895 resultados para power system analysis


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This paper presents a mathematical model and a methodology to solve the transmission network expansion planning problem with security constraints in full competitive market, assuming that all generation programming plans present in the system operation are known. The methodology let us find an optimal transmission network expansion plan that allows the power system to operate adequately in each one of the generation programming plans specified in the full competitive market case, including a single contingency situation with generation rescheduling using the security (n-1) criterion. In this context, the centralized expansion planning with security constraints and the expansion planning in full competitive market are subsets of the proposal presented in this paper. The model provides a solution using a genetic algorithm designed to efficiently solve the reliable expansion planning in full competitive market. The results obtained for several known systems from the literature show the excellent performance of the proposed methodology.


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A systematic procedure of zero placement to design control systems is proposed. A state feedback controller with vector gain K is used to perform the pole placement. An estimator with vector gain L is also designed for output feedback control. A new systematic method of zero assignment to reduce the effect of the undesirable poles of the plant and also to increase the velocity error constant is presented. The methodology places the zeros in a specific region and it is based on Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) framework, which is a new approach to solve this problem. Three examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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This paper presents a mathematical model and a methodology to solve a transmission network expansion planning problem considering uncertainty in demand and generation. The methodology used to solve the problem, finds the optimal transmission network expansion plan that allows the power system to operate adequately in an environment with uncertainty. The model presented results in an optimization problem that is solved using a specialized genetic algorithm. The results obtained for known systems from the literature show that cheaper plans can be found satisfying the uncertainty in demand and generation. ©2008 IEEE.


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This paper presents a mathematical model and a methodology to solve a transmission network expansion planning problem considering open access. The methodology finds the optimal transmission network expansion plan that allows the power system to operate adequately in an environment with multiples generation scenarios. The model presented is solved using a specialized genetic algorithm. The methodology is tested in a system from the literature. ©2008 IEEE.


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This paper presents a methodology and a mathematical model to solve the expansion planning problem that takes into account the effect of contingencies in the planning stage, and considers the demand as a stochastic variable within a specified range. In this way, it is possible to find a solution that minimizes the investment costs guarantying reliability and minimizing future load shedding. The mathematical model of the expansion planning can be represented by a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem. To solve this problem a specialized Genetic Algorithm combined with Linear Programming was implemented.


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In this paper, the short term transmission network expansion planning (STTNEP) is solved through a specialized genetic algorithm (SGA). A complete AC model of the transmission network is used, which permits the formulation of an integrated power system transmission network expansion planning problem (real and reactive power planning). The characteristics of the proposed SGA to solve the STTNEP problem are detailed and an interior point method is employed to solve nonlinear programming problems during the solution steps of the SGA. Results of tests carried out with two electrical energy systems show the capabilities of the SGA and also the viability of using the AC model to solve the STTNEP problem. © 2009 IEEE.


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Reliability is a key aspect in power system design and planning. Maintaining a reliable power system is a very important issue for their design and operation. Under the new competitive framework of the electricity sector, power systems find ever more and more strained to operate near their limits. Under this new scenario, it is crucial for the system operator to use tools that facilitate an energy dispatch that minimizes possible power cuts. This paper presents a mathematical model to calculate an energy dispatch that considers security constraints (single contingencies in transmission lines and transformers). The model involves pool markets and fixed bilateral contracts. Traditional methodologies that include security constraints are usually based in multistage dispatch processes. In this case, we propose a single-stage model that avoids the economic inefficiencies which result when conventional multi-stage dispatch approaches are applied. The proposed model includes an AC representation of the transport system and allows calculating the cost overruns incurred in due to reliability restrictions. We found that complying with fixed bilateral contracts, when they go above certain levels, might lead to congestion problems in transmission lines.


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This paper presents a methodology to solve the transmission network expansion planning problem (TNEP) considering reliability and uncertainty in the demand. The proposed methodology provides an optimal expansion plan that allows the power system to operate adequately with an acceptable level of reliability and in an enviroment with uncertainness. The reliability criterion limits the expected value of the reliability index (LOLE - Loss Of Load Expectation) of the expanded system. The reliability is evaluated for the transmission system using an analytical technique based in enumeration. The mathematical model is solved, in a efficient way, using a specialized genetic algorithm of Chu-Beasley modified. Detailed results from an illustrative example are presented and discussed. © 2009 IEEE.


