734 resultados para marketing strategy implementation
To enhance the global search ability of Population Based Incremental Learning (PBIL) methods, It Is proposed that multiple probability vectors are to be Included on available PBIL algorithms. As a result, the strategy for updating those probability vectors and the negative learning and mutation operators are redefined as reported. Numerical examples are reported to demonstrate the pros and cons of the newly Implemented algorithm. ©2006 IEEE.
This paper deals with the design and analysis of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer output voltage control. Such control is based on a multiloop strategy, with an inner current PID regulator and an outer P+Resonant voltage controller. The inner regulator is applied on the output inductor current. It will be also demonstrated how the load current behavior may influence in the DVR output voltage, which justifies the need for the resonant controller. Additionally, it will be discussed the application of a modified algorithm for the identification of the DVR voltage references, which is based on a previously presented positive sequence detector. Since the studied three-phase DVR is assumed to be based on three identical H-bridge converters, all the analysis and design procedures were realized by means of single-phase equivalent circuits. The discussions and conclusions are supported by theoretical calculations, nonlinear simulations and some experimental results. ©2008 IEEE.
Incluye Bibliografía
Includes bibliography
A partir dos anos 90, a política de gestão de florestas no Brasil passa a se pautar pelo discurso hegemônico do desenvolvimento sustentável. Pressionadas por ambientalistas e outros agentes sociais, as empresas são orientadas, via mecanismos de mercado, a praticarem ações menos predatórias ao meio ambiente. Com isso, as ONGs associam-se ao setor madeireiro para o desenvolvimento de um esquema de certificação florestal conhecido como Forest Stewardship Council FSC, ou Conselho de Manejo Florestal, destinado a melhorar as práticas florestais em todo o mundo. Nesse contexto, empresas com áreas certificadas passam a preconizar o aspecto diferenciado de suas atividades, adotando o marketing verde como estratégia comunicacional na busca pela construção de uma imagem sustentável e, paralelamente, pela cooptação de um novo mercado consumidor. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar como se processa a comunicação em empresas que declaram adotar práticas de Manejo Florestal Sustentável (MFS) na Amazônia. Sob o recorte do estudo de caso único, é analisada a atuação da Cikel Brasil Verde Madeira LTDA., empresa que vem sendo apontada em diversos enunciados como verdadeiro exemplo a ser seguido. Pareceu-nos, pois, pertinente analisar algumas das operações vigentes, investigando as elaborações ideológicas acerca do discurso em torno do é possível preservar, produzindo. A escolha pelo Grupo Cikel deve-se por ser esta a maior e mais antiga empresa madeireira em atividade da Amazônia e também por ser uma das pioneiras no Brasil a ter suas florestas certificadas pelo FSC. Amparado pelo arcabouço teórico-metodológico da Análise do Discurso, o trabalho busca compreender o discurso formulado e propagado pelo Grupo Cikel, delineando sua identidade institucional. Na interdiscursividade materializada nos enunciados, identifica-se como se posicionam os diferentes sujeitos atuantes e como se relacionam as componentes políticas, econômicas e ideológicas que instituem e mantêm as parcerias institucionais da empresa. Ao final, é feita uma reflexão crítica em torno da visão naturalizada de que a certificação florestal seria a forma mais legítima de se alcançar o uso sustentável da floresta, revelando a debilidade do aspecto social nas políticas do FSC e das empresas como a Cikel.
Esta dissertação trata de uma análise sobre as estratégias de pequenos produtores rurais organizados em cooperativas na busca da garantia de trabalho e renda, no município de Cametá, Pará. De tal modo, considerou-se, inicialmente, as influências pelas condições de inserção social, produtiva e econômica e o incentivo pela Prelazia e instituições de assessoria que reforçam essa organização. Nesse trajeto, o Sindicato de Trabalhadores (as) Rurais motivaram lutas reivindicatórias para a melhoria das condições socioeconômicas locais em Cametá. As reflexões teóricas e a realidade prática, desses autores, mostram que as relações de promoção vêm sendo articuladas na perspectiva das transformações que tem impactado esse município, as quais foram agravadas desde a implantação dos grandes projetos na Amazônia, a exemplo da implantação da Hidrelétrica de Tucuruí, que alterou significativamente o modo de vida dessa população. Dessa forma, os trabalhadores rurais, organizados coletivamente, passaram a atuar pela superação dessas dificuldades, através de atividades produtivas como estratégia de desenvolvimento local sustentável, evidenciando a garantia de instrumentos para a produção e comercialização de frutos, com ênfase no açaí, mas também em outros produtos como a farinha de mandioca e recentemente as sementes oleaginosas. Portanto, desenvolve-se uma caracterização sócio-produtiva de Cametá, analisa-se o surgimento do STR - Cametá, a criação da CART, particularizando sua relação às estratégias de comercialização em rede por meio da organização do Consórcio de Comercialização e da Federação das Cooperativas da Agricultura Familiar e Economia Solidária - FECAFES como instrumento de valorização produtiva estratégica à organização dos pequenos produtores rurais de Cametá.