954 resultados para nematode assemblages
The effects of dredging on the benthic communities in the Noosa River, a subtropical estuary in SE Queensland, Australia, were examined using a 'Beyond BACF experimental design. Changes in the numbers and types of animals and characteristics of the sediments in response to dredging in the coarse sandy sediments near the mouth of the estuary were compared with those occurring naturally in two control regions. Samples were collected twice before and twice after the dredging operations, at multiple spatial scales, ranging from metres to kilometres. Significant effects from the dredging were detected on the abundance of some polychaetes and bivalves and two measures of diversity (numbers of polychaete families and total taxonomic richness). In addition, the dredging caused a significant increase in the diversity of sediment particle sizes found in the dredged region compared with elsewhere. Community composition in the dredged region was more similar to that in the control regions after dredging than before. Changes in the characteristics of the sedimentary environment as a result of the dredging appeared to lead to the benthic communities of the dredged region becoming more similar to those elsewhere in the estuary, so dredging in this system may have led to the loss or reduction in area of a specific type of habitat in the estuary with implications for overall patterns of biodiversity and ecosystem function. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Blooms of Lyngbya majuscula have been increasingly recorded in the waters of Moreton Bay, on the south-east coast of Queensland, Australia. The influences of these blooms on sediment infauna and the implications for sediment biogeochemical processes was studied. Sediment samples were taken from Moreton Bay banks during and after the bloom season. The deposition of L. majuscula seems to be responsible for the higher total Kjedahl nitrogen (TKN) concentrations measured during the bloom period. Total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations did not change. Lyngbya majuscula blooms had a marked influence on the meiobenthos. Nematodes, copepods and polychaetes were the most abundant groups of meiofauna, and the bloom produced a decrease in the abundance and a change in the sediment depth distribution of these organisms. The distribution of nematodes, copepods and polychaetes in sediment became shallower. Further, the bloom did not affect the abundance and distribution of polychaetes as strongly as it did copepods and nematodes. The changes observed in the distribution of meiofauna in the sediment during the bloom period indicate that L. majuscula produces oxygen depletion in sediments, and that different fauna seem to be affected to different degrees.
We assessed the impact of large-scale commercial and recreational harvesting of polychaete worms Marphysa spp. on macrobenthic assemblages in a subtropical estuary in Queensland, Australia, by examining: (1) the spatial extent of harvesting activities and the rate of recovery of the seagrass habitat over an 18 to 20 mo period; (2) the recovery of infauna in and around commercial pits of known age; (3) the indirect effects of physical disturbance from trampling and deposition of sediments during harvesting on epibenthos in areas adjacent to commercial and recreational pits; (4) impacts of potential indirect effects through manipulative experimentation. Harvesting caused a loss of seagrass, changes to the topography and compaction of the sediments associated with the creation of walls around commercial pits, and the deposition of rubble dug from within the pit. The walls and rubble were still evident after 1.8 to 20 mo, but comprised only a small proportion of the total area on the intertidal banks. There was a shift from an intertidal area dominated by Zostera capricorni to one with a mixture of Z. capricorni, Halophila spp. and Halodule uninervis, but there was no overall decline in the biomass of seagrass in these areas. There were distinct impacts from harvesting on the abundance of benthic infauna, especially amphipods, polychaetes and gastropods, and these effects were still detectable after 4 mo of potential recovery. After 12 me, there were no detectable differences in the abundances of these infauna between dug areas and reference areas, which suggested that infauna had recovered from impacts of harvesting; however, an extensive bloom of toxic fireweed Lyngbya majsucula may have masked any remaining impacts. There were no detectable impacts of harvesting on epifauna living in the seagrass immediately around commercial or recreational pits.
Photorhabdus asymbiotica is an emerging bacterial pathogen that causes locally invasive soft tissue and disseminated bacteremic infections in the United States and Australia. Although the source of infection was previously unknown, we report that the bacterium is found in a symbiotic association with an insect-pathogenic soil nematode of the genus Heterorhabditis.
Microvertebrate assemblages from four Upper Silurian (?Ludlow-Pridoli) localities on Cornwallis Island, Arctic Canada, comprise mainly scales, plus dentition cones and jaw fragments from ischnacanthid acanthodians, with rare scales assigned to heterostracan Lepidaspis? sp., ?chondrichthyan Arauzia? sp., and Placodermi? gen. et sp. indet. Most of the scales in sample C-11460 are assigned to the poracanthodid acanthodian Poracanthodes canadensis sp.nov., which shows closest affinity to Poracanthodes punctatus Brotzen variants from the Baltic Pridoli. The flank scales of the new species resemble those of P. punctatus s.s. (Silurian variant; the zone fossil for the late Pridoli in the Standard Silurian microvertebrate scheme), with their superposed crown growth zones, rows of small pores aligned with the underlying zones, number of radial canals, and arcade canals connecting these radial canals. They differ in having numerous anterior crown riblets, zig-zag rather than straight crown pore rows, and V-shaped arcade canals.
