961 resultados para pesticide contaminants


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La contaminación del suelo es una de las principales amenazas para los ecosistemas y la salud humana. Actualmente, desde un punto de vista tanto económico como ambiental, la fitoestabilización es la mejor tecnología para remediar suelos contaminados con elevadas concentraciones de metales como son los suelos mineros. La fitoestabilización asistida consiste en el empleo de plantas y enmiendas orgánicas y/o inorgánicas con el fin de reducir la movilidad y la biodisponibilidad de los contaminantes y recuperar la salud de suelo. En este trabajo se han realizado ensayos en microcosmos y en campo centrándonos en la salud del suelo minero contaminado con Pb y Zn durante un proceso de fitoestabilización empleando enmiendas orgánicas (purines vacunos, gallinaza, estiércol de oveja y lodos de papelera mezclados con gallinaza) y/o la especie metalífera Festuca rubra con el objetivo de (i) estudiar las interacciones suelo-enmienda responsables de los cambios inducidos por el proceso de quimioestabilización en las propiedades físicoquímicas y biológicas del suelo, (ii) evaluar la efectividad del proceso de fitoestabilización sobre suelos vegetados y de la revegetación sobre suelos desnudos (iii) valorar la idoneidad de distintos indicadores químicos y biológicos (parámetros microbianos y de la vegetación) para monitorizar la efectividad de la fitoestabilización asistida en términos de reducción de la biodisponibilidad de metales en el suelo, mejora de la vegetación y de la recuperación de la salud del suelo. La aplicación de enmiendas al suelo minero supone una entrada de materia orgánica y nutrientes que conduce a una disminución de la biodisponibilidad de metales, facilitando la colonización de las plantas y el crecimiento de la vegetación nativa, además de estimular la actividad microbiana del suelo. El pH del suelo es un factor crítico que condiciona la movilidad de los metales y la toxicidad del suelo. Las poblaciones microbianas de las enmiendas no modificaron la diversidad funcional de las comunidades microbianas nativas de la mina. Los purines vacunos y los lodos de papelera mezclados con gallinaza son los tratamientos más efectivos en el proceso de fitoestabilización asistida bajo condiciones de campo. La gallinaza fue el tratamiento que más estimuló el crecimiento de la vegetación nativa y la colonización en los suelos desnudos. El bioensayo de elongación radical de lechuga es un test sensible, sencillo y barato para evaluar la biodisponibilidad de metal y la ecotoxicidad del suelo. Los tocoferoles son biomarcadores de exposición a metales con potencial para su implementación en bioensayos de toxicidad. Este trabajo permite concluir que la población metalífera de F. rubra, combinada con enmiendas orgánicas, es una excelente candidata para los proyectos de fitoestabilización asistida. Además, la monitorización simultánea de los parámetros fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos del suelo y de su ecotoxicidad permite una evaluación adecuada de la salud del suelo, así como la selección de enmiendas apropiadas para el desarrollo de un proceso fitoestabilizador.


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[ES]En la presente tesis se ha estudiado el impacto de diferentes fertilizantes y pesticidas utilizados en la Zona Vulnerable de Vitoria-Gasteiz en la calidad del suelo y las aguas de dicha zona. Se ha podido constatar que hoy en día siguen lixiviándose cantidades significativas de nitratos y pesticidas (e.g., etofumesato y difenoconazol) a las aguas de la Zona Vulnerable, durante el cultivo de remolacha azucarera (Beta vulgaris L.), muy característico de la zona de estudio. Se comprobó que el alto contenido en nitratos de las aguas subterráneas en la Zona Vulnerable es mitigado, al menos en parte, por la acción de la actividad microbiana desnitrificante que alberga la zona riparia del humedal de Salburua. Dicho proceso, sin embargo, supone la emisión a la atmósfera de importantes cantidades de gases de efecto invernadero (CO2 y N2O), y puede verse afectado negativamente por la presencia de pesticidas (e.g., deltametrina) en el medio.Por otra parte, hemos observado que diversos pesticidas (deltametrina, etofumesato, difenoconazol) aplicados en concentraciones similares a las dosis de aplicación en campo inducen cambios, de carácter limitado y transitorio, en las comunidades microbianas edáficas, siendo más significativos en el caso del fungicida difenoconazol. El efecto de los pesticidas fue más acusado a medida que aumentaba su concentración en el medio. Finalmente, encontramos que la aplicación de abonos orgánicos (avicompost), en lugar de los fertilizantes sintéticos tradicionales (NPK), además de mejorar la degradación de los pesticidas y disminuir el impacto de éstos sobre la calidad del suelo, podría ayudar a reducir las pérdidas de nitratos por lixiviación.