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The study aimed to identify pharmacoeconomic studies in pharmacovigilance and to observe the economic outcomes in post-marketing surveillance. Therefore, a bibliographic survey was performed in databases Lilacs, PubMed/ Bireme. The search strategy was done by using scientific health descriptors [ "adverse drug reaction reporting systems " OR " medication errors " OR "product surveillance, postmarketing" OR " sentinel surveillance" ] AND [ " cost-benefit analysis" OR "cost efficiency analysis " OR " costs and cost analysis " OR " hospital costs " OR " cost-effectiveness " OR " cost-effectiveness evaluation " OR " drug costs " ]. Manuscripts published in the last 10 years were selected. We chose 13 articles, of which 12 corresponded to cost-benefit analysis and only one to cost-effectiveness assessment. In only one study there was no economy, all the other ones generated savings, ranging from 13.7 to 30% in spending valued service. Surveillance actions were: continuing education; active search through tracking devices and / or implementation of round; teamwork and multidisciplinary deployment; computerized security services management, enabling traceability of information and alerts. The results of the proposed actions have led to the prevention of adverse drug reactions, to decline of risks to the patient, to the reduction of inappropriate prescriptions, as well as the length of hospital stay spending valued service. Surveillance actions were: continuing education; active search through tracking devices and / or implementation of round; teamwork and multidisciplinary deployment; computerized security services management, enabling traceability of information and alerts. The results of the proposed actions have led to the prevention of adverse drug reactions, to decline of risks to the patient, to the reduction of inappropriate prescriptions, as well as the length of hospital stay
The objective of this study was to analyze the business cards used as the initial strategy of marketing Dentists, based on the Code of Dental Ethics, Law No. 5081 / 24/08/1966 and the principles of marketing. It is a cross-sectional study, which evaluated the 54 cards of Dental Clinics of Municipalities of the Northwest Region of São Paulo. Among the cards reviewed, based on the Code of Ethics, only 59.63% contained the registration number in the Regional Council of Dentistry, in 32.22% of the cards noted misuse of the term “general practice”, rather than “GP.” The item was on the cards unless found the specification of the profession Surgeon / Dental Surgeon (57.41%). According to Law No. 5081 / 1966, which regulates dentists, 37.22% of the cards improperly determined that the exercise more than two professional specialty; contained 19.26% of total ad price and terms of service payment. Thus, it appears that business cards are an important means of dissemination of professional work, but some Dentists have neglected ethical and legal principles. Thus, it emphasizes the need for awareness among professionals about the issues related to advertising and marketing.
Decentralization and regionalization represent constitutional guidelines for the organization of the Unified Health System, which in the last 20 years has required the adoption of mechanisms to coordinate and accommodate federative tensions in Brazil's healthcare sector. This paper analyzes the national implementation of the Health Pact between 2006 and 2010 involving a strategy that reconfigures intergovernmental relations in the sector. The study involved the analysis of documents, official data and interviews with federal, state and municipal managers in the Brazilian states. The content of the national proposal is initially discussed, including its implications for health policy. The different rhythms and degrees of implementation of the Health Pact are then reviewed, with respect to adherence by states and municipalities and the formation of Regional Management Boards. Lastly, the conditioning factors for the multiplicity of experiences observed in the country are identified and the challenges facing progress toward a decentralized and regionalized health system in Brazil are discussed.
In Brazil, Protected Areas (PAs) are considered the cornerstone for development of national strategies for biodiversity conservation. Considering this point of view we analyzed thirty protected areas belonging to Atlantic Central Corridor of Atlantic Forest in Bahia, aiming to identify and analyze its current level of implementation. Lemos de Sa and Ferreira (2000) methodology which consist of applying a standard scale, where the variation of the level of implementation conforms to a range of 0 to 5 points was used, with appropriate adaptations. After obtaining the data from the implementation level we use the aggregation method of Ward to help visualize the dissimilarity between the protected areas studied. We used an international classification proposed by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) for that the UCs to be compared with works done in another countries, the UCs considered are in the groups Ia, II, V and VI da IUCN. As results, 50% of protected areas analyzed are reasonably implemented, 40% inadequately implemented, 6.7% are presented only on paper and only 3.3% can be classified as satisfactorily implemented. These areas presents problems in their regularization; deficiency in infrastructure, human and financial resources. Given the results its clear the recurrent fact that conservation areas under study must be effectively implemented and for this to occur environmental policies should be focused on actions to consolidate the goals of conservation strategy.
