991 resultados para post-consumer
El rastreo corporal total (RCT) luego de la primera radioablación con 131I en pacientes diagnosticados de carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT) permite una re-estadificación de la enfermedad. Sin embargo, su información anatómica es escasa y la elevada actividad de los restos tiroideos puede interferir con la detección de adenopatías cervicales. En este estudio se determinó el valor diagnóstico de la SPECT-TC respecto al RCT, concluyendo que la misma aporta información relevante para determinar el compromiso ganglionar, resolviendo los patrones indeterminados observados en los estudios planares y permitiendo una mejor estadificación de los pacientes al final de su periodo de tratamiento.
Background: Chronic post-lobectomy empyema is rare but may require space obliteration for infection control. We report our experience by using a tailored thoracomyoplasty for this specific indication with respect to infection control and functional outcome. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively analysed 17 patients (11 men, 6 women) with chronic post-lobectomy empyema and treated by thoracomyoplasty in our institution between 2000 and 2011. All patients underwent an initial treatment attempt by use of chest tube drainage and antibiotics except those with suspicion of pleural aspergillosis (n=6). In 5 patients, bronchus stump insufficiency was identified at preoperative bronchoscopy. A tailored thoracoplasty was combined with a serratus anterior - rhomboid myoplasty which also served to close a broncho-pleural fistula, if present. The first rib was resected in 11/17 patients. Results: The 90-day mortality was 11.7%. Thoracomyoplasty was successful in all surviving patients with respect to infection control, space obliteration and definitive closure of broncho-pleural fistula, irrespective of the type of infection, the presence of a broncho-pleural fistula and whether a 1st rib resection was performed . Post-lobectomy pulmonary function testing before and after thoracoplasty revealed a mean predicted FEV1 of 63.0±8.5% and 51.5±4.2% (p=0.01), and a mean predicted DLCO of 59.8±11.6% and 54.5±12.5%, respectively. Postoperative shoulder girdle dysfunction and scoliosis were prevented in patients willing to undergo intense physiotherapy. Conclusions: Tailored thoracomyoplasty represents a valid option for patients with chronic post-lobectomy empyema without requiring a preceding open window thoracostomy. Space obliteration and infection control was equally obtained with and without first rib resection.
A novel function of NF-kappaB in the development of most ectodermal appendages, including two types of murine pelage hair follicles, was detected in a mouse model with suppressed NF-kappaB activity (c(IkappaBalphaDeltaN)). However, the developmental processes regulated by NF-kappaB in hair follicles has remained unknown. Furthermore, the similarity between the phenotypes of c(IkappaBADeltaN) mice and mice deficient in Eda A1 (tabby) or its receptor EdaR (downless) raised the issue of whether in vivo NF-kappaB regulates or is regulated by these novel TNF family members. We now demonstrate that epidermal NF-kappaB activity is first observed in placodes of primary guard hair follicles at day E14.5, and that in vivo NF-kappaB signalling is activated downstream of Eda A1 and EdaR. Importantly, ectopic signals which activate NF-kappaB can also stimulate guard hair placode formation, suggesting a crucial role for NF-kappaB in placode development. In downless and c(IkappaBalphaDeltaN) mice, placodes start to develop, but rapidly abort in the absence of EdaR/NF-kappaB signalling. We show that NF-kappaB activation is essential for induction of Shh and cyclin D1 expression and subsequent placode down growth. However, cyclin D1 induction appears to be indirectly regulated by NF-kappaB, probably via Shh and Wnt. The strongly decreased number of hair follicles observed in c(IkappaBalphaDeltaN) mice compared with tabby mice, indicates that additional signals, such as TROY, must regulate NF-kappaB activity in specific hair follicle subtypes.
