955 resultados para private security
Reconversão docente: o trabalho flexível na educação um estudo a partir das reformas em Minas Gerais
Esta tese analisa as mudanças no trabalho docente tendo como objeto particular de pesquisa o estado de Minas Gerais. A escolha se deve ao protagonismo e , em certa medida, pioneirismo das burguesia mineira no ajuste conservador realizado no Brasil recente. Neste percurso de investigação foram analisadas três gerações de reformas chamadas Choque de Gestão, Estado para Resultados, Estado em Rede ou Gestão para a Cidadania. A abordagem específica sobre as implicações das mudanças sobre o trabalho docente teve como fontes os Planos de Cargos e Salários, as Lei 100 que criou a modalidade efetivado como forma distinta (e inconstitucional) de inserção precária, a reforma no regime de previdência estadual. As mudanças no currículo, como expressão particular das reformas no âmbito da formação humana, foram analisadas em primeiro lugar como mediação do processo de trabalho docente. Estas transformações conduziram a pesquisa para a constatação de que observamos o fenômeno da reconversão docente, da modelagem do trabalhador flexível na educação básica, sendo parte indissociável deste processo a precarização do trabalho e o aprofundamento da proletarização do professor. A pesquisa também indicou as formas que a apropriação do fundo público assume a partir do Choque de Gestão e o caráter regressivo destas políticas não só para o trabalhador em educação, mas para o conjunto dos chamados direitos sociais. Na construção teórica que conduziu a pesquisa utilizamos o método materialista histórico e dialético, a concepção de Estado como relação entre as classes, o trabalho como práxis social. A tese traz como contribuição uma profunda reflexão sobre o trabalho em geral e o trabalho docente em particular com a construção de duas categorias complementares de análise: a apropriação de mais anti-valor e a subsunção real espelhada. Esta sendo a expropriação que atinge diretamente quem trabalha no setor público, expressão da apropriação privada do bem público na parte que caberia ao trabalhador do setor, expropriado de suas condições de subsistência e porque do ponto de vista mais geral, reflete o processo realizado no setor diretamente produtivo sendo a face complementar tanto da acumulação quanto da universalização das formas de trabalho e de sociabilidade capitalista
A expansão industrial e o desenvolvimento territorial na porção oeste do Município do Rio de Janeiro trazem inúmeras modificações no cenário socioeconômico da região e adjacências. O destaque de investimentos na indústria de transformação é a implantação da Companhia Siderúrgica do Atlântico (CSA), que se mostra como o maior empreendimento privado em realização no país. Investimentos públicos e privados no setor de infraestrutura estão previstos, considerando as características naturais e a localização geográfica privilegiada da região. A influência do porto de Itaguaí e a construção do Arco Metropolitano configuram um corredor de desenvolvimento com reflexos positivos logísticos e socioeconômicos, não só para o estado do Rio de Janeiro, mas também para outros estados brasileiros. Os impactos da reordenação do espaço urbano, com a possibilidade de incremento populacional nas proximidades do novo eixo rodoviário e industrial, tende a gerar um aumento da demanda por serviços no setor terciário. Dessa forma, o planejamento territorial se faz obrigatório, apoiado por geotecnologias. O objetivo da pesquisa foi atender às necessidades do setor habitacional, analisando fatores relevantes e condições favoráveis à implantação de novas construções habitacionais. Baseando-se em dados provenientes do censo do IBGE de 2010 e do Instituto de Urbanismo Pereira Passos (IPP), a Tecnologia da Informação integrada com os dados de mapas digitais e imagens de satélite de alta resolução (World View-2), permitiram uma análise geral do contexto do crescimento regional. Além da análise das variáveis existentes nos dados socioeconômicos, outras variáveis de pesquisa foram empregadas em ambiente SIG, tais como: segurança, proximidades de logradouros principais, existências de escolas e hospitais municipais e estaduais, distância dos centros industriais e de shopping. Após as análises multicriteriais de dados socioeconômicos e bases cartográficas, relatórios na forma de mapas foram emitidos, com a finalidade de orientar o poder público e as construtoras nas tomadas de decisões.
