997 resultados para point defects


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This article is intended to open a discussion about the historical development of lakes Zirahuen, Patzcuaro and Cuitzeo in the state of Michoacan, and the postulated relationships between lake ecology and evolution. Dr Fernando De Buen was the first man dedicated to limnology in Mexico who came to the country in the 1930s. He was adviser at the Estacion Limnologica de Patzcuaro and wrote outstanding papers dealing with Mexican lakes. The lakes of Michoacan probably formed in the late Pliocene or Holocene, and were part of a tributary to the Lerma River, which became isolated by successive volanic barriers to form lake basins. Lake Zirahuen is a warm monomictic waterbody with unique water dynamics amongst the Michoacan lakes. Because it is relatively deep (max depth 40m), seasonal patterns of alternating circulation and thermal stratification develop in the lake, a feature not shared by the other two polymictic shallow lakes, Patzcuaro and Cuitzeo.


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DC and transient measurements of space-charge-limited currents through alloyed and symmetrical n^+ν n^+ structures made of nominally 75 kΩcm ν-type silicon are studied before and after the introduction of defects by 14 MeV neutron radiation. In the transient measurements, the current response to a large turn-on voltage step is analyzed. Right after the voltage step is applied, the current transient reaches a value which we shall call "initial current" value. At longer times, the transient current decays from the initial current value if traps are present.

Before the irradiation, the initial current density-voltage characteristics J(V) agree quantitatively with the theory of trap-free space-charge-limited current in solids. We obtain for the electron mobility a temperature dependence which indicates that scattering due to impurities is weak. This is expected for the high purity silicon used. The drift velocity-field relationships for electrons at room temperature and 77°K, derived from the initial current density-voltage characteristics, are shown to fit the relationships obtained with other methods by other workers. The transient current response for t > 0 remains practically constant at the initial value, thus indicating negligible trapping.

Measurement of the initial (trap-free) current density-voltage characteristics after the irradiation indicates that the drift velocity-field relationship of electrons in silicon is affected by the radiation only at low temperature in the low field range. The effect is not sufficiently pronounced to be readily analyzed and no formal description of it is offered. In the transient response after irradiation for t > 0, the current decays from its initial value, thus revealing the presence of traps. To study these traps, in addition to transient measurements, the DC current characteristics were measured and shown to follow the theory of trap-dominated space-charge-limited current in solids. This theory was applied to a model consisting of two discrete levels in the forbidden band gap. Calculations and experiments agreed and the capture cross-sections of the trapping levels were obtained. This is the first experimental case known to us through which the flow of space-charge-limited current is so simply representable.

These results demonstrate the sensitivity of space-charge-limited current flow as a tool to detect traps and changes in the drift velocity-field relationship of carriers caused by radiation. They also establish that devices based on the mode of space-charge-limited current flow will be affected considerably by any type of radiation capable of introducing traps. This point has generally been overlooked so far, but is obviously quite significant.


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The topological phases of matter have been a major part of condensed matter physics research since the discovery of the quantum Hall effect in the 1980s. Recently, much of this research has focused on the study of systems of free fermions, such as the integer quantum Hall effect, quantum spin Hall effect, and topological insulator. Though these free fermion systems can play host to a variety of interesting phenomena, the physics of interacting topological phases is even richer. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of theoretical tools that can be used to approach interacting problems. In this thesis I will discuss progress in using two different numerical techniques to study topological phases.

Recently much research in topological phases has focused on phases made up of bosons. Unlike fermions, free bosons form a condensate and so interactions are vital if the bosons are to realize a topological phase. Since these phases are difficult to study, much of our understanding comes from exactly solvable models, such as Kitaev's toric code, as well as Levin-Wen and Walker-Wang models. We may want to study systems for which such exactly solvable models are not available. In this thesis I present a series of models which are not solvable exactly, but which can be studied in sign-free Monte Carlo simulations. The models work by binding charges to point topological defects. They can be used to realize bosonic interacting versions of the quantum Hall effect in 2D and topological insulator in 3D. Effective field theories of "integer" (non-fractionalized) versions of these phases were available in the literature, but our models also allow for the construction of fractional phases. We can measure a number of properties of the bulk and surface of these phases.

Few interacting topological phases have been realized experimentally, but there is one very important exception: the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE). Though the fractional quantum Hall effect we discovered over 30 years ago, it can still produce novel phenomena. Of much recent interest is the existence of non-Abelian anyons in FQHE systems. Though it is possible to construct wave functions that realize such particles, whether these wavefunctions are the ground state is a difficult quantitative question that must be answered numerically. In this thesis I describe progress using a density-matrix renormalization group algorithm to study a bilayer system thought to host non-Abelian anyons. We find phase diagrams in terms of experimentally relevant parameters, and also find evidence for a non-Abelian phase known as the "interlayer Pfaffian".


