variables in the Process stage and three potential learning outcomes in the Product stage. To illustrate the benefits of the framework, we review existing process modeling work to identify where our framework can complement and extend existing studies.