The websites are becoming the firms’ first contact interface with their clients. Hence, understanding customers’ online attitudes and behaviors have been capturing increased research attention. The extant research has pointed customers’ satisfaction with the websites as the main reason for customers’ online behaviors. This research has used mostly variables related to the characteristics of the websites as the predictors of customers’ website satisfaction. However, recent research shows that groups of individuals displaying distinctive characteristics react differently to the same context. Therefore, behavior may be considerably different among groups of customers. In this study, we develop a conceptual model of the influence of individual characteristics on the traditional website quality – website satisfaction relationship. We propose a model based on the construct of consumer technology attractiveness (CTA) to represent the genuine positive propensity of individuals toward technology. We further test the moderating effect of this construct on the commonly used predictors of customer’s website satisfaction using Hierarchical Multiple Regression. The empirical study was based on websites of banks operating in Portuguese market. The commercial banking industry is one of the Portuguese industries that better uses the Internet to establish relationships with clients. Data were collected through an online website satisfaction survey, participated by the lecturers and postgraduate students from four Portuguese Universities and Polytechnic Institutes. Our final sample comprised 276 valid questionnaires. Our study permits to conclude that the most commonly used antecedents of website overall satisfaction are still relevant for analyzing consumer’s satisfaction with the banks websites. We also conclude that CTA has a significant moderating effect on almost all customers’ website satisfaction variables used in the study. This study contributes to highlight the theoretical importance and significant influence of consumers’ personal characteristics on their online behavior. Moreover, for the practitioners, a better understanding of these individual characteristics will assist them in developing customized websites that will meet customers’ expectations. O estudo dos comportamentos dos consumidores em ambientes online tem vindo a ter um crescente interesse, uma vez que os websites estão a transformar-se num importante ponto de contacto entre as empresas e os seus clientes. A satisfação dos clientes com os websites tem sido apontada pela Literatura como o principal condicionante dos comportamentos online dos consumidores. No entanto, a investigação científica tem conseguido provar que grupos de indivíduos com características distintas reagem de forma diferente quando submetidos a contextos idênticos, o que poderá levar a diferenças significativas no comportamento online de consumidores pertencentes a diferentes grupos. Neste estudo desenvolvemos um modelo conceptual que reflecte a influência de características individuais na relação entre a qualidade e a satisfação com os websites. Propomos um modelo assente na atractividade tecnológica do consumidor (CTA), que representa a propensão genuína que os indivíduos possuem em relação à tecnologia. Testamos o efeito moderador deste conceito sobre as variáveis mais utilizadas nos estudos sobre a satisfação dos consumidores com os websites, utilizando a Regressão Múltipla Hierárquica. O estudo empírico baseou-se nos websites dos bancos que operam no mercado português, uma vez que este sector é um dos que melhor utiliza a Internet na sua relação com os clientes. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário sobre satisfação com os websites, colocado online e dirigido a docentes e estudantes de programas de pós-graduações, mestrados e doutoramentos de quatro universidades e instituto politécnico portugueses, tendo resultado numa amostra final de 276 questionários validados estatisticamente. Este estudo permitiu concluir que as variáveis que são mais utilizadas como antecedentes da satisfação dos consumidores com os websites, continuam a ser igualmente válidas para a análise dos websites dos bancos. Também concluímos que a CTA tem efeitos moderadores significativos na grande maioria das variáveis utilizadas neste estudo. Assim, conseguimos realçar a importância teórica das características pessoais dos consumidores no seu comportamento online. Para os gestores, uma melhor compreensão destas características individuais permitir-lhes-á desenvolver websites customizados que irão satisfazer as expectativas dos seus clientes.