A rich collection of Heteroptera extracted with Berlese funnel by Dr. I. Loksa between 1953–1974 in Hungary, has been examined. Altogether 157 true bug species have been identified. The great majority of them have been found in very low number, there are only 27 species of which more than 10 adult individuals have been found. Some species considered to be rare or very rare in Hungary have been collected in relatively great number (Ceratocombus coleoptratus, Cryptostemma pusillimum, C. waltli, Acalypta carinata, A. platycheila, Loricula ruficeps, Myrmedobia exilis). The three families, which are more or less rich in species and have the highest ratio of extracted species, were Rhyparochromidae, Tingidae and Nabidae. Out of them, the family Rhyparochromidae has been found to be most diverse and most characteristic at the ground-level. Individuals of the families Tingidae, Hebridae and Rhyparochromidae have been found in greatest number. The occurrence of the lace bug Campylosteira orientalis Horváth, 1881 in Hungary has been verified by a voucher specimen. In respect to the environmental changes through the country, parallel changes have been observed in the zoogeographical distribution of the ground-living bugs.
A rich material of Heteroptera extracted with Berlese funnels by Dr. I. Loksa between 1953–1974 in Hungary, has been examined. Altogether 157 true bug species have been identified. The ground-living heteropteran assemblages collected in different plant communities, substrata, phytogeographical provinces and seasons have been compared with multivariate methods. Because of the unequal number of samples, the objects have been standardized with stochastic simulation. There are several true bug species, which have been collected in almost all of the plant communities. However, characteristic ground-living heteropteran assemblages have been found in numerous Hungarian plant community types. Leaf litter and debris seem to have characteristic bug assemblages. Some differences have also been recognised between the bug fauna of mosses growing on different surfaces. Most of the species have been found in all of the great phytogeographical provinces of Hungary. Most high-dominance species, which have been collected, can be found at the ground-level almost throughout the year. Specimens of many other species have been collected with Berlese funnels in spring, autumn and/or winter. The diversities of the ground-living heteropteran assemblages of the examined objects have also been compared.
The species composition, longitudinal distribution and seasonal dynamics of zooplankton were studied in the Zagyva River, Hungary. A total of 108 taxa was recorded from which 61 were new for the river. Rotatoria was the most abundant group, microcrustaceans were less important, only nauplii and copepodites were represented in similar individual numbers. Frequent species included Anuraeopsis fissa, Pompholyx spp., Keratella cochlearis, Brachionus angularis, Bdelloida sp., Bosmina longirostris. Dominance of cosmopolitan species was observed both in the river and its reservoir, and species characteristic of eutrophic waters were of major importance in the latter. There was a downstream decrease in zooplankton densities, which was explained by modified conditions. The relatively large number of individuals in autumn months, and the characteristic large number of individuals in the upper section contrasted general findings of potamoplankton dynamics. On the basis of the species abundance matrix, three river sections can be distinguished (upper, middle, lower section). Due to waste water discharges - received from the Tarján Stream - we found extremely high number of individuals and the lowest diversity at the sampling site Nagybátony (148 rkm).
