991 resultados para mycobacterium avium-intracellulare Infection


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Two methionyl-transfer RNA synthetases (A and B forms) have been isolated from Image . The homogeneous preparations of the enzymes showed 1500 fold increase in specific activity in aminoacylation of methionine specific tRNA. The A and B forms differed in their specificity of aminoacylation of tRNAmMet and tRNAfMet; enzyme B exhibited much higher specificity for tRNAfMet. The molecular activities of A and B enzymes for aminoacid and tRNA were identical. The turnover number for aminoacid was 27 fold greater than that for tRNA, while the Km values for tRNA were lower by a factor of 106 as compared to the aminoacid. Both the enzymes catalysed ATP-pyrophosphate exchange reaction to the same extent.


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Two methods were employed to measure the rate of ribonucleic acid (RNA) chain growth in vivo in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv cultures growing in Sauton medium at 37 degrees C, with a generation time of 10 h. In the first, the bacteria were allowed to assimilate [3H]uracil or [3H]guanine into their RNA for short time periods. The RNA was then extracted and hydrolyzed with alkali, and the radioactivity in the resulting nucleotides and nucleosides was measured. The data obtained by this method allowed the calculation of the individual nucleotide step times during the growth of RNA chains, from which the average rate of RNA chain elongation was estimated to be about 4 nucleotides per s. The second method employed the antibiotic rifampin, which specifically inhibits the initiation of RNA synthesis without interfering with the elongation and completion of nascent RNA chains. Usint this method, the transcription time of the 16S, 23S, and 5S ribosomal RNA genes was estimated to be 7.6 min, which corresponds to a ribosomal RNA chain growth rate of 10 nucleotides per s.


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The object of this study is a tailless internal membrane-containing bacteriophage PRD1. It has a dsDNA genome with covalently bound terminal proteins required for replication. The uniqueness of the structure makes this phage a desirable object of research. PRD1 has been studied for some 30 years during which time a lot of information has accumulated on its structure and life-cycle. The two least characterised steps of the PRD1 life-cycle, the genome packaging and virus release are investigated here. PRD1 shares the main principles of virion assembly (DNA packaging in particular) and host cell lysis with other dsDNA bacteriophages. However, this phage has some fascinating individual peculiarities, such as DNA packaging into a membrane vesicle inside the capsid, absence of apparent portal protein, holin inhibitor and procapsid expansion. In the course of this study we have identified the components of the DNA packaging vertex of the capsid, and determined the function of protein P6 in packaging. We managed to purify the procapsids for an in vitro packaging system, optimise the reaction and significantly increase its efficiency. We developed a new method to determine DNA translocation and were able to quantify the efficiency and the rate of packaging. A model for PRD1 DNA packaging was also proposed. Another part of this study covers the lysis of the host cell. As other dsDNA bacteriophages PRD1 has been proposed to utilise a two-component lysis system. The existence of this lysis system in PRD1 has been proven by experiments using recombinant proteins and the multi-step nature of the lysis process has been established.


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BACKGROUND Chikungunya and dengue infections are spatio-temporally related. The current review aims to determine the geographic limits of chikungunya, dengue and the principal mosquito vectors for both viruses and to synthesise current epidemiological understanding of their co-distribution. METHODS Three biomedical databases (PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science) were searched from their inception until May 2015 for studies that reported concurrent detection of chikungunya and dengue viruses in the same patient. Additionally, data from WHO, CDC and Healthmap alerts were extracted to create up-to-date global distribution maps for both dengue and chikungunya. RESULTS Evidence for chikungunya-dengue co-infection has been found in Angola, Gabon, India, Madagascar, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Saint Martin, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand and Yemen; these constitute only 13 out of the 98 countries/territories where both chikungunya and dengue epidemic/endemic transmission have been reported. CONCLUSIONS Understanding the true extent of chikungunya-dengue co-infection is hampered by current diagnosis largely based on their similar symptoms. Heightened awareness of chikungunya among the public and public health practitioners in the advent of the ongoing outbreak in the Americas can be expected to improve diagnostic rigour. Maps generated from the newly compiled lists of the geographic distribution of both pathogens and vectors represent the current geographical limits of chikungunya and dengue, as well as the countries/territories at risk of future incursion by both viruses. These describe regions of co-endemicity in which lab-based diagnosis of suspected cases is of higher priority.


