953 resultados para portfolio management process


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This research is concerned with the experimental software engineering area, specifically experiment replication. Replication has traditionally been viewed as a complex task in software engineering. This is possibly due to the present immaturity of the experimental paradigm applied to software development. Researchers usually use replication packages to replicate an experiment. However, replication packages are not the solution to all the information management problems that crop up when successive replications of an experiment accumulate. This research borrows ideas from the software configuration management and software product line paradigms to support the replication process. We believe that configuration management can help to manage and administer information from one replication to another: hypotheses, designs, data analysis, etc. The software product line paradigm can help to organize and manage any changes introduced into the experiment by each replication. We expect the union of the two paradigms in replication to improve the planning, design and execution of further replications and their alignment with existing replications. Additionally, this research work will contribute a web support environment for archiving information related to different experiment replications. Additionally, it will provide flexible enough information management support for running replications with different numbers and types of changes. Finally, it will afford massive storage of data from different replications. Experimenters working collaboratively on the same experiment must all have access to the different experiments.


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There is no empirical evidence whatsoever to support most of the beliefs on which software construction is based. We do not yet know the adequacy, limits, qualities, costs and risks of the technologies used to develop software. Experimentation helps to check and convert beliefs and opinions into facts. This research is concerned with the replication area. Replication is a key component for gathering empirical evidence on software development that can be used in industry to build better software more efficiently. Replication has not been an easy thing to do in software engineering (SE) because the experimental paradigm applied to software development is still immature. Nowadays, a replication is executed mostly using a traditional replication package. But traditional replication packages do not appear, for some reason, to have been as effective as expected for transferring information among researchers in SE experimentation. The trouble spot appears to be the replication setup, caused by version management problems with materials, instruments, documents, etc. This has proved to be an obstacle to obtaining enough details about the experiment to be able to reproduce it as exactly as possible. We address the problem of information exchange among experimenters by developing a schema to characterize replications. We will adapt configuration management and product line ideas to support the experimentation process. This will enable researchers to make systematic decisions based on explicit knowledge rather than assumptions about replications. This research will output a replication support web environment. This environment will not only archive but also manage experimental materials flexibly enough to allow both similar and differentiated replications with massive experimental data storage. The platform should be accessible to several research groups working together on the same families of experiments.