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Measurements and modeling of Cu2Se, Ag2Se, and Cu2S show that superionic conductors have great potential as thermoelectric materials. Cu2Se and Ag2Se are predicted to reach a zT of 1.2 at room temperature if their carrier concentrations can be reduced, and Cu-vacancy doped Cu2S reaches a maximum zT of 1.7 at 1000 K. Te-doped Ag2Se achieves a zT of 1.2 at 520 K, and could reach a zT of 1.7 if its carrier concentration could be reduced. However, superionic conductors tend to have high carrier concentrations due to the presence of metal defects. The carrier concentration has been found to be difficult to reduce by altering the defect concentration, therefore materials that are underdoped relative to the optimum carrier concentration are easier to optimize. The results of Te-doping of Ag2Se show that reducing the carrier concentration is possible by reducing the maximum Fermi level in the material.

Two new methods for analyzing thermoelectric transport data were developed. The first involves scaling the temperature-dependent transport data according to the temperature dependences expected of a single parabolic band model and using all of the scaled data to perform a single parabolic band analysis, instead of being restricted to using one data point per sample at a fixed temperature. This allows for a more efficient use of the transport data. The second involves scaling only the Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity. This allows for an estimate of the quality factor (and therefore the maximum zT in the material) without using Hall effect data, which are not always available due to time and budget constraints and are difficult to obtain in high-resistivity materials. Methods for solving the coherent potential approximation effective medium equations were developed in conjunction with measurements of the resistivity tensor elements of composite materials. This allows the electrical conductivity and mobility of each phase in the composite to be determined from measurements of the bulk. This points out a new method for measuring the pure-phase electrical properties in impure materials, for measuring the electrical properties of unknown phases in composites, and for quantifying the effects of quantum interactions in composites.


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The process of prophage integration by phage λ and the function and structure of the chromosomal elements required for λ integration have been studied with the use of λ deletion mutants. Since attφ, the substrate of the integration enzymes, is not essential for λ growth, and since attφ resides in a portion of the λ chromosome which is not necessary for vegetative growth, viable λ deletion mutants were isolated and examined to dissect the structure of attφ.

Deletion mutants were selected from wild type populations by treating the phage under conditions where phage are inactivated at a rate dependent on the DNA content of the particles. A number of deletion mutants were obtained in this way, and many of these mutants proved to have defects in integration. These defects were defined by analyzing the properties of Int-promoted recombination in these att mutants.

The types of mutants found and their properties indicated that attφ has three components: a cross-over point which is bordered on either side by recognition elements whose sequence is specifically required for normal integration. The interactions of the recognition elements in Int-promoted recombination between att mutants was examined and proved to be quite complex. In general, however, it appears that the λ integration system can function with a diverse array of mutant att sites.

The structure of attφ was examined by comparing the genetic properties of various att mutants with their location in the λ chromosome. To map these mutants, the techniques of heteroduplex DNA formation and electron microscopy were employed. It was found that integration cross-overs occur at only one point in attφ and that the recognition sequences that direct the integration enzymes to their site of action are quite small, less than 2000 nucleotides each. Furthermore, no base pair homology was detected between attφ and its bacterial analog, attB. This result clearly demonstrates that λ integration can occur between chromosomes which have little, if any, homology. In this respect, λ integration is unique as a system of recombination since most forms of generalized recombination require extensive base pair homology.

An additional study on the genetic and physical distances in the left arm of the λ genome was described. Here, a large number of conditional lethal nonsense mutants were isolated and mapped, and a genetic map of the entire left arm, comprising a total of 18 genes, was constructed. Four of these genes were discovered in this study. A series of λdg transducing phages was mapped by heteroduplex electron microscopy and the relationship between physical and genetic distances in the left arm was determined. The results indicate that recombination frequency in the left arm is an accurate reflection of physical distances, and moreover, there do not appear to be any undiscovered genes in this segment of the genome.


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The re-ignition characteristics (variation of re-ignition voltage with time after current zero) of short alternating current arcs between plane brass electrodes in air were studied by observing the average re-ignition voltages on the screen of a cathode-ray oscilloscope and controlling the rates of rise of voltage by varying the shunting capacitance and hence the natural period of oscillation of the reactors used to limit the current. The shape of these characteristics and the effects on them of varying the electrode separation, air pressure, and current strength were determined.