This dissertation focuses on the strategies consumers use when making purchase decisions. It is organized in two main parts, one centering on descriptive and the other on applied decision making research. In the first part, a new process tracing tool called InterActive Process Tracing (IAPT) is pre- sented, which I developed to investigate the nature of consumers' decision strategies. This tool is a combination of several process tracing techniques, namely Active Information Search, Mouselab, and retrospective verbal protocol. To validate IAPT, two experiments on mobile phone purchase de- cisions were conducted where participants first repeatedly chose a mobile phone and then were asked to formalize their decision strategy so that it could be used to make choices for them. The choices made by the identified strategies correctly predicted the observed choices in 73% (Experiment 1) and 67% (Experiment 2) of the cases. Moreover, in Experiment 2, Mouselab and eye tracking were directly compared with respect to their impact on information search and strategy description. Only minor differences were found between these two methods. I conclude that IAPT is a useful research tool to identify choice strategies, and that using eye tracking technology did not increase its validity beyond that gained with Mouselab. In the second part, a prototype of a decision aid is introduced that was developed building in particular on the knowledge about consumers' decision strategies gained in Part I. This decision aid, which is called the InterActive Choice Aid (IACA), systematically assists consumers in their purchase decisions. To evaluate the prototype regarding its perceived utility, an experiment was conducted where IACA was compared to two other prototypes that were based on real-world consumer decision aids. All three prototypes differed in the number and type of tools they provided to facilitate the process of choosing, ranging from low (Amazon) to medium (Sunrise/dpreview) to high functionality (IACA). Overall, participants slightly preferred the prototype of medium functionality and this prototype was also rated best on the dimensions of understandability and ease of use. IACA was rated best regarding the two dimensions of ease of elimination and ease of comparison of alternatives. Moreover, participants choices were more in line with the normatively oriented weighted additive strategy when they used IACA than when they used the medium functionality prototype. The low functionality prototype was the least preferred overall. It is concluded that consumers can and will benefit from highly functional decision aids like IACA, but only when these systems are easy to understand and to use.
Que signifient les discours actuels en faveur du « post-séculier » ? Et pourquoi faudrait-il en finir avec l'âge séculier ? Qui l'exige ou le demande ? Quels sont les événements qui le requièrent ? Ces dernières années, un débat sur la place de la religion dans les démocraties libérales s'est engagé dans le monde intellectuel. Si certains ont parlé d'un Âge séculier et d'autres d'une « société post-séculière », c'est parfois la dynamique même de sécularisation de l'espace public qui semble avoir été remise en cause. Plus profondément, ce sont les rapports entre religions, sciences et démocraties qui ont été questionnés. En faisant délibérément usage de ces termes au pluriel - pour indiquer qu'il existe différentes formes de religion, plusieurs genres de sciences et plusieurs conceptions de la démocratie - les contributions rassemblées dans ce volume entendent sonder ces rapports et cette pluralité. Le lecteur y trouvera la traduction française de plusieurs interventions de John Dewey sur l'anti-naturalisme et la religion, des contributions de pragmatistes contemporains et des enquêtes sur le rôle public de la foi ou sur la mise en cause de l'autorité épistémique des sciences, aussi bien aux États-Unis, qu'en Europe et en Afrique du nord.