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Due to their carcinogenic properties, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are important environmental contaminants which may lead to increased levels of neoplastic aberrations in fish liver. To measure the PAH contamination of fish, concentrations of PAH metabolites were determined in the bile. The main metabolite 1-hydroxypyrene was determined in concentrations from < 0.8 to 189 ng/ml in bile of dab caught in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea re-spectively. The concentrations are comparable to levels of 1-hydroxypyrene measured in cod and herring from the Baltic Sea. The highest concentrations in dab bile were measured in fish from the inner German Bight and the Kiel Bight.


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Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos have been used to quantify the teratogenic potential of environmental samples and harmful substances respectively. The short spawning interval renders this species a good test organism in toxicological research. Due to the transparency of the eggs several lethal and non-lethal endpoints can be detected in parallel after 48 h of embryonic development. Zebrafishembryos have been shown to be sensitive to a number of environmental relevant contaminants, as well as to ex-tracts from polluted sediments


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Data are presented on the spatial distribution and long-term temporal trends in the occurrence of neoplastic liver lesions of North Sea dab (Limanda limanda) in the period 1988 to 2001, obtained in the framework of the regular fish disease monitoring programme carried out by the German Federal Research Centre for Fishery. Highest prevalences consistently recorded in the first part of the period occurred in the German Bight, at the Dogger Bank and at sampling sites off Humber and Wash. In contrast, stations in the northern North Sea (e.g. in the Firth of Forth area) were always characterised by low prevalences. Particularly during the first years of observation, a clear and general decrease in prevalence could be observed, that was most pronounced in the hot spot areas German Bight and Dogger Bank compared to the Firth of Forth. Current data reveal that, due to the decrease, spatial differences between sampling sites are now much less obvious than at the beginning of the studies. Limited chemical data available suggest that the temporal decrease in prevalence of liver tumours and their precursor stages generally correspond with the decrease in organic contaminants in dab livers as well as in water and sediments. However, the spatial variation in prevalence recorded can not entirely be explained by contaminant levels. For instance, the prevalence was continuously low in the Firth of Forth area wheras the contaminant levels in dab were comparatively high. The opposite feature was observed at the Dogger Bank. Future studies will therefore address the role of other host- and site-specific factors potentially involved in the aetiology of the disease.


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Im Februar 2001 begann unter der Schirmherrschaft des Internationalen Rates für Meeresforschung (ICES) und der Ozeanographie Kommission der UNESCO (IOC) der internationale Workshop Biological Effects of Contaminants in Pelagic Ecosystems, BECPELAG mit folgenden Zielen: • Untersuchungen über das Auftreten biologischer Effekte von Umweltschadstoffen auf Meeresorganismen in der Freiwasserzone (Pelagial) der Nordsee • Überprüfung von Methoden zur Erkennung von biologischen Schadstoffeffekten in pelagischen Organismen auf ihre Eignung für zukünftige Überwachungsprogramme


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Baltic Sea herring is a traditional raw material for the German fish processing industry and the fresh fish market. This applies also for the spring herring of the spawning population of the waters around the island of Rügen. Reduction of the fat content to about 5 % during the spawning cycle limits the processing possibilities of mature herring from this area. Failures in taste and odour (tainting), a common problem of the past have not been detected in the last 3 years. Infestation by nematodes are comparable to other herring stocks and contamination levels of organic and inorganic contaminants are well below allowable limits. The annual German fishing quota of about 85000 t of Baltic Sea herring is now utilised only to 10 %. For a stronger utilization of this stock as in the 70th and 80th , there are scarcely prerequisites. The project of a central processing plant on the island Rügen for about 50000 t of herring as raw material is not realistic. The answer to the question asked at the beginning of this article, whether Baltic Sea herring represents a raw material for the German fish processing industry, is YES, dispite some restrictions.