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La gestión de las tecnologías de la información tiene cada vez más importancia dentro de un mundo totalmente digitalizado y donde la capacidad de respuesta al cambio puede marcar el devenir de una compañía, y resulta cada vez más evidente que los modelos de gestión tradicionales utilizados en la mayoría de las compañías no son capaces de dar respuesta por si solos a estas nuevas necesidades. Aun teniendo identificado este área de mejora, son muchas las empresas reacias a abordar estos cambios, principalmente por el cambio rupturista que significa a nivel interno. De cara a facilitar esta transformación, se propone en este documento un modelo de transición controlada donde las grandes compañías puedan incorporar nuevas alternativas y herramientas ágiles de forma paulatina y asegurando que el proceso de cambio es seguro y efectivo. Mediante una modificación del ciclo de vida de proyecto dentro de la compañía, se incorporan en las áreas, equipos o dominios de la empresa que se identifiquen los nuevos modelos de gestión ágil, permitiendo así una transición gradual y controlada, y pudiendo además analizar los detalles sobre todo en etapas tempranas de la transformación. Una vez seleccionada el área o dominio objeto de la transformación, se realiza un análisis a nivel de Portfolio de proyectos, identificando aquellos que cumplen una serie de condiciones que les permiten ser gestionados utilizando modelos de gestión ágil. Para ello, se plantea una matriz de decisión con las principales variables a tener en cuenta a la hora de tomar una decisión. Una vez seleccionado y consensuado con los interesados el modelo de gestión utilizando la matriz de decisión, se plantean una serie de herramientas y métricas asociadas para que la gestión ágil del proyecto dé una visibilidad completa y detallada del estado en cada momento, asegurando un correcto proceso de gestión de proyectos para proveer visibilidad regular del progreso, riesgos, planes de contingencia y problemas, con las alertas y escalaciones adecuadas. Además de proponerse una serie de herramientas y métricas para la gestión ágil del proyecto, se plantean las modificaciones necesarias sobre las tipologías habituales de contrato y se propone un nuevo modelo de contrato: el Contrato Agile. La principal diferencia entre este nuevo modelo de contrato y los habituales es que, al igual que las metodologías ágiles, es ejecutado en segmentos o iteraciones. En definitiva, el objetivo de este documento es proveer un mecanismo que facilite la inclusión de nuevos modelos ágiles de gestión en grandes organizaciones, llevando a cabo una transición controlada, con herramientas y métricas adaptadas para tener visibilidad completa sobre los proyectos en todo momento.---ABSTRACT---The information technology management is every time more important in a totally digitized world, where the capacity to response the change could mark the future of a company, and results every time more evident that the traditional management models used in the most of the companies are not able to respond by themselves to these new necessities. Even having identified this improvement area, many companies are reluctant to address these changes, mainly due to the disruptive change that it means internally in the companies. In order to facilitate this transformation, this document proposed a controlled transition model to help the big companies to incorporate new alternatives and agile tools gradually and ensuring that the change process is safe and effective. Through a modification the project life cycle inside the company, the new agile management models are incorporated in the selected areas, teams or domains, permitting a gradual and controlled transition, and enabling further analyze the details above all in the early phases of the transformation. Once is selected the area or domain object of the transformation, a portfolio level analysis is performed, identifying those projects that meet a some conditions that allow them to be managed using agile management models. For that, a decision matrix is proposed with the principal variables to have into account at the time of decision making. Once the management model is selected using the decision matrix and it is agreed with the different stakeholders, a group of tools and metrics associated with the agile management projects are proposed to provide a regular visibility of the project progress, risks, contingency plans and problems, with proper alerts and escalations. Besides the group of tools and metrics proposed for agile project management, the necessary modifications over the traditional contract models and a new contract model are proposed: the Agile Contract. The main difference between this new contract model and the traditional ones is that, as the agile methodologies, it is executed in segments or iterations. To sum up, the objective of this document is to provide a mechanism that facilitates the inclusion of new agile management models in big companies, with a controlled transition and proposing adapted tools and metrics to have a full visibility over the project in all the phases of the project life cycle.


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The research developed in this work consists in proposing a set of techniques for management of social networks and their integration into the educational process. The proposals made are based on assumptions that have been proven with simple examples in a real scenario of university teaching. The results show that social networks have more capacity to spread information than educational web platforms. Moreover, educational social networks are developed in a context of freedom of expression intrinsically linked to Internet freedom. In that context, users can write opinions or comments which are not liked by the staff of schools. However, this feature can be exploited to enrich the educational process and improve the quality of their achievement. The network has covered needs and created new ones. So, the figure of the Community Manager is proposed as agent in educational context for monitoring network and aims to channel the opinions and to provide a rapid response to an academic problem.


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This paper seeks to extend our understanding of the growing field of Portfolio Entrepreneurship, the simultaneous ownership and engagement in several business activities (Westhead & Wright 1998; Carter & Ram 2003). Portfolio entrepreneurship has been identified as an important factor in both new venture creation and the economic landscape in general (Rosa & Scott 1996; 1999). We follow Carter and Ram's (2003) call to explore portfolio entrepreneurship within the family context. Specifically we address the why (cause) and how (process) of family portfolio entrepreneurship through comparative qualitative cases.


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"HMS-1/7-92(5M)E"--P. [4] of cover.


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Business Process Management (BPM) is widely seen as the top priority in organizations wanting to survive competitive markets. However, the current academic research agenda does not seem to map with industry demands. In this paper, we address the need to identify the actual issues that organizations face in their efforts to manage business processes. To that end, we report a number of critical issues identified by industry in what we consider to be the first steps towards an industry-driven research agenda for the BPM area. The reported issues are derived from a series of focus groups conducted with Australian organizations. The findings point to, among others, a need for more consolidated efforts in the areas of business process governance, systematic change management, developing BPM methodologies, and introducing appropriate performance measures.