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Background: The Mycobacterium leprae genome has less than 50% coding capacity and 1,133 pseudogenes. Preliminary evidence suggests that some pseudogenes are expressed. Therefore, defining pseudogene transcriptional and translational potentials of this genome should increase our understanding of their impact on M. leprae physiology. Results: Gene expression analysis identified transcripts from 49% of all M. leprae genes including 57% of all ORFs and 43% of all pseudogenes in the genome. Transcribed pseudogenes were randomly distributed throughout the chromosome. Factors resulting in pseudogene transcription included: 1) co-orientation of transcribed pseudogenes with transcribed ORFs within or exclusive of operon-like structures; 2) the paucity of intrinsic stem-loop transcriptional terminators between transcribed ORFs and downstream pseudogenes; and 3) predicted pseudogene promoters. Mechanisms for translational ``silencing'' of pseudogene transcripts included the lack of both translational start codons and strong Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequences. Transcribed pseudogenes also contained multiple ``in-frame'' stop codons and high Ka/Ks ratios, compared to that of homologs in M. tuberculosis and ORFs in M. leprae. A pseudogene transcript containing an active promoter, strong SD site, a start codon, but containing two in frame stop codons yielded a protein product when expressed in E. coli. Conclusion: Approximately half of M. leprae's transcriptome consists of inactive gene products consuming energy and resources without potential benefit to M. leprae. Presently it is unclear what additional detrimental affect(s) this large number of inactive mRNAs has on the functional capability of this organism. Translation of these pseudogenes may play an important role in overall energy consumption and resultant pathophysiological characteristics of M. leprae. However, this study also demonstrated that multiple translational ``silencing'' mechanisms are present, reducing additional energy and resource expenditure required for protein production from the vast majority of these transcripts.


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Antitubercular treatment is directed against actively replicating organisms. There is an urgent need to develop drugs targeting persistent subpopulations of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The DevR response regulator is believed to play a key role in bacterial dormancy adaptation during hypoxia. We developed a homology-based model of DevR and used it for the rational design of inhibitors. A phenylcoumarin derivative (compound 10) identified by in silico pharmacophore-based screening of 2.5 million compounds employing protocols with some novel features including a water-based pharmacophore query, was characterized further. Compound 10 inhibited DevR binding to target DNA, down-regulated dormancy genes transcription, and drastically reduced survival of hypoxic but not nutrient-starved dormant bacteria or actively growing organ ` isms. Our findings suggest that compound 10 ``locks'' DevR in an inactive conformation that is unable to bind cognate DNA and induce the dormancy regulon. These results provide proof-of-concept for DevR as a novel target to develop molecules with sterilizing activity against tubercle bacilli.