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We consider the two-level network design problem with intermediate facilities. This problem consists of designing a minimum cost network respecting some requirements, usually described in terms of the network topology or in terms of a desired flow of commodities between source and destination vertices. Each selected link must receive one of two types of edge facilities and the connection of different edge facilities requires a costly and capacitated vertex facility. We propose a hybrid decomposition approach which heuristically obtains tentative solutions for the vertex facilities number and location and use these solutions to limit the computational burden of a branch-and-cut algorithm. We test our method on instances of the power system secondary distribution network design problem. The results show that the method is efficient both in terms of solution quality and computational times. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper proposes a method to determine the output of all online units with minimum total cost when the amount of emission is reasonable. A joint economic and emission dispatch is proposed in order to get a significant compromise between costs and emission such that real power supply-demand equilibrium is satisfied. In order to have a meaningful compromise between costs and emission in the problem formulation, two variables are used, weighting factor and price penalty factor. A case study comprising of a 3-unit power system is employed, where various demand is used. Results for the test system indicate the fastness and effectiveness of proposed method. © 2011 IEEE.


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The growing use of sensitive loads in the electric power system, especially in industrial applications, increases voltage sags related production losses considerably, stimulating a demand for power electronics' based solutions to mitigate the effects of such problems. This paper shows the implementation and some industrial certification tests of a power equipment prototype designed to correct sags and swells, a dynamic voltage restorer, which is one of the many possible solutions for voltage sags and swells problems Experimental results of a 75kVA prototype are shown both in laboratory and full load conditions, in a certification institution (IEE-USP). © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper presents a pulsewidth modulation dc-dc nonisolated buck converter using the three-state switching cell, constituted by two active switches, two diodes, and two coupled inductors. Only part of the load power is processed by the active switches, reducing the peak current through the switches to half of the load current, as higher power levels can then be achieved by the proposed topology. The volume of reactive elements, i.e., inductors and capacitors, is also decreased since the ripple frequency of the output voltage is twice the switching frequency. Due to the intrinsic characteristics of the topology, total losses are distributed among all semiconductors. Another advantage of this converter is the reduced region for discontinuous conduction mode when compared to the conventional buck converter or, in other words, the operation range in continuous conduction mode is increased, as demonstrated by the static gain plot. The theoretical approach is detailed through qualitative and quantitative analyses by the application of the three-state switching cell to the buck converter operating in nonoverlapping mode $(D < 0.5)$. Besides, the mathematical analysis and development of an experimental prototype rated at 1 kW are carried out. The main experimental results are presented and adequately discussed to clearly identify its claimed advantages. © 1986-2012 IEEE.


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This paper proposes strategies to reduce the number of variables and the combinatorial search space of the multistage transmission expansion planning problem (TEP). The concept of the binary numeral system (BNS) is used to reduce the number of binary and continuous variables related to the candidate transmission lines and network constraints that are connected with them. The construction phase of greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP-CP) and additional constraints, obtained from power flow equilibrium in an electric power system are employed for more reduction in search space. The multistage TEP problem is modeled like a mixed binary linear programming problem and solved using a commercial solver with a low computational time. The results of one test system and two real systems are presented in order to show the efficiency of the proposed solution technique. © 1969-2012 IEEE.


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In this work, a mathematical model to analyze the impact of the installation and operation of dispersed generation units in power distribution systems is proposed. The main focus is to determine the trade-off between the reliability and operational costs of distribution networks when the operation of isolated areas is allowed. In order to increase the system operator revenue, an optimal power flow makes use of the different energy prices offered by the dispersed generation connected to the grid. Simultaneously, the type and location of the protective devices initially installed on the protection system are reconfigured in order to minimize the interruption and expenditure of adjusting the protection system to conditions imposed by the operation of dispersed units. The interruption cost regards the unsupplied energy to customers in secure systems but affected by the normal tripping of protective devices. Therefore, the tripping of fuses, reclosers, and overcurrent relays aims to protect the system against both temporary and permanent fault types. Additionally, in order to reduce the average duration of the system interruption experienced by customers, the isolated operation of dispersed generation is allowed by installing directional overcurrent relays with synchronized reclose capabilities. A 135-bus real distribution system is used in order to show the advantages of using the mathematical model proposed. © 1969-2012 IEEE.


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An alternative and simplified procedure is described to estimate the longitudinal resistances of transmission lines based on the real-time load profile. This method proposes to estimate the resistance parameters from the synchronized measurements of complex currents and complex voltages at the sending and receiving ends of transmission systems. The synchronized measurements can be in practice obtained using phasor measurement units (PMUs). © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.