Aquatic agricultural systems (AAS) are diverse production and livelihood systems where families cultivate a range of crops, raise livestock, farm or catch fish, gather fruits and other tree crops, and harness natural resources such as timber, reeds, and wildlife. Aquatic agricultural systems occur along freshwater floodplains, coastal deltas, and inshore marine waters, and are characterized by dependence on seasonal changes in productivity, driven by seasonal variation in rainfall, river flow, and/or coastal and marine processes. Despite this natural productivity, the farming, fishing, and herding communities who live in these systems are among the poorest and most vulnerable in their countries and regions. This report provides an overview of the scale and scope of development challenges in coastal aquatic agricultural systems, their significance for poor and vulnerable communities, and the opportunities for partnership and investment that support efforts of these communities to secure resilient livelihoods in the face of multiple risks.
This report is a literature review on Food and Nutrition Security in Solomon Islands, based on data from surveys conducted by Solomon Islands National Statistical Office, as well as from national and international organizations working in Solomon Islands. The purpose of the report is to present information outlining the current food and nutrition situation in Solomon Islands before implementation of the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS), led by WorldFish. The aim of the AAS program is to enhance production in natural freshwater and/or coastal ecosystems to improve household livelihood, including income and food security. This report summarizes national statistics and also focuses in more detail on a subset of provinces: Guadalcanal, Malaita and Western. In 2012, the AAS program was rolled out in Guadalcanal, Central and Malaita Provinces, designated the Central Hub. In 2013, roll out is beginning in the Western Hub (Western and Isabel Provinces). The priority province for the Central Hub has been identified as Malaita.
This handbook provides detailed information for a wide range of legal instruments relevant to fisheries and fishworkers. It covers 114 legal instruments, categorized into the following seven themes: Theme I. Human Rights, Food Security, Women and Development. Theme II. Environment and Sustainable Development. Theme III. Oceans and Fisheries Management. Theme IV. Environmental Pollution Theme V. Fishing Vessels and Safety at Sea Theme VI. Labour Theme VII. Trade The handbook also includes the working of the instruments (decision-making bodies, monitoring and implementation agencies, periodicity of meetings, rules for participation in meetings of the decision-making bodies and implementation agencies for States and non-governmental organizations), regional instrument and agencies. Apart from being a ready reckoner to the instruments, it highlights the important sections of relevance to fisheries or small-scale fisheries and fishworkers. The companion CD-ROM provides the full texts of the instruments in a searchable database. The handbook will be useful for fishworker and non-governmental organizations, and also for researchers and others interested in fisheries issues.
This report is a literature review on Food and Nutrition Security in Timor-Leste based on data from surveys conducted by the Timor-Leste National Statistics Directorate, as well as from national and international organizations working in Timor-Leste. This review was supported by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)-funded project “Strategy for Investment in Fisheries in East Timor”. This report describes the current food and nutrition situation in Timor-Leste for the purpose of planning and implementing interventions aimed at improving food and nutrition security, especially within aquatic agricultural systems. The potential role of aquaculture in improving food and nutrition security is considered, with reference to the recently endorsed Timor-Leste National Aquaculture Development Strategy (2012-2030) developed by the National Directorate of Fisheries and Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Small indigenous fish species (SIS) are an important source of essential macro- and micronutrients that can play an important role in the elimination of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies in the populations of many South and Southeast Asian countries. Of the 260 freshwater fish species in Bangladesh, more than 140 are classified as SIS and are an integral part of the rural Bangladeshi diet. As many SIS are eaten whole, with organs and bones, they contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, and iron and zinc. Some SIS, such as mola, are also rich in vitamin A. SIS are often cooked with vegetables and a little oil, so they contribute to the food diversity of the rural poor.SIS are recognized as a major animal-source food group, contributing to improved food and nutrition security and livelihoods of the people of South and Southeast Asia. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together policy makers, extension agents, researchers, non-governmental and development organizations to share knowledge about small fish, their contribution to better nutrition, production technologies, and strategies for wider dissemination of pond culture and wetland based-production and conservation technologies. The workshop is expected to generate ideas for further research and development of sustainable technologies for production, management and conservation of SIS for the benefit of the people of Bangladesh as well as the South and Southeast Asian region.
