671 resultados para possession


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The 2013 European Year of Citizens was profoundly marked by escalating attacks against one of the EU’s major achievement for EU citizens: freedom of movement. In April 2013, Home Affairs Ministers from Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK were party to a letter claiming that “a significant number of new immigrants draw social assistance in the host countries, frequently without genuine entitlement, burdening host societies’ social welfare systems”. This letter laid the groundwork for a “battle plan”, presented by David Cameron in November, which aimed to make the free movement of persons “less free” and put forward the idea of capping “EU migration”. Furthermore, in December, the German conservative Christian Social Union (CSU) took up a similar petty political discourse. After the end of the transitional period for Romania and Bulgaria on 1 January 2014, the debate continues with Chuka Umunna (British Labour Party) proposing to restrict the freedom of movement to highly skilled EU citizens and to citizens in possession of a firm job offer. Alongside this, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel announced the formation of a committee to investigate “poverty migration” in Germany. This wave of resentment has been more recently followed by the UK Prime Minister David Cameron, expressing his intention to re-negotiate EU law in order to be able to withdraw child benefits from EU citizens working in the UK, citing Polish citizens working in the UK as an example. Seeing this as a stigmatisation of the Polish population, the Polish foreign minister, Radosław Sikorski, qualified Cameron’s discourse as “unacceptable”. The debate over limiting freedom of movement has continuously escalated and reached a worrying level. With the EP elections approaching in May 2014, this debate is likely to become worse.


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The outbreak of the protests in the Maidan in Kyiv, and also periodically in other Ukrainian cities, has come as a surprise to both the government and the opposition. These rallies have now been ongoing for several weeks and their most striking feature is their focus on citizenship and their apolitical nature and, by extension, a clear attempt to dissociate the protests from Ukraine’s political opposition. Neither Batkivshchyna, UDAR nor Svoboda have managed to take over full control of the demonstrations. On the one hand, this has been linked to the fact that the protesters have little confidence in opposition politicians and, on the other hand, to disputes over a joint strategy and to rivalry between the three parties. As a result, the citizen-led movement has managed to retain its independence from any political actors. As a consequence of the radicalisation and escalation of the protests following 19 January, the political opposition has lost a significant proportion of the control it had been in possession of until then. Maidan should also be seen as the first clear manifestation of a new generation of Ukrainians – raised in an independent Ukraine, well-educated and familiar with new social media, but nonetheless seeking to ground themselves in national tradition. After the initial shock and a series of failed attempts to quell the protests, the government has seemingly opted to wait out the unrest. At the same time, however, it has been creating administrative obstacles for both the political and the civil opposition, restricting their access to the media and severely limiting the legal possibility to organise demonstrations.


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The post-Soviet countries of Central Asia are important for Moscow as a potential source of danger; as a site of its relationships with China, the West and the Islamic world; and not least as a space covered by Russia’s integration initiatives. Since the collapse of the USSR, Russian influence in this region has undergone a far-reaching erosion. The Kremlin’s consistent actions to build up the Eurasian Union, as well as the threat of destabilisation in region after the ISAF operation in Afghanistan winds up in 2014, have slowed down this process, although it is unlikely to be reversed. The current ‘state of possession’ (i.e. the instruments and assets which Russia possesses) still ensures Moscow a minimum level of control over the region, which means that the activity of other global players is limited. This situation may change in tandem with a rise in their ambitions, especially with the possible involvement of China in the field of ‘hard’ security.


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"This list has three main divisions: (1) an alphabetical arrangement by cities in which the papers are published; (2) an alphabetical index to the titles or names of the papers; (3) a chronological index."


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Published by Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope from the originals now in her possession.


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"This edition is limited to 350 sets of which 325 are for sale."


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El vol. II se publicó con tít.: "Controuersias antiguas y modernas de la mission de la gran China ...", según Quetif, J. (Fuente: Wellcome Library: This work was to consist of three volumes. The 2d vol, printed complete (?) Madrid 1679, is supposed to have been suppressed by the Spanish inquisition. A copy without t.-p., containing p. 1-668, is described in the Bibliotheca grenvilliana, p. 484. Another copy, in the same incomplete condition, quoted by Quaritch under no 61 of his Rough list no. 24, is now in the possession of H. Cordier. The 3d vol. was never published. cf. Cordier, Bibliotheca sinica, 2d ed., Paris, 1904; and Medina, Bibl. hisp. americana.)


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Chapters II and III only.


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"Einleitung. I. Quellenkunde; II. Literärgeschichte": p. [ix]-xxxxviii.


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A problem in evolution.--Apocalyptic.--Infelicities of possession.--Germany and Japan.--The still small voice.--Life's complex ways.--The psychology of lying.--China and the United States.--The autocracy of labor.--Municipal rule and misrule.--The declination of law.--Fallacies and fantasies.--The economics of education.--The mysterious history of the spirit creation.--Spiritual and rational development.--Ab ovo.--As others see us.--Spirit worship of to-day.--The new religion.--The war in Europe.--Crystallized civilization.--Why a world industrial centre at San Francisco Bay?--Revival of citizenship.--The initiative.--Assurances for the future.


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Includes documents, letters and manuscripts, part of the "Shaw collection", now in the possession of the New London county historical society.


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"Illustrated by facsimiles of curious illuminations, drawings, &c.."


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Copy of original in possession of Paul K. Benedict, M.D.


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t. I. La lépreuse. L'holocauste.--t. II. Le masque L'enchantement.--t. III. Résurrection. Maman Colibri.--t. IV. La marche nuptiale. Poliche.--t. V. La femme nue. Le scandale.--t. VI. La vierge folle. Le songe d'un soir d'amour. La déclaration.--VII. Le phalène.--t. VIII. L'enfant de l'amour. Notre image.--t. IX. Les flambeaux. Les soeurs d'amour.--t. X. L'amazone. L'animateur.--t. XI. L'homme à la rose. La tendresse.--t. XII. La possession. La chair humaine.