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Lipophilic organic substances in the environment are nearly exclusive of anthropogenic origin. Input of contaminants to sea and fresh water lakes arise via rivers, the atmosphere, direct intake and disposals. Intake by fish occurs via diet or directly from the water. The contamination level in fish is influenced by the fishing ground, fat content, biological cycle and age of the fish. But the effect for fish as food is very limited. Levels of lipophilic organic contaminants in the edible part of fish important for human consumption are far below the German maximum allowable evels of residues and pollutants.


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The impact of acute exposure of Gammalin 20 (an organochlorine pesticide) was investigated in a static bioassay test over a 96-(4-day) period on the fingerlings of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (lacepede). The 96-hLC sub(50) of Gammalin 20 was determined as 2.31 Ug/l with lower and upper limits of toxicities as 2.10 and 4.44 Ug/l respectively. At higher concentrations, the colour of the exposed fish became darker, opercular movement slowed down while pigmentation pattern increased and respiratory distress was observed, erratic swimming, tonic convulsion and no response to gentle prodding, and finally death. The implications of these results were discussed with a suggestion of the total ban on the use of Gammalin 20 in capture fisheries due to its harmful and persistence nature in the aquatic environment


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Abstract The rapid growth of both formal and informal high density urban settlements around major water resources has led to increased pollution of streams, rivers, lakes and estuaries, due to contaminated runoff from these developments. The paper identified major contaminants to be : organic waste (sewage), industrial effluent, pesticides and litter. Pollutant loads vary depending on the hydrology of the urban area, local topography and soil conditions. In some instances, severe pollution of neighbouring and downstream water courses has been observed. The management of catchment land uses, riparian zones, in stream habitat, as well as in stream water flow patterns and quality are necessary in order to sustain the integrity and "health" of water resources, for fisheries and other developments. As such, attempts to ensure a certain level of water quality without attention to other aspects will not automatically ensure a "healthy" ecosystem even as fish habitat. Proper management leads to better water quality and conducive environment for increased fish production


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In the framework of monitoring programmes organized under several sea protection conventions (HELSINKI Conv., OSPAR Conv.) the contracting parties are requested to develop appropriate techniques for Biological-Effect- Monitoring. In following these recommendations the Institut for Fisheries Ecology studies the 7-ethoxyresorufin- O-deethylase (EROD) activity in the liver of dab. EROD represents one enzyme of the cytochrome P-450 species, also called mixed function oxygenases (MFO), which is induced by certain organic contaminants, e.g. PCBs. On the other hand, an influence of natural factors like season, temperature or spawning on the EROD activity may be possible. The present study represents an insight into the status of the EROD activity in North Sea dab. Ultimately, we intend to decide if EROD activity is an appropriate tool to detect effects of contaminants. The EROD activity in the liver of 687 dabs, caught in the North Sea at different seasons in 1995 and 1996 with the fishery research vessel “Walther Herwig III”, has been determined and the data obtained have been statistically evaluated. The logarithmically transformed values of the EROD activity are following approximately a normal distribution. Due to the wide variation of the enzyme activities and due to the small number of samples minor differences between samples are not detectable. Nevertheless, comparing the enzyme activities at different sites of the North Sea, some significant differences have been identified. A model for the discription of seasonal variations of EROD activity, developed at the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, could be helpful for interpretation.


