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Despite the fact that mites were used at the dawn of forensic entomology to elucidate the postmortem interval, their use in current cases remains quite low for procedural reasons such as inadequate taxonomic knowledge. A special interest is focused on the phoretic stages of some mite species, because the phoront-host specificity allows us to deduce in many occasions the presence of the carrier (usually Diptera or Coleoptera) although it has not been seen in the sampling performed in situ or in the autopsy room. In this article, we describe two cases where Poecilochirus austroasiaticus Vitzthum (Acari: Parasitidae) was sampled in the autopsy room. In the first case, we could sample the host, Thanatophilus ruficornis (Küster) (Coleoptera: Silphidae), which was still carrying phoretic stages of the mite on the body. That attachment allowed, by observing starvation/feeding periods as a function of the digestive tract filling, the establishment of chronological cycles of phoretic behavior, showing maximum peaks of phoronts during arrival and departure from the corpse and the lowest values in the phase of host feeding. From the sarcosaprophagous fauna, we were able to determine in this case a minimum postmortem interval of 10 days. In the second case, we found no Silphidae at the place where the corpse was found or at the autopsy, but a postmortem interval of 13 days could be established by the high specificity of this interspecific relationship and the departure from the corpse of this family of Coleoptera.


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Records of Atlantic basin tropical cyclones (TCs) since the late nineteenth century indicate a very large upward trend in storm frequency. This increase in documented TCs has been previously interpreted as resulting from anthropogenic climate change. However, improvements in observing and recording practices provide an alternative interpretation for these changes: recent studies suggest that the number of potentially missed TCs is sufficient to explain a large part of the recorded increase in TC counts. This study explores the influence of another factor—TC duration—on observed changes in TC frequency, using a widely used Atlantic hurricane database (HURDAT). It is found that the occurrence of short-lived storms (duration of 2 days or less) in the database has increased dramatically, from less than one per year in the late nineteenth–early twentieth century to about five per year since about 2000, while medium- to long-lived storms have increased little, if at all. Thus, the previously documented increase in total TC frequency since the late nineteenth century in the database is primarily due to an increase in very short-lived TCs. The authors also undertake a sampling study based upon the distribution of ship observations, which provides quantitative estimates of the frequency of missed TCs, focusing just on the moderate to long-lived systems with durations exceeding 2 days in the raw HURDAT. Upon adding the estimated numbers of missed TCs, the time series of moderate to long-lived Atlantic TCs show substantial multidecadal variability, but neither time series exhibits a significant trend since the late nineteenth century, with a nominal decrease in the adjusted time series. Thus, to understand the source of the century-scale increase in Atlantic TC counts in HURDAT, one must explain the relatively monotonic increase in very short-duration storms since the late nineteenth century. While it is possible that the recorded increase in short-duration TCs represents a real climate signal, the authors consider that it is more plausible that the increase arises primarily from improvements in the quantity and quality of observations, along with enhanced interpretation techniques. These have allowed National Hurricane Center forecasters to better monitor and detect initial TC formation, and thus incorporate increasing numbers of very short-lived systems into the TC database.


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Gamow's explanation of the exponential decay law uses complex 'eigenvalues' and exponentially growing 'eigenfunctions'. This raises the question, how Gamow's description fits into the quantum mechanical description of nature, which is based on real eigenvalues and square integrable wavefunctions. Observing that the time evolution of any wavefunction is given by its expansion in generalized eigenfunctions, we shall answer this question in the most straightforward manner, which at the same time is accessible to graduate students and specialists. Moreover, the presentation can well be used in physics lectures to students.


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The necessity and benefits for establishing the international Earth-system Prediction Initiative (EPI) are discussed by scientists associated with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) World Weather Research Programme (WWRP), World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), International Geosphere–Biosphere Programme (IGBP), Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), and natural-hazards and socioeconomic communities. The proposed initiative will provide research and services to accelerate advances in weather, climate, and Earth system prediction and the use of this information by global societies. It will build upon the WMO, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and the International Council for Science (ICSU) to coordinate the effort across the weather, climate, Earth system, natural-hazards, and socioeconomic disciplines. It will require (i) advanced high-performance computing facilities, supporting a worldwide network of research and operational modeling centers, and early warning systems; (ii) science, technology, and education projects to enhance knowledge, awareness, and utilization of weather, climate, environmental, and socioeconomic information; (iii) investments in maintaining existing and developing new observational capabilities; and (iv) infrastructure to transition achievements into operational products and services.


