998 resultados para physical assets
OBJECTIVE To identify the main factors of the physical domain modified after kidney transplantation and analyze the influence of those aspects in the perception of Overall quality of life (QOL). METHOD Longitudinal study, conducted with 63 chronic kidney patients, evaluated before and after kidney transplant, using the quality of life scale proposed by the World Health Organization. RESULTS We observed significant improvement in the physical aspects of QOL after kidney transplantation. Significant correlations were observed between physical aspects and the Overall QOL. CONCLUSION The kidney transplant generated improvement in all physical aspects of QOL. The factors that showed stronger correlation with the Overall QOL before the transplant were the capacity to work and pain. After the transplant, the perception of need for treatment was the factor that showed stronger correlation with the Overall QOL.
OBJECTIVE To validate terms of nursing language especially for physical-motor rehabilitation and map them to the terms of ICNP® 2.0. METHOD A methodology research based on document analysis, with collection and analysis of terms from 1,425 records. RESULTS 825 terms were obtained after the methodological procedure, of which 226 had still not been included in the ICNP® 2.0. These terms were distributed as follows: 47 on the Focus axis; 15 on the Judgment axis; 31 on the Action axis; 25 on the Location axis; 102 on the Means axis; three on the Time axis; and three on the Client axis. All non-constant terms in ICNP® have been validated by experts, having reached an agreement index ≥0.80. CONCLUSION The ICNP® is applicable and used in nursing care for physical-motor rehabilitation.
O objectivo deste estudo consiste em evidenciar a politica contabilística de revalorização de activos fixos tangíveis e o seu impacto numa entidade, principalmente a nível da tributação dos rendimentos. A abordagem é direccionada para o meio empresarial cabo-verdiano onde se pretende dar a conhecer o enquadramento legal e fiscal existente, assim como ilustrar com um caso prático. O trabalho foi preparado com base em consulta de bibliografia especializada, de normativos estabelecidos no país e ainda a recolha de dados práticos sobre o tema e entrevistas com profissionais na área. Partimos do geral para o particular, isto é, começamos por trabalhar o conteúdo dos activos fixos tangíveis no geral, para posteriormente entrarmos no objecto de estudo: a revalorização dos activos fixos tangíveis, e assim dar a conhecer os impactos que este tema traz para uma entidade. O trabalho inicia com um enquadramento teórico de conceitos relacionados com os fenómenos que levam com que um bem perca valor ao longo dos anos, assim como outras matérias directamente ligadas às revalorizações (exemplo da manutenção de capital físico e financeiro). É feita uma abordagem normativa e conceitual geral sobre os activos fixos tangíveis: o reconhecimento, a mensuração inicial e subsequente, a divulgação e o Desreconhecimento. É uma abordagem comparativa com o sistema contabilístico anterior (Plano Nacional de Contabilidade). No tratamento da mensuração subsequente dos activos fixos tangíveis introduzimos o estudo da Revalorização do Activos Fixos Tangíveis, referindo as normas contabilísticas e as leis fiscais relacionadas e os impactos que traz para a empresa. aim of this research consist in show evidences about the accounting policy of value of revalorization of Tangible Assets and its impact in an entity, mainly in terms of taxation incoming. The approach is directed to the Cape-Verdean enterprise environment where is intended to give to know the legal and tax framing, as well illustrate with a practical case. This task was prepared based on specialized bibliographic researches, of normative established in the country and also the collecting of practical data about the theme and interviews with professionals in the area. We start from general to particular, that is, we started working on the contents of Tangible Assets in general, to later on get into the study object: the revalorization of Tangible Assets and thus give to know the impacts that this brings to an entity. The task tarts with the theoretical framing of concepts related with the phenomenon that lead one good lose its value along the years, as well other material goods directly connected to revalorization (example of maintenance of physical and financial capital). It is made a normative and general conceptual approach about the Tangible Assets: the recognizing, the measurable initiate and subsequently, the divulgation and the unknown. It is a comparative approach with the previous accounting system (National Accounting Plan). In the treatment of the measurable of Tangible Assets we introduced the study of Revalorization of Tangible Assets, referring the accounting rules and the related fiscal laws and the impacts that bring to the company.
