946 resultados para oily sanitary waste
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este estudo avalia sistemas de reciclagem e de disposição de resíduos sólidos domésticos que possuem incentivos fiscais definidos pela Lei Estadual nº 13.803/2000 de Minas Gerais. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por análise de documentação de licenciamento ambiental de aterros sanitários e usinas de reciclagem e compostagem de resíduos financiados pela referida Lei e por visitas às unidades sanitárias, sendo usados os instrumentos metodológicos da agência ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB) que avaliam as condições de instalação e operação desses tipos de empreendimentos. do estudo, constatou-se que o incentivo de Minas Gerais, definido pela Lei do ICMS Ecológico, traz importantes benefícios ambientais aos municípios, embora ainda seja reduzido o número dos contemplados por esse fomento à gestão dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Conclui-se, também, que algumas das unidades estudadas apresentam problemas de natureza ambiental e operacional.
Amostras de músculo de carpa comum (Cyprinus carpio) e de água de três viveiros fertilizados com dejetos de suínos e de um viveiro em que os peixes foram alimentados com ração comercial para peixes foram analisadas durante seis meses. O objetivo foi observar a presença de bactérias patogênicas, como Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus e coliformes totais e fecais, em peixes comercializados in natura no município de Chapecó, Santa Catarina. Foram aferidos quinzenalmente, na água dos quatro viveiros, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, turbidez, alcalinidade total, dureza total, amônia, nitrato e ortofosfato, bem como a quantidade de coliformes totais e fecais. A análise microbiológica músculo dos peixes demonstrou ausência de Salmonella em todas as amostras. A contagem dos demais microrganismos manteve-se inferior ao limite máximo permitido pela legislação vigente, em todas as amostras. Portanto, os peixes analisados estavam aptos ao consumo humano, pois atenderam aos padrões recomendados pela Divisão Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária de Alimentos (DINAL). A comparação entre os viveiros fertilizados com dejetos de suínos e o viveiro fertilizado com ração comercial para peixes não apresentou diferença significativa, porém apresentou efeito significativo sobre oxigênio dissolvido, turbidez, alcalinidade total e amônia. A matéria orgânica foi responsável pelos maiores valores, com exceção da turbidez, que foi menor no viveiro fertilizado com ração comercial para peixes. Entretanto, após análise de todos os parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos da água dos viveiros, pode-se constatar que todos os viveiros se enquadraram nas classes II ou III da classificação de águas interiores estabelecida pelo CONAMA.
Leachate samples from a sanitary landfill of Araraquara city and composting usine of Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo, Brazil were lyophilized to remove the water content. TG/DTG curves at different heating rates were recorded. The second step of the thermal decomposition of leachate from the Araraquara landfill (CB1), from the composting usine from Vila Leopoldina (CB2) from the organic phase extracted (FO) and aqueous phase (FA) were all kinetically evaluated using the non-isothermal method.By Flynn-Wall isoconversional method the following values were obtained: E=234 +/- 3.65 kJ mol(-1) and logA=29.7 +/- 0.58 min(-1) for CB1; E=129 +/- 1.66 kJ mol(-1) and logA=11.8 +/- 0.10 min(-1) for CB2; E=51.6 +/- 1.35 kJ mol(-1) and logA=6.09 +/- 0.09 min(-1) for FO and E=76.91 +/- 6.33 kJ mol(-1) and logA=8.88 +/- 0.7 min(-1) for FA with 95% confidence level. Applying the procedures of Malek and Koga, SB kinetic model (Sestak-Berggren) is the most appropriate to describe the decomposition of CB1, CB2, FO and FA.