[EN] The accuracy and performance of current variational optical ow methods have considerably increased during the last years. The complexity of these techniques is high and enough care has to be taken for the implementation. The aim of this work is to present a comprehensible implementation of recent variational optical flow methods. We start with an energy model that relies on brightness and gradient constancy terms and a ow-based smoothness term. We minimize this energy model and derive an e cient implicit numerical scheme. In the experimental results, we evaluate the accuracy and performance of this implementation with the Middlebury benchmark database. We show that it is a competitive solution with respect to current methods in the literature. In order to increase the performance, we use a simple strategy to parallelize the execution on multi-core processors.
[EN] The seminal work of Horn and Schunck [8] is the first variational method for optical flow estimation. It introduced a novel framework where the optical flow is computed as the solution of a minimization problem. From the assumption that pixel intensities do not change over time, the optical flow constraint equation is derived. This equation relates the optical flow with the derivatives of the image. There are infinitely many vector fields that satisfy the optical flow constraint, thus the problem is ill-posed. To overcome this problem, Horn and Schunck introduced an additional regularity condition that restricts the possible solutions. Their method minimizes both the optical flow constraint and the magnitude of the variations of the flow field, producing smooth vector fields. One of the limitations of this method is that, typically, it can only estimate small motions. In the presence of large displacements, this method fails when the gradient of the image is not smooth enough. In this work, we describe an implementation of the original Horn and Schunck method and also introduce a multi-scale strategy in order to deal with larger displacements. For this multi-scale strategy, we create a pyramidal structure of downsampled images and change the optical flow constraint equation with a nonlinear formulation. In order to tackle this nonlinear formula, we linearize it and solve the method iteratively in each scale. In this sense, there are two common approaches: one that computes the motion increment in the iterations, like in ; or the one we follow, that computes the full flow during the iterations, like in. The solutions are incrementally refined ower the scales. This pyramidal structure is a standard tool in many optical flow methods.
While the use of distributed intelligence has been incrementally spreading in the design of a great number of intelligent systems, the field of Artificial Intelligence in Real Time Strategy games has remained mostly a centralized environment. Despite turn-based games have attained AIs of world-class level, the fast paced nature of RTS games has proven to be a significant obstacle to the quality of its AIs. Chapter 1 introduces RTS games describing their characteristics, mechanics and elements. Chapter 2 introduces Multi-Agent Systems and the use of the Beliefs-Desires-Intentions abstraction, analysing the possibilities given by self-computing properties. In Chapter 3 the current state of AI development in RTS games is analyzed highlighting the struggles of the gaming industry to produce valuable. The focus on improving multiplayer experience has impacted gravely on the quality of the AIs thus leaving them with serious flaws that impair their ability to challenge and entertain players. Chapter 4 explores different aspects of AI development for RTS, evaluating the potential strengths and weaknesses of an agent-based approach and analysing which aspects can benefit the most against centralized AIs. Chapter 5 describes a generic agent-based framework for RTS games where every game entity becomes an agent, each of which having its own knowledge and set of goals. Different aspects of the game, like economy, exploration and warfare are also analysed, and some agent-based solutions are outlined. The possible exploitation of self-computing properties to efficiently organize the agents activity is then inspected. Chapter 6 presents the design and implementation of an AI for an existing Open Source game in beta development stage: 0 a.d., an historical RTS game on ancient warfare which features a modern graphical engine and evolved mechanics. The entities in the conceptual framework are implemented in a new agent-based platform seamlessly nested inside the existing game engine, called ABot, widely described in Chapters 7, 8 and 9. Chapter 10 and 11 include the design and realization of a new agent based language useful for defining behavioural modules for the agents in ABot, paving the way for a wider spectrum of contributors. Chapter 12 concludes the work analysing the outcome of tests meant to evaluate strategies, realism and pure performance, finally drawing conclusions and future works in Chapter 13.
This thesis presents SEELF (Sustainable EEL fishery) Index, a methodology for evaluation of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) for the implementation of an effective Eel Management Plan, as defined by EU Regulation No.1100/2007. SEELF uses internal and external indices, age and blood parameters, and selects suitable specimen for restocking; it is also a reliable tool for eel stock management. In fact, SEELF Index, was developed in two versions: SEELF A, to be used in field operations (catch&release, eel status monitoring) and SEELF B to be used for quality control (food production) and research (eel status monitoring). Health status was evaluated also by biomarker analysis (ChE), and data were compared with age of eel. Age determination was performed with otolith reading and fish scale reading and a calibration between the two methods was possible. The study area was the Comacchio lagoon, a brackish coastal lagoon in Italy, well known as an example of suitable environment for eel fishery, where the capability to use the local natural resources has long been a key factor for a successful fishery management. Comacchio lagoon is proposed as an area where an effective EMP can be performed, in agreement with the main features (management of basins, reduction of mortality due to predators,etc.) highlighted for designation of European Restocking Area (ERA). The ERA is a new concept, proposed as a pillar of a new strategy on eel management and conservation. Furthermore, the features of ERAs can be useful in the framework of European Scale Eel Management Plan (ESEMP), proposed as a European scale implementation of EMP, providing a more effectiveness of conservation measures for eel management.