OBJECTIVE: The effect of minor orthopaedic day surgery (MiODS) on patient's mood. METHODS: A prospective population-based cohort study of 148 consecutive patients with age above 18 and less than 65, an American Society of Anaesthesiology (ASA) score of 1, and the requirement of general anaesthesia (GA) were included. The Medical Outcomes Study - Short Form 36 (SF-36), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were used pre- and post-operatively. RESULTS: The mean physical component score of SF-36 before surgery was 45.3 (SD=+/-10.1) and 8 weeks following surgery was 44.9 (SD=+/-11.04) [n=148, p=0.51, 95% CI=(-1.03 to 1.52)]. For the measurement of the changes in mood using BDI, BAI and SF-36, latent construct modelling was employed to increase validity. The covariance between mood pre- and post-operatively (cov=69.44) corresponded to a correlation coefficient, r=0.88 indicating that patients suffering a greater number of mood symptoms before surgery continue to have a greater number of symptoms following surgery. When the latent mood constructs were permitted to have different means the model fitted well with chi(2) (df=1)=0.86 for which p=0.77, thus the null hypothesis that MiODS has no effect on patient mood was rejected. CONCLUSIONS: MiODS affects patient mood which deteriorates at 8 weeks post-operatively regardless of the pre-operative patient mood state. More importantly patients suffering a greater number of mood symptoms before MiODS continue to have a greater number of symptoms following surgery.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The EORTC 22043-30041 trial investigates the role of the addition of androgen suppression to post-operative radiotherapy in patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy. As part of the quality assurance of radiotherapy (QART) a Dummy Run (DR) procedure was performed. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The protocol included detailed and published delineation guidelines. Participating institutions digitally submitted radiotherapy treatment volumes and a treatment plan for a standard clinical case. Submissions were centrally reviewed using the VODCA software platform. RESULTS: Thirty-eight submissions from thirty-one institutions were reviewed. Six were accepted without comments. Twenty-three were accepted with comments on one or more items: target volume delineation (22), OAR delineation (23), planning and dosimetry (3) or treatment verification (1). Nine submissions were rejected requiring resubmission, seven for target volume delineation reasons alone. Intervention to highlight the importance of delineation guidelines was made prior to the entry of the first patient in the trial. After this, a lower percentage of resubmissions was required. CONCLUSIONS: The EORTC 22043-30041 Dummy Run highlights the need for timely and effective QART in clinical trials. The variation in target volume and OAR definition demonstrates that clinical guidelines and radiotherapy protocols are not a substitute for QART procedures. Early intervention in response to the Dummy Run improved protocol understanding.
A patient is described who presented with myoclonus of the first dorsal interosseus muscle of the right foot. This myoclonus occurred 18 months after trauma of the cutaneous branch of the deep peroneal nerve on the dorsal aspect of the foot. Tactile stimulation in the dermatome of this nerve, or an anaesthetic block of the deep peroneal nerve stopped the myoclonus. The different innervation between the efferent motor activity responsible for the movements and the sensory afference suppressing it points firmly towards involvement of central connections. However, abolition of the movement by anaesthesia suggests the presence of a peripheral ectopic generator. This finding confirms that focal myoclonus can have its origin in the peripheral nervous system and may be modulated by sensory inputs.
Genomic rearrangements at chromosome 13q31.3q32.1 have been associated with digital anomalies, dysmorphic features, and variable degree of mental disability. Microdeletions leading to haploinsufficiency of miR17∼92, a cluster of micro RNA genes closely linked to GPC5 in both mouse and human genomes, has recently been associated with digital anomalies in the Feingold like syndrome. Here, we report on a boy with familial dominant post-axial polydactyly (PAP) type A, overgrowth, significant facial dysmorphisms and autistic traits who carries the smallest germline microduplication known so far in that region. The microduplication encompasses the whole miR17∼92 cluster and the first 5 exons of GPC5. This report supports the newly recognized role of miR17∼92 gene dosage in digital developmental anomalies, and suggests a possible role of GPC5 in growth regulation and in cognitive development.
In 2003, the INTERMED, an instrument to assess biopsycho- social case complexity and to direct care, was introduced in daily clinical practice in the .Clinique romande de réadaptation suvaCare., a national rehabilitation hospital for traumatic injuries, located in the French speaking part of Switzerland. The introduction of the INTERMED was easy to realize and no major obstacles hampered its systematic implementation. Up to now, about 2,000 patients have been evaluated with the INTERMED and are followed for different outcomes. The INTERMED improved not only patients. assessment by including relevant psychosocial aspects of the clinical situation, it also favoured interdisciplinary communication, enhanced work satisfaction of the nursing staff and allowed early identification and adaptation of treatment for the injured patient showing a high degree of case complexity. Upon follow up, patients with a high degree of case-complexity showed a less favourable outcome, i.e. more health care utilization and lower rates of return to work. In conclusion, the systematic implementation of the INTERMED enabled the reorganization of medical rehabilitation, anchored it in a bio-psycho-social framework, improving interdisciplinary communication and collaboration and ameliorated treatment outcome.