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The extratropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (Ex-UTLS) is a transition region between the stratosphere and the troposphere. The Ex-UTLS includes the tropopause, a strong static stability gradient and dynamic barrier to transport. The barrier is reflected in tracer profiles. This region exhibits complex dynamical, radiative, and chemical characteristics that place stringent spatial and temporal requirements on observing and modeling systems. The Ex-UTLS couples the stratosphere to the troposphere through chemical constituent transport (of, e.g., ozone), by dynamically linking the stratospheric circulation with tropospheric wave patterns, and via radiative processes tied to optically thick clouds and clear-sky gradients of radiatively active gases. A comprehensive picture of the Ex-UTLS is presented that brings together different definitions of the tropopause, focusing on observed dynamical and chemical structure and their coupling. This integral view recognizes that thermal gradients and dynamic barriers are necessarily linked, that these barriers inhibit mixing and give rise to specific trace gas distributions, and that there are radiative feedbacks that help maintain this structure. The impacts of 21st century anthropogenic changes to the atmosphere due to ozone recovery and climate change will be felt in the Ex-UTLS, and recent simulations of these effects are summarized and placed in context.


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Water vapour plays a key role in the Earth's energy balance. Almost 50% of the absorbed solar radiation at the surface is used to cool the surface, through evaporation, and warm the atmosphere, through release of latent heat. Latent heat is the single largest factor in warming the atmosphere and in transporting heat from low to high latitudes. Water vapour is also the dominant greenhouse gas and contributes to a warming of the climate system by some 24°C (Kondratev 1972). However, water vapour is a passive component in the troposphere as it is uniquely determined by temperature and should therefore be seen as a part of the climate feedback system. In this short overview, we will first describe the water on planet Earth and the role of the hydrological cycle: the way water vapour is transported between oceans and continents and the return of water via rivers to the oceans. Generally water vapour is well observed and analysed; however, there are considerable obstacles to observing precipitation, in particular over the oceans. The response of the hydrological cycle to global warming is far reaching. Because different physical processes control the change in water vapour and evaporation/precipitation, this leads to a more extreme distribution of precipitation making, in general, wet areas wetter and dry areas dryer. Another consequence is a transition towards more intense precipitation. It is to be expected that the changes in the hydrological cycle as a consequence of climate warming may be more severe that the temperature changes.


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Considerable efforts are currently invested into the setup of a Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) for monitoring climate change over the coming decades, which is of high relevance given concerns on increasing human influences. A promising potential contribution to the GCOS is a suite of spaceborne Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) occultation sensors for global long-term monitoring of atmospheric change in temperature and other variables with high vertical resolution and accuracy. Besides the great importance with respect to climate change, the provision of high quality data is essential for the improvement of numerical weather prediction and for reanalysis efforts. We review the significance of GNSS radio occultation sounding in the climate observations context. In order to investigate the climate change detection capability of GNSS occultation sensors, we are currently performing an end-to-end GNSS occultation observing system simulation experiment over the 25-year period 2001 to 2025. We report on this integrated analysis, which involves in a realistic manner all aspects from modeling the atmosphere via generating a significant set of stimulated measurements to an objective statistical analysis and assessment of 2001–2025 temporal trends.


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At the end of the 20th century, we can look back on a spectacular development of numerical weather prediction, which has, practically uninterrupted, been going on since the middle of the century. High-resolution predictions for more than a week ahead for any part of the globe are now routinely produced and anyone with an Internet connection can access many of these forecasts for anywhere in the world. Extended predictions for several seasons ahead are also being done — the latest El Niño event in 1997/1998 is an example of such a successful prediction. The great achievement is due to a number of factors including the progress in computational technology and the establishment of global observing systems, combined with a systematic research program with an overall strategy towards building comprehensive prediction systems for climate and weather. In this article, I will discuss the different evolutionary steps in this development and the way new scientific ideas have contributed to efficiently explore the computing power and in using observations from new types of observing systems. Weather prediction is not an exact science due to unavoidable errors in initial data and in the models. To quantify the reliability of a forecast is therefore essential and probably more so the longer the forecasts are. Ensemble prediction is thus a new and important concept in weather and climate prediction, which I believe will become a routine aspect of weather prediction in the future. The limit between weather and climate prediction is becoming more and more diffuse and in the final part of this article I will outline the way I think development may proceed in the future.