Different geoenvironmental site investigation techniques to assess contamination from a municipal solid waste disposal site in Brazil are presented here. Superficial geophysical investigation (geoelectrical survey), resistivity piezocone penetration tests (RCPTU), soil samples collected with direct-push samplers and water samples collected from monitoring wells were applied in this study. The application of the geoelectrical method was indispensable to identify the presence and flow direction of contamination plumes (leachate) as well as to indicate the most suitable locations for RCPTU tests and soil and water sampling. Chemical analyses of groundwater samples contributed to a better understanding of the flow of the contaminated plume. The piezocone presented some limitations for tropical soils, since the groundwater level is sometimes deeper than the layer which is impenetrable to the cone, and the soil genesis and unsaturated conditions affect soil behavior. The combined interpretation of geoelectrical measurements and soil and water samplings underpinned the interpretation of RCPTU tests. The interpretation of all the test results indicates that the contamination plume has already overreached the landfill's west-northwest borders. Geoenvironmental laboratory test results suggest that contamination from the solid waste disposal site has been developing gradually, indicating the need for continuous monitoring of the groundwater.
Energy generation is needed in São Paulo and MSW represents a promising alternative, although it is more expensive than hydroelectric power. About 14 900 t/day of MSW is generated, of which 8433 t/day is domestic and commercial MSW. From this amount, 1800 t will be destined to generate 30 MW of power. The eco-balance of CO2 has been considered for incineration and recycling. The recycling program of plastics, metals, paper and glass would represent a significant reduction in energy and CO2 emission. The total CO2 released is 3.34 x 10(5) t/yr without recycling. and is 1.25 x 10(5) t/yr with a recycling program. Most of the CO2 comes from plastics and paper production. Economic aspects could probably favor Incineration with energy production as the best option. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The mutagenic activity of waste material originating from an aluminum products factory was determined by the Salmonella/microsome assay, using the bacterial strains TA100, TA98 and YG1024. The material was obtained by sweeping the factory floor at the end of the work shift. Organic compounds were extracted by ultrasound for 30 min in dichloromethane or 70% ethanol. After evaporation of solvent, these extracts were dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide, and tested for the mutagenic activity at varying concentrations. All the extracts from the factory had mutagenic activity, especially in the YG1024 strain, suggesting the presence of aromatic amines, later confirmed by chemical analysis. The TA98 strain also showed mutagenic activity, though it did not exhibit the highest mutagenicity index observed with the YG1024 strain. In TA100, mutagenic activity was not observed. This study should serve as an alert to management and those who are occupationally exposed, and as a warning that this type of waste should not be discarded in the environment without any control. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Lead poisoning is described in a herd of 120 Nelore cows of which 35 were affected. All affected cows died after a clinical course of 2-7 d with clinical signs related to cortical neurological disturbances. The source of Pb was fumes from a car battery recycling plant which has had a failure in its filtering system. Lead concentrations in liver and kidneys of 2 cows, in soil;and in grass where the cows were held were respective 39 to 431 ppm, 147 to 431 ppm,and 245ppm. No significant gross changes were observed. Histopathology revealed of neuronal necrosis, vacuolation of the neuropil and hypertrophy of the vascular endothelium inthecerebral cortices, degeneration of the epithelial cellsofrenal proximal tubules, and hemosiderosis of kidney, spleen and liver.
A simple and efficient method for the simultaneous gas chromatographic determination of ten organochlorine pesticides (alpha-HCH, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH, p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDE, aldrin, endrin, and dieldrin) and six congeners of PCBs (PCB 28, 52, 118, 138, 153, and 180) in municipal solid waste compost is described. The procedure involves a solid-phase dispersion matrix using celite as dispersant sorbent, alumina as clean up sorbent and hexane-dichloromethane (7:3, v/v) mixture as eluting solvent. An additional purification step with copper was necessary to eliminate sulphur. Analysis of the sample was performed by GC-ECD. The method was validated with fortified samples at two concentration levels (0.025 and 0.05 mg kg(-1)). Average recovery ranged from 77 to 121% with relative standard deviation between 1 and 18%. The detection limits, which ranged from 0.003 to 0.01 mg kg-1, were lower than those established by the Baden-Wurttemberg directive (0.033 mg kg(-1)).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)