BACKGROUND: Reactive oxygen species production increases during aging, whereas protective mechanisms such as heat shock proteins (HSPs) or antioxidant capacity are depressed. Physical activity has been hypothesized to provide protection against oxidative damage during aging, but results remain controversial. This study aimed to investigate the effect of different levels of physical activity during aging on Hsp72 expression and systemic oxidative stress at rest and in response to maximal exercise. METHODS: Plasma antioxidant capacity (Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity, TEAC), thiobarbituric acid-reactive species (TBARS), advanced oxidized proteins products (AOPP), and Hsp72 expression in leukocytes were measured before and after maximal exercise testing in 32 elderly persons (aged 73.2 years), who were assigned to two different groups depending on their level of physical activity during the past 12 months (OLow = moderate to low level; OHigh = higher level). RESULTS: The OHigh group showed higher aerobic fitness and TEAC (both representing 120% of OLow values) as well as lower oxidative damage (50% of OLow values) and Hsp72 expression. Exercise led to a lower increase in oxidative damage in the OHigh group. Aerobic fitness was positively correlated with TEAC and negatively with lipid peroxidation (TBARS). Hsp72 expression was negatively correlated with TEAC but positively correlated with TBARS levels. CONCLUSIONS: The key finding of this study is that, in people aged 60 to 90 years, long-term high level of physical activity preserved antioxidant capacity and limited oxidative damage accumulation. It also downregulated Hsp72 expression, an adaptation potentially resulting from lower levels of oxidative damage.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To investigate the association between handgrip strength (HS) and physical activity in physical frailty elderly. METHOD Cross-sectional quantitative study with a sample of 203 elderly calculated based on the population estimated proportion. Tests were applied to detect cognitive impairment and assessment of physical frailty. Descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis by binary logistic regression were used, and also Student's t-test and Fisher's exact test. RESULTS A total of 99 (64.3%) elderly showed decreased handgrip strength and 90 (58.4%) elderly presented decrease in physical activity levels. There was a statistically significant difference between these two components (p=0.019), in which elderly who have decreased HS have lower levels of physical activity. For low levels of physical activity and decreased HS, there was no evidence of significant difference in the probability of the classification as frail elderly (p<0.001). CONCLUSION The components handgrip strength and physical activity are associated with the frail elderly. The joint presence of low levels of physical activity and decreased handgrip strength leads to a significantly higher probability of the elderly to be categorized as frailty.
This study investigates if Cape Verde can be successful in the production of English language textbooks. It also will be looked at the main reasons why locally produced textbooks would be advantageous. The findings of the study reveal that the production of an English language textbook for Cape Verde is the best solution and that it can be successful. We also find out that Capeverdean English teachers have professional competence and pedagogical qualification to be engaged in this practice. However, significant assistance will be necessary for bringing experts to the country to supervise the process. It also will be necessary to find financial support to put it in practice.
OBJECTIVE: Regular physical activity is a major health determinant. Little is known about physical activity trends. We evaluated whether adult physical activity levels are changing in a Swiss urban state (Geneva). METHOD: We analyzed 11-year trends of physical activity indicators, including 3+MET-minutes per week and physical activity outside working hours, in population representative adults (n=9320, aged 35-74years, 50% women), relating declared physical activity to socioeconomic status, lifestyle, and clinical and blood markers. RESULTS: Combining yearly cohorts from 1999 to 2009, we found a significant trend for increased physical activity levels. Weekly age and sex adjusted 3+MET-minutes per week increased from 3023 to 3752, between 1999 and 2009 (P=0.02). The increase also concerned physical activity outside working hours (+18kcal/day/year). There was a shift from low levels of physical activity levels towards higher activities. Physical activity indicators were associated with socioeconomic status, comorbidities, and biological and anthropometric measures. The trend for increased physical activity was more prominent over the latter 5years. CONCLUSION: We found that physical activity levels have increased in an urban Swiss state. The increase is significant but small, and further efforts to promote physical activity are therefore warranted.
BACKGROUND: Smokers have a lower body weight compared to non-smokers. Smoking cessation is associated with weight gain in most cases. A hormonal mechanism of action might be implicated in weight variations related to smoking, and leptin might be implicated. We made secondary analyses of an RCT, with a hypothesis-free exploratory approach to study the dynamic of leptin following smoking cessation. METHODS: We measured serum leptin levels among 271 sedentary smokers willing to quit who participated in a randomized controlled trial assessing a 9-week moderate-intensity physical activity intervention as an aid for smoking cessation. We adjusted leptin for body fat levels. We performed linear regressions to test for an association between leptin levels and the study group over time. RESULTS: One year after smoking cessation, the mean serum leptin change was +3.23 mg/l (SD 4.89) in the control group and +1.25 mg/l (SD 4.86) in the intervention group (p of the difference < 0.05). When adjusted for body fat levels, leptin was higher in the control group than in the intervention group (p of the difference < 0.01). The mean weight gain was +2.91 (SD 6.66) Kg in the intervention and +3.33 (SD 4.47) Kg in the control groups, respectively (p not significant). CONCLUSIONS: Serum leptin levels significantly increased after smoking cessation, in spite of substantial weight gain. The leptin dynamic might be different in chronic tobacco users who quit smoking, and physical activity might impact the dynamic of leptin in such a situation. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT00521391.