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The recent global tropospheric temperature trend can be reproduced by climate models that are forced only by observed sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies. In this study, simulations with the Hamburg climate model (ECHAM) are compared to temperatures from microwave sounding units (MSU) and to reanalyses from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. There is overall agreement of observed and simulated tropospheric temperature anomalies in many regions, in particular in the tropics and over the oceans, which lack conventional observing systems. This provides the opportunity to link physically different quantities, such as surface observations or analyses (SST) and satellite soundings (MSU) by means of a general circulation model. The proposed method can indicate inconsistencies between MSU temperatures and SSTs and has apparently done so. Differences between observed and simulated tropospheric temperature anomalies can partly be attributed to stratospheric aerosol variations due to major volcanic eruptions.


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A system for continuous data assimilation described recently (Bengtsson & Gustavsson, 1971) has been further developed and tested under more realistic conditions. A balanced barotropic model is used and the integration is performed over an octagon covering the area to the north of 20° N. Comparisons have been made between using data from the actual aerological network and data from a satellite in a polar orbit. The result of the analyses has been studied in different subregions situated in data sparse as well as in data dense areas. The errors of the analysis have also been studied in the wave spectrum domain. Updating is performed using data generated by the model but also by model-independent data. Rather great differences are obtained between the two experiments especially with respect to the ultra-long waves. The more realistic approach gives much larger analysis error. In general the satellite updating yields somewhat better result than the updating from the conventional aerological network especially in the data sparse areas over the oceans. Most of the experiments are performed by a satellite making 200 observations/track, a sidescan capability of 40° and with a RMS-error of 20 m. It is found that the effect of increasing the number of satellite observations from 100 to 200 per orbit is almost negligible. Similarly the effect is small of improving the observations by diminishing the RMS-error below a certain value. An observing system using two satellites 90° out of phase has also been investigated. This is found to imply a substantial improvement. Finally an experiment has been performed using actual SIRS-soundings from NIMBUS IV. With respect to the very small number of soundings at 500 mb, 142 during 48 hours, the result can be regarded as quite satisfactory.


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A series of numerical models have been used to investigate the predictability of atmospheric blocking for an episode selected from FGGE Special Observing Period I. Level II-b FGGE data have been used in the experiment. The blocking took place over the North Atlantic region and is a very characteristic example of high winter blocking. It is found that the very high resolution models developed at ECMWF, in a remarkable way manage to predict the blocking event in great detail, even beyond 1 week. Although models with much less resolution manage to predict the blocking phenomenon as such, the actual evolution differs very much from the observed and consequently the practical value is substantially reduced. Wind observations from the geostationary satellites are shown to have a substantial impact on the forecast beyond 5 days, as well as an extension of the integration domain to the whole globe. Quasi-geostrophic baroclinic models and, even more, barotropic models, are totally inadequate to predict blocking except in its initial phase. The prediction experiment illustrates clearly that efforts which have gone into the improvement of numerical prediction models in the last decades have been worth while.


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The functional networks of cultured neurons exhibit complex network properties similar to those found in vivo. Starting from random seeding, cultures undergo significant reorganization during the initial period in vitro, yet despite providing an ideal platform for observing developmental changes in neuronal connectivity, little is known about how a complex functional network evolves from isolated neurons. In the present study, evolution of functional connectivity was estimated from correlations of spontaneous activity. Network properties were quantified using complex measures from graph theory and used to compare cultures at different stages of development during the first 5 weeks in vitro. Networks obtained from young cultures (14 days in vitro) exhibited a random topology, which evolved to a small-world topology during maturation. The topology change was accompanied by an increased presence of highly connected areas (hubs) and network efficiency increased with age. The small-world topology balances integration of network areas with segregation of specialized processing units. The emergence of such network structure in cultured neurons, despite a lack of external input, points to complex intrinsic biological mechanisms. Moreover, the functional network of cultures at mature ages is efficient and highly suited to complex processing tasks.


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Numerical weather prediction can be regarded as an initial value problem whereby the governing atmospheric equations are integrated forward from fully determined initial values of the meteorological parameters. However, in spite of the considerable improvements of the observing systems in recent years, the initial values are known only incompletely and inaccurately and one of the major tasks of any forecasting centre is to determine the best possible initial state from available observations.


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One of the fundamental questions in dynamical meteorology, and one of the basic objectives of GARP, is to determine the predictability of the atmosphere. In the early planning stage and preparation for GARP a number of theoretical and numerical studies were undertaken, indicating that there existed an inherent unpredictability in the atmosphere which even with the most ideal observing system would limit useful weather forecasting to 2-3 weeks.