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Mycobacterium smegmatis topoisomerase I (Mstopol) is distinct from typical type IA topoisomerases. The enzyme binds to both single- and double-stranded DNA with high affinity, making specific contacts. The enzyme comprises conserved regions similar to type IA topoisomerases from Escherichia coli and other eubacteria but lacks the typically found zinc fingers in the carboxy-terminal domain. The enzyme can perform DNA cleavage m the absence of Mg2+ but religation needs exogenously added Mg2+. One molecule of Mg2+ tightly bound to the enzyme has no role in DNA cleavage but is needed only for the religation reaction. The toprim. (topoisomerase-primase) domain in MstopoI comprising the Mg2+ binding pocket, conserved in both type IA and type II topoisomerases, was subjected to mutagenesis to understand the role of Mg2+, in different steps of the reaction. The residues D108, D110, and E112 of the enzyme, which form the acidic triad in the DXDXE motif, were changed to alanines. D108A mutation resulted in an enzyme that is Mg2+ dependent for DNA cleavage unlike Mstopol and exhibited enhanced DNA cleavage property and reduced religation activity. The mutant was toxic for cell growth, most likely due to the imbalance in cleavage-religation equilibrium. In contrast, the E112A mutant behaved like wild-type enzyme, cleaving DNA in a Mg2+-independent fashion, albeit to a reduced extent. Intra- and intermolecular religation assays indicated specific roles for D108 and E112 residues during the reaction. Together, these results indicate that the D108 residue has a major role during cleavage and religation, while E112 is important for enhancing the efficiency of cleavage. Thus, although architecturally and mechanistically similar to topoisomerase I from E. coli, the metal coordination pattern of the mycobacterial enzyme is distinct, opening up avenues to exploit the enzyme to develop inhibitors.


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Tuberculosis continues to be a major health challenge, warranting the need for newer strategies for therapeutic intervention and newer approaches to discover them. Here, we report the identification of efficient metabolism disruption strategies by analysis of a reactome network. Protein-protein dependencies at a genome scale are derived from the curated metabolic network, from which insights into the nature and extent of inter-protein and inter-pathway dependencies have been obtained. A functional distance matrix and a subsequent nearness index derived from this information, helps in understanding how the influence of a given protein can pervade to the metabolic network. Thus, the nearness index can be viewed as a metabolic disruptability index, which suggests possible strategies for achieving maximal metabolic disruption by inhibition of the least number of proteins. A greedy approach has been used to identify the most influential singleton, and its combination with the other most pervasive proteins to obtain highly influential pairs, triplets and quadruplets. The effect of deletion of these combinations on cellular metabolism has been studied by flux balance analysis. An obvious outcome of this study is a rational identification of drug targets, to efficiently bring down mycobacterial metabolism.


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Plus-stranded (plus) RNA viruses multiply within a cellular environment as tightly integrated units and rely on the genetic information carried within their genomes for multiplication and, hence, persistence. The minimal genomes of plus RNA viruses are unable to encode the molecular machineries that are required for virus multiplication. This sets requisites for the virus, which must form compatible interactions with host components during multiplication to successfully utilize primary metabolites as building blocks or metabolic energy, and to divert the protein synthesis machinery for production of viral proteins. In fact, the emerging picture of a virus-infected cell displays tight integration with the virus, from simple host and virus protein interactions through to major changes in the physiological state of the host cell. This study set out to develop a method for the identification of host components, mainly host proteins, that interact with proteins of Potato virus A (PVA; Potyvirus) during infection. This goal was approached by developing affinity-tag based methods for the purification of viral proteins complexed with associated host proteins from infected plants. Using this method, host membrane-associated viral ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes were obtained, and several host and viral proteins could be identified as components of these complexes. One of the host proteins identified using this strategy was a member of the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) family, and this protein was chosen for further analysis. To enable the analysis of viral gene expression, a second method was developed based on Agrobacterium-mediated virus genome delivery into plant cells, and detection of virally expressed Renilla luciferase (RLUC) as a quantitative measure of viral gene expression. Using this method, it was observed that down-regulation of HSP70 caused a PVA coat protein (CP)-mediated defect associated with replication. Further experimentation suggested that CP can inhibit viral gene expression and that a distinct translational activity coupled to replication, referred to as replication-associated translation (RAT), exists. Unlike translation of replication-deficient viral RNA, RAT was dependent on HSP70 and its co-chaperone CPIP. HSP70 and CPIP together regulated CP turnover by promoting its modification by ubiquitin. Based on these results, an HSP70 and CPIP-driven mechanism that functions to regulate CP during viral RNA replication and/or translation is proposed, possibly to prevent premature particle assembly caused by CP association with viral RNA.