Medicare will cover a one-time preventive physical exam within the first six months that you have Part B. This benefit is for all Medicare beneficiaries including those under age 65. How much does the exam cost? You pay 20% of the Medicare approved amount after you meet the yearly Part B deductible ($131 for 2007). Since this exam may be your first Medicare-covered service, you could meet your entire Part B deductible for the year. Medicare will cover the exam if performed by a physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist. What should I expect during the exam? The “Welcome to Medicare Physical” will include the following: 1. A review of your medical and social history. 2. A review of your potential risk factors for depression. 3. A review of your functional ability and level of safety. 4. Blood pressure, height, weight and vision test 5. An electrocardiogram (EKG) 6. Education and counseling on the above five items. 7. A written plan explaining screenings and other recommended preventive services. All seven elements must be documented in order for the physical to be covered by Medicare. The exam does not include clinical laboratory tests. Medicare will pay for a one-time ultrasound screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms for beneficiaries who are at risk (has a family history or a man age 65 to 75 who has smoked at least 100 cigarettes in his lifetime.) Only Medicare beneficiaries who receive a referral from the Welcome to Medicare physical exam will be covered for this benefit. There is no Part B deductible, but you or your supplemental insurance will be responsible for the coinsurance. What should I take to the exam? You should bring the following when you go to your “Welcome to Medicare” physical exam: • Medical records, including immunization records (if you are seeing a doctor for the first time) • Family health history • A list of current prescription drugs, how often you take them, and why.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To compare the delineations and interpretations of target volumes by physicians in different radio-oncology centers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eleven Swiss radio-oncology centers delineated volumes according to ICRU 50 recommendations for one prostate and one head and neck case. In order to evaluate the consistency of the volume delineations, the following parameters were determined: 1) the target volumes (GTV, CTV and manually expanded PTV) and their extensions in the three main axes and 2) the correlation of the volume delineated by each pair of centers using the ratio of the intersection to the union (called proximity index). RESULTS: The delineated prostate volume was 105+/-55cm(3) for the CTV and 218+/-44cm(3) for the PTV. The delineated head and neck volume was 46+/-15cm(3) for the GTV, 327+/-154cm(3) for the CTV and 528+/-106cm(3) for the PTV. The mean proximity index for the prostate case was 0.50+/-0.13 for the CTV and 0.57+/-0.11 for the PTV. The proximity index for the head and neck case was 0.45+/-0.09 for the GTV, 0.42+/-0.13 for the CTV and 0.59+/-0.06 for the PTV. CONCLUSIONS: Large discrepancies between all the delineated target volumes were observed. There was an inverse relationship between the CTV volume and the margin between CTV and PTV, leading to less discrepancies in the PTV than is the CTV delineations. There was more spread in the sagittal and frontal planes due to CT pixel anisotropy, which suggests that radiation oncologists should delineate the target volumes not only in the transverse plane, but also in the sagittal and frontal planes to improve the delineation by allowing a consistency check.
Both individual socio-cultural determinants such as selected parental characteristics (migrant background, low educational level and workload) as well as the regional environment are related to childhood overweight and physical activity (PA). The purpose of the study was to compare the impact of distinct socio-cultural determinants such as the regional environment and selected parental characteristics on adiposity, PA and motor skills in preschool children. Forty preschools (N = 542 children) of two culturally different urban regions (German and French speaking part of Switzerland) participated in the study (Ballabeina Study). Outcome measures included adiposity (BMI and skinfold thickness), objectively measured sedentary activities and PA (accelerometers) and agility performance (obstacle course). Parental characteristics (migrant status, educational level and workload) were assessed by questionnaire. Children from the French speaking areas had higher adiposity, lower levels of total and of more intense PA, were more sedentary and less agile than children from the German speaking regions (percent differences for all outcome parameters except for BMI ≥10%; all p ≤ 0.04). Differences in skinfold thickness, sedentary activities and agility, but not in PA, were also found between children of Swiss and migrant parents, though they were ≤8% (p ≤ 0.02). While paternal workload had no effect, maternal workload and parental education resulted in differences in some PA measures and/or agility performance (percent differences in both: ≤9%, p ≤ 0.008), but not in adiposity or sedentary activities (p = NS). Regional differences in skinfold thickness, PA, sedentary activities and agility performance persisted after adjustment for parental socio-cultural characteristics, parental BMI and, where applicable, children's skinfolds (all p ≤ 0.01). The regional environment, especially the broader social environment, plays a prominent role in determining adiposity, PA and motor skills of young children and should be implicated in the prevention of obesity and promotion of PA in children. clinicaltrials.gov NCT00674544.
As companies and shareholders begin to note the potential repercussions of intangible assets uponbusiness results, the inability of the traditional financial statement model to reflect these new waysof creating business value has become evident. Companies have widely adopted newmanagement tools, covering in this way the inability of the traditional financial statement model toreflect these new ways of creating business value.However, there are few prior studies measuring on a quantifiable manner the level of productivityunexplained in the financial statements. In this study, we measure the effect of intangible assets onproductivity using data from Spanish firms selected randomly by size and sector over a ten-yearperiod, from 1995 to 2004. Through a sample of more than 10,000 Spanish firms we analyse towhat extent labour productivity can be explained by physical capital deepening, by quantifiedintangible capital deepening and by firm s economic efficiency (or total factor productivity PTF).Our results confirm the hypothesis that PTF weigh has increased during the period studied,especially on those firms that have experienced a significant raise in quantified intangible capital,evidencing that there are some important complementary effects between capital investment andintangible resources in the explanation of productivity growth. These results have significantdifferences considering economic sector and firm s dimension.