The Republic of Kiribati is a vast South Pacific island group with one of the largest exclusive economic zones (EEZs) in the world. Kiribati waters support a wealth of marine fisheries activities. These activities occur in oceanic, coastal and inshore environments and range from large, foreign, industrial-scale oceanic fishing operations to small-scale, domestic, inshore subsistence fisheries, aquaculture and recreational fisheries. Kiribati has developed a framework of domestic and international governance arrangements that are designed to sustainably manage its wealth of marine resources. The report provides background information for fisheries projects in Kiribati that aim to build food security, improve artisanal livelihoods and strengthen community engagement in fisheries governance. It provides information on the current status of Kiribati fishery resources (oceanic and coastal), their current governance and future challenges. Fish and fisher alike pay little heed to maritime boundaries and bureaucratic distinctions. This report covers both sides of the oceanic/coastal boundary because of the I-Kiribati communities’ interest in oceanic fisheries such as tuna and their heavy dependence on its fisheries resources for food security and economic development. The report focuses on two potential pilot sites for community-based fisheries management projects: North Tarawa and Butaritari.
This study provides an overview of the aquaculture sector in Ghana. It assesses the actual and potential contribution of aquaculture to poverty reduction and food security, and identifies enabling conditions for and drivers of the development of Ghana’s aquaculture sector. The study uses data collected from a variety of primary and secondary sources, including key informant interviews with actors within the aquaculture sector and relevant secondary literature.
The Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) were adopted by member countries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and were officially approved as an international instrument in June 2014. What is very special about the SSF Guidelines is that it was created as a result of a very long history of the struggles of small-scale fishworkers around the world appealing for greater recognition of their status and their role in the fisheries sector of their countries. These Guidelines have 100 paragraphs which are distributed across 13 sections. This document is only a summation of the contents of the Guidelines. It was produced for ICSF by John Kurien, founder Member of ICSF, who has worked for the last four decades with small-scale fishing communities in many areas around the world, particularly in Kerala, India.
This publication is a report of the proceedings of the ICSF Pondy Workshop, which focused on the FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines). The workshop brought together 71 participants from 20 countries representing civil society organizations, governments, FAO, academia and fishworker organizations from both the marine and inland fisheries sectors. This report will be found useful for fishworker organizations, researchers, policymakers, members of civil society and anyone interested in small-scale fisheries, food security and poverty eradication.
The author discusses the financial aspects of private sector investment in off-shore fishing, with particular attention to tax incentives, such as those offered to tourist hotels, which are considered applicable to the current case of fishing vessel purchase, and the operation of the vessels themselves, hiring, publicity and profitability. Tax incentives which were introduced to encourage investment in the tourist industry should be introduced to encourage investment in the fishing industry on the lines presented. It is essential that wide publicity be given for the incentives introduced so as to achieve the desired results.
The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) seeks to reduce poverty and improve food security for many small-scale fishers and farmers who are dependent on aquatic agriculture systems by partnering with local, national and international partners to achieve large-scale development impact. This study on promising practices in food security and nutrition assistance to vulnerable households in the Tonle Sap region forms part of the preliminary research that informs AAS work in the highly productive Mekong Delta and Tonle Sap Lake floodplain. The study aims to identify and learn from promising practices that have had a positive impact on the food security and nutrition of vulnerable households in the Tonle Sap region.