We tested the relative importance of top-down and bottom-up effects by experimentally evaluating the combined and separate effects of nutrient availability and grazer species composition on epiphyte communities and seagrass condition in Florida Bay. Although we succeeded in substantially enriching our experimental cylinders, as indicated by elevated nitrogen concentrations in epiphytes and seagrass leaves, we did not observe any major increases in epiphyte biomass or major loss of Thalassia testudinum by algal overgrowth. Additionally, we did not detect any strong grazer effects and found very few significant nutrient-grazer interactions. While this might suggest that there was no important differential response to nutrients by individual grazer species or by various combinations of grazers, our results were complicated by the lack of significant differences between control and grazer treatments, and as such, these results are best explained by the presence of unwanted amphipod grazers (mean = 471 ind. m–2) in the control cylinders. Our estimates of grazing rates and epiphyte productivities indicate that amphipods in the control cylinders could have lowered epiphyte biomass to the same level that the experimental grazers did, thus effectively transforming the control treatments into grazer treatments. If so, our experiments suggest that the effects of invertebrate grazing (and those of amphipods alone) were stronger than the effects of nutrient enrichment on epiphytic algae, and that it does not require a large density
Globally, human populations are increasing and coastal ecosystems are becoming increasingly impacted by anthropogenic stressors. As eutrophication and exploitation of coastal resources increases, primary producer response to these drivers becomes a key indicator of ecosystem stability. Despite the importance of monitoring primary producers such as seagrasses and macroalgae, detailed studies on the response of these benthic habitat components to drivers remain relatively sparse. Utilizing a multi-faceted examination of turtle-seagrass and sea urchin-macroalgae consumer and nutrient dynamics, I elucidate the impact of these drivers in Akumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico. In Yal Ku Lagoon, macroalgae bioindicators signified high nutrient availability, which is important for further studies, but did not consistently follow published trends reflecting decreased δ 15N content with distance from suspected source. In Akumal Bay, eutrophication and grazing by turtles and fishes combine to structure patches within the seagrass beds. Grazed seagrass patches had higher structural complexity and productivity than patches continually grazed by turtles and fishes. Results from this study indicate that patch abandonment may follow giving-up density theory, the first to be recorded in the marine environment. As Diadema antillarum populations recover after their massive mortality thirty years ago, the role these echinoids will have in reducing macroalgae cover and altering ecosystem state remains to be clear. Although Diadema antillarum densities within the coral reef ecosystem were comparable to other regions within the Caribbean, the echinoid population in Akumal Bay was an insufficient driver to prevent dominance of a turf-algal-sediment (TAS) state. After a four year study, declining coral cover coupled with increased algal cover suggests that the TAS-dominated state is likely to persist over time despite echinoid recovery. Studies on macroalgal diversity and nutrients within this same region of echinoids indicated diversity and nutrient content of macroalgae increased, which may further increase the persistence of the algal-dominated state. This study provides valuable insight into the variable effects of herbivores and nutrients on primary producers within a tropical coastal ecosystem. Results from this work challenge many of the currently accepted theories on primary producer response to nutrients and herbivory while providing a framework for further studies into these dynamics.
Limestone-based (karstic) freshwater wetlands of the Everglades, Belize, Mexico, and Jamaica are distinctive in having a high biomass of CaCO3-rich periphyton mats. Diatoms are common components of these mats and show predictable responses to environmental variation, making them good candidates for assessing nutrient enrichment in these naturally ultraoligotrophic wetlands. However, aside from in the Everglades of southern Florida, very little research has been done to document the diatoms and their environmental preferences in karstic Caribbean wetlands, which are increasingly threatened by eutrophication. We identified diatoms in periphyton mats collected during wet and dry periods from the Everglades and similar freshwater karstic wetlands in Belize, Mexico, and Jamaica. We compared diatom assemblage composition and diversity among locations and periods, and the effect of the limiting nutrient, P, on species composition among locations. We used periphyton-mat total P (TP) as a metric of availability. A total of 176 diatom species in 45 genera were recorded from the 4 locations. Twenty-three of these species, including 9 that are considered indicative of Everglades diatom flora, were found in all 4 locations. In Everglades and Caribbean sites, we identified assemblages and indicator species associated with low and high periphyton-mat TP and calculated TP optima and tolerances for each indicator species. TP optima and tolerances of indicator species differed between the Everglades and the Caribbean, but weighted averaging models predicted periphyton-mat TP concentrations from diatom assemblages at Everglades (R2 = 0.56) and Caribbean (R2 = 0.85) locations. These results show that diatoms can be effective indicators of water quality in karstic wetlands of the Caribbean, but application of regionally generated transfer functions to distant sites provides less reliable estimates than locally developed functions.
During the 1960s, water management practices resulted in the conversion of the wetlands that fringe northeastern Florida Bay (USA) from freshwater/oligohaline herbaceous marshes to dwarf red mangrove forests. Coincident with this conversion were several ecological changes to Florida Bay’s fauna, including reductions in the abundances of top trophic-level consumers: piscivorous fishes, alligators, crocodiles, and wading birds. Because these taxa rely on a common forage base of small demersal fishes, food stress has been implicated as playing a role in their respective declines. In the present study, we monitored the demersal fishes seasonally at six sites over an 8-year time period. During monitoring, extremely high rainfall conditions occurred over a 3.5-year period leading to salinity regimes that can be viewed as “windows” to the area’s natural past and future restored states. In this paper, we: (1) examine the changes in fish communities over the 8-year study period and relate them to measured changes in salinity; (2) make comparisons among marine, brackish and freshwater demersal fish communities in terms of species composition, density, and biomass; and (3) discuss several implications of our findings in light of the intended and unintended water management changes that are planned or underway as part of Everglades restoration. Results suggest the reduction in freshwater flow to Florida Bay over the last several decades has reduced demersal fish populations, and thus prey availability for apex consumers in the coastal wetlands compared to the pre-drainage inferred standard. Furthermore, greater discharge of freshwater toward Florida Bay may result in the re-establishment of pre-1960s fauna, including a more robust demersal-fish community that should prompt increases in populations of several important predatory species.