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Generally, wetlands are thought to perform water purification functions, removing contaminants as water flows through sediment and vegetation. This paradigm was challenged when Grant et al. (2001) reported that Talbert Salt Marsh (Figure 1.) increased fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) output to coastal waters, contributing to poor coastal water quality. Like most southern California wetlands, Talbert Salt Marsh has been severely degraded. It is a small (10 ha), restored wetland, only 1/100th its original size, and located at the base of a highly urbanized watershed. Is it reasonable to expect that this or any severely altered wetland will perform the same water purification benefits as a natural wetland? To determine how a more pristine southern California coastal wetland attenuated bacterial contaminants, we investigated FIB concentrations entering and exiting Carpinteria Salt Marsh (Figure 2.), a 93 ha, moderate-sized, relatively natural wetland.(PDF contains 4 pages)


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The paper highlights the concept of information and the significance of environmental and occupational hazards associated with pond fish production in Nigeria and discuss the possible options for the ways forward. The major raw material used in fish production system is the organic manure (cow dung, poultry droppings, porcine manure etc) that serves as substrate for heterotrophic production of bacteria and protozoa, which act as food for zooplankton and the fish. The pathogenic organisms (viruses, bacteria, protozoa's, and parasites), are noted for the potential hazard to the fish handlers and consumers. Nine species from seven genera of bacteria associated with fish diseases are found to have association with diseases of human such as typhoid fever, bacillary dysentery and other gastrointestinal tract related problems. Also the environmental contaminants in pond fish production become important because of its significance to consumers' acceptance of the fish products


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Os principais constituintes do ar, nitrogênio, oxigênio e argônio, estão cada vez mais presentes nas indústrias, onde são empregados nos processos químicos, para o transporte de alimentos e processamento de resíduos. As duas principais tecnologias para a separação dos componentes do ar são a adsorção e a destilação criogênica. Entretanto, para ambos os processos é necessário que os contaminantes do ar, como o gás carbônico, o vapor dágua e hidrocarbonetos, sejam removidos para evitar problemas operacionais e de segurança. Desta forma, o presente trabalho trata do estudo do processo de pré-purificação de ar utilizando adsorção. Neste sistema a corrente de ar flui alternadamente entre dois leitos adsorvedores para produzir ar purificado continuamente. Mais especificamente, o foco da dissertação corresponde à investigação do comportamento de unidades de pré-purificação tipo PSA (pressure swing adsorption), onde a etapa de dessorção é realizada pela redução da pressão. A análise da unidade de pré-purificação parte da modelagem dos leitos de adsorção através de um sistema de equações diferenciais parciais de balanço de massa na corrente gasosa e no leito. Neste modelo, a relação de equilíbrio relativa à adsorção é descrita pela isoterma de Dubinin-Astakhov estendida para misturas multicomponentes. Para a simulação do modelo, as derivadas espaciais são discretizadas via diferenças finitas e o sistema de equações diferenciais ordinárias resultante é resolvido por um solver apropriado (método das linhas). Para a simulação da unidade em operação, este modelo é acoplado a um algoritmo de convergência relativo às quatro etapas do ciclo de operação: adsorção, despressurização, purga e dessorção. O algoritmo em questão deve garantir que as condições finais da última etapa são equivalentes às condições iniciais da primeira etapa (estado estacionário cíclico). Desta forma, a simulação foi implementada na forma de um código computacional baseado no ambiente de programação Scilab (Scilab 5.3.0, 2010), que é um programa de distribuição gratuita. Os algoritmos de simulação de cada etapa individual e do ciclo completo são finalmente utilizados para analisar o comportamento da unidade de pré-purificação, verificando como o seu desempenho é afetado por alterações nas variáveis de projeto ou operacionais. Por exemplo, foi investigado o sistema de carregamento do leito que mostrou que a configuração ideal do leito é de 50% de alumina seguido de 50% de zeólita. Variáveis do processo foram também analisadas, a pressão de adsorção, a vazão de alimentação e o tempo do ciclo de adsorção, mostrando que o aumento da vazão de alimentação leva a perda da especificação que pode ser retomada reduzindo-se o tempo do ciclo de adsorção. Mostrou-se também que uma pressão de adsorção maior leva a uma maior remoção de contaminantes.