The results show that short arc spaces recover dielectric strength in two distinct stages. The first stage agrees in shape and magnitude with a previously developed theory that all voltage is concentrated across a partially deionized space charge layer which increases its breakdown voltage with diminishing density of ionization in the field-tree space. The second stage appears to follow complete deionization by the electric field due to displacement of the field-free region by the space charge layer, its magnitude and shape appearing to be due simply to increase in gas density due to cooling. Temperatures calculated from this second stage and ion densities determined from the first stage by means of the space charge equation and an extrapolation of the temperature curve are consistent with recent measurements of arc value by other methods. Analysis or the decrease with time of the apparent ion density shows that diffusion alone is adequate to explain the results and that volume recombination is not. The effects on the characteristics of variations in the parameters investigated are found to be in accord with previous results and with the theory if deionization mainly by diffusion be assumed.


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Suppose that AG is a solvable group with normal subgroup G where (|A|, |G|) = 1. Assume that A is a class two odd p group all of whose irreducible representations are isomorphic to subgroups of extra special p groups. If pc ≠ rd + 1 for any c = 1, 2 and any prime r where r2d+1 divides |G| and if CG(A) = 1 then the Fitting length of G is bounded by the power of p dividing |A|.

The theorem is proved by applying a fixed point theorem to a reduction of the Fitting series of G. The fixed point theorem is proved by reducing a minimal counter example. IF R is an extra spec r subgroup of G fixed by A1, a subgroup of A, where A1 centralizes D(R), then all irreducible characters of A1R which are nontrivial on Z(R) are computed. All nonlinear characters of a class two p group are computed.


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Sampling was concentrated on the North Moor region and the series of ditches which drained this area to the Bristol Channel. Although most ditches were not deep the mud substratum precluded sampling from within the habitat. All samples were taken with a pond net from the banks. Efforts were made to sample each part of the habitat although in some ditches the macrophyte growth was so intense as to make sampling difficult particularly of the sediments. Organisms were identified on the 10 sampling sites.


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In a paper published in 1961, L. Cesari [1] introduces a method which extends certain earlier existence theorems of Cesari and Hale ([2] to [6]) for perturbation problems to strictly nonlinear problems. Various authors ([1], [7] to [15]) have now applied this method to nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations. The basic idea of the method is to use the contraction principle to reduce an infinite-dimensional fixed point problem to a finite-dimensional problem which may be attacked using the methods of fixed point indexes.

The following is my formulation of the Cesari fixed point method:

Let B be a Banach space and let S be a finite-dimensional linear subspace of B. Let P be a projection of B onto S and suppose Г≤B such that pГ is compact and such that for every x in PГ, P-1x∩Г is closed. Let W be a continuous mapping from Г into B. The Cesari method gives sufficient conditions for the existence of a fixed point of W in Г.

Let I denote the identity mapping in B. Clearly y = Wy for some y in Г if and only if both of the following conditions hold:

(i) Py = PWy.

(ii) y = (P + (I - P)W)y.

Definition. The Cesari fixed paint method applies to (Г, W, P) if and only if the following three conditions are satisfied:

(1) For each x in PГ, P + (I - P)W is a contraction from P-1x∩Г into itself. Let y(x) be that element (uniqueness follows from the contraction principle) of P-1x∩Г which satisfies the equation y(x) = Py(x) + (I-P)Wy(x).

(2) The function y just defined is continuous from PГ into B.

(3) There are no fixed points of PWy on the boundary of PГ, so that the (finite- dimensional) fixed point index i(PWy, int PГ) is defined.

Definition. If the Cesari fixed point method applies to (Г, W, P) then define i(Г, W, P) to be the index i(PWy, int PГ).

The three theorems of this thesis can now be easily stated.

Theorem 1 (Cesari). If i(Г, W, P) is defined and i(Г, W, P) ≠0, then there is a fixed point of W in Г.

Theorem 2. Let the Cesari fixed point method apply to both (Г, W, P1) and (Г, W, P2). Assume that P2P1=P1P2=P1 and assume that either of the following two conditions holds:

(1) For every b in B and every z in the range of P2, we have that ‖b=P2b‖ ≤ ‖b-z‖

(2)P2Г is convex.

Then i(Г, W, P1) = i(Г, W, P2).

Theorem 3. If Ω is a bounded open set and W is a compact operator defined on Ω so that the (infinite-dimensional) Leray-Schauder index iLS(W, Ω) is defined, and if the Cesari fixed point method applies to (Ω, W, P), then i(Ω, W, P) = iLS(W, Ω).

Theorems 2 and 3 are proved using mainly a homotopy theorem and a reduction theorem for the finite-dimensional and the Leray-Schauder indexes. These and other properties of indexes will be